Malawi Pastors to pray against accidents

Jenda Accident

Reports of accidents have led the Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) to set the month of July this year as a month of prayers seeking God’s help following increase of road accidents in the country.

The nationwide prayers under EAM are meant to seek God’s intervention on the cases the country has registered for the past weeks.

Patsors to hold prayers in the wake of accidents

EAM secretary general Reverend Francis Mkandawire said the prayers are to be held in churches and homes during the month of July.

“As Evangelical Association of Malawi we have designated the month of July to be a month of prayers, as churches we are very concerned with the increase of accidents in our nation, a lot of lives have been lost,” said Mkandawire.

He added that the prayers are also to thank God for the bumper yields the country has had in the recent farming season.

According to Mkandawire, Malawians will pray for another good year in the agriculture sector in Malawi.

Malawi has registered a number of accidents that have claimed over 10 lives in the month of June.



  1. Why Every Problem To God I Thought God Us Brain To Think And Figure Out The Problem.Will God Intervene If We Are Driving Carelessly?. Apply Newton’s Laws Of Motion And Other Related Concepts Of Physics To Find The Common Cause Of Accidents. Some Will Shift The Blame To Devil While They Were Overspeeding. Speed Thrils But Kills Too. Lets Pray For Issues That Are Beyond Our Capability To Solve.

  2. Why Every Problem To God I Thought God Us Brain To Think And Figure Out The Problem.Will God Intervene If We Are Driving Carelessly?. Apply Newton’s Laws Of Motion And Other Related Concepts Of Physics To Find The Common Cause Of Accidents. Some Will Shift The Blame To Devil While They Were Overspeeding. Speed Thrils But Kills Too.

  3. Even here in Zimbabwe people are perishing almost every day on road accidents I think it’s all about unroad worthy vehicles being forced to be on roads while least they should be at carrages

  4. this just shows how this country is under the system hahahaha shame…. this explains why Africa is struggling! we rather kneel and pray rather than do it ourselves!!! its Pathetic man….mesa Mzungu anatibwelesera School kuti tizindikire???? Bwanji muli anthu okanika??? Blame it on the Berlin conference i guess lol

  5. Chiyambi chanzeru ndiko mkuopa mulungu,,the bible says so..kkkkkkk .ndiye iwe ukuti mahindu ako ndianzeru??kkk coz the are blessed,,who tald you that they are blessed????do you know the blessings?kk…but sapembeza mulungu,,,,kodi alipo akukulemberani,,,,,you need help

  6. vuto la amalawi ndi limeneli. mumafuna Yehova pamavuto basi. mvula itavuta apresident adasonkhetsa ma clergyz kupempherera mvula pano yehova adatidalitsa ndi zokololora koma ataaaaaa a president kukumbuka Yehova. Malawi should knw Yehova

  7. Praying they will but good driving standards, good road network, roadworthy vehicles, less disturbances on the roads eg anjinga Mbuzi and ogulitsa malonda = less accidents.

  8. When we are confused, Jesus brings clarity…..go on pastors, I’m joining you…the bible says, the effectual fervent prayer of a rightious man availeth much, James 5:16. It clearly proves that prayer of believers can move mountains, It doesn’t matter who else prayed & nothing happen….God is still a live, He’s not dead!!!

  9. Accidents Every Where. Here In Uganda Its Also Worse These Days. Am From Uganda (Eastern Africa). I Need Friend From Malawi Please Add Me Thanks

  10. Praying for our nation is not a bad idea at all.
    Remember there will neva be another Malawi.We don’t need to be negative wit our country.Zilitu ndi Ife kukhonza Malawi kapena kungomusiya awonongeke.

  11. Wonderful decision May God bless You please. I start to give my petition- wisdom in driver and the government by checking condition of the road

  12. kumangomfuna mulungu pamavuto bax…ndan amene wagwada pansi kt zikomo ambuye chifukwa chammene mvula yagwera kmaxo dzokolola dzochulukaz?pano mukt ngozi, akayankha, kod tkumbuka kunena zikomo?tiyen tisakhale ngat akhate 9 anachiritsidwa nd yesu aja osathokoza,km tikhale ngat wakhate mmodzi uja anakumbukira kunena “zikomo”

  13. Mwauzeko A #Pac, Kt Imeneyoso Ndi Job Yao, Osamagot Kma President Atule Pansi Job Aaaa Apa Anthu Akumwalira Muli Ziiii, Nde Zikatha Nthumba Amakhala Gat Agalu Achiwewe, Aneneli Onyenga.

