Following the hunger crisis in Malawi, the World Bank says it will be hard for the country’s economy to start growing rapidly soon.
Speaking in Lilongwe on Monday, World Bank country manager Laura Kullenberg said Malawi has diverted a lot of resources to support the starving population due to El-Nino weather that has paralyzed the agricultural sector.

“We have been hit hard by El-Nino and a lot of resources have been allocated towards provision of humanitarian support to citizens rather than long-term solutions to economic growth,” said Kullenberg.
In its quest to deal with the apparent hunger situation, the Malawi government allocated MK198.5 billion kwacha to the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development to avert the food crisis.
In response to emergency assistance to alleviate the suffering, the World Bank granted Malawi $22.6 million, just over half of which will be used to help curb acute malnutrition in under-five children caused by drought-related food shortages.
Being a country with agriculture as the economic backbone, Malawi is now triggering to stand for a growth with the country’s green gold facing a rejection on the market.
what we know is that God will provide
my people not suffer for malawi god the answer all the time ndife ndani ife atisamala basi
Dont worry #WORLDBANK our brave #President has arleady suggested good way of defeating it #ZITETE (grasshoppers) #MBEWA (Mice) we should eat.
We have more maize here in malawi,people are keeping their maize in their houses to eat in future,we are not fools.
Madala tazisiyani Ana avinepo ….kungoti ka ka ka
Cholinga chawo akufuna akufuna tizinjenjemela ngati kumbali yawo kulibe mavuto agalu amenewa
Nv fear dem Fuck up #white pipo u want takes us lyk #slaves only #jahova will provide food 4 us
We are tired of this every year’s SONG.
Tolelani 577 kwa alonwe anzanu
Its obvious that Malawi is undergoing trying moments
Yeah deal it will be like it
Wake up people of malawi from ur sleep there is still more time !!!!
Kkkkkkkkk so fun
Gods interversion
God has never forsaken Malawi.
Don’t mention the name of God in vain. K13000 per 50kg bag of maize thistime. The worst ever!
God is in control
What is world bank after all? We are a God fearing nation. We don’t fear you sons and daughters of Lucifer. Go to hell. Malawi has a lot of food in Jesus name. Remember Jesus fed over 5000 people with only 5 bread. We don’t need your support.
IF you don’t fear God that’s your probs, if the president and other few people don’t fear God, doesn’t mean all of us are like the same. Remember we are in end of times. Prophesies must be fulfilled. God help you
Mmafuna muziphunzira ulere? Ngati ulibe fundo just shutup. Rather than commenting useless things apa.
Sure. Tell him
I think World Bank’s stand is economical not religious.I fully understand that we’re a God fearing nation but that does not spare us from the human sufferings of this wicked world.Some of which are natural and some man made.We’ve experienced hunger in this country before not because we’re not God fearing then,let’s look at what the bank has said objectively for our own good as a country.
DO you know where money of world bank come from? If you don’t know, religion and politics, now a days move together. Pray hard then God will show you the truth.
My brother Gift,regardless of where the world bank gets its’ money from,the fact is that it has the influence which affect all countries and Malawi isn’t an exception,ask Goodal Gondwe he will whisper the truth into one of your pair of ears.Your insinuation on where the world bank gets money is only one of the many fashionable allegations about satanism.
So you should stop praising the so called world bank. You know they are under the amburella of Lucifer. Even those politician they are on the same boat. God cares everyone. And its only God who can rescue as from hunger and poverty.
I really appreciate your views but God will save us from whatever problems we’re facing as a nation through a medium.And the world bank could be acting in that set up,remember God assists those who first help themselves.Our effort guided by the world bank is needed before the Almighty God comes on the scene.
We can as well say, “You will die in Jesus name”…this is a shocking state of mind…
Kkkkkkk,,,My mother Malawi @52,,
Its better to die in Jesus name, than to follow devil’s wishes….
AMEN Blessings
We dnt care abot where world bank gets money from, but de truth must be said. Whether we are God fearing or not pple of are still starving. Does that mean they dnt fear God
Malawi has abundant food? kkkkkk amalawi yesu sangabwere kudzatipatsa chakudya. adanenetsa kut tigwire ntchito. awatu sakunyoza President. enanu mwatengera political grounds
Every thing goes. with god so just live in his hand he know what he did. Jah is so hard. people. sleep without food. Abount economy. mvutulo silinayambe lelo chifukwa cha njala iyi lakalikali
Dont warry about Hunger God is great
Vuto ndi munthu wopanda manoyoo
What is World Bank? Is it like Standard Bank or National Bank or OIBM? Can I open a Savings Account there? Does it have branches in all the districts like NBS Bank. If the answers are a BIG NO then why worry what the bank focuses. We all know even the local villagers that there is hunger in the country. Finito. And measures are being put in place to mitigate it. Finish.
