Mzimba doctors to strike over poor working conditions

Nurses-doctors Malawi

Health workers in Malawi’s northern region district of Mzimba have hinted that they will stage a strike over what they deem pathetic working conditions in the health sector.

The medics told Malawi24 on Tuesday that they have already presented their petition to government through Mzimba district council demanding government to improve their working conditions or risk some industrial action from them.

In the petition, they have demanded the Peter Mutharika led administration to consider increasing the funds it allocates to the ministry of health and employing more doctors to ease the problem of shortage of health workers currently rocking hospitals across the country.

doctors Malawi
Doctors in Mzimba against working standards. (Google images)

They have also asked government to stop oppressing medics saying they are not happy that their DHOs have been banned from talking to the press.

According to the medics, if government ignores their petition as per its tradition, they will down tools to show their deep emotions against government’s failure to improve their working conditions.

“We will wait from the government as for now but once they will not comply, we will just stage some strikes to show how bad we feel to be subjected to such pathetic conditions,” fumed one medic who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Mzimba district commissioner, Thomas Chirwa, hailed the medics for holding peaceful protests in forwarding their petition to government through his office. He went on to assure all the medics that their petition will be delivered to relevant authorities as soon as possible for urgent response.

“I urge them to go back to their work as they are waiting for the feedback from government. They should not leave patients in panic because I am optimistic that government will respond to their petition soon,” said Chirwa.

Efforts to get views from the ministry of health proved futile.