Government has assured Malawians that the marijuana which the Peter Mutharika administration wants to legalize has no threat to people’s health.
In September, Mutharika through Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, Allan Chiyembekeza, endorsed cultivation of hemp for trial purposes.
Chiyembekeza differentiated the industrial grown hemp from those locally grown saying industrial hemp has no threat to lives.
“The industrial hemp does not contain psychoactive chemical elements that affect people when smoked even though it’s from the same family crop,” said Chiyembekeza.
If the trial proves to be positive, the Malawi economy which has dwindled since Mutharika came into power is expected to be boosted.
According to Chiyembekeza, the gold-plant will also improve the country’s National Export Strategy.
Among the companies working on trial of the marijuana plant at Chitedze Research Station in Lilongwe is Invegro Hemp Power Malawi.
However, government has failed to come out clear on whether public smoking of marijuana will still remain illegal. The idea to legalize industrial hemp was proposed at the last sitting of Parliament by Malawi Congress Party Member of Parliament (MP) for Ntchisi North, Boniface Kadzamira.
When he introduced the issue in Parliament, Kadzamira said an acre of the crop can produce more paper than wood pulp.
ma Rasta onse 2019 in parliament kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Ndemumumasule amene mwamumanga uja, wapezeka ndi 52 bags ya herb mubuezelenso matumba ake.
Legalize it.
Dziko langa la sawuka ndi nzelu zomwe osango yamba kupopa mafuta ku lake bwanji?
my fellow malawians this herb is dubbed mpamba not chamba. it’s another different variety of marijuana that doesn’t make you go high. Ndichosiyana ndi Chaku nkhotakota chija. izi Ndi kobiri zeni zeni osapanga masewera a Malawi anzanga.
those who smoke will never stop smoking and those who don’t will never do it,,,, Now look at the benefits at large,, bravo Peter you don’t force people to smoke but do it the best of malawi’s economic
Ndilima 5hectares yoyeserapo koma zonjatana ayi inu wapoliz,kkkkkkkk
what people do for money …….
#brighter dayz ahead###3RRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAA
kkkkkk zovuta
international herb.
ganja is the healing of the nation since creation, and dats wat malawi lacks
tibande zimenezi 5yrs smoking ganja no ngazimento
tiyeni nazo basi
Thats gre8t nuz
This will be a good move for Malawi. Marijuana can positively transform the economy by bringing in the much needed forex. But there must be strict rules to avoid abuse and misuse of the plant.
Mental hospitals closed by now
Lolz ! This man’s Appearance show that he is a chronic Smoker.
lol…..u made my dae
APM….. Where Is He Taking This Nation To…..May Lord Guide Mother Malawi We Are Really Under Bad Readership…..
Yaaaaah..APM ulibho dziko itukuke basi..nanga tili ndi chani mpaka tiletse chamba ..ndikatsegule dimba tsapano..
Akufuna kuti maganja cake original azipezeka paliponse kk
dats de only way out of this economic downturn
Mmalawi opusa ati chamba chipengesa
maiko ambiri olemera aloleza izi .koma a Malawi kuvuta kusintha ; lero mukuyankhula za kummero kwanu koma tinkati multiparty ndichani? maso patsogolo osalimbitsa moyo
Munthawi ya nowa chigumula chitayandikila manyi amagwilitsila tchito ngati mankhwala, nde panoso zikuoneka kuti masiku womaliza aja ndiano, zoseezi ndizongofuna kuti Malawi asawoloke nawo yorodani, zochitika zachuluka.
hahahaaha…………………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. President you are completely done,. I hope this iz plan #y kaya ndie plan #z izakhala yotan
apapa nde ndichiyambe basi without ma worries
Kuloleza marijuana? a Boma amange zipatala za amisala zikulu zikulu osango dalira Cha Zomba mental hospital chokha eiiish!! Kubanda opanda nkhawa! Malawi dziko langa zotengera tengerazi izi ana ako onse adzakhala amisala ndiithu!
