Unknown thugs have shot dead a Burundian businessman Sefu Mukobi while leaving his brother Alfoso seriously wounded, in Mwanza district, Malawi police say.
Mwanza police publicist confirmed the developnment saying the two brothers were shot during the night of Tuesday.
The two are aged 45 and 25 respectively.
He further said the deceased and his brother were coming from their farm in Zalewa.
“As they took off just after they went out of the gate they were stopped by an unknown person who was armed with a pistol and demanded cash,” said the publicist.
He further added that when Sefu failed to produce cash the criminals shot him in the neck and in the stomach. They also shot his brother in the stomach and he is fighting for his life at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital.
Too Bad!
R i p
Ngati chitetezo chikuchepa ndi vuto la ndani? Usawaikire kumbuyo ambuyakowa. Vuto ndi iwowo basi.
Nkhaniyi ndiyoona koma picyo ndi yabodza bcoz maroberswo anali amifut ndipo munthu waphedwayo ndi ovulalayo achita kushutidwa
Kuzalewa nt kumwanza plz!
Kuzalewa nt kumwanza plz!
4to imeneyo munayikaso dzulo osamatinamiza ku mwanza kwake pati?
Ndidaiwala Kuti onama sadziwa kusiyana kwampeni ndimfuti
Mmmmm mpaka SHOT DEAD ndi mpeni kkkk koma mpeni umeneu aaaaa
4toi ndiabodza sitikhulurira
Mxieeeewwwww short dead with dis knife shown on dis abov pict mmm too bad indeed mpeni oipa uwu mpaka kuomberera munthu…so touchin
Rip,,,simukudziwa kuti zenophobia ndi chani,,he was amalawian of aburundian nation
afodya onsewa akumatenga ma 4to ama action kumaika apa
Ndizolemba lemba kuthawa chipolopolo chaku burundi kudzakumana ndi chaku Malawi RIP
Ku malawi nso tayamba kuwombelana ndi mipeni et? Kkkkk becoz pa chithunzi pa ndikutha kuwonapo mpeni.
What has the knife to do with someone being shot?
Recently when there was xenophobia in SA we Malawians were against SA, now an innocent Burundian is shot dead right here in Malawi & you are happy with that, my question is; are we Malawians different from SAs? Think twice Malawians
R.I.P Bro. But to those who seem a Revolver Pistol as knife in their eyes ar all foolish. That picture it’s not of a knife you civilians. Ask me the Real Armed exepert, I can even tell you the type of this Gun & its orgin. In Short umenewu si Mpeni mwamva??. Manyazi bwa?? Umbuli basi…
Zandikhudza. Amafuna moyo wawo kapena ndalama? Too bad.
Taika Zulo Ku Machinjiri, Anali Oziwika Bwino Mu Limbemu.
Anthu abwino sakhalitsa pa Dziko pano, R.I.P.
in the last days the bibble says, may his soul rest in peace
Shot dead wit knife kkk#proudly malawian.
Shot dead wit knife kkk#proudly malawian.
mpeni amabayila osati kushooter, mukafuna zoshooter zanuzo muikepo AK47
khulupilila za mukobizo cz ndzoona.
Zalewa :Mwanza or Neno ?
Thanks Mthutha Simor for your support on my comment.
It’s true i attended the burial ceremony.
Kodi mpeninso umashuta munthu?
Ndifunsileko mwina nane ndidziwe
Thus bad
Ndizoona ndinali kumaliro komweko lero
Nkhaniyi ndi yoona ine ndili ku mwanza konkuno anthu akuchokera kumaliro pano
Ndizoonadi koma munthu wa bwino uja amuphadi? Sindikukhulupilira ine.
amapanga business yanji
zoona ndi ziti poti wina dzulo anayika picture yomweyi akuti mnyamata wapha girlfriend wake tinkhulupilire ziti apa?
Amalawi 24 akunyasa ndi zithunzizawo amangoika chimodzindichimodzi koma nkhan zosiyana
ndi a agang’a
Zikakhala zokudza imfa yophedwa amaika mpeni or mfuti…. Ndikhalidwe lawo. It’s high time they started varying their illustrations.
Lack of love in this world
Very sorry
Ndichiyambi chabe chimenecho, Umphawi wakula kumalawi kuphana kulipodi.
abaya not kushuta kuvetsetsa ife tinali konko
Mwayamba2 kuphana ai ndinthawi yanu
I knew him, he was our neba. He was shot at Zalewa.
Kodi mukobi ndi bambo ake a Sam?
Amakhala kumwanza koma waomberedwa ku zalewa boma la Neno but sorry may the soul of Mukobi rest in peace.
He had the riches but down to earth person.RIP Mukobi.
What?.shot dead in mwanza?.if this is true,please,my fellow Malawians stop this with an immediate effect.Who so ever is in malawi, belongs to malawi no matter what.We must know where we are coming from and where we are going.
Hahaha amalawi ndichani kd
Short dead? So why showing the knife? Either way, that’s sad news
RIP lets be good 2friends let inherit our culture
Malawi wa mtendele uja mmm osangowabweza bwanj
Imfa sithawika ma Burundi amenewa anathawa imfa kwawo ndiye kuno ochotsa moyo alikoso. No where to run.
