Zolozolo United are through to next round of the Fisd Fam Cup after beating Masendesende of Chitipa by 7 goals to nil.
Five goals from on loan Mzuni player Kadawasi and two from former Moyale player Zikani Sichinga were enough to send Zolozolo into the next round of the cup.
Speaking after the match, coach for Zolozolo Oscar Kaunda said his boys used what he told them.
“Thanks to my boy for taking my advice and indeed they used what I told them that’s why you have seen an early goal in five minutes of the game,” said Kaunda.
Zolozolo will meet Green Rangers of Likoma in the next round of the Fisd Fam Cup.
Guys Mbolo Panji Matongo Mesa Ngakuchindira Wanakazi?Vaugalu!Bolani Kavunguti/m’bozo
kkkkk eeeh koma Masendesende ndiyokanika amwene
Kutukwana kumeneko Please tchulani labwino loti manchester or Ginners kkkk
Kkkk masende…..
Koma guyz mpaka masendesende kkkkkkkk
Masendesende chonde asinthe zinalo kuno ndiku Malawi zotukwana ayi ife tikamakuitanani boma litimanga ife zimenezo ayi
Masendesende kuno kwa aZula ndi Machendetu ndithu ngati ndizina la Club aaaaaaa
Kkkkkkk pastor mbolo
Mesa masendende nd noma komanso chelsea fc
masendesende dzina la team ?
Naonso a zolozozolo sinali size yao.kumeneko kumafunika achina cpa untd akanaziwanso
Plx usationongere Dxina la Chealse ukuxiwa kuti Chealse the bluex iwe ukuyika xakoxo osapangaso ximenexo
Koma mayinaenawa Kkkkkk
Masendesende Pa Theba watukwana
Koma kutchula maina ama team amenewa kwa Apolice pa Jonzi, Mchitokosi ukalowa ndithu!!!
Ndiye mwati masendesende????
Kkkk awatu ndiakumudzi enieni koma muliluso anyamatawa super
Masendesende??? Imeneyitu nwini wake akhonza kukhala Pastor Mbolo kkkkkkkkkkk
Kkkkkklkkkkkk! Kd Pastor ameneyu alipo?????
Masendesende mmmm