There is no dust settling within the opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) as the party has fired vocal Felix Jumbe over what the party dubs starting up conflicts and divisions within the party.
Reports indicate that Jumbe who has been one of the heavy critics of the party’s leader Lazarous Chakwera has been fired together with Chatinkha Chidzanja Nkhoma, Southern region chairperson and Azam Mwale.
Recently, Chatinkha Chidzanja Nkhoma made headlines in the local media having claimed that Chakwera has been diverting party funds to fund the construction of his personal K650 Million mansion in Lilongwe, claims the President has shrugged off.
Jumbe on the other hand has openly criticised Chakwera’s regime on the state owned Malawi Broadcasting Station (MBC) making claims that Chakwera is failing to run the affairs of the main opposition party.
In 2015, the Salima Central lawmaker said that Chakwera was not a better leader due to his style of leadership, subsequently comparing it to that of the late Kamuzu Banda.

Meanwhile, the party has suspended vocal Publicist, Jessie and Joseph Njobvuyalema.
Chakwera met with top executive committee members on Tuesday in Lilongwe where these decisions were reached.
Chakwera is also accused of failing to run the party citing the numerous squabbles that are happening in the party.
The chairmen also took the MCP to court to protest Chakwera’s decision to make changes in the MCP national executive committee (NEC).
Meanwhile, a group of suspended MCP regional and district chairpersons who on Monday had their case against Chakwera dismissed by the courts say they will fight hard to make sure John Tembo comes back as MCP president.
Dd DPP end when you fired Joice Banda
Dd DPP end when you fired Joice Banda
Zomvetsa Chisoni.
Hahahahaha sizinati muona
Kodi jumbe wants presidency?
Eya kaya, akuufuna kwambiri, koma chakwera wachita bwino kuwa chotsa anthu amenewa.
Mcp Boma 2019, nkholokoro zonse achitabwino kuzipirikitsaa
Why the end?
This is why our Christ Jesus is a winner
Kkk Kma Kumeneko
kkkkk koma chipani chankhuku sichidzathekadi, kaya zanu ife tili m’boma.DPP WOYEEE!
Gud movie azipita ku DPP komko akumutumako.He is an empty tin,vocal 4nothing.DPP yatikwana kwa nthawi yochepa sitikuifunanso.Chakwera is the only hope 4Malawi.Pliz dont dsturb him.Cant u c that Malawi’s rotten?
ine ndinaona kale kuti chakwela ali ndi chiwanda choipa kwambiri
listen to me all Mcp leaders, clean the party who ever is against Chakwara and adminsration must be fired don’t keep rotten things in the party. we don’t want Tembo he is old. komanso iwe wa Dpp khala chete ndikudziwa ndiwe ukupanga propaganda imeneyi ulephera
That’s the beginning of it
sanalakwe inu ,aliyense sayenerz kuyalutsa banja lake achoke
Abale mcp ndichani apa ndiye DPP basi
Kkkk, so u call this a political party which can rule Malawi? Nonsense
Mcp is not worth k2. and can’t be shaken becoz some prominent figures are now out, this is not the first time. Each and every party has got its code of conduct by which is regulated. Its not logic to do own wish in the name of democracy to demolish the party or insult the leader becoz he is a pastor, no. These guys were like secret thorns within mcp and that now are out, their acts will be well exposed and delt with accordingly from a distance. They will bark and bark but nobody is above the law. Big up mcp nec.
Mcp is a mighty party,Jumbe shud go to hell with his idiots of the so called ……………. Party. What a foolish tool of destruction. Remain diehard of MCP and Chakwera ndi deal.
Bola pamenepo tipumeko money is the loute of evil akapume jumbe yo and the party go ahead.amati angatani iyeyo wadziwika liti Mchipani
Mwinatu achinyamata inu simukudziwa,makolo anufetu tinazuzika thawi ya Mcp.kunali kuphedwa,kumangidwa,kuzuzidwa khaza zosiyanasiyana,nde wina lero adziti kwacha! kwacha! ufitii chani?
