Political commentators in the country have suggested Malawi should not join other countries who are withdrawing from the International Criminal Court.
This is coming at a time when countries like South Africa and Burundi have withdrawn their membership from the ICC with Kenya thinking of doing the same.
Speaking to Malawi 24 one of the political commentators in the country Laudon Malinga Phiri said Malawi might need it in the future hence the need to look into it before making the decision to withdraw from the ICC.

Phiri suggested that the African Union should establish its own court to have an independent mandate.
”I think Malawi should not jump into withdrawing from the ICC but I suggest that African Union should start thinking of having its own court in order to have its own mandate,” said Phiri.
He added that the ICC targets African leaders because Africa has more dictators than other parts of the world.
Phiri further said that Malawi should not withdraw just because other countries like South Africa as well as Burundi have done so.
Previously, government spokesperson Malison Ndau said as government they would like to sit down and make an informed decision on the matter.
”Malawi has not decided yet on whether to withdraw from the ICC because our country is a sovereign country and there is need to do what is best for Malawi,” said Ndau.
However, South Africa withdrew its membership from the ICC because its membership was in conflict with the country’s laws on diplomatic immunity.
ICC is compromised
Y? Aren’t we true Africans?
ICC has failed Africa for so long. we never benefit from it;its underlying offing is to uproot strong afro leaders.
They are afraid to leave ICC bcz EUROPE AND AMERICA Will close their assistance in Malawi kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk anthu a mu Africa mayiko athu ndi amphawi
ICC is there punish African leaders only, to hell with it
Lake Malawi is gone to Tz. ICC is there doing nothing, so what’s the point of being there? Follow suit, withdraw now.
We’re jst adoormat to ICC, idon’t see any developmental outcome fro this.
Lets wake up Malawi, and stand up against nonsense. Time to waste on zero profit organisations is over!!
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Polical comentarta?onse mapaz awo…
Kodi ICC ikutipindulira chani?
ICC ndi ya satanic imangofuna kukwanilitsa its devilish acts
Malawi itulukedi, khothi limeneli limadana kwambi ri ndi anthu akuno ku Africa. Asiyeni adzimangana okhaokha.
But what the benefits do malawi get their
The only time ndamva za ICC imakhala case yaku afrka basi kaya ndiumbuliu kaya…..i thnk we all afrcanz should tuluka tione azimzenga ndanino…….
#NdiliNdiFodyaKuAuction #2MonthsPano
The only time ndamva za ICC imakhala case yaku afrka basi kaya ndiumbuliu kaya…..i thnk we all afrcanz should tuluka tione azimzenga ndanino…….
#NdiliNdiFodyaKuAuction #2MonthsPano
To Hell with the so called political bra bra bra,Malawi should follow suit by withdrawing from ICC,we have nothing to lose by doing that.
what is ICC at all ? kuzolowera kulamulidwa ndi azungu basi
Mtundu wanga ukumdalira kwambiri mgelezi kuposa mulungu,
Kodi choyambidwa ndi mtsamunda mukuchidziwa mathero ache?
Pano tafika pano zaka 53, Malawi awinapo ingati milandu Ku ICC?
Nyanjayo nkhani yache ndi Tanzania siikuphulapo kanthu,
Mpaka naliti kudalira mzungu, mbava,womenyetsa mitu ya Maafrika, kudziika ngatidi iyeyo ndi munthu mwini zonse,
Tsegulani maso anu osaona inu.
Malawi atuluke mi ICC ntheradi pano.
Who are these so called political commentators? Their’s is merely aplatform for boosting their personality nothing else
They must do what’s best for the country
Iribe ntchito ICC kuyituluka basi mapolitical commentotor alibe ntchito.Macourts athu akwanira
Nyanja ikubedwa ija icc yapangapo kanthu? Ilibenchito
yatithandizapo chani? mukufuna adzawamnge a Petulo?
Amamena ndindani zimenezo