Just to say it is hemp, not marijuana that’s being legalised for trials. It has no psychoactive affects (doesn’t get you high) and is cultivated for its fibre and oil. It could be a very good crop for Malawi.
Do your research, weed is actually very potent against some diseases. But like all drugs it cannot be without side effects & is also subject to abuse.
Thats a good move, for Malawi to develop it needs leaders who can make bold decisions like this but we Malawians we are short sited.Let donors go with their dirty money tilime chamba and make money locally and after all chamba its nt only for smoking!!
Kwasala kuvomereza kugulisa ziwalo za anthu
yakwana nthawi yakwana tisute basi…yakwana nthawi yakwana maghetto yut afile basi.. Kkkkk #marijuana
ndikabanda ndima3ra ngat ndili mziko lolamulidwa ndi OBAMA.
tilime zomwezo
this is the greatest decision to be made…
Nzungu watilamula nthawi yayitali .Apa chiwama tachiola, mgodi wapezaka
Rrgalisation fi de Ganja herb
Iai anthunu muzimvetsa sakulola kusuta chamba koma kulima or chingambwe kuchisuta sikuloledwa koma kulimakokha kumaloledwa,chamba chimagwira ntchito zambiri mot ngat munadwalapo ndikugonekedwa mchipatala munagwiritsapo ntchito chamba,chofunika ndichot tisamasute bas.
Nde u shud also have ma plan woti mumange ma Mental hospitals coz ndikutha kuwona a malawi ambiri akupenga nanji chosuta momasukacho eeeh ngoz kkkkkkkkkk
Big up Peter pokhapo come on legalize it!!!
This is my first time to see APM come up with good idear, legalise marijuana is the most important thing and it has come in right time as we are experience economic blow
This is my first time to see APM come up with good idear, legalise marijuana is the most important thing and it has come in right time as we are experience economic blow
chomwe ndachiona, dziko muno ndi chomangonamizana. #chamba sichngakhale gold wa a malawi asakunamizeni mkulu ameneyo.
nthawi zonse mbeu akachuluka olima mapeto ake ogula amasowa, chimodz modzi, kampope, labu ndi fodya wina aliyenseyo, kuchyambi anali ndi ndalama chfukwa olima anali ochepa ndipo ogula anali ochulukilapo, pakali pano fodya ali chkhalire m’mako mwa alimi ogula akusowa, nalonso thonje tingopanga matress ndi mapilo,
chamba chmenech chkhala ndi ndalama zaka ziwir zoyambilira kwinako tizizangosuta mkumapenga nacho mmakomomu.
Pempho Langa Nali, Musamangopanga Zinthu Popanda Kufunsa Anthu Eni Ake Ogwira Ntchtoyo Chfkwa Olima Ndi Ife Anthu Akumudzi! Osat Inuyo Ma Bwana.
This is a confused article. The one who wrote it clearly understands little on the issue.
basi ndalemera, kodi guys mtengo wa hummer nzingati ? ndigula ndithu nkalima chamba
Peter the ganja famara smokn de high tnkin nah bad tiyen nazo
Chiyembekeza nde ndi ganja farmer kale nde amadziwanso kusuta muwone milomo yakeyo ndi maso akewo anafooka ndi usi wa chamba
Mi lov herb bcoz its good as mothers milk.
Who brought this issue in parliament??? was it DPP???? some pipo are indeed fools……
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Tidye Ganja mwampalano,high grade mo fire
yes malawi is not a country to live in
yeeee that best alternative to take keep it going I cnt wait to c a better Malawi
marijuana and industrial hemp are different species. the govt wants to promote industrial hemp cultivation. it doesnt contain canabiols which make a person feel high
Sodom and Gomorrah
Do u have an idea how much money Malawi can make from this ? Billions this is our Gold Silver Diamond wrapped in one ,,do some research and check how much the US makes from legalising Hemp ,i think this is the only sensible thing this fool has done ,tiyeni tingowona ngati ndalama zipite kwa anthu kapena matumba awo
Zili Bho
Even mapepala a bible anapangidwa kuchokera kuchamba… Thats a welcome idea Mr president tho i disagree with u in most cases… But bravo for this one
Let it grow its just a plant with its exceptional leaves u fit 2b mi leader
Kkkkk osuta ai munenepa
Th way 2 go
Go go
Am high already wit this!