Hahahahahahahaa kupha ndi tchimo mmawonangati abusa amakunamizani lelo ndizimenezi mizimu yakwiya
A jumbe akulandira ndalama ku dpp,kumawawata pa m b c,zinthu zopusa,asayembekeze kudzawinaso 2019 wadya zomwezo
am still luving mcp wat eva ucn say, icnt luv family part lyk DPP, chipanivchimakhara cha banja, kupepela eti
Hello my name is john I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 4years I have being a HIV AID patient. I never think I will live long again and am so grateful to Dr sule who help me cured my HIV AIDS last 3 weeks. I was in a great pain so I told one of my best friends; he told me that there is a great spell caster that can cure my VIRUS. I asked him if he had his contact, he gave me his contactl, I contacted him he talked to me and he perform the necessary things and sent it to me through corrier delivery company and deliverd to me at my place and he told me that after two weeks I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth, so I emailed him and thanked him. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him/contact him via whatsapp +2348162447651
Anaonjeza a Jumbe kusokoneza mcp, akaloweno dpp amaichemelela nd philip bizinezi ija.
I lyk this
End of MCP because of hypocrite Jumbe? You must be kidding. udf tried and failed. dpp has always tried to find means of wiping out MCP but failed. Now the same dpp is trying again this time through my namesake Jumbe. Fact is that it will fail miserably. dpp succeeded in killing udf. These guys are mafias that deserve to be dumped in ’19. Many greedy politicians left MCP in the past like Ntaba, Daza, Bintony Kutsaira etc. They failed and that was the end of their political carreer. You don’t leave MCP and survive politically especially of you happen to be from the Central region
With or without Jumbe,mcp stands out strong..who is Felix Jumbe?
Kumalawi chipani ndichimodzi basi.
A Malawi 24 MCP sikabwira, Njobvuyalema kapena Jumbe! Chitani manyazi!
Bravo MCP NEC kuchotsa Jumbe ndi Chatinkha… Jumbe sanavomerezebe kuti analuza kwa Chakwera pa nthawi ya Convetion, that’s why amafuna asokoneze chipani. Iyeyo angamve bwanji kuti ana ake adzikanena zoipa za banja lawo ku ma neibors? Ayende bwino kupita ku DPP.
Chakwera is the greatest threat to APM, that’s why DPP is trying everything to bring back a weak candidate to MCP. But it won’t work.
I strongly doubt if Jumbe was a true MCP guy. pa TVM ankayankhula ngati wa chipani cha ma cadet.
Palibe ma games apa . Kuchotsedwa Kaya kuyimitsidwa kwa anthu amenewa sikungasinthe kalikonse MCP ayi . MCP ndichipani cha nthundu wa amalawi . Kuntha kwa MCP ndiyekutiso dziko lantha basi
Anatora wodusa chikwama.
Well done let him join DPP azikatokota bwino pa MBC he can be not a leader and 2019 uphungu wake watha
Chipani Chizitero Osamasekerera Anthu Ochepa Omwe Akufuna Kuonongetsa Mbiri Ya Chipani Monga Zipani Zina Zimachitira
“A group of suspended MCP regional and district chairpersons who on Monday had their case against Chakwera dismissed by the courts say they will fight hard to make sure John Tembo comes back as MCP president.” This now shows that Tembo is playing underground game.
Ngakhale kamuzu kunalibe ngakhale chinali kumbali yosutsa amzanu anakwanisa kuchisungatu chipanichi kwa zaka zaka mkukhalanso ndi moral heavy kma nanga inuu inuyo inu mukwanisa kuchisunga ndizimene mwayambazi?
Let those “DPP” who were sponsoring them swallow them and see if they won’t vomit them latter.
That’s how many Malawians believe, to sack somebody is the solution to the problems they face. To my opinion, I believe this is not a solution, coz tomorrow, you will want to sack another person. This Party need to be rebranded. In this party since there is a tendency of others painted holy while are wolves. Solve the main root which is in the midst of you players
What do u mean? The End Of MCP Koz Jumbe has been fired? Thats a joke! That wil stablise the party, I love MCP kut mwaaa!!
