With no concrete plans in place and no mention of it in the new budget, Malawi leader Peter Mutharika had the audacity to tell the people of Blantyre that he will construct a new stadium for them to replace the death trap that Kamuzu stadium has become.
He was speaking on Monday during the inspection of roads project in the commercial city which some media houses have since called an early campaign for 2019.
Mutharika said the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) led government will transform Blantyre into one of the beautiful cities in Southern Africa.

“I want to construct a state of the art Stadium in this city to replace Kamuzu Stadium. I will transform this city so that it looks beautiful and a new stadium is one of my government’s projects that have been lined up for Blantyre City,” Mutharika said repeating himself a thousand times over as he has kept on mentioning that development each time he is in Blantyre.
The Malawi leader also promised to build a conventional centre to backup Comesa hall.
Currently, the newly built Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe is yet to be opened due to financial constraints which has prevented the facility from having toilets and flood lights.
Kamuzu Stadium, the current national stadium, was condemned by engineers during Peoples Party era three years ago after serious cracks were discovered in most of the stands, forcing football administrators to reduce the capacity from 45 000 to 18 000.
Iwe ukufuna ndalama umangile stadium koma ukumva za njala ili dzikoli?????
masibweni inu mbuzi za anthu etii mukuyakhula kunya tikuthamangisa BT muno komaso sibweni kapena tumbuka anakhalapo tsogoleli wa ziko? tawerenga kamuzu chigawo chapati basi nde mwela ukuinyoza uwone, muluzi. bingu . joyce ..peter ukuona palibe tumbuka apa kkkkk iwe sakhwi eti
Muthalika sadziwa chimene akupanga angoti bola ali pampando
Instead of telling people about food, u foolish what stadium for u puss
guys nnanena kale kt simmafuna kuona nkhope kapena kumva mawu ake. tsono apa mukutenga nkhope yonse nduu pa fb mufuna ndimangidwe chani?
mbewa ndi ziwala zomwezi!!!!kkkkkkkkkkk bznes imeneyi ndi deal.
Nice idea but, Do it in mzuzu also.
Zonse zonyasazi #Bakili muluzi to blame
That’s good
That’s good
Hhhhhhh kkkkkkkk gyz koma mkuluyi mupite naye ku Zomba salibwino akupenga
Hhhhhhh kkkkkkkk gyz koma mkuluyi mupite naye ku Zomba salibwino akupenga
pter pter pter!!! oky.chabwno
Ku Bt stadium ikufinikadi mangani bwana ku Mzuzu mungomanga ka ground kena kake kongowaphimda mmaso.
Kkkk Koma mthakati Ameneyu Nzeru Alibedi Etii Wayamba Kale Kukupusitsan Anthu Akumwela?Ndiwe Galu Wamunthu 2o19 No Vote
Ife Bola Ya Ku Llongwy Inatheka Ngakhale Inamangidwa Musali Kufuna. Usanyadire Zamawa, Pakuti Sudziwa Kuti Mawa Libalanji. Kapena Kuti, A Bird @ Hand Is Worth Two A Bird In The Bush. Thumbs Up For Patriotic Jb For Relocating The Stadium From Bt To Ll. Shame To Nepotistic Dpp.
Stadium yachani?mpira mwalephera!bola mumange makhola oweta mbewa!
ndalama zama albinos zmenezii mh mulungu alinanu ndimulandu bwanaa!
ndalama zama albinos zmenezii mh mulungu alinanu ndimulandu bwanaa!
Blantyre stadium ndalama zake ziripo zambiri,577bn ,zina ziri maBank akunja.
you fools. damn again..why osasonkhetsa chimanga kaye first then ndikupanga za masewerazo. chibwalo cha mpira, masewera zachani..what for. ndinjala ndani angakalowe muchi stadium chimenecho ndikumakasapota moreover chi team chake chomangogazidwachi.. koma dzikoli kaya mwina enanu ine ndie ndalephera no where to go
He might be joking bcoz he likes to do so. where to get with all those promises. we learns through mistakes .
Galu uyu mphokoso ndiye kuti ku contraction kuli cholowa chambiri kusiyana ndi Agriculture?
