Two found with ivory worth K9.7m


Police in Lilongwe have arrested Robin Chioshya, 37, and Warry Ghambi aged 41 for being found with elephant tusk.

Malawi24 caught up with Central Region Police Spokesperson Nolliettie Chihana Chimala who confirmed the arrest of the two.

MachingaAccording to Chimala, police officers received information that the two men were offering for sale raw ivory.

“A team of officers from the Police and Department of National Parks and Wildlife followed up on the tip. An undercover officer who acted as a buyer went to the house of the second suspect where the two suspects were rounded up and ivory tusks weighing 6.5 kilograms valued at MK9, 750,000 got seized,” Chimala told Malawi24.

The two suspects will soon be taken to court to answer charges of Illegal Possession of Specimen of Protected Species contrary to Section 86 (1) of National Parks and Wildlife Act, and Dealing in Government/Wildlife Trophies contrary to section 91 of National Parks and Wildlife Act.

Chioshya comes from Tomas village, Traditional Authority Simphasi in Mchinji, while Ghambi, a teacher at Chitedze Community Day Secondary School, hails from Mwenikuti village in Traditional Authority Mwaulambia in Chitipa.