Akunama John Tembo Wachani?Ndiufumu Kodi?Akagwele Tili Pambuyo Pa Chakwela
Awuze zachamba basi akagwere Chakwera boma kale pompano
I was once an mcp supporter cuz of the party not cuz of chakwera..! Koma pano chakwera ndi manyaka eni eni… Bt nw i can see kuti palibe chipani chabwino ndi dpp basii…!! Dpp woyeee
good move
Ngatiso kuli athu ofoyila nde a MCP adpp ndi osokoneza heve koma amagwirizana. Andale apamalawi nose ndi adyera palibe wabwino mwina tiyese bushiri lot
kkkkkkkkkkk chipani chitha ngati makatani
kabwila suspended?..owo she has others who hv power more than hers…kkkkkkk
kkkkk very suprise kuifela konsekuja
Bring John T back Chakwera has never been a politician.The whole world knows he is the man of God. Kenani Banana tried and flopped,Kaleso , Kadawati and the late Nyondo, the same story.let musicians be mucisians and
Brothers are killing brothers
Sisters are killing sisters
Civil war kkkkkk
Its a pity and foolish idea for Jonah to board a ship to Taris instead of NINEVE.
Lets reorganise our party once and 4 all these conflicts and divisions wl lead us to nowhere..Mcp 4 lyf!!!!Asafuna akagwere kunyanja..
Lets reorganise our party once and 4 all these conflicts and divisions wl lead us to nowhere..Mcp 4 lyf!!!!Asafuna akagwere kunyanja..
nyasi zokhazokha
Masiku otsirizadi awa
M C P Is Fuck !!!!! Kkkkkkkk We can not stand up on the dead political party like this !! But at least if John Tembo can come back at his position may be things can change. Because by the time when Mr J. Tembo was a leader of the MCP , nobody was fired or Suspended from the party . So why Mr Chakwera m’mwamba ? Kkkkkkkk . Please , Mr Lazaro Chakwexy kkkkkkkk , Put it down and go back to your church and continue feeding ur spiritual words of God to the people ! Don’t mixup things , and also take note that, there is no any agreement between the church activities and the political activities !!!! Remember your God please ! Go back immediately b4 u get hate !!!!
ndundu zachoka tiyanike iswa tsopano.ngati mudapatsidwa ndrama kumati musokoneze chipani cha mcp mwaupondo.
End of Your mcp at malawi24 for us its business as usual! Ukamafinya chithupsa umamva kuwawa koma pomaliza umamva bwino. Jumbe and his friends should go!
MCP ndi chipani cha fuko, sichapa banja, (noone owns it) chili ndi constitution yake , uyo walakwitsa ayenera apatsidwe mwambo oyenera. Tele onse amene achotsedwa zilipo izo adalakwitsa , kuli an2 ambiri akhoza kutumikira mmipando mmeemo, zoti chatha poti a uje na uje achoka aaa m’mbwerela chabe izo. Bravo Chakwera!
zausilu we dpp we still stronger
So what? Anywhere Admin how are u? Hope u are fine, just no news yet.
MCP will neva fall…. Its owez strong
Chipani cha masiye ichi, kkkkkkkkkk, Eniwake adapita ndi luso lawo ……. Asalawa ndi ma learners kkkkkkkk Mulungu sangalore othawa nkhosau kulamulira Dziko ! Patavuta patatani, it is really impossible !!!!!! Nonse amene muli mu M C P, mitu yanuyo sikoka kkkk kkkkkkkk Chakwera Lazaro is really Stupid man !!!!!! He must go to hel !! Kkkkkkkkkk … . .. !!!!!!
