MP says Chakwera has improved education and energy sectors in Malawi


Member of Parliament of Lilongwe South East Constituency Steven Baba Malondera says President Lazarus Chakwera has improved the education sector as well as the energy sector in the country.

Speaking in Parliament when seconding the State of the Nation Address Motion moved by Dedza North MP, Malondera commended the President for recruiting teachers.

“When it comes to education the President is doing very well. We can see now so many teachers have been recruited and at the same time other teachers have been promoted.

“I felt I was duty bound to second the SONA because it’s not only for the short term but it’s also an advantage in the long term for this country because we can’t develop if our people are not educated enough,” said Malondera.

According to Malondera, the Chakwera administration has also constructed schools across the country without neglecting any region which shows that Chakwerais indeed a president for all Malawians.

“In Nsanje there are new secondary schools, you go to Machinga there are new secondary schools, in Mangochi you still find that those things are happening.

“There is also an upgrade of community day secondary schools across the country,” said Malondera.

On energy sector, Malondera commended the President for ending blackouts which were affecting the country as the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) failed to end the blackouts.

“The DPP Government failed to find a lasting solution to blackouts to the extent that they ended up buying generators but it transpired that the decision was costly because generators require a lot of diesel to run.

“When President Chakwera came in, he fixed all the challenges  and as we are speaking we don’t have blackouts and there is a lot of generation of energy,” said Malondera.

He continued to say that the President has addressed  so many challenges faced by many Malawians through  initiatives such as the Mtukula Pakhomo program aimed at providing assistance. Additionally, resources have been allocated to aid Cyclone Freddy survivors, demonstrating the government’s commitment to social welfare.
