The end of MCP: Jumbe fired from party as Kabwira, Njobvuyalema get suspended

Felix Jumbe
Felix Jumbe
Felix Jumbe axed from MCP.

There is no dust settling within the opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) as the party has fired vocal Felix Jumbe over what the party dubs starting up conflicts and divisions within the party.

Reports indicate that Jumbe who has been one of the heavy critics of the party’s leader Lazarous Chakwera has been fired together with Chatinkha Chidzanja Nkhoma, Southern region chairperson and Azam Mwale.

Recently, Chatinkha Chidzanja Nkhoma made headlines in the local media having claimed that Chakwera has been diverting party funds to fund the construction of his personal K650 Million mansion in Lilongwe, claims the President has shrugged off.

Jumbe on the other hand has openly criticised Chakwera’s regime on the state owned Malawi Broadcasting Station (MBC) making claims that Chakwera is failing to run the affairs of the main opposition party.

In 2015, the Salima Central lawmaker said that Chakwera was not a better leader due to his style of leadership, subsequently comparing it to that of the late Kamuzu Banda.

Lazarus Chakwera
Chakwera Chakwera: Has faced criticism.

Meanwhile, the party has suspended vocal Publicist, Jessie and Joseph Njobvuyalema.

Chakwera met with top executive committee members on Tuesday in Lilongwe where these decisions were reached.

Chakwera is also accused of failing to run the party citing the numerous squabbles that are happening in the party.

The chairmen also took the MCP to court to protest Chakwera’s decision to make changes in the MCP national executive committee (NEC).

Meanwhile, a group of suspended MCP regional and district chairpersons who on Monday had their case against Chakwera dismissed by the courts say they will fight hard to make sure John Tembo comes back as MCP president.