Government says there is need to encourage young people to acquire various skills so that they can help develop the country.
Speaking to local media, minister of labour, youths, sports and manpower development Francis Kasaila said there is need for more effort especially from the youths if the country is to develop.

“For this country to develop economically it needs various skills from our youths, we should make sure that the youths have acquired the skills and know basic principles of life,” he said.
Kasaila added that the government through the ministry is making sure that Malawian youths are equipped with the skills starting from primary to tertiary education in order to create a room for the youths to start entrepreneurship.
He said his ministry knows that young people in parts of the country end up in early marriages hence the ministry is trying its best enabling the youths acquire the skills while eradicating early marriages.
Kasaila then pleaded with the youths in the country to make use of the community colleges which government has constructed in various parts of the country to acquire the skills.
He also asked them to remain in school in order to acquire the skills and develop this country.
the targets are the youths but the benefitiaries ndnkhalamba zomwezo……if the goverment is up for our votes since w are 90% of country’s population then to hail,,,,wher were u idiots all these day when the youths were thirsty fo yo assistance,,,,,fees mtima university tanu topoirat munakweza,,,upkeep munachosa,,,kod ndalama imeneija which sector of goverment was allocated to? Chilima munthu oipa iwe,,,your idea w don’t buy it!!!!!!!! agaluuu
So that they can keep on stealing the money
Koma azigogo wo akuganiza bwanji pamenepa. Iwo akungopanilira mipando yonona ife ndiye kumatipatsa ziguduli?
ngati alibe chonena angokhala. skilled youths already many in the country
Thats a gud move …salute the grvnment but when they r skilled try to gv the nation a 365 days of electricity so that those youth shud be working without any problem bcz any skill it works close yo electricity
When u dnt appoint them u only appoint old people as learder of thd nation,in mational matters u dnt involve them,they cn only find jobs in constraction companies.
DPP cadets are commenting indirect koopa kuyaluka ndi chiboma chawo chosamvachi m’ma comment yaanzawo akakomenta ma rubbish!
i went through all comments,no one reacted negatively! they all commented positively bcoz the govt posted negatively! therefore it is {post tags} or question tags! so DPP GOVT watch out!
Shame on you
Which government nanu inu
Here in RSA, the boss said your diplomas qualifications are in almost 85 & more countries. U’ve better papers
Chonde lekani kuyankhula motipusitsa ngati mumatiganizila achinyamata. Skill yake iti mukunena inuyo?
wht kind of skills,kuba mu boma?if nkhalamba zikuba mu boma yet dey knw kt ndalamazo azazisiya wht do u expct da youth to learn..magetsi mmathimitsa daily,tingaphunzilepo chani?
Stupid Government Malawi ever had.Which skills are u talking about? Thousands of Malawi’s youth are crossing Zambezi river every day to look for green pastures in Mnzansi due to your nonsense in handring their livehoods.Shame on U !!!!!!!! Mxieeeeeew.
After graduating as journalist at Lilongwe technical, i sept 15 months without securing a job. Not even an attachment, even now am looking for a job & i hope am not the only one. What skills do this government need in youth ???
Yap guys here in RSA the boss said ABMA qualifications are used in more than 86 countries, u’ve better qualification. A . Association of B. Business M. Management, A. Adimistration.
God bless tb Joshua
The youths are well skilled,the problem is your Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs, you dont have a proper system to prutect their jobs..how ? I can confide in you.
Miyanda Miyanda ya achinyamata mmakwAlalamu akusowa ntchito
they are good at raising good ideas but they don’t act so I call them fools and liars because they don’t do what they say.
Skilled uth ndee kut chan? Tanenan kut mukufuna skilled uth ot mutilembe ntchto muone likukumwe lakelo. Osamatosa pa chilondai
dpp u are still sleeping until now
Skills??? Kkkkk..
Mmmmmm our dead country
We are already having skills but but we failing to operate our business due to high taxes and luck of electricity which reads to us to go outside the country for greener pastures by doing so we are developing other countries
The skilled boys and girls are already there on the ground, but the Goodall Gondwes, the Chapondas, the Henry Mussas etc etc are not retiring then where will these boys find work?
