Mangochi prison in need of learning materials

Mangochi prison

Authorities at Mangochi prison have pleaded with well-wishers to help them with teaching and learning materials for the inmates.

Speaking during a visit by members of the community of Saint Egidio, prison officials disclosed that the prison needs books for both primary and secondary levels.

Alexander kamangira
St Egidio member Alexious Kamangila preaching at Mangochi prison.

Mangochi prison spokesperson Hilder Mkwala said the prison has been failing to teach inmates due to lack of learning materials.

“They also need writing materials, notebooks for them to learn well at our school that we have,” said Mkwala in an interview with Malawi24.

She added that the prison is also in need of tools that can be used for vocational skills training offered at the prison.

“We do have carpentry, cellphone repairing but we lack tools that can be used for practical lessons,” she added.

During the visit, the community of Saint Egidio donated soap, body lotion and relish to the inmates of Mangochi prison.

Mangochi Prison has 269 inmates against the required capacity of 100 – 150 inmates.