President Peter Mutharika on Tuesday presided over the swearing-in of newly-appointed High Court judges at a function held at Sanjika Palace in Blantyre where he advised them to work hand in hand with government to fight against corruption.
Writing on his official Facebook after the ceremony, Mutharika said judges occupy a very important place in the Malawian society because they are the guardians of the rule of law and justice which are key pillars for successful socio-economic development of any nation.
According to Mutharika, it is his government’s mandate to promote good governance through separation of powers between and among the three branches of government which are the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary.
“My government has the responsibility of ensuring the safety and security of its citizens, to protect and promote their dignity and to uphold the rule of law. For this to be achieved, as the Head of State and Government, I have the responsibility to ensure that there is an independent and effective judiciary,” said Mutharika.
“It is my hope that the new judges will discharge their duties to the best of abilities in serving a democratic population that is becoming more and more aware of their fundamental rights,” added Mutharika.
The judges who have been sworn in as High Court judges of Malawi are Joseph Chigona, Dorothy de Grabrielle, Ruth Chinangwa, and George Bakuwa.
Kkkkkk judges to fight corruption yes sure kkkkkk tiona mmene zithere poti corruption yasanduka mpweya pa Malawi kupanda kutero kaya koma sichinthu Chabwino ku mtundu wa a Malawi omwe ambiri sangakwanite kupereka ziphuphu kwa anthu amene ndi onenepa ndiziphuphuzo
Hahahhahahahaha Mr Longwe mesa mumkati Mr president amadwala ku America xo mukufuna akuuzeni chani? Even mutadziwa ndalama zomwe anawononga kumeneko ndiye mutani? Ndipo zikunyasani bwnji ngt ndalamazo anatenga thumba mwanu? Ndipo mukati boma la DPP ndi mbava umboni wanu uli kt? Kd DR Muluzi anali a DPP? Nanga JB mene amaba ndalama anali mu DPP? Wabwino palibe padziko lapansi aliyese ndiwolephera even mutakhala inu tsogoleri enabe adzadandaula ndithu vuto lamalawife timatenga mtsogoleri ngt othetsa mavuto athu malo molimbikira kumagwira ntchito km bas kuyang’ana zomwe akupanga President,mumawona ngt president ndiye othetsa umphawi wathu dziko muno ndamalawi angt omwe akuvutika& kt athandize athandiza angat? Vomerezani mene mulili bas pano zi2 zafika poyipa sikuno kokha ayiiii evn mayiko azathu akuvutika km poti sitidziwa solution yothetsera mavuto datsyyy timakhala bzy kulozana zala malo mogwilizana ndikupeza njira zothetsera mavuto athuwo.
Iwe taleka kulankhula za ku america, basi ukamakhala nkhani ikukupweteka ndiya ku america basi. Kuti a president anakakhala mwezi, ngakhale akuwerengetsere kuti anawononga ndalama zochuluka ndiye utani? Popezanso ngakhale udziwe, ulephera kumumanganso tatembenuka kumbuyo kwako kwasowa ndalama zingati? Nanga ndi anthu angati wa amanga, pambuyo pakuziwa zonse zowonongeka man anthu amenewo simungawakwanitse ngakhale mutalira chotani. Ndipo m’mabuku awo, inuyo muli kutali kwambiri saganizanso zainuyo.
Amwene ngakhale nyerere sizingaphe munthu koma zimasowesa ntendere mpaka munthu umakagula 7.Ngakhale sitingamange president ķoma zolankhulaźi zimamusuntha, Ndi chifukwa adabwera kuchoka ķu america kamba ka kulankhula kwathu ,Tiribe mphanvu zomumanga ķoma chikumbuntima chimamugwira.
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Katangale lakhala phala la DPP kuchokera Ku likulu lache Ku zigawo( maprovince) maboma ndimumanicipality mpaka namuma ward, onse ndimbava zokhazoka ndipo zosadalilika.
Mr. APM anapita Ku America pa 13 September’16 kumsokhano wa UNGA abwerako pa 23 Okotober’16,
Kodi mtundu wa a Malawi onse anauuza Chuma chimene anasakadza Ku Americako?
Kodi phindu limene apedzerera Malawiyu aulutsira zotsatira,zache?
Kodi chinavuta chiani kweni kweni kutaya nthawi yaitali chonchi?
Kodi kusankhidwa kwa majajiwo, zinatheka bwanji osawasankhira mutafik kuno?
Mbava zenizeni, sidzidzathandidza Malawiyu ndi Dead Peoples Party yakeyo.
Its not swear them to eraducate corruption but to hide and protect them because even president himself he is the master of corruption
What a man of integrity like you Mr. Maulidi, you have spoken out of all.
I like visionary citizens with no fear where credit is due.
Both of them are misery crooks, don’t ever trust DPP rigged vote of innocent idle Malawians.