They doesn’t know hw great is our God. We serve a mighty, living and true God.He promised that he will never leave us nor forsake Us He is God of our forefathers He fulfill His promises
Zili bho.Tigulise chimanga moDula
I knew this before the world bank
British are coming back to malawi to recolonise us peter must resign soon and very soon,
God help us
But God helps who helps himself.The mentioned guy did not starve because he reaped from what he sowed.WB is tryng t alert us.lf we neglect,people wil die.
In Genesis 26 Isaac sowed when there was drought. God instructed him not to go to Egypt because of the famine but to sow in the land he dwelled. To the glory of God he reaped a hundredfold. So inu a World Bank with your worldly economic principles musatiopsyeze apa siinu Mulungu. We serve the God of wonders muona.
I like what you have said
Thanks. To God alone be all the glory.
Amen to that
Haha’ As I re-read your comment, I realize it’s so positive as to be slightly obnoxious, Now scratch that. Firstly, I assume you misunderstood what’s been written,something really vital before you ever grab your keyboard. World bank has got nothing to do with our economically laden shoulders? they are just being honest. Hunger is a huge hindrance to our economic growth and that’s the point. I saw Malawi falling down like a boxer who had been hit by a hard punch earlier before Harvesting. By his Grace, keep it real and stay trill. God blessed the land that now lacks the harvest,time to repent!!!!!! A minor setback for a huge comeback. God bless.
Malawi has not fallen down and will never fall down. We are praying for our nation and nothing is impossible with God. We are trusting the best strategist who is God Himself. What is impossible with man is possible with God.
Die hard.
Its our fault. Not them think. About it
mbewa zilipo guyz
2 weeks maize coming ,,haha ha hiiii malawi .
Oh May God protect our country think about the people in the villages
Mesa ena anachita kupitira kunja kukalandira degree kut kuno zinthu zilibwino? ndekut amatinamiza ok tionana 2019 sipatali
Paja ankakakamira
So we were waiting for the World Bank to tell us our own hunger be serious Malawi please.
Kelvin Tanganyika
Kumalawiko palibe tsogoleli amene azayime pachulu ndikumanena kuti azathesa umphawi ndi njala dzikomo palibe asamakupusiseni ndiopusa bolanso tcheya.
dziko lili mmanja mwa agaru ili
We are in tatters
I just don’t get it…
When the country was declared a ‘state of national disaster’ my view was that we are giving some INGO’s, Local NGO’s, Government agencies/departments and even the private sector some heads-up to start working towards reducing the impact…. and now it is becoming worse also…
I see political entreprenuership in play.
We ve the money to cover this 577
Nkhan ikhale yanjala bas Eh amalawi kuvetsachison!
Hello I’m Samuel Okizou by name, I’m giving a testimony about Dr.Sule the great Herbalist, he has the cure to all manner of diseases, he cured my HIV disease, though I went through different website I saw different testimonies about different herbalists, I was like: “Many people have the HIV cure why are people still suffering from it?” I thought of it, then I contact Dr.Sule via email, I didn’t believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared the CURE and sent it to me via UPS courier service, they told me that it will take 3-4 days before I’ll get the parcel, 3 days later I received the package and I started taking the medicine as prescribed by him, after 7 days of taking the medicine I went for check-up, I was tested HIV NEGATIVE… IF YOU ARE SERIOUS YOU WILL BE CURED!!! contact Dr Sule on whats-app +2348162447651.
ngati pali big mbava ndi meneyi mmalawi muno
Iiiiiiii koma kupempha sizinthu Goodal yo angokhala ngati wabwinyika zitetetu nkamwamo kkk
Kkkk kkkkk, koma iwe wandiseketsa bwanji!!!!!kkkkk
oh God, please help us ( MW)
Kkkkkkkkk munthu wakulu kumwetulila kuti alandile chopemphacho athane nacho hahaha
Malawi needs a good shepherd
Actually its now
Ku Malawi kumeneko tikufa ndithu ndi njala basi!
nzaa obvious izi
inu muziona zachilendo ife tinazolowera malawi ndi m’mene aliri
inu muziona zachilendo ife tinazolowera malawi ndi m’mene aliri
Musamachuluse mwano mbuzi imadya pomwe aimangilila
We know already how had it will we don’t want somebody to tell us about dat just help if you wish not telling us what we already know
Sitikudanda. Mbewa, zitete, nkhanu, abuluzi, achule ndi zakudya zambiri tilinazo
@noel zinazo ndi poison, olo kuphika fungo lake limachita kumveka kuti uyu ndi poison.
uli bho
Chinkhalamba chakale chikubanso ngati Sterling timber Scandal KKKKKKKKKKK
Kkkkkkkk koma guyz
Koma woopemphaaa kkkkkkk kumeneku kuziwondesa cholinga awapase abeso kklkk