The Blantyre high court has this morning ruled in favour of the Polytechnic University students, a constituent college of University of Malawi (UNIMA) on the controversial fees hike row.
Students from the university,obtained a court injunction restraining management from implementing the newly hiked fees arguing that the fees is be effective in the next academic year.

Following the injunction, the management suspended the opening to pave way court proceedings on the matter.
During the court hearing on Wednesday in Blantyre, the court advised the management to implement the fees in the next academic year following facts rendered in the court.
Speaking in an interview with Malawi24, lawyer for the students Wanangwa Hara applauded the ruling saying it reflects the facts presented on the court arguing that the University is a year behind other colleges under UNIMA.
“The court has ruled in favour of the students because the fees was to be effective in 2016/17 academic year while the college is in 2015/16”
“Talking about why the college didn’t appear before the court,the proceedings were supposed to be continue baring in mind that these are academic issues and delaying it means we are infringing other rights” said Hara.
Students union president Frank Mchapuka Msiska advised the students to pay the fees structure as before as instructed by the court.
The UNIMA council revised fees in the public universities arguing that the then structures of tuition payments were far below the cost of education on the world.
The hike saw the students demonstrating arguing that the revised fees were denying rights to education on poor Malawians.
Good guys.asatibele anthuwa.
I call for Mutharika to stepdown whether he likes or not before malawi get in deep shit!how long will be talking the same thing?
Mumakwana guys keep it up!!
They were hiking tuition fee by giving out lame excuses!! Yet thz greedy leaders sends zi ana zawo kunja kukaphunzila .Bravo Poly students, in three years tym wanga mwana akubwera Koko….
So will it for poly only or all constituencies for uniformity?A listenig govt?
Milandu ngati iyiyi Boma silimawina. Vayani pa wadiya guys mukamwenso ink
Nkhani ya bho
This sem tikhare nd #socialz special 4 these idiots!
Poly huwaaaa!
The court pumping senses in empty tins
And u think u r a full tin?
I believe the court is
Mbuli zapaPoly
Mbuli zimawina milandu galu iwe?
Galu ine? Ndubwerezaso Galu ine? Tayankhani mwachangu uchite kamutu kuuma ngat phwala
inu pankhomo pakwana ma ganyu timagwira contract inatha .takambani kuti ma sophomore fe tifike liti pa great wadiya campus .long live mr mchupukwa muimanso
Next will be dpp lost n by electionz ziyamba zokha viva poly
Wow good news
hahaha mayalo tamabwerani
Bravo ¡ Well done
Pamene azanu akufuna free education
The Polytechnic the giant of all universities in malawi.. VIVA frank mchupuka msiska!!!!
woww!!!!! like it “””
Mboma la Malawi silimawina miladutu paja
Boma laluza case???kkkk koma abale….Big up guyz
zakhalá bwiño ĺesson other kolejs .
We no demostrate for nothing. #Team_Wadiya
#huwaaa, tikaphuzile kulemba ndi kuwelenga bas
Zakhalabwino kutchingira kuti ana amzanu asamphuzire chani?aboma lamulo musamalisunge mkabudula muziwasiyila akhoti.
zili booo pamenepa uziwona bwana Apm
A good development!
Thank u god.
poly HUWAAAA! !!!!………
Haha ujk ayise
Bola zitatelo…..
Good News Indeed !
#Fees Must Fall
Good News Indeed !
Ngati boma likumaluza milandu choncho umangoziwilatu nawo ma judge alusa nalo bomalo….lawabowa
Hmn mdala ukunamatu apa, tayamba waganiza Judge ndindani? Ndimayetsa ndimunthu, nayensotu alindimwana wake atha kuphunzira komweko kapenanso akuphunzira panopa. Iyi sinkhani yoti boma, lingagwe chifukwa choti wina wagamula kuti boma laluza ai.
@ omega mwaganiza mwaumwana pamenepo do u know that court is neutral.
Gud news! ziwawa zija zapindula kanthu
kkk beta…
hahahhaha…..UNIMA komaaaa…