Government to release 12, 000 mt of maize to Admarc markets


Government has announced that it will release 12, 000 metric tons of maize to some Admarc markets in the country over the weekend.

Minister of Agriculture Sam Kawale made the announcement in Parliament on Thursday after calls by Members of Parliament.

Kawale added that Ministry of Finance has released funds for the procurement of additional maize which will be sold in Admarc markets.

“Admarc is expected to start selling of maize in its market from Tuesday next week in the first phase “, he said.

He, however, did not indicate the price at which people will be buying maize in its markets per kilogramme.

It was indicated that almost 90% of the maize to be released will cover for the districts which were hardly affected by Cyclone Freddy.

Speaking after the announcement, Member of Parliament for Zomba Chisi Mark Botoman expressed disappointed after his constituency which was hardly hit by Cyclone Freddy was not mentioned on the distribution matrix.

He said being the most hit constituency, Zomba Chisi was expected more than three markets to benefit from the first phase.

In his response, Minister of Agriculture said he will revisit distribution matrix and consider his constituency.

During the first phase, government will release maize only in selected districts and the maize will be distributed across the country during the second phase.

Ministry of Agriculture has made the announcement after MPs demanded the release of maize for people to buy at affordable prices as vendors are selling the commodity at K50, 000 in some areas.
