Kenya Election: President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya has been declared winner of the polls the country had on the 8th.
An official announcement from the country’s electoral management body, the IEBC, has declared Uhuru as the winner after ammassing over 8 million votes while his closest contender Raila Odinga amassed close to 7 million votes.

In a system that Malawi is set to adopt in which the winner of a Presidential election is expected to get over 50% of the votes, Mr. Kenyatta got 54% of the votes.
In his speech, he has called on the opposition leader to work together with him.
However, leader of opposition Raila Odinga has since challenged the results and is highly expected to go to court to lodge a complaint.

Mzee Uhuru Kenyata
Let’s wait and see how will things go in Malawi.this is not Kenya
That’s too bad, cooked election this shouldn’t be allowed in Africa
Mu Africa mkungovutika kuvota. Simzasangapo munthu wakumtima kwanu. Nthawi zonse amalamula ndi amené waposa mmabedwe. Democracy ndi yakuAmerica. Anthu akudafe tizipikisana ufiti ndi kuba basi
Congratulation Mr kenyatta
Mind you Kenya is so different to other African countries, tolerance is not there amongst tribes. Tribalism plays a big role and Kikuyu’s are in majority no matter what happens the Luas or Luos can not rule Kenya unless they revert into old system of dictatorial when we saw Daniel Arap Moi took over from late Uhuru’s father because Moi comes from a very small tribe that in these era of democracy he couldn’t have that chance to be president. The Odinga tribe are just freedom fighters for the Kikuyu’s to be presidents of Kenya and mark my words, Kenya tribalism is just too much, tribal remarks are heard elsewhere even in offices.
Olamula saluza
Cholamula sichimaluza ndawonera Zimbabwe ndi president jz
Olamula saluza, nthawi zambiri osutsa amangoyesela mwayi
Kanyamatatu anzathuwa akulamulidwa ndi anyamata osati ife achina Nzuma nganga zokhazokha kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Anyamata utambwali and besides that this post nid amatured person with experience.
Viva Uhuru Kenyatta
Some comments on fb are very funny. Previously we saw an opposition party winning elections in a certain African country, the guys were flare up relating to what predicts our Malawian elections in 2019. Today, Kenya election results are declared that Uhuru Kenyatta has retained the seat, big mouths guys, the few haters have waggled their tails and vanished in thin air. They are nowhere seen within the vicinity. So because you were the first to celebrate the victory of elections in Ghana, Ivory Coast, Gambia,…and other countries. Now your friends are saying in 2019, it’ll be DPP again. MCP will waggle its tails and warm the same benches they are warming in parliament. Does that raise your hair on its roots? Forget about MIA. That’s a battle lost in the sponge. Unless MCP retains Richard Musowoya as running mate, their oracles will give them a nod.
Gerald Zungu or whatever your name is you have no right to tell MCP as to who should be the presidential candidate let alone the running mate. The issue of Sidik Mia seems to have sent a lot of shivers in DPP spine. Kuti a dpp zikuwaweni kwambiri MCP ikutenga ma parliamentary seats onse during the forth coming by elections. And 2019 will just be a walk over if dpp will maintain mr. ibu as the presidential candidate. Mind you people in Kenya have their own reasons to reinstate Kenyatta as the president and we Malawians have our own reasons to chose MCP and Dr. Chakwera for president in 2019.
Big up boss coming to Kenya soon second home bravo
Akadali wamuwisi uyu ndi nyamata sinkhalamba ayi.
He has won with over 50% .It shows Kenya’s have trust in him
The Incumbency theory.
This is Africa, TIA
Dpp nayo ikubwera 2019
Indeed on my behalf & peace-lovers of AFRICA, extend my congratulations to YOUR EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT-ELLECT OF KENYA UHURU KENYATTA, for being re-ellected to the presidency: With humility, I welcome your acceptance speech you called all KENYANS TO WORK & BE TOGETHER FOR THE SAKE OF BUILDING KENYA: “ELLECTIONS COME & GO BUT KENYA REMAINS,” Indeed what a lesson to AFRICA & OTHER LEADERS OF THE WORLD!! GLORY & PRAISE BE TO GOD FOR THAT WISDOM!! BRAVO UHURU KENYATTA!! BRAVO & LONG-LIVE KENYA!! BRAVO AFRICA!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL. {A peace-lover}!! THE REV. CHALU CHIBISA BANDA.
