Bullets Pay For Their Sins, Silver Strikers Gets K6 Million For Bus Damages

Silver Strikers vs FCB Nyasa Big Bullets

In a gesture of accountability, FCB Nyasa Big Bullets Football Club has compensated Silver Strikers Football Club with K6 million following an incident where the latter’s bus was vandalized by purported Bullets supporters. 

The vandalism occurred after Silver Strikers secured a rare victory over Nyasa Big Bullets at the Kamuzu Stadium in Blantyre, prompting the home team to take responsibility by making a promise to cover repair costs.

Silver Strikers’ Chief Executive Officer, Patrick Chimimba, acknowledged the payment, praising Bullets for their uncommon display of responsibility within the local football community.

 “We appreciate Nyasa Big Bullets’ prompt action, especially in contrast to how similar incidents have been handled by other clubs,” Chimimba stated.

Meanwhile, Albert Chigoga, Administration Officer at Bullets, expressed regret over the incident and the ensuing financial burden it placed on the club. “This is an expense we wish to avoid. We hope this serves as a learning opportunity for our supporters to prevent such occurrences in the future,” Chigoga remarked.

In response to the incident, the Super League of Malawi (Sulom) charged Nyasa Big Bullets counts of failing to control their supporters and bringing the game into disrepute.

Within a month, Bullets have fulfilled their promise to Silver Strikers by paying K6 Million to repair their bus.

After a forced one-week break from all competitive sports activities following the death of Malawi’s Vice President who was laid to rest on 17th June, the two clubs Bullets and Silver are now set to return to action. 

11 points separates the two sides. The Central Bankers tops the league standings as The People’s Team is five places behind. 

While Bullets will travel to Lilongwe to face TNM Super League of Malawi debutants Creck FC, Silver will also be on the road to Blantyre where Mighty Tigers awaits to play host to them. 


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