Despite incessant pressure from Civil Society Organizations ( CSO’s ) demanding President Peter Mutharika to step down, the Malawi leader is not even moved, Malawi24 has established.
The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leader continues to gain momentum from his party gurus who are up for gains.
President Mutharika’s ‘one and half term’ in office is very disappointing due to a series of economic flops and the general mal-governance of the country.
Among the several economic woes is the rising cost of living, the acute shortage of drugs in government hospitals, and increased black market foreign exchange premiums.
Mutharika’s resistance is also hit by further nominal depreciation of Kwacha with the short term he has been in the office.

Added to these economic woes is the systematic violation of Journalists rights.
Mutharika’s displayed autocratic leadership style and his fiercely antagonistic relationship with the Media during a press briefing held at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe on his United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) trip.
The challenge facing Malawi’s president, is to find the right combination of policies and Advisers that will put the country back on a path for sustainable growth. One such approach is to systematically undo the several “policy follies and get lid of other party die hards.”
President Mutharika also continues to fail to downsize domestic public borrowing (a principal source of loss in foreign reserves), review current tax laws to alleviate its burden on the poor and progressively phase out exchange controls.
Also,at Press conference Mutharika, incited by his spokesperson, Gerald Violent, brandished local Media purportedly containing a list of people that comprised the Malawi delegation. He said the list had more delegates; not 115 as the American Embassy was quoted to have revealed.
However, Mutharika seems not to be shaken with the pressure adding spice to it is the 15th October, Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s) meeting, led by Centre for Human Rights (CHRR) Director Timothy Mtambo.
Mtambo tore Mutharika apart by trashing his anger while refusing to be silenced.
Mtambo further described the President’s loss of emotions as “un-presidential and worrisome”. Mtambo faulted Mutharika for being “too emotional and hostile” describing his outbursts and table banging as a flagship of an emerging autocrat.
“The president lacked decorum in his unguarded emotions as well as insensitive and irregular remarks towards his critics. The sole purpose of his flare was to threaten his critics to stop holding him to account. This is a flagship of an emerging autocrat and it is very worrisome after the country has long-achieved democracy.
“The public is interested to know why, amidst the country’s prevailing economic doldrums, the president took a costly volume of delegation to the Assembly,” Mtambo questioned.
On the other hand, the Church of Central African Presbyterian (CCAP) has warned that Mutharika may be become a dictator when he does not listen to his critics. Church and Society of the Livingstonia Synod of the Church of Central African Presbyterian said during a press conference that Mutharika “was inciting violence” in his reaction to reports that he took ‘a village’ of 115 delegates to the US for the UN General Assembly which resulted in government wasting over K2 billion of public funds.
The Church warned that the country is likely to experience another bloodshed like one that occurred in 2011 should the president continue with his authoritative rule.
“President Peter Mutharika adopted hostile approach that should not come from a president leading a democratic nation. He showed signs of being a dictator like his late brother, Bingu with the use of words like ‘nonsense’ and the banging of the table. He was inciting violence by fueling anger among members of the public that could lead to violent protests. We should not experience another July 20 bloodshed” warned the Church
Additionally, opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) through it’s publicist, Jessie Kabwila told Malawi’24 ‘ that there was no need for the opposition to be threatened and hinted that the Malawi leader has failed Malawians and such needs to quit from the post.
Spokesperson, Jessie Kabwila demanding her to apologize to the nation for what he termed as ‘lies’, before he also railed at the media.
Mutharika has also been accused of falling to start a probe into an alleged 577 billion Kwacha ‘Cashgate’ that occurred between 2009 and 2012, a development which analysts believe is meant to hide his late brother and President Bingu wa Mutharika.
Poor voting, asowe basi, adaliko anapita.
