Two swept away by rivers

Floods Malawi

Two people have died in Ntchisi district after being swept away by flooded rivers which they were crossing.

Deputy public relations officer for Ntchisi police station Gladson M’bumpha identified the two as Kafuta Mwanza aged 35 and Alex Soko aged 15.

Floods Malawi“Mwanza met his fate when he was trying to cross the Kadyaidya river which was very deep at that time,” he explained.

The publicist added that after the incident, the body of the 35 year old was found along the river during a search by community members.

The other person Alex Soko was washed away as he was trying to cross Chobiza river in the district.
Soko hailed from Gomezani village in the area of traditional authority Malenga in the district.

Meanwhile, police are advising members of the general public to avoid crossing swollen rivers to prevent similar incidents.