CDEDI, CSOs to hold vigils against impunity

Sylvester Namiwa

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) and other concerned citizens are planning to hold vigils tagged ‘Executive impunity and arrogance must fall’.

In a notification letter addressed to Lilongwe District Commissioner, Lawford Palani, the organizers are planning to hold the vigil at the Ministry of Finance offices at Capital Hill from Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm, during working days until Dr. Betchani Tchereni apologizes or resigns.

The notice follows the expiry of seven days which CDEDI gave to the Secretary for Treasury (ST) Betchani Tchereni on July 8, 2024, stemming from his highly insensitive and careless sentiments that were filmed in a clip.

Tchereni, according to the concerned citizens, is believed to have unfairly accused Malawians of blackmail, just because they are holding the duty bearers accountable by demanding what is worth of their votes.

“It should be put to you Sir, that Dr. Tchereni’s sentiments pose a threat to our young democracy since he is trying to create a leeway for politicians to do as it pleases them, in total disregard of the spirit and wording of Section. “12 of the Republican Constitution, which states that both legal and political authority derives from the people of Malawi and that those exercising such authority do so solely to serve and protect their interest,” reads the letter.

The document was signed by CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, Zainab Hassan, Stevelia Chasuluka and Willie Chikopa who are representatives of concerned citizens.

The grouping says that the deafening silence on CDEDI’s demand for Dr Tchereni to withdraw his sentiments and make a public apology on the same has given them reasonable grounds to believe that the ST is too arrogant to continue serving in a public office.

The letter has also emphasized that holding peaceful demonstrations is a constitutional right, therefore, the letter only seeks to notify the District Commissioner’s office and not seek permission.
