Indian national arrested for raping 5-year-old child in Limbe


Police in Limbe have arrested a 57-year-old Indian national identified as Ramsigng Narissing Shinde on allegations that he raped a 5-year-old girl at Maone residential area.

According to Limbe Police spokesperson Sergeant Aubrey Singanyama, the suspect who is a neighbor to the victim’s parents on June 11, 2023 around 1900hrs invited the victim and her 6-year-old sister into his bedroom by coaxing them with Chapati.

Upon entry into his bedroom, Shinde undressed both minors and made the victim to sit on top of his private part where he raped her in the presence of her sister.

In course of the act, the brother of the two sisters abruptly entered the room where he caught him red-handed and immediately alerted his parents who took the matter to Limbe Police Station.

Police detectives rushed to the scene where the suspect was instantly arrested and also demonstrated how he conducted the alleged act.

The minor was referred to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital for medical examination where results proved that the victim was carnally known.

Shinde will appear before court soon to answer the charge of defilement.

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