Mastadium ndiwokwana koma kozani zoti dziko libwerere mchimake mwakale wosati lipitilire kuonongeka ndalama zithandizire kugula chimanga komanso mankhwala zipatala zikatero ndizothandiza mulungu azadalitsa zikomo
Blantyre is almost City Famous all over de world idnt knw why mr President forget majority many like Blantyre.
kumzuzu ndiku tchire ndan angamataye nthaw kumabwera kudzaonera mpira kutchire ngat kumeneko.
Stadium amamanga ndi ndalama yaboma lamalawi? Amalawi nsanje bwanji? Inu phee muwona zikutheka ndi ana amutharika amenewa yakulilonge mumkatero lero siija
Whats special about ana amuntharika if i may ask
Ntchito zamanja awo zimawachitira umboni
Yes boss
Don’t forget about femine baba,what z stadium after….?
YAa! Mukakhuta mbewa ndi zitete muzikawonela mpila ku stadiumyo.
Ifenso kuno ku ndata imodxi
Where does this man wl get the money that wl bild astadium?lets not tell lies to be good to people please….is not the same man telling the #Malawi_Revenue_Authority_ to cut/charge hard the tax payers money?is not him with his current govennent is failing to employ cival servants i.e Doctors,nurses&teachers?,is not the same man who is failing proving malawians food? #Mr president lean to say the truth
Imangidwe basi ,koma voti yanga ayiwale .
Development back in Blantyre
Why to hav a stadium in mzuzu as if there is malawians there
I just want to see how many fools are in this comments
Eee koma yaa,masibweni akutha kutukwana msogoleli WA dziko ee,okey pitilizani tibwela ndi yokubusani nonse mu Blantyre, mwina mwaiwala nthawi ya angwazi IJA.
My worst decision i had made since i oz born is to hate JB and denied her avote.
Kutaya nkhwali kutsata mawanga a nkhanga; we are many crying of that mistake.
Muzisera aDPP nokhanokha et
Mmmmmm walezela uyu masile akuphweteka kkkj
Musiyeni munthu hau
Kampeni imeneyo bambo asakukuziwani ndani. Thesani njala kaye tione!
Ngakhale mulalate munyoze, mutukwane km APM + DPP mpaka 2024 wooooo
Tapangan zinthu zoti muwathandize anthu pa nkhani ya chimanga mu Admarc zinazo muzisove anthu mmidzimu akukhuta, zikanathandizatu.
Zomwe wakozekera kubera ndalama ana ama College ..palibe chanzeru ikani ndalamazo ku zakudya ndi kutsitsa ma fees ku ma school
Tamangani bola mu stadium mo mudzikatuka ufa
Amati ndiwabwino zatheka bwanji achewa kumathawa kwao bcoz of hunger. Amange stadium zanjala pambuyo titengerepo phunziro paja amati kusaziwa ndi kufa komwe.
Akamange ku Mulanje with the mountain ingapindule zedi ku BT angokonza Kamuzu stadium ija basi
Like ….. if you’re just here to read the comments ❄️
Day dreamer! Azikangoyendera misewu ya ma patch yomweyo, he doesn’t see his ship is sinking
njala ndilo vuto lakula.angasewele bwanji mpira ali njala
Kodi njalayo ikhala cholephelesa zinthu zina? Alephele kugula mankhwala chifukwa kuli njala? Alephele kupanga zitukuko zina chifukwa kuli njala? Kodi ku nyumba yalamulo kuli ma unduna angati?? Nanga zintchito zawo amazigawa bwanji?
Koma yaaa zoopsa njala imeneyi kumaganiza za izi
Tayamikilani fundo zina Agong’oli inu?
Pana anthu atopa ndi mfundo koma tione zikuchitika boss
Ndakumva Enock Nyilongo
Wayamba campain tsopano cholinga anthu apuse ng’oooooo tivotera Mcp ife ulendo wake ndiuno.
Za MCP kuti izatengaso boma uyuwaleko…….