NO Malawi need uneducated leaders from the village who understands the problems of Malawians and educated but uncorrupted leaders from USA to develop Malawi.
how will they interact with people who are well educated in the east and west, for example at the UN summits you have been invited to address you do not speak English only Chichewa but there is a problem no one knows how can translate.being educated has advantages in that you can interaction with the rest of World easily.
With google and these new software you can speak in chichwa and the software will translate back and forth.
Kusowa chokamba ……Anthu alipo kale mufuna chani inuyo,alipowa mwapanga nawo chani,,,zobwebweta basi,,,mukayankhula choncho muziti ntchito ikuyenda? Kupusa
wina anapanga ndege munampondereza wina anapanga radio station kufuna kumanga …wot kind of skills do u want?
For how long will u be looking for them? Every year, there are youths coming up but nothing you do to them. Today , u speak this. U create nothing for the youths. Just using our taxes for nothing
Uchindere ine nkhuwukhumba cha. What type if skill are u bwenthing about?
Bwenthing kkkk
Yeah zimenezo ndizo nzelu
Skills to waste kkkkkkk
MUKUFUNA mafana ophunzila athandize kutukula dziko inu muzba ndalama
I smell skill gate
skild ppl are yur children once learng abroad.overseas yea nt four yrs polytchnc aaaa no hop malawi .
It’s for you, the millions more &myself to be skilled, create the Jobs for the youth with them doing the same for the Generation coming after them & it goes on that way. Malawi has almost everybody trained & training in LAZY Jobs that create Poverty instead of Wealth.
We have the youths that are well skilled and well trained but we have them in our homes sweeping and gardening akungosewera bawo or are you looking them to be DPP cadets?
bullshit we need loans to invest the business s not that when we’re about to submit it you’ll start talking your foolishness backup’s stupid system.
Asowa chonena et anthu onsewa akufuna otani zopusa
what kind skills do u want & for what? God atihelpe basi.
Please offer us opportunities to demostrate our skills… internships .. vephi even volunteer position simukutipasa ndye skills yo iziwika bwanji kapena wat for?
Zaziiii,kampeni ikayandikira kuchulutsa zokamba,m’mesa anthuwo alipo kale, chaka ndi chaka anthu akuphunzira ku TEVETA,chikusowanso chiyani,bwanji osatenga amenewo?
Hahahaha ndipo ndiye zaziiiii asatisokonse ife atenge alipo kalewo
Yebo sister,akuona ngati aMalawi akadali akhungube,aziona 2019
Thats talking
Ndimaganiza ngati ndimva zoti ‘Government need skilled people to apply for a certain job’ but only to need skilled people pamene Ena already skilled are out there doing nothing Mukuti ntcito mayazi mumalemba lemba aku family kwanu, what are you expecting from them? Get skilled and wrk out side the country? U have to creat job first then claim for skilled people ___ DANM!!
get skilled and employee other people don’t expect to be employed every time
That’s a blood liar bra…. Palibe safuna kugwira ntcito… hw can u jxt keep ur certificate mu expand… nde phindu lovaira ku geri likhali chiyani? Of course some they do anless akhale Ndi zochita zawo zowapatsa dollar zabwino than wrking…
How Mr Brian? Just graduated from a certain collage n say u will employ some1? Wat about capital ?
Ask him for me plz mr Khwima..how come from college to employer? Itakhalatu Kampani ya Bambo ako kapena mwina komaso even ikhale ya bambo ako imafunaso experience
Amasowa zokamba ndiye nkumabwethuka pamene ma youth akusowa kolowa nchito
Amasowa zokamba ndiye nkumabwethuka pamene ma youth akusowa kolowa nchito
Akuona ngat iyeyo akuganiza bho kuposa inafe mwina?
Plenty of skilled youths here but can not be recognised, no wonder if they go abroad they prosper
So far, what did the government do with skills which are already in existence??
if it is so that the youth can develop the country then stop using them in political issues and boost them with the skills that you are saying. and again make sure all those universities which are closed are open with emmediate effect
Zowona though mwagwa nayo a Katsaila