The Malawi government needs at least K1.2billion for construction of state-of-the-art police station in the commercial city of Blantyre, Malawi24 has established.
The chairman of Blantyre community policing forum, Misheck Munthali, said that the initial budget to construct a modern police station complex was pegged at K480million some time back, but with inflation and devaluation of the Malawi currency over the years the budget has shot to K1.2billion.
Officer-in-charge of Blantyre Police station, Senior Assistant Commissioner Brenda Nkhoma, declined to comment on the issue saying that the general public and other well-wishers are taking looking into the matter.

Corroborating with Nkhoma, Munthali said that as a forum they are organising a series of fundraising activities to generate funds for the construction of the office complex to house Blantyre Police station.
Blantyre Police station has been housing temporarily at the department of lands buildings at Wenela in Blantyre following the demolishing of the office structure that housed the station about 10 years ago. The current offices at Wenela are said to be in a bad shape and very small to meet the security needs of the city.
Inu atumbuka kuzikonda bwanji mumafuna zabwino zonse(zitukuko)zizibwera kwanuko?uchinsiru eti?chonsecho mumathawa kwanuko kumadzakhala kwathu kuno.
Hospital is what is needed.
Koma futi zamwatabwa zikuluzikulu zija angathamangitse bwino mbava?Sichofunika kuwomba atagona?Please consider the police with good and modern Rifles or guns.
Kkkkk!!! That is goodnews!!! Blow blow blow kkkkk
Chilichoxe kumwela kunokee wakapokola kumzuzu wakugona muvigwagwa
I remember Lucky Dubes song”all they build r prisons nt hosptal & xuls” anywy dats ncy.
Nde tiziti chimenechi chitukuko?
zanu izo. Ku mzuzu tikufuna state of the regional police headquarters.
First. Train the police properly. Kenako build the station. But either way. Thats a good investment
In blantyre is where most of the investiments are done so it needs intesive security,thats a welcome idea.
Nanunso inu muli ndi mavuto osayamba. Is this to Blow or to USE? Cheap propaganda!
Welcome dvpt.
Kkkkkkk Malawi 29 on fire basi……zingende zakezo oh yes…….
Planty of criminals are in southern region thats why government decide that iwish so
Peter Muntharika is really a nepotist the guy he hate Tumbukas for real
Contractors getting huge sums of money. But after completion, police officers will be paid peanuts. In the end they will be conniving with hardcore criminal to make their ends meet. Ordinary pple being sacrificial lambs.
Glamatically wrong mukabwereze form 1,,,,,,,,,that is using not blow as u think
Instead of telling us about crime their starting to ask wat
build that police station in mzuzu just to balance things mr apm,we also need better station in the region!
Koma osati angoyamba osamaliza cifukwa boma lathu lamalawi limakonda kusiila pa njira zinthu zambiri
Stupid Government
“State of the art bulding” ndiye idzidzatani? A police akhale ndi ukadaulo polimbana ndi umbava ndi umbanda komanso akhale ndi zipangizo zoyenera. Bulding yapamwamba payokha is nothing…
You meaning using money for police station construction is “blowing”? Please use appropriate English when communicating.
bush janoz?
you first
Its not blowing mw24 but indeed v need it
Has one been to BT police its in a horrible state government start immediately
mwana wa mwini saundika kumbukira m’mene anakuthawira anthu nthawi yamavuto ija! BT yomweyo basi
In Blantyre again? Is the Limbe one not state of the art? Please buiild that one in Mzuzu atleast to balance the development. We shud have a good police in each city!
kodi ati policeyo akamanga ku zambia?mmesa akumanga mziko mommuno,atumbuka munakhala bwanji chilichonse mumafuna muchilowetse ndale?ngati mufuna kuti chitukuko chitukuko china chilichonse chidzipezeka chigawo chilichonse mdziko muno kumweranso ndi pakati amangenso Mbombera university zibalanse
Monga simudziwa kuti kuli MUST, kudzakhala Bangula University ndi Mangochi fisheries university? We have a Mordern Limbe Police Station in the South, Area 30 in the Capital and what do we have in Mzuzu? Well, this is my opinion!
Does the country need a state- of -art police station ndi umve umakhala kumene kuja?
“Malawi govt to blow 1.2 bn to construct a new police station” will that be blowing or using? what is to blow if I may ask?
Ask him ooo!!!!
What a stupid journalist he/she can be!
that’s blowin’! y alwayz BT & LLs? Mzuzu bwa?
Kkkk! mbava zambiri zili b town ndi l city!
Mene akuba avutilamu you have the guts to use the “blow” on kumanga police station? Ma***** anu
gud move nanga olakwa azikhara kutiko
Koma guys.agulitse galimoto imodzi ndalamayo amangire