chikhalireni pitala pampando chinthu chimene wapanga mdalayu chanzeru ndi chimenechi
Mupengako nose kumeneko tiyeni nazoni
Tilime zimenezi!!!!! Jahhh bless………….kkkkkkk
apapa mmene zikuonekeramu zikuonetsa kuti dziko lamalawi laipa mwina tidikire ambuye yesu adzatifereso pantanda kachiwiri mwina mkumva kapena mkulapa a malawi dziko labwino lija mukulipititsa kut?
big up APM its da healing of the nation why criticized it just legalise its good for medication
zikutanthauza chani zimenezi mudziko muno?
Accept one, allow all
Let me say malijuana fact is good and it must go over, malijuana doesn’t kill and it also encourages enconomic growth world wide. And now why hating it?
Although when chamba woz not regalised smtyms bac, kod anthu samasutaa? Nde muyambe kusuta pano coz aloleza kulima? Shame on u, kuyamba kusuta ndi kufuna kwa munthu ,,u have to think as a human being not lyk an animal….
Zilibwino,anzanthu akupanga bwanji ku jamaica,tilime!!
Zilibwino,anzanthu akupanga bwanji ku jamaica,tilime!!
Kutha mapulani mumeneko kenako apanganso legalise ufiti ankhandwe amenewa.
Kutha mapulani mumeneko kenako apanganso legalise ufiti ankhandwe amenewa.
upolofesao ine nde sindikuuona mwa opanda mano ameneyu. Muvomerezeso kukwatira amuna/akazi okhaokha. kumangovomereza zilizonse basi? koma DPP?
upolofesao ine nde sindikuuona mwa opanda mano ameneyu. Muvomerezeso kukwatira amuna/akazi okhaokha. kumangovomereza zilizonse basi? koma DPP?
green party is now rulling malawi chipatala nde ndichimodzi dzko lonseli nkumaziyambaxo zoyambixa misala
green party is now rulling malawi chipatala nde ndichimodzi dzko lonseli nkumaziyambaxo zoyambixa misala
Nachoni chambacho, kkkkk aliyense ndudu pakamwa, palibenso zomangana ai. Rasta fara I. Kkkkkkkkk.
Nachoni chambacho, kkkkk aliyense ndudu pakamwa, palibenso zomangana ai. Rasta fara I. Kkkkkkkkk.
Mukuchedwelanji kodi nanga?? ndisiya kulima thonje ndiyambe kulima chamba minda ndiyosayamba nthaka ndilinayo yankhaninkhani ine pano,isaa!!!!!
Mukuchedwelanji kodi nanga?? ndisiya kulima thonje ndiyambe kulima chamba minda ndiyosayamba nthaka ndilinayo yankhaninkhani ine pano,isaa!!!!!
Nonsencee fucken bustered zaugaluuu basiiiii
Nonsencee fucken bustered zaugaluuu basiiiii
Ulimi pamalawi wavuta..Kkkk
Ulimi pamalawi wavuta..Kkkk
Shame !
Shame !
Chamba sichipengetsa koma anthu kwawo amakhala kut anawalodza…This is good idea to generate money to the country and farmers as a whole
Ndichachidziwikile kuti anthu ambiri a m Malawi ama suta chamba koma iwowo pokhala abambo sanakanenerathu poyera chifukwa zibweretsa chisawawa ndi kuonga tsogolo ladziko. Kuba/kuphana/ umbuli/kusamverana ndizina zotele. Master think b4 anything.