Strong warning to neighbout
Mtoto wa Kenyatta
a to bad mwe me did want uhuru again
and so it will be in 2019,,rulling party..
All the best Uhuru, rule Kenya without fear or favour.Raila Odinga’s controversial speeches are just kicks of a dying horse.Move Kenya to higher levels.
nw lets foresee our politicians,,the oppostion says the ruling party has rigged the votes,check on B B C Africa.ryt nw…Wat if oppositions win cn it b visavesa?thus african’s politics being influenced by westens,hence they dnt vote 4 africans,bt africans votin 4 africans! lets take somthing out of this.
seems like he smokes marijuana
Wateva hes smoking, doesnt need u i guess!
Ndipovuta kut zipani zolamula ziluze …ali ndima advantage ambili and they hav got control over every thing and every one. Not surprised
Boza ili, ruling parties does lose elections globally the likes of Hillary Clinton to Trump
ANC lost metros in SA to oppositions
the winning of rulling parties does not always mean abera zisankho. mind set imeneyi tichotse coz it is not always the case. thats y we see some ruling parties losing also. kuno pp sinaluze ? mcp sinaluze ?
U say like that but you know that’s the truth .Yes in some isolated cases the opposite happens but on scale of one to ten…..Chances kut zipani zolamula nkuluza it’s almost 0/10
Hamid Wasiya really? America…? Are we comparing With America?
Dorothy I didn’t say anything about kubera zisankho read through the lines and try to grab a sense out of what I said.
@kondwani harawa, Ys no dffrnc….. Good example our/ur own pp lost to dpp..joyce banda ndikt analuza, ngwazi to muluzi, late michael sata won in zambia over mwanawas, anc to da in sa metros, muslim brotherhood in egypt(n. Africa) bfr military coup in that country…..imeneyitu ndiyo Africa mukufunsa inuyo
Ndipo mpaka pano akumati trump anabera chifukwa ruling party inaluza….in france independent candidate is ahead of state nw…..inshort so easy to lose the ruling party ngati mumasata politix bwino bwno baba:)
PP wasn’t a rulling Party. The System that they found was designed by DPP For DPP. And point of correction …Sata took over from a certain Lupiya Banda . Had it been kut Levi Mwanawasa was Alive SATA sakanakhala president . Micheal Sata won because of unpopularity of Lupiya Banda Same thing ndi Kwathu Kuno .
Hahaha musapeleke Zitsanzo za Maiko aa Zungu .Coz i wont argue with that . Apa focus ikhale kwathu kuno ku Africa . Ndi pobvuta ku Chipani Cholamula chiluze Malume.Ngati zimachitika its very rare
Hahaaaahahaha pp siinali yolamula? Mcp siinali yolamula? Anc siikulamula panopa? Egypt sikwazungu ndiku Africa, ku zambia ko analuza aja sanali olamula?????? Tsono kuluza komwe mukufuna inu ndikt koposa uku??????? Fgt america nd france ok simwati azungu ayi kmabe azungu wo nawo mpaka pano akulimbanabe kt anaberedwa kkkkkk koma ma exampl onse ali mwamba wo ndi African contnent blv it or nt
Mi 2 am vry interestd with the speech of presdnt elect! ‘politician we go but Kenya is here 2 stay! Malawian poticians must learn somethn!
Wellcome to Africa..
Where ruling party alwez win…
Tough for Odinga to accept this results…
We dont want blood in Kenya….
Long live Kenyata although u have Chisamani ku I C C.
keep cring like babies you foolish morons
Last time I checked anapita ku ICC konko bwanji sanamumange?
ICC cleared him
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk zandale izi
congrats and I like his speech he has made….’politicians come and go out Kenya shall always remain Kenya…let us always join together as one Kenya and develop the nation
congrats and I like his speech he has made….’politicians come and go out Kenya shall always remain Kenya…let us always join together as one Kenya and develop the nation
Mukuwoneka makola adona chiuta walutilire kumulimilirani.
These greedy Africa leaders will destroy our destiny.
whos greedy
And what destiny is that?
This boy don’t know wat he’s talking about,uhuru niwanthu omuna
Odinga shud js accept that he is nt that type of material kenyas want…let it go! Bad lucky
Paja munati malawi24 ndie nkhani zakukenya zitikutikhuza bwanji oti muzitipasira zakuti a presindent anthu atisiya
Iwe ndi mafinya eti
Iwe nde ukumagona fone yothimitsa mammawa uzalandira uthenga iti Mayi ako amwalira