2019 Chakwera ndi boma zoti tizidya mbewa ndi adzombe ife ayi
amalawi azayankhula 2019. Chakwera boma
boladi chakwera
Zoona umakavotera pitala president wamageyi? Sindindingapange
Who is Peter Mutharika..? A guy running the business of Mice and Grasshopers? Or that guy who claimed of having no any problem? Mmmm a new stadium in the republic of Southern Malawi with no budget indeed his business is doing much better than I thought!!!!
Kodi STADIUM yomwe yamangidwa ku LL ndalama zake zinachokela kuti? Nanga nthawi imene amamanga STADIUM kunalibe mavuto ena mdziko muno?
Hate that moron Peter
Ahahaha gud questions adah
Ahahaha gud questions adah
Was Bingu’s regime as a matter of fact Bingu was looking far away than this Bwampini
Ngati mundondomeko yawo mulibe ndeee aaaa kaya tiyeni bola moyo
Akuti Compaign Mbuzi Zakumwela Zipuse Poti Zeru Zilibe Ntchito Nkubelekana Bansi Ana Ambiri Nyumba Imodzi
this man is biased what about mzuzu?…….roads,hotels,studiums its sothern n central regions,,,,,dont expect to cheat us during campain to say you will get this and that in nothern #no_vote_boss
Campaign for 2019 term yose (5yrs)
karonga stadium yomwe akufuna kt amangeyo ndi kumwera kapna pakati?
how many things (development)have been put out for southern region its so many things bro,you will c that studium in bt will get finish be4 karonga one believe me,,,why koz is from there……
Kkk or musavote aku mpoto ur votes dnt counted we neeed stadium blantyre
i was just passing by but the only word that has just wasted my time is “with no concrete plans” they are not happy coz stadium ili ku Ls
Nzeru zabwino
Timangiren nafenxo timafuna zabwino after imeneyo pls mukamangenso ina ku Mzuzu
A P M,,woyeee!
Ndalama zomangisira stadium yo agule chimanga apatse anthu aku lower shire especially the lomwe belt chifukwa njala yakula moti chaka chino kuno ku mzimba talandila ma tenant ambiri odzalima fodya kuchokera dera limeneli kamba koti kwao chilala chidayala phasa.
akuti awasegulira farm yoweta makoswe ndi ziwala kuthyolo ndi ku Mulanje kuti asamasowe chakudya . akuti sangalore kuti anthu akwawo avutike
Mbuzi za mbuzi Mmalawi muno zomwe sizizalamulira Malawi mpaka Yesu abweranso #Northeners Amen
Kodi ndichaka chiti ku nsanje anakhalapo sogweledwa ndi vuto lanjala?
Mboli zanu we blantyre funa stadium nafe classic ngat sulima zako zimenezo
shame on this southerners they keep on suporting this #ibu munthu akuti mzidya makoswe ndi ziwala inu kuwombela manya #vindele vakufikapo
I think @makata u know that in Malawi its only northern region has well educated pple. In your entire life have u ever had kuti anthu akumpoto apita kumwela kukalima fodya? Mudzadya stadium zanuzo ife tili phe. Njala tikungoimvela munews.
nosense!stupid pple,stupid comments.
Atumbuka mwafatsatu apa oneday muzabwerera kwanu
Kkkkkkkkk atumbuka mumalira tikayamba kukunenenitu inu, kumpoto kuli anthu 50 and anthu ophunzira 40, kumwera anthu 200 ophunzira 50 ndikumati anthu akumpoto ndiophunzira? Kkkkkkkk mbuzi za anthu
Nchifukwa chake ndinu mbuli za anthu mmangobelekana no tyming
Kuno ndikumene mwafatsa kutukwanizana? Sibhokoma tiyenela kungomuunikila pitalayo kt ayambe walingalila zanjalayo chitukuko pambuyo
Amangadi kuno ndikwao! Anamanga bwanji karonga-chitipa road, njakhwa Livingstonia koti sikwao.DPP 2019 BOMANSO
This is biased reporting…….. “the president had the audacity…” koma serious??
Eya ka, the reporter wrote ” with no budget put in place, ” he still said it , in tyms lyk this when govt has no money , when we go for priorities , seriously
Ndi kwawo amangadi