Mr prdnt izt thrue
basi tilima nawo kanundu uyu ndi green gold kale ku Harare ndi ku johnsburg even ku Manchester City kkkkkkkkk
Maiko andalama analoleza kale,malawinso mkachani etc mexico,jamaica,usa,uk,china,germany
Apa ndiye zatheka basi tym yanga iiiii
eee mulungu akuzionela uyu mmm mulungu achitepo kanthu zanyanya
Hand clappers (yes bwanas) at their best, this minister is not diffrent from a dead dog.
Hand clappers (yes bwanas) at their best, this minister is not diffrent from a dead dog.
Hahahaha uyu ndiye chipuba sowakamba kt banthu waziya kutchaya koyo
thanks mr president,we gonna gt rich with dat kush business.
Lord, Malawi needs your touch, your healing power, your everything.
and thats why we want to use resources given to us by the Lord eg ganja
ganja is the healing of the nation. holly leaf. GOD made grass man made booze
Tibande zimenez
herb is a healing of the nation..legalise it wisely!
Industrial marijuana is different with indian hemp u know actually they r in the same family,industrial cannot make someone mad coz an element which found in indian hemp its not there,pliz first make research before u come up with ur coments here
and who told you that indian hemp makes people mad? do your research aswell . . industrial hemp is just the same as indian hemp that you know. . when they say industrial hemp does mean its a new bleed of ganja . .jus that its gonna be used for industrial purposes like making drug . . hair oil and body lotions . . etc
Thanks Mr president
nanga chambacho tizikagulitsa kuti
Ofuna kupenga apenge, we cant continue living on poverty line, kkkkkkkkk ndikasegula farm ku KK
Ministeryo akuonekaotsutatu,hope prsdnt amasutasouyo salibwino anthuwa
Thats a commendable move.
Akuti malawi gov nt. DPP gov.DPP ndi chipani guyz muzamva liti kodi, boma limayendesedwa ndi anthu ambiri nt chipani, a UDF komansp a MCP mukuganiza kuti zinazi zikamachitika samaziwa? amaziwa nthawi zambirinso amayambisa ndiomwewo cholinga chofuna kusokoneza zinthu, ndiye president akavomereza m’mati walakwisa
iwe…. enawo ndi maopposer koman akamati boma they mean ruling Party… after five years sazanena kuti ife ndi otsutsa tapanga izi azizati ife a DPP tapanga izi…. as a matter of fact.. government is not a party but there is a party that lead a government… palibe alendo obwerera chitukuko cha dziko amazakumana ndi opposition parties… DZUKA MALAWI DZUKAAAAAAA!!!!!
iwe…. enawo ndi maopposer koman akamati boma they mean ruling Party… after five years sazanena kuti ife ndi otsutsa tapanga izi azizati ife a DPP tapanga izi…. as a matter of fact.. government is not a party but there is a party that lead a government… palibe alendo obwerera chitukuko cha dziko amazakumana ndi opposition parties… DZUKA MALAWI DZUKAAAAAAA!!!!!
Iwe Matebule wa Zisomo Cedrick, its so sad that you dont know who you are in this nation, thus shame on you!!!!!!!!
kodi Atupere Muluzi anamupasa u minister uja ndi wa DPP? ndiye zikalakwika ku departimenet yakeko m’maloza chala DPP bwanji m’malo monena kuti wa UDF wakanika, shame on u aswel osamalimbana ndi ndale, Peter kaya akuyendesa bwino dziko kaya ayi koma alamulila mpaka nthawi yake ikwanire unless mutamupanga ngati munam’panga m’bale wake uja afiti otamba masana inu.
#kamnyamata when u say opposer, what is there responsibilities do u think president can sign a biil without iwowo kugwirizana nawo, ngati asakususa that means udindo ukukawakanikatu, angokupusisani amakhala agwirizana akabwera kunja kuno mkumayankhula ngati amatsusta zenizeni, amadyera limodzi ndalama anthuwa asakupusitse m’bale. After five years indeed amanena kuti tapanga izi ndi zoona coz opposition ya ku malawi kuno ndiyofooka palibe chanzere chomwe amapanga
apolice mwamva ait? so dnt disturb us tiphweruke bas,,ganja free
oh my gosh,Peter again
tisazawoneso munthu akuimbidwa mlandu ku court wonkhuzana ndi kugulitsa chamba.koma amasula kuti anthu azisuta publically ngati? ee mkapezeka mmva madzi,timalora kulima ndikudya ndichimanga chokha hona ayiitu kkkkkkkk koma ma rasta awa!!!
