Winiko trashes Chakwera, Chilima and Tonse Alliance

Bon Kalindo

Activist cum comedian Bon ‘Winiko’ Kalindo has washed Tonse Alliance’s dirty linen in public for its failure to reward his efforts during the campaign for the 2020 presidential elections.

Speaking inside Cruise 5 programme on Zodiak Television Sunday evening, Kalindo said he was not given his due rewards when the Alliance which is led by Malawi Congress Party’s Lazarus Chakwera assumed power.

According to Kalindo, he was reduced to a manual worker when the Alliance claimed the mantle, thus he felt compelled to leave.

“Sindingaphike nsima ine osadya nawo (I cannot prepare food for others)” he said.

Winiko also bemoaned UTM leader Saulos Chilima’s failure to support his efforts at party level during his days at the political organization.

However, the former UTM national director for youth, emphasised that his energy was in the best interest of nation and not personal gains.

He added that if the current administration will not put its house in order, the outcome of the next elections will not favour them.

The former Mulanje South parliamentarian fell out of favour with the current government earlier this year. Since then, he has been leading anti-government demonstrations.


One Comment

  1. Bvuto ndilimenelo lounge udindo mmalo moti mupilumutse anthu onvutika. Adachita bwino omwe sanakupatseni mpando ononawo. Patriotism and principles are lacking amongst the citizens. God help us

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