Man rapes mentally ill woman


A 39-year-old man identified Dackson Gabriel has been arrested in Lilongwe for allegedly raping a woman with mental health illness.

Kanengo Police Spokesperson Gresham Ngwira Gabriel met the woman at Nsungwi Trading Center at around 20:00 hours and he promised to offer her accommodation at his house.

Gabriel claimed that he lives with his wife at his home.

However, when the two arrived at the suspect’s house, it was learnt that Gabriel has no wife and that he was just lying to her.

Gabriel allegedly raped the woman twice during the night and the following morning the woman reported the sexual abuse to the area’s block leader.

Community policing members apprehended the suspect and handed him over to the law enforcers at Nsungwi Police Unit.

Gabriel who hails from Mchinji District will face charges under section 139 of the penal code, defilement of a mentally ill person.

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