DPP was also Bingus party
chinapitadi ndi kamuzu chipanichi a chair sananame kkkk!
zithe zimenezi
There was ogongwe, o ebel kayembe awa oku ntcheu awa tele osewa tele osewa adali makondom omwe DPP idagwilitsa ntchito koma onse adabwerera ku MCP
kkkkkkk dpp nkanyama koipa amawatenga anthu a mcp chikamayandikila chisankho akawathandiza kuwina kenako nkuzawataya. kenako amabwelela kuzipani zao hahahahahaha stil oppose 4ever ngati simusamala ndithu
Kodi akamati achosa mchipani zimatanthauza chani? Kodi kukhala mchipani amachita kufunsila ngati ntchito? Ine ndimaona ngati munthu amangosangalatsidwa ndi chipanicho. Ukakhala udindo amachita kusankhidwa ndi anthu. Funso mkumati kodi anthu amaitanidwanso kuza voter kuti wina achosedwe mchipani? Kapena munthuwina amangolota kuti awo basi tachosa mchipa?
Don’t come to our party u MCP u are full of blood munapha Aaron Gadama Dick Matenje komaso ndi ena ambiri kuja ku Mwanza kuchita kuwakhoma misomali kumutu kodi mumawona ngati ife sitikuziziwa nkhani zosezi.
Ndionjezerepo adaphaso Robert chasowa, Njaunju Anthu 20 ku mzuzu. mukuona ngati tingayiwale?
Nzimu a Gadama wayamba Ku zuza MCP…..mmaona ngati,, mungabisale…
kodi aja anapha anthu 20 ndani, nanga chasowa, mwayiwara kutchura zimenezi
kumzuzu kunaphedwa akuba osati anthu
Mzimu was chasowa uuse muntendere
Nanga Chasowa, Njauju, Mec Chair?
Focus my fellow Malawians!! Focus!
All politicians talk cheap.
A united strong opposition must be formed to keep
the Government on balance and hold those in power
accountable to deliver to all!
This Regionalism card story is old, boring..
We want Better economy, better education, less
Stealing, more jobs, more money for all. Simple.
But PP and UDF are all dead, and MCP is limping….
Lets face the fact…. DPP is out there roaming free
The end of MCP because Jumbe has been fired?Kudali anzake more prominent than him but MCP kept on so the strom may be very strong today BUT it is temporary we will survive
Eti? MCP isn’t a one man party as is the case with the rest of the political parties in Malawi. No-one is larger than the party ku MCP. This is (even less than) a storm in a teacup.
Pajatu amamudalila Kabwila nkuoba akuti the end
Izi zomati kunali anzake iye ndindani nzomwe zikupangisa our party kukhala ku opposition mpaka 20yrs +. Akachosedwa amalowela kuzipani zina ndipo sapita okha amakhala angapo ndiye kanambala kamapita nakachepabe.. so just take care ndikumangochosana chifukwa ena akufuna maudindo
So you want him to continue disturb the party?
zichosanani ife boma till 2024 and beyond
mizimu yakwiya!
viva Mcp
ZANU izo!!!
Kkkkkkk akabwira kulankhula kwambiri Lero Nanthambwe wazitengera,,,B Muluzi anati Chipani cha MCP chinapita ndi mwini wake Kamuzu lero siziiiiiiiiii
Jumbe chisiru nkhani kukanganakangana chisiru ameneyi apite nyani
l think they have made a good dicisinn to deter otherwould be a lesson.
gud chakwera boma 2019 ofuna kusokoneza mcp muchose nyambo za ddp
A Kabwira bwelerani mkalasi timakuuzani ife kuti ndale si zinthu, mutha ngati makatani muona.
Kkkkkkkkkkkk ziliko
mmmm sorry ngati Mwasowa cholemba asiyeni agalu awa
MCP singathe,achike onse a nkholokolo
Chipani cha Democracy, hehehe!!!
the problem aliyense akufuna udindo.thats why.nyau zavuta kufuna kupalasa mbwalo basi.
Chonchi ndiye mungalimbe ndi DPP?
dpp ndi moto kuti buuuuu.
Man mumakwana MCP inatha DPP nd Boma kkkk
Mukuzwa Kale. Tkulamula Bac