The development rally that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) had in Chikwawa district gave Paramount Chief Lundu to express his discomfort with the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) working in his area.
Lundu told President Peter Mutharika at the rally that he does not want to see the NGO, Goal Malawi, working under his area for the reason of indiscipline of workers.

According to reports, the sentiments have worried Goal Malawi authorities who are working with the district’s council.
Goal Malawi is helping over 8000 families in the area of Paramount Lundu with financial support.
However, reports reveal that Lundu is bitter with Goal Malawi staff for not considering a list of people he submitted to the NGO.
The chief wanted the people listed to be beneficiaries of funds that the organisation distributed to support the poor.
Lundu’s list is said to have contained names that were not supposed to benefit from the funds that the NGO distributes.