MRP warns of 5-year mandate ending on 21st May 2024

Bantu Saunders Jumah

President and Commander in Chief of Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party (MRP) Bantu Saunders Jumah, says in case MRP is in power, it will hold the government accountable so that all those that will be receiving money from 21st May 2024 to 7th September 2025 pay back the money for flouting the Republican Constitution.

Jumah said the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi is very clear that there will be elections every 5 years and on 21st May 2024 the 5-year mandate of the President, Members of Parliament and councillors come to an end meaning that as of 21st May 2024 there will be no government and Parliament in Malawi.

He has reminded Malawians that one year of presidency was done by Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika from 21st May 2019 to 23rd June 2020 and President Chakwera was supposed to hold office for 4 years to 21st May 2024 for the country to go to the polls.

Speaking through his facebook page read by many people in Malawi and Africa, Jumah has warned all those in power that whoever exceeds his power from 21st May 2024 up to the day of holding elections in Malawi is flouting the Constitution and at the same time committing the offence of Treason.

Jumah said those who will cling to their positions up to the day of elections will be asked to pay back money they have been receiving from the government or go to jail assuring all that he is not President Chakwera or Saulosi Chilima, he is Bantu Saunders Jumah.

“Unless there should be a caretaker or interim government to run the country from 21st May 2024 to the day of the elections in September 2025, this will be accepted by Malawians,” said Jumah.

He has paid an appreciation to Malawi High Commissioner in South Africa for going to the City of George where a 7-story building collapsed killing many people including 10 Malawians whose bodies were recovered from the rubble.

Jumah said at the time of the incident in South Africa, the High Commissioner was in Malawi for a holiday and she had to cut her holiday to fly to South Africa to appreciate the tragedy of the collapsed building but was quick to point out that there’s need of bureaucracy for government to release money for repatriating the 10 dead bodies to be given dignified burial in Malawi.

The MRP President said dead bodies need no bureaucracy advising the High Commissioner to contact the Secretary to the President and Cabinet (SPC) Madam Colleen Zamba) to direct the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) to release funds for repatriating 10 bodies for burial in Malawi in as soon as possible.

He has thanked the Government of the African National Congress (ANC) for contacting a South African company providing coffins for the 10 bodies and Mortuary describing this as a good gesture that Africans are one in the continent.