Mulekeni mulekeni musamuphe Ndi ma heart attack kkkkkkkkkkk
Atha kungofa ndi mtima
Kkkkkk mayi malawi uja wathasopapo asogolere manyaz akukugwilani iyayi mupite mzimbabwe mukawone mulinjala yokaka mutu chifukwa chosaganizila anthu pakalipano mulungu wapereka chilango thawi yakampeni ine mukandivotela ndupanga izi ndi izi asogoreli muganizepo kathu chifukwa ife ndife timaponya tovi .
hahaha mr president u deserve another term
and u will gain more when he steps down
this people are fools and they want us to be fooled so they get rich
Let peter to rule This Country,he cant please everyone. Zinthu zinaipa kale. Peter wangokhalira makala a moto. Koma palibe chomwe walakwitza
Echi bola kamuzu fereza mupaka k20000 ayi zanyanya kugwa kwa malawi kumeku kulemela ndikudya ndiye ngati ukudula chochi fetereza chimanga chikhalako boma liganize bwino pamenepo
K22 000
Kodi guys anthu amene amamujambula Peter Muthalika sangamamuwuze kuti Bwana nkhopeyo ndi yonyasa kale, ndiye musamayipitilize kuyikwinya?
Malawians kumangodandaula daily pitani ku Zambia kwacha yawo ikugwa daily cz ov donor freeze nde inuyo mukungosokosa chenicheni amabunngwe mumadya chamba! Munathandizako ndani pa20 july! Shupit osamaoneka ozindikila pakati pa mbuli! Boko Halam ndinakaziwa manumber awoo ndinakawauza apwanye kaye inu tsek
Malawians kumangodandaula daily pitani ku Zambia kwacha yawo ikugwa daily cz ov donor freeze nde inuyo mukungosokosa chenicheni amabunngwe mumadya chamba! Munathandizako ndani pa20 july! Shupit osamaoneka ozindikila pakati pa mbuli! Boko Halam ndinakaziwa manumber awoo ndinakawauza apwanye kaye inu tsek
Mmmmm I hope God wll help us. Bad things happen to gud pple indeed
This one z ahero idont see the face of presidency here in malawi than peter, all are thieves.
Azayimanso palibe boma limagwa lolamula ndipo palibe president amangotula udindo masanasana sizinachitikepo mpaka azandisiyira ine ngati amayi apereka zambiri ku mabungwewo cholinga abwere mosavuta agwa nayo.
Dad dont shake with this heard blindness keep on we real apriciate of u my dad APM i love u for ever and ever my god bles u dad end he mey give u more wisdom to read malawi, god bls u dad god bls malawi RIP,to u my lovey dad prophesor Bingu muthalika takusowani baba zichito zanu zikukuchitilani umboni muuse mutendele.
I respect Chiluma.
To hell wth ur INCOMPETENT leada.Mkumuikira kumbuyonu must b BENEFICIARIES of free Stat Hous food.Otherwis ur man hs MADE LIF ver HARD.B ASHAMED u BLIND suporters.U voted fr a WRONG peson whose ACTIONS AFFECT we innocent pple.Lest we forget tht u won th elections FRAUDULENTLY.
ine sindine wa .mcp. .pp. or zipani zinazi. koma ndine zika ya malawi.amabungwe inu musamale kwa mbili mukutiwonongela. ziko ndinu. musaiwale zapa 20 july muna phesa anthu ambili ndiposo zamabungwe zinthe.mumalawi muno
Malawians are tired of being deceived by these presidents ,especially this second muthalika I will always hate him, nothing is good now in Malawi, everybody is crying except those who are close to him,am really behind of the CSO s, he must step down, we are tired
munthu wankulu APM.timakunyadira….osafoila ndi ma badmind awa.we respect u.we know things wil be better
That means he is shaken , Otherwise he would have been quite to show that he is not shaken.
how can u shaken u know urself that u are old that’s why u not shaken but on last day it will be painful on your family. Peter its not Malawian president but Chewa president . tumbuka people they have spirit of desighment. mzimu oziwa zakusogolo that’s why we didn’t vote for chewa. we all choose good lady thinking about anyone. mwatilanga achewa inu.
