Don’t leave ICC – Malawi govt. told

Laudon Malingamoyo Phiri

Political commentators in the country have suggested Malawi should not join other countries who are withdrawing from the International Criminal Court.

This is coming at a time when countries like South Africa and Burundi have withdrawn their membership from the ICC with Kenya thinking of doing the same.

Speaking to Malawi 24 one of the political commentators in the country Laudon Malinga Phiri said Malawi might need it in the future hence the need to look into it before making the decision to withdraw from the ICC.

Laudon Malingamoyo Phiri
Malingamoyo Phiri; Has made the recommendations.

Phiri suggested that the African Union should establish its own court to have an independent mandate.

”I think Malawi should not jump into withdrawing from the ICC but I suggest that African Union should start thinking of having its own court in order to have its own mandate,” said Phiri.

He added that the ICC targets African leaders because Africa has more dictators than other parts of the world.

Phiri further said that Malawi should not withdraw just because other countries like South Africa as well as Burundi have done so.

Previously, government spokesperson Malison Ndau said as government they would like to sit down and make an informed decision on the matter.

”Malawi has not decided yet on whether to withdraw from the ICC because our country is a sovereign country and there is need to do what is best for Malawi,” said Ndau.

However, South Africa withdrew its membership from the ICC because its membership was in conflict with the country’s laws on diplomatic immunity.