AHL employees unpaid for three months


Workers at Auction Holdings Limited Group (AHL) Mzuzu Floors have not been paid their salaries since September this year and they have warned that they will take drastic action.

The employees have stayed for 3 months without being paid and they feel the current management has failed them.

On Thursday last week, Mzuzu workers gathered to brainstorm on what to do to force the company to hear their grievances.

In an interview, one of the workers said they are planning to shut down operations of the company and will also demand government to fire top management.

The employees also want government to bail out the company.

“We are sending this message to warn Government that if this continues then there will be no tobacco market next year. Government is always collecting taxes during tobacco market so why can’t they bail out Auction Holdings through ADMARC. Our next plan is to close down all AHL subsidiaries like ATC and others to force the company to pay us,” the employee said.

AHL authorities could not be reached for comment on the matter.

Employees at the company also went four months without receiving their salaries last year due to cashflow challenges which were resolved after the company got K6 billion from ADMARC.