  14. The solution to road safety lies in the drivers ability, road conditions, and vehicle road worthiness, among others. Prayers or God have nothing to do with this.

  15. Kwa Amene Amadziwa What Kupemphera Is All About Apapa Sangaonepo Vuto Coz To Say The Truth Some Accident Zikuchitika Due To The Work Of Satanism And The Only Way To Deal With Them Is Throu #Prayers, Nothing Else Ndie Wina Akamadana Ndi Mapemphero Ameneyo Timudabwe Akudziwa Kut With Prayer Sangalimbe, Wf Thz Few Rmarks Isupport The Move.

  16. Malawi is among the countries that fears God..But now there is a season when God is silent..even if you pray..we need to use wisdom he will find us pushing…

    We have Buddhist, Hindu’s some they don’t praise God.. But he is blessing them only they don’t realise but why Malawi the country that fears God..

    The reason is wisdom. By wisdom we shall be great in everything..I pray for my Country Malawi God will never come down..he came many years ago through his son now waiting for us to do something under the ministration of the Holy spirit.. The one who hive us the sound mind to think on what to do…

    If it was because of prayers that nations get rich, people get Delivered then everyone would be great…

    Lastly believe in The Prophet you shall prosper and believe in God you shall be established..

    Kind regards,
    Declare Mbukwa Hon

  17. I support that idea, but it took you long time to make a right decision why ? Any way I will also join you in absentia. We need not to keep quiet if something misterious like this happening in our country.God bless you as you are making the arrangements to ask God to change the current situation on our roads and the killings of Albinos.

  18. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ine faint. Abale tatiyeni tigwirane manja polimbikisa Boma kuyika malamuro wokhwima pa mseu ndi kupezanjira zochepesera katangale ku road traffic department ndi ku traffic police, komaso ndikukhala ndi miseu yabwino. I choose to differ, prayers YES, but action can address the the problem. Faith without action is dead. azibusa wena amangofuna attention ya wanthu ndi dziko basi, not that they care. I rest my case.

  19. Don’t always look at driver also looking to the mechanics who are servicing our motor vehicle are they qualified ? Well educated ? Well experienced ?

  20. Mulungu wathu amatimva mmavuto koma tikangodusamo no one turn back for appreciation aliyense amayendela yake.Look back in rain season we gathered together praising the Lord for right rain.Lelo takolola no one is thinking zoitanitsa mapephero kumuthokoza Yahweh.
    KODI TIZIMUFUNA MMAVUTO OKHA OKHA???? mukuyesatu kwambiri.

  21. VUTO mumangokoza mapephelo zikavuta …munapephelela vula kuti mulungu akupatsen anakupatsan mwakolola zambili koma osakozaso ma pephelo apadela othokoza …ganizani bwino osamangofuna ambuye zikativuta

  22. Hello guys I just heard Malawi 2 – 0 Tanzania yesterday kkkkk….Thank you RVG for good coaching and keep it up….kkkkkkk…Flames

  23. Koma Mesa Bus Isananyamuke Mumalowa Anthu Amene Amati Ndi Azibusa Nkupemphelera Busyo Komanso Anthu Okwera,kenako Amazafunsa Kangachepe?Kuteroku Amene Aja Ngabodza Eti?

  24. Good idea,atiyakha koma akatiyakha tikumbuke kuthokozanso, last yr our pastors prayed for good rain and more yields lero mpaka zikomo kulibe

    1. shut up if u dont have anything better to say, all these years have u ever heard about road accidents happening this frequent? why now?

    2. Look if people want to pray fine by me, but my opinion is that it’s too dangerous to promote that as the main solution. Are we addressing the main causes of why the accidents are happening?

    3. Sille Lu, the problem is our people leave everything to God and say he is going to help without us putting any effort, and yet we all know the solution to these problems. The solution is having better roads and looting out corruption in the road traffic department and then we can pray to God.

    4. JESSE EMANA God is not James… If you believe that through God our problems will be solved why “kutukwana” that’s the problem wth people without mfundo…the forum has to be constructive not destructive.. basop?✌

    5. Jst ask your neighbour kuti,kodi pemphero ndichani,,a wids musataye nao nthawi awo,,,ndiamodzi mwa iwi,,ankozi angozi ,akuopa,,,fiiire on you,,

    6. Jst ask your neighbour kuti,kodi pemphero ndichani,,a bale musataye nao nthawi awo,,,ndiamodzi mwa iwi,,ankozi angozi ,akuopa,,,fiiire on you,,nthawi yonsei magalimoto amayenda mwamba,,mungautchule nsewu oipa kuti ndi uwu inu,,,????fiire on..

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