Driver fined K150,000 for biting traffic officer’s finger in Ndirande


A driver by the name Lester Makawa has been ordered to pay a fine of K150,000 or serve 12 months imprisonment with hard labour for biting a traffic officer’s finger.

His actions were contrary to what the Section 241(a) of the Penal Code says that forbids such Acts.

The State prosecutor Assistant Superintendent Lyson Chavinda said that the victim identified as Traffic Sub Inspector Stephano Muthama was unlawfully wounded by the driver on the night of October 10, 2022 at Machinjiri Turn Off along Magalasi road.

Lester Makawa was driving a motor vehicle whilst drunk on the day and became very violent and could not cooperate when the officers tried to caution him which later resulted to his arrest.

The State prosecutor Chavinda told the presiding magistrate Euphrazia Moyo that, at the station the convict was still violent and he bit the right hand forefinger of Traffic Sub Inspector Stephano Muthama, as they were dragging him into police cell.

Appearing before court, he pleaded guilty of unlawful wounding.The court ordered that K100,000.00 should go to the victim Traffic Sub Inspector Stephano Muthama as compensation.


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