Bad Tigs But Sunabisale La 40,,,,,
sory to the nation but burundis shld go
Abulundi awa kwawo GENOCIDE inatha kale. I wonder they are still here. Tikufuna mabulundi who can invest not ogulisa azam. Nooo!!!
mmmmmmmmmm so bad ku malawiso an2 anayamba kuombelana??????????
mmmmmmmmmm so bad ku malawiso an2 anayamba kuombelana??????????
mmmmmmmmmm so bad ku malawiso an2 anayamba kuombelana??????????
mmmmmmmmmm so bad ku malawiso an2 anayamba kuombelana??????????
mmmmmmmmmm so bad ku malawiso an2 anayamba kuombelana??????????
mmmmmmmmmm so bad ku malawiso an2 anayamba kuombelana??????????
What are the Burundi’s still doing in Malawi? That one shot is not a Burundian but Malawian of Burundi national. All Burundians who came for refuge went back home when their tribal war/conflict erupted. Why do you want us confused? Don’t ever say that again you stupid Malawian racist media reporters…
kkkkkkk ulimwano
Kwao ili mkati Baunti
According to the photo,he has stubbed to death,don’t lie to us plz
kuchoka mchiwaya mkugwera pamoto! Too bad!!
People who always want big money end up stealing
bodza ilo
Too bad.
my brother mukobi was more malawian than burundi, may his soul rest in peace
Iam very much sorry 4 this death.
Bad and sad to hear from a God fearing nation
why are you doing that a malawi,you kill athu osalakwa,you think athuwo anafuna kubwera kuno eti? fuck you all??
Pofera salambura kwawo khondo anaithawa pano afera kuno kumalawi
love everyone no mater what racicts are,ratio sugregation is bad we are all creatures of God ,think twice be4 u act
love everyone no mater what racicts are,ratio sugregation is bad we are all creatures of God
kodi atachitila inu kapena mutakhala inu atakuyikani mpeni pakhosi mungave bwanji,tamapemphelani mchowonadi osati kudziwonetsa nkhaza bwanji lamulo lopambana ndiye chikondi amen guys ,ndbngodutsa sindidatchole mnkhwani ndilibe problem
Malawi24 Bodza ili coz sitikuonapo mfuti apa n dnt say shot
Nkinkinkinki. Koma police ya nyasalande
Killing Investors. I Understand He Owned A Farm, Jean Kaliran, Minister Of Internal Security, Cast The Net Wide. Policemen Are Congested In Our City. Last Week A Police Officer Was Arrested While On Duty By Fellow Officers, At Lilongwe Bus Deport, He Was Discharged After Verification, This Happends While All Were Patroling And Conducting The Infamous Rogue And Vagabond , The Bumped Each other. One Without An ID.
Killing Investors. I Understand He Owned A Farm, Jean Kaliran, Minister Of Internal Security, Cast The Net Wide. Policemen Are Congested In Our City. Last Week A Police Officer Was Arrested While On Duty By Fellow Officers, At Lilongwe Bus Deport, He Was Discharged After Verification, This Happends While All Were Patroling And Conducting The Infamous Rogue And Vagabond , The Bumped Each other. One Without An ID.
Mpeni nd magazi. Apha nkhuku awa ndithu!
Two bad RIp
Two bad RIp
Amalawi timadziwika ndi mtendere, tsono zayambikazinso ndi chani abale? All blame should go to the president, wa mudzi wathu wa Malawi Uno. MAVUTO A ZACHUMA.
Amalawi timadziwika ndi mtendere, tsono zayambikazinso ndi chani abale? All blame should go to the president, wa mudzi wathu wa Malawi Uno. MAVUTO A ZACHUMA.
Sizikugwirizana ndi President
Waphedwa ndi president wanthu yemweyi akufuna ndalamazo ayendetsele dziko.shame on u mr president
president kumene
Umphawi wafika pokoma kumalawi kuno. Ndiye atiphadi .. No jobs , no money , things are too expensive . no bursary in university … Ndiye mukuti achinyamàta adzitani¿
Zitsiru za anthu President zimukhuza bwanji pamenepa?
kuombeledwa kapena kubaidwa ndi mpeni malingana ndi photo mwaika iyi admin tiuzeni zoona
kuombeledwa kapena kubaidwa ndi mpeni malingana ndi photo mwaika iyi admin tiuzeni zoona
I know this man RIP mukobe
I know this man RIP mukobe
malawi24 pliz 2016 musithe zoona shot died inu mukuika knife
malawi24 pliz 2016 musithe zoona shot died inu mukuika knife
Hahahahaaaa zoona zake
Shot Dead Not Shot Died
bola wawalenga
mutakhala inu bwa???God punish dem….Sad.
mutakhala inu bwa???God punish dem….Sad.
God guide him@the hospital,r i p
koma apaseni ulemu wawo obwela so bad
koma apaseni ulemu wawo obwela so bad
malawi eish osaphana inu
malawi eish osaphana inu
nkhan yakalekale…awa!!!!,
nkhan yakalekale…awa!!!!,
Mulungu anati tizikondana
Mulungu anati tizikondana
Not Gud At O
Not Gud At O
amalawi zeno
amalawi zeno
Nanu mwayamba Xeno kwa anthu obwera? Zoipa zedi
Nanu mwayamba Xeno kwa anthu obwera? Zoipa zedi
Nanu mwayamba Xeno kwa anthu obwera? Zoipa zedi
Nanu mwayamba Xeno kwa anthu obwera? Zoipa zedi
So Sad
So Sad
So Sad
So Sad
too bad
too bad
too bad
too bad
Mwayamba kubweretsa mbiri yoipa mkadziko kopanda makobidi kaja. Inde komwe munkati ndi ka mkaka ndi uchi komanso koopa Mulungu. Nanga izi ndi ziti? SHAME ON YOU!!!