ndinasiya kubaila chamba ndiyambilanso
Kupanda mnzeru ndithu. Mungovomera zili zonse mwati bola kulemera? mwavomeleza maukwati a amuna/akazi okhaokha panonso mukuti tizilima chamba. Cry my beloved Malawi!
The list continues; 1 Cashgate, 2 Gay marriages 3 Chamba 4…:………………….
gud move my beatiful govt!!!
Hehehehe koma tiona zinthu boma la pulofesa pitala
Mfundo imeneyi ndiyabwino kwambiri mwina chuma cha Malawi chingayambe kuyenda bwino.we r ready kulima chamba chimenechi
chamba plus homosexality…. eeeeeeeh kkkkkkk
Rasta falay.tichisutu basi, mumachedwa pati?
Hehehehe koma zili kumalawi!
This is now too much! Will there be any law against chamba smoking? What is the motive behind this? I think APM and his DPP is is too domineering!. Tiona zambiritu mu ulamuliro wa kankhalamba kameneka! Malawi is not a good country to live in.
kaoe iwe vuto lake simumadzisata,anayambisa nkhani imeneyi ku parliament ndi wa Mcp lero mwatembenuka mukunamizira DPP. nde mukhala choncho kumangopusisidwa ndi ma Mp anuwo ife ndi mpaka 2040
yaaaa man
Everything about this Guy called pitala is a crap. Malawi will soon b like Mexico when it come to gangters.
Alibe Nzeru
Legalise Chamba!
international herb!!!! do it big boy but not gay
Ine ndimadabwatu kuti milomo Imeneyi ( ya PETRE) siyobadika ganja iyi?
Healing of the Nation and Stop critisize it.
Ndinadziwa ine kuti APM palibe chomwe angawaletse a Malawi kuchita.We r free in everything.Pompanoso aloleza umbava m’dala ameneyu.
Thats the decions of leaders without vision,zoona chambaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
its you who has no vision . . india . uruguay . . usa . . swaziland . japan , tunisia . they use industrial hemp to run their economies, , do yo research before you comment
Its u and your unvisionary leader u say ‘industrial hemp’ but local malawian out there he will say government ha regalise indian hemp.komanso who will be rensposble for the prices of that stupid comodity,now u r strugling with the prices of tobacco pano akukunyengerera kut muzilima chamba kkkkkkkkk mupengetsa mtundu wanu madala
Kkkkkkkkkkk! What?
Legalization leave ganja herb
Nothing wrong with that go on go
Good Idea
thats gud news -:)
#Tilemere basi
Anthu opusa amangopanga oppose chilichonse ngakhale chabwino,Tilime zimenezi basi that can be our only Gold.ndan safuna chikwama.
Good Idea.Not All Countries Are Blessed With Land Favourable For Marijuana
Mumangeso zipatala za anthu amisala ambiri
marijuana for high meditation thts wht a rasta say
anti dpp member by legalising that, ine kukatamuka ndikumeneko azungu mene amachifunilamo yo yo yo do that pli!
ti #sutebasi
Marijuana can be used for many purposes but what this govtmnt is up to is absurd..
when we are talking abt dpp,we r talking abt chamba,,,, dpp thats marijuana,,,,mmmmmh shame to u,,,dpp
dont hate
shame on you for not understandin whats going on
ganja is the healing of the nation, since creation. and that wat malawi lacks
Hahaha after two to three years
We gon see the number of madness increasing in Malawi???
nope ukunama u mean while it was prohibited anthu samasuta??
he’s talkin like a brainless idiot . . do some research first before you comment
bravo DPP,that’s the way to go ,its only that most people are mentally enslaved and are unable to see the benefits economically if utilised well in the long run,ubulutu ndi umene wakula
haha taziuzedi mbuliz zimvese
Marijuana tym kkk
Ok? Ee Kuyende Dziko Kwavutatu Apa
titakate dollar patown sapano
Fyn wapolice no mo chance on this!
