Soche Technical students in charitable work

Soche Technical College
Malawian students at Soche Technical College have embarked on the mission of reaching out needy youths in the country as the way of exercising their social responsibilities.

The students, through their group, Hope for the Needy which was established in June this year aim at helping orphans and those pupils from poor families.

Soche Technical College
Soche Technical students go out for the needy.

According to group chairperson, Ruth Kachoka they will among other things be providing school uniforms and other essential academic materials.

“We are always feeling concerned when we see our fellow young people not going to school because they have nowhere to get school fees, uniforms and other needs that we can afford to help.

“So far we have identified 15 needy pupils from Mpemba primary school whom we will be supporting with academic materials including school uniforms and fees since government has introduced fees for primary schools”, she explained.

She added that they are planning of extending their program to a greater extent in order to reach out more needy pupils across the country despite financial constraints the group is undergoing.

Among others, the group sources their funds from talent show activities held at the college premises.



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