After securing close to 100,000 downloads and thousands of live-stream with Chapatali, a feat never achieved before by any Malawian female musician, Ritaa has returned to secure her thrown as the Queen of Urban Music with Down Down.

The song continues with the emerald songstress’ nuptials for romantic songs central in Chapatali.
“People will consider Down Down as a prequel to Chapatali. But unlike the latter, my creative direction on Down Down is to dish out something softer. I had ballroom dancing in the background of my mind while jolting the song together” she explained.
“This song will make couples jump on the dance-floor, holding each other tight. I think a lot of people will fall in love with it. It’s something that I considered missing in recent releases” added Ritaa.
Down Down has a calm dancehall, rhythm fusion, a trend that is seen in Rihanna’s Work and resonates with Drake’s Controlla.
Asked whether her song draws influence from the two artists, Ritaa who lists Rihanna as a big influence in her decision to pick music, clarified: “I think it will be inevitable that people will make such a connection. But I recorded the song early January before Rihanna’s Work which dropped in February or Drake’s Controlla which dropped mid-year”.
“Also, almost all my songs have a dancehall fusion. But it is great to produce a song with a touch that can be equated to such great artists’ considering the efforts and investments that artists like Rihanna and Drake put into their work”
With the comparison to Controlla and Work likely to be unavoidable, will Down Down be Ritaa’s international breakthrough by following in Rihanna’s footsteps into the BillBoard Top 200?
“Only time will tell” the Malawi Queen of R’n’B cheekily responded while breaking into giggles.
To downloaded Down Down, click here