Four arrested for breaking into Seed-co warehouse and  stealing items worth K11m

One of the suspects accused of breaking into Seed-co Malawi warehouse

Police in Blantyre are keeping in custody four people on suspicion that they were involved in the act of breaking which occurred at seed-co Malawi during the night of 21 December, 2023 where assorted types of maize seed and four bags of fertilizer were stolen.

According to Blantyre Police Public Relations Officer Sub inspector Peter Mchiza, around 3:00 am on 21 December, 2023, a gang of unknown criminals invaded the seed-co warehouse Malawi in Blantyre where they tied the four security guards and three other people who were residing within the compound.

Thereafter, they broke the window of the warehouse and stole about four bags of fertilizers and assorted maize seeds all valued at K11, 369, 973.79.

Upon receipt of the report, Police rushed to the scene and started following up the matter.

In the process, they managed to arrest Charles Chapita Aged 27, Nedson Kachulu 25, Robert Banda aged 32 and Grandson Kadongola aged 44.

When they were asked, the four revealed that they were among the criminals who broke into the warehouse and stole the mentioned items which they sold to Charles Kaunyolo.

All the items were recovered and positively identified by the reporter to be those that were stolen.

The suspects also revealed that they were among criminals who robbed African Fertilizer Limited where 250 bags of various fertilizers worth K22,116,000.

Meanwhile, enquiries are still underway to recover the fertilizer as the recovered maize seeds are to be tendered in a court of law as exhibits.

Charles Chapita comes from Mwanya Village in the area of Traditional authority (T/A) Nsabwe while Nedson Kachulu is from Chafa Village in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Changata.

Robert Banda comes from Gombe in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Nsabwe all from Thyolo District while Grandson Kadongolo comes from Mitumbira in the area of Senior Chief Chikumbu in Mulanje District. They are all answering a case of Breaking and theft.

Charles Kaunyolo 49, is from Mulenga Village in the area of Traditional Authority Machinjiri in Blantyre District and is answering a charge of receiving stolen property.

Police in Blantyre are reminding residents and business community in the city to be more vigilant during this festive season and keep on working with police by informing police about any suspicious issues in their locations.
