The Winiko naked parade is not simply a matter of showing private parts, it is also a fight on social media with people who don’t think Winiko has private parts that can be shown to the public.

Member of Parliament for Mulanje South, Bon Winiko Kalindo, has lashed out at fellow DPP stalwart who also serves on the MACRA Board Bright Malopa on Facebook. In a Facebook post, Winiko has undressed Malopa for criticising him over his naked protest.
Malopa had posted questioning the wisdom of Winiko in staging the protest that is aiming at forcing government to act with speed on the murder of people with albinism especially by enforcing the death sentence on all the people who are found guilty of killing people with albinism.
However, Winiko responded to Malopa by telling him off as he was simply a rich person under the protection of the Police.
“The Naked Protest is not for you”
Winiko posted that the naked protest was not for rich people such as Bright Malopa who lived in gated compounds and are guarded by the Police. He also indicated that the protest was was for poor people who cannot afford the protection of the Police.

Winiko went far to hit at Malopa’s personality accusing him of being a boot-licker who charms his way into the Presidency to be given a post. Winiko challenged that he was voted into office as an