Nonsense leadership with Nonsense leader get lost…
Kupepela kwa mcp ndi pp ndikumene mukufuna kuchiku,ulamuliro sitilowera pawindo ngati mmene mukuganiziramo.mukuwona ngati mukamupha ngati muja munachitira ndi bingu ndiye mutenga mpango munya muona.makape inu munaona kuti chipani cholamula kuluza chisankho ngati pp.mpaka # 3 manyazi bwa?
Peter sangatule pansi udindo. Anthu omwe adamusankha akadzamva kuwawa adzamuchotsa okha ngati momwe adamuchotsera bingu
Mukati ukubwela kwazinthu bwelani muzone kuno mmene zikudulila zitho
Akachoka Peter ndiye agwirizire ndani? Wa DPP kapena……. Ndiphunzireko
Olo ndili ngat ine sindingateketseke ndi makape wo
Up to 2019 no step down. Muzalimbikire aa
Achoke basi. Bcoz tikuona zithu zikukerabe kuipa dziko mwathu muno.
Zavuta kumpanda wina akomoka makamaka pitala mbuzi yamunthu atamwalila nkhoza kusangalala akuzunzisa miyoyo yanthu chindele
hahaha he is the president of course he is not shaken……..imagine stepping down from prezdency( ndi udindo wa ulemelero ilkukhala ine sindingachoke)
U president umafunika anyamata osata nkhalamba…ma bungwe sakulakwitsa
hahahaha ur a fool.tell me how many countries who have youthful presidents and are progressing well. you are just like those stupid gay activists u are backing.
U stupit motherfucker u no nothing..and i hv no tym to argue wid u ain’t gat nada
A Ben musalimbane ndi kapeyo iye pokhala mnyamata alephera bwanj kukhala presdent, kapee!!!!!!!
Edson panyapako wamva kape ndi amako…bambo ako ndi agogo?bwanji samakhala iwowo..ifetu mnchamata tinamuvotela mesa ma vote anatibela
kape ndi iweyo ulimbana ndi presdent pamene iweyo Sungakwanise kukhala presdent. Ungalamulile zko kape iwee!!!!!?
kape ndi iweyo ulimbana ndi presdent pamene iweyo Sungakwanise kukhala presdent. Ungalamulile zko kape iwee!!!!!?
Ndienela kulimbana ndi presdent coz ndine amene ndinamulemba ntchito..anthu inu amantha azimwale
Mapaz ako wamva,Uli mu top 2 ya makape that’s stupit!!!!
Zubebatu.mwathana kunyozana?
Sitinathane ine andiidziwaso anyapala amenewa
Awa a mayaya sikuti izi akuchita chifukwa chofunira dziko zabwino koma ma personal gains basi mbuzi imeneyi isatinyasepo apa
Gaireni ndiwo msima yathu yatsala
kodi amabungwe amaganiza kuti a malawi ngopusa a begger is always noisy when there are no ………
You can not please everyone Mr President(Lucky Dube),
I first blame the election gurus.these people took bribes and sadly turned malawians to a wrong direction.secondly it is a waste of time again to be focusing on resignation.we can change the government later upon time.but for now lets improve our lives from whatever little we left with.lastly the president should remain quiet.knowing he is responsible for some messes.
Makape kulimbana ndi presdent mupindula chan………..
Ur not shaken ooooo ukufunika usi wa sabola kut uchite shaken tikupepelera
Nyemba yamunthu peter think twice.
Amabungwe sadavotere mutharika,so asamatinyanse.iwo adavotera jb + mcp,malawians voted mutharika.so its malawians who will tell mutharika to step down not mfwemfwemfwe.
thats it
Osat anabera?
Try to do what Malawians can be Happy mr President
I see no reason for him to be shaken!
Will be a poor country unless there should come New Bloods in those positions;(
Gelard violent ha-ha icaught
trash reportin