Optichem hikes fertilizer prices

New prices

Optichem (2000) Limited has increased prices of fertilizer effective on the 30th May, 2022, following the 25% devaluation of Kwacha that happened on the 27th May, 2020.

According to communication Malawi24 has seen, Chitowe which was previously at K26, 200 per 50kgs will now be at K31,000 while 23:10:5+65+1.0zn is at K57,80 from K46,200 in April.

Optican is at K38,000, Compound D is at K59,000 from K52, 700 in April while Super D is at K73,000 from K62,700.

Compound S is at K37,000, Urea at K61,000, CAN at K44,000 and Ammonium Sulphate at K30,000.

Prices released last month

The news has hit the public differently as seen through the various reactions people gave.

Other people said they were expecting the prices to go up due to the devaluation while some people have expressed concern over the price rise, saying many farmers cannot afford such exorbitant prices.

“There are many factors that determine prices of commodities most of which are influenced by market forces, we cannot have fixed prices forever,” said one commenter on Facebook.

Another person said: “This is bringing hunger to many households.”

Optichem (2000) Limited is a manufacturing company in Malawi that produces a wide range of fertilizers to meet the required nutrients for crops to grow healthy and to increase Farmers profitability.