Toxic work environment betrayed Chizuma – Mkhutche

Martha Chizuma

A Political Analyst in the country, Wonderful Mkhutche says the Former Director General of the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), Martha Chizuma, had good intentions for the fight against corruption in Malawi, however, the working environment betrayed her.

This comes a week after she left office following the expiry of her contract which she said she would not renew. 

The Former ACB Director General told the media that she was satisfied with her work, having laid what she described as a solid ground, critical for the war on corruption on different fronts.

Wonderful Mkhutche
Chizuma’s arrest affected the fight against corruption in the country – Mkhutche.

However, Mkhutche posits that the arrest of Chizuma over a leaked audio in 2022 affected her work in the fight against corruption in the country.

“Martha Chizuma was an idealistic enthusiasm that was met with a bitter reality. She had good intentions for the job, but the environment did not support her in achieving her vision. 

“Yes indeed, her arrest in 2022 affected the fight against corruption at the national level and her as a person,” he said.

He further concedes that her arrest highlighted that dark forces were hovering above her and it derailed her intentions, leading to her decision to move on from her position. 

Mkhutche argues that the country is not heading in the right direction in the fight against corruption.

“Corruption cases keep piling up with no sight of when the old ones will be resolved. The political and economic environment does not support the anti-corruption drive,” he added.

Recently, the court dropped corruption charges against Vice-President Saulos Chilima after the state prosecutor filed a notice for the case to be discontinued.

In November 2022, Chilima was arrested on allegations that he accepted money in exchange for awarding government contracts.

His arrest also followed accusations that he received money to influence the awarding of contracts to Xaviar Ltd and Malachitte FZE, two companies linked to the British businessman, Zuneth Sattar.

At the moment, Hillary Chilomba is the acting Director General of the ACB.
