Kalindo dumps UTM


Former Parliamentarian Bon Kalindo has resigned as UTM Youth Director and has stated that he will go ahead with plans to hold anti-government demonstrations this Friday.

Speaking at a press conference in Blantyre, Kalindo said the UTM under the Tonse Alliance Government has failed to deliver promises such as creation of one million jobs, loans for youth and free connection to utility services.

He added that he has also made the decision considering the challenges Malawians are facing under the Tonse Alliance administration. He mentioned increase in fuel prices, tollgate fees, job losses, lack of fertilizer and corruption as some of the issues.

According to Kalindo, the Tonse Alliance Government is also practising nepotism as jobs are being offered to people related to senior government officials. He further questioned why the Lazarus Chakwera administration is failing to investigate the theft of COVID-19 funds.

Kalindo has since announced that the “Malawi Salibwino” anti-government protests will go ahead on Monday despite calls from UTM for Kalindo to consider dialogue.

The former legislator said he will lead protesters in demonstrating against various issues rising cost of living, corruption and unfulfilled campaign promises.

UTM is led by Vice President Saulos Chilima who has travelled to Dubai this morning. The party is in an alliance with the Malawi Congress Party which is led by President Chakwera.