Kusowa mtengo wogwira. Ndimaiko angati anachita legalise chamba pa dziko lonse?
not more than Ten,bt let’s click if they are not benefting.
jamaica . . uruguay . . in USA 3 states legalized it . . india etc
mwasauka inde muzingopanga regalise chilichose………..mumangomva kuti kuyendesa boma et…….bwampini ndi mzakoyo…….mmaona ngati mukuzayendesa NGO et.
Madness of Government with it’s leader
this should be DPP’s plan C or D..surely these niggas have run out of ideas.i dont share the sentiments that this marijuana thing will have no impact on health..ngati chingambwe chikuononga anthu nde kungakhalexo chamba chabwino?some months ago,mzuzu central hospital reported through zodiak that it receives atleast 20 mental cases per month due to this chamba thing.i think telling us that mumanga additional mental hospitals nde zikhala zanzeru.
koma bingu ndamzako munayamba mutasutapo chamba inu? dikilan muone crime rate mmene itakwelele
Bolan apitala mwapanga zanzeru
Apa ndye tichisuta heavily…..
Apa ndye tichisuta heavily…..
Komatuizimuziunikile tsogololake mozama osamangoyang’ana pompa zizabweretsa umbanda woopsyaizi ndpomfuti zizapezekandialiyense ngatikusouth africa,kuphananso kuzakhalakosavuta komansomaiko otizungulira azayambanafe nsanje ndpoazatitibula kutialande nthakayi ngatianapangra polanda nyanjaija,plz plz ziunikilenibwino mungazaphetse mtunduwanga
not legalised in S.A
Yaah,chomwendikutanthauza ndchoti utsotsi uzakulangati kusouthafrica chifukwa ndalamaaliyenseazakhalanayo chonchokupeza mfutisikuzavuta
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk sukunama zayambika
Mutipatsiletu ma koponi ambeu ya chamba,nane ndilima nawo.sinanga nchosaopsa,kubanda kulipo.
Bzness yaphweka
Ganja tym! No chamba no dpp
eeeeh zaka zamisala zikuyambapo ku Malawi
Last days you gonna legalize anything for money
ok? nde mwat tizingobanda public?? chiyambile tsiku limene peter wayankhula zanzeru ndi lero…dpp #ganja woyeeeeeee apa nde tiswekad bas kukangana ndi utsi feel free
ok? nde mwat tizingobanda public?? chiyambile tsiku limene peter wayankhula zanzeru ndi lero…dpp #ganja woyeeeeeee apa nde tiswekad bas kukangana ndi utsi feel free
Industrial hemp needs more water – we practice rain-fed agriculture, are we being practical? Komanso, when selling, who will be making the prices? Tavutika ndi tobacco – buyers pay prices below production cost and famers keep on paying their workers poverty wages.
Now this industrial hemp we are starting, are we going to have Industrial Hemp farming Act 2016?
Where can I get certified seeds, I want to start?
Koma tisamanamizanepotu apa.
Ife kaya Industrial or not chilimidwe pasi
Kulima tilima kumene…… ndiofunika kulima kumene.
kod nthawi ili bwanj??
build more mental hospitals
Oyimba achinyamata amadalira chamba nde tizingolima bax
tilime zimenezi
Chamba Problem Will Arrested For Good This Way!
It has no threat indid nangasi nanu a dpp timaswekela limodzi
no salt
Tilime zimenezi basi!
Plz stop aresting pipo on the chamba issue
Zachamba zimenezo akupangazo kkkk
Bravo Peter and MP OF NTCHISI…Ganja adyedwea heavy!! apa nde tizingolingalila daily! daily! after kudya ntendere..
yaaaaaa!!!! atiloleza okhaaaa lets burn it gaiz to da muxmam