Students at the Polytechnic, a constituent college of the University of Malawi (Unima) have expressed their commitment to abide by the college rules and regulations when the institution reopens on 5 October this year.

The college was closed on 12 August this year after a disagreement between the students and school authorities on loan payment led to student riots.
Polytechnic Student Union (PSU) President Justice Bulaula said the students have reached a consensus with college management that they will commit themselves to the rules and regulations that govern the college and will also pay K1, 500 each for the damage they did during the riots, which they protested against delayed loans and fees.
Bulaula however asked the college authorities to make public the cost of property damage in order to ensure transparency.
In a press statement released on Saturday the college urged the public to report any student who is seen perpetrating demonstrations.
Honestly speakin admn ya poly silibwno, the guys (admn) they R gud 4 nothing rodents, anthu okuba kwambiri, pa poly kaya ndalama ziyendetsedwa bwanj kaya…Kunena zoona Poly is in bad shape now, no books, no decent class rums (theR was this certain incident, ch ceiling chnagwa anthu akuphunzira), kmanso osayiwala no decent lecturers(admn), nanga anthu akungotbela kma sakutchenanso, kk. In conclusion, mwna sumadziwa the highr the trash yomwe admn ikuchta the highr the intensity of kodokodo, kkk.
First of all this is a very poor article, which journalism school did you attend? Please ask your editor to fire you. Of all people iweyo ngati journalist umayenela kupanga research before writing. Kapena nawe Poly imangokunyasa. Don’t be biased. Kape iwe eti.
Thank you.
#malaw24 ndyabodza, boma likadzapangaso zamisala kodokodo azachtkaso, so dat u cn find sumtin 2 post….kkkkkk
#Malawi24 ndyabodza guys, akuona ngt kodokodo stngazapangeso et,,,,……sakuydzwa poly amenewa……..
the time waisted here will never b gain. A course for 4 yrs u finish in 6yrs, wat a hell is this? Students get wise, 2 mo aded yrs kuti uli pa ntchito usanagule galimoto. Dull
Ava kuwawa
vuto lake amazitama ati ndiwovuta chonsecho amaphunzira ulele,ati kulilanga boma osadziwa akuzilanga wokha nde pano azilipila ndi makolo anu do whatever u like
kkkk ukachenjede wakumalawi siubeba popanda kodokodo
Wadiya ndiye kwawo kwamademoko ndiye muzinamiza anthu apa kuti ma Wadiyas alapa. Sitinalape Malawi 24 mumve. Tikakodolanso konko
Just close this college i don’t want to hear about it anymore rather open it next year.
Mbuzi za ana nde boma lasiya kukulipilirani mudzilipira nokha kut mudziwe kuwawa kosaka ndalama mudzipanga za chambazo mukudzilipilira nokha
Aliyense Amayenera Ataphunzilako Pa Poly. Zimangovuta
kukhala pa POLY NKOKOMA ndpo kodokodo sadzatha as long as the college’s admin and the govt continue doing trash!!!
Aaaaaah zoba, kufuna kutchukila papoly?
From the article it shows that the writer doesn’t even know why poly students demonstrated, nde let me just tell u this; sitizasiya kukodola mpaka tizapange graduate
thus what despline matters most!!””
I knw some of u ddnt hv dat chance of going ku Xul yaUkachenjede,km ay ndithu ilo silinali vuto lathu,choncho osapezerapo mwayi kutisambwadza
Malawi24… Uchisilu basi….
Kuwathira machaka anthuwa sikulakwa ayii
takhala tkukuvani anthu enanu kunyoza ana apapoly kut ndimbuz chfukwa chakodokodo.coma simungazivetse zinthuz and yachulukaso enanu ndisanje chfukwa u didnt manage 2 go thru thiz coridoz,mumakhumbira!ngat zidakuvutan tiyen tzingopitiliza kukoza ndikugulitsa sapato zajesus zomwez kuno,zikuenda malondatu!
Agh! whatever.
Ife we were there nthawi ya Ongwazi, we couldn’t dare du dat. We will meet on the interview panel I will revenge. Kundiswerrrra Prado yanga. Mxiiii!!!!!
Doreen Favour Zulu monga ndikunama?? Inu geri simmaifunatu,,, monga pa school ponse sipangapezeke wina oganiza??
i dont give a shit … As long as they open poly…#openpoly….. Akawale basi… Ndi nthawi yawo… Nthawi yathunso tinkatelo
dumie mandere si bho,tizaonana ukabwera here ku MW
Ana Openga Awa Huwa!
Its high time these pple learnt a lesson…this is 21 century, where **Too much of Everything** whether from students or gvt officials has no room!..I say NO to inconsiderate Demos that are done to the expense of innocent road-users!….
Ana a pa poly ndi zisilu,,,
kutsegulira poly ndi chiyambi cha demo ina posachedwapa….poly simagonja, admin ikamapanga zopusa ikodolanso…poly sigonja…
apite November amalize kaye kusosa mmindamu
so go there with fees new students
Mwina mnabwela unima itatha. Robert chiwamba. UNIMA inatha 2010.
aaaaa ndikoyamba kutseka xul? amatseka mkutsegula
Kkkkkk amaphwanya ndikumagenda akabaza mdi mawilibala a anthu. Achitabwino achimina zoona msewu wopangidwa ndindalamazathu zamisonkho iwo ndikumatska?c kkkkk
President of republic of malawi auther Peter Muthalika has left malawi with 115 deligate representing malawi to attend UN general assembly but according to information on UN web it showz that it only cutter 6people represent the nation not 115 eish izinsoizi
Is this the story written?
what do you think? Are all these comment tally to the post? then why only targeting my comment?
ma demo enanso awa…koma amalawi kupusa…akanakhala amalawi tonse tili ndi mtima ngat wa ana apa poly bwez zili bwino
Its not targeting per say but i just want to find out its really the one written on this page it myt be a catching story but cud be wrongly parked coz the issue is about poly students swallowing their pride not APM going to wherever with such a huge entourage its not that i hate the comment no boss #Mphatso_Brown
simukunama mr 24, apapa takhauladi, those of honest mind can agree with me
Mbuli za ana, Mumafuna boma lizikunjenjemerani? Vuto lopita kumeneko ndi miyendo. Weeding is needed to remove trash.
ngat ndi choncho zikhala bwino chifukwa okhaula ndinu nthawi zonse
Mumafunsa ana a fellowship mufunse mbavazo tione ngati iwo angayankhe choncho.
ma protestors anali kale inu nditichaniso ,,
Ndimasaveji ophunzira awa
ur so pathetic my friend!!!
hahaha zabodza. kodokodo akqchtka ku Malawi24 konko kut mudziwe zot none has learnt a lesson
Iweyo uzakhalaa galanta ovaya eeeeeeeeh
kkkk akufuna kusokoneza zinthu bwanj. hahaaa kapena alipo amene wakudandauliran mn hady?
Mayazi akuti we hav leant a lesson kma ine nde ayiiiiii aaaaaah.akakapandaso kutipatsa mgatho tikakodolaso.
admin ndili ndi Dimba logulitsa ngat ungalikonde inbox me plz
Azinena ndi kulapa kuchokera pasi pa mutima chifukwa anapitirila muyezo kukafika mpaka ku highway ndivulaza anthu omwe sakukhuzidwa ndi kugenda magalimoto, koma zikachitikaso osazawa khulukiraso pali ambiri akufunako komweko ndi mapoints wokwanaso
wrongly put then,’learnt a lesson’? as if #demos @ #poly r no more?
kkkkk 4 wat?? osakhala ngati chanco bwnj??
Mwakhaula Mmaganiza Anthu Azingojejema Nanu. Nnakakonda Anakachotsa Onse Nkulemba Ena
u dont kno wat u syn i guess, samangolembat izi.
iwe! tikut ulibe data.
Sizonyozana Awa Mmaganizo Anga Nawe Ucomente Zamtima Mwako Ukumva Wilson
chamba ndicho chikuapweteka anawa.kuiwala unachita kusankhidwa.unahongaso kt akutenge.wat kind r u men?silly mwatikwana.
So inuyo u think zomwe anapanga ana polyzo si zachamba? Why blocking highway as if the road users zikuwakhudza?
Amaganiza kuti iwo akapeza malo pa poly ndiye kuti apambana ma college ena onse mmalawi muno.Shit!! University zake zoti ukaphunzira kumasowa chochitazi.
That can only happen in dreams,keep on dreaming ma frend,ine wapa Poly kumaliza ndili paPoly pompo,i knw some of u ddnt hv that moment 2 go to University,koma osapezerako mwayi o2kwanika mafana apaWadia.PEACE
Nde mwat kulemba ena ??hahaha sndnamve nawo
Ngat simumazitsata,jxt zip ur mouths…..we r not fools jxt to start demostrating,there waz a reason
poly huwa
there are still reasons, mukapangenso demo ina muone mazangazzime
Pano Demo itsikiranso ku Domasi pa 20 octobet pano. Kodokodo akabeba pa Zomba
kwanuko akuyaka???
Apepesela kuti anthu oti ali mmakwawo
zikugwilizana!!! misala basi
Bola kumapanga ma Demo osat a Malawi Nyasi zonse zkuchitikazi mu dziko muno wthout doin any reaction… POly HUwah!!
Amaderela kwambiri ana amenewa ngati dziko ndilawo.
accept deir apology pliz!
This is just window dressing. In a short while, they will be taking to the streets again and start blocking the roads again and start insulting us ordinary persons who do not even know the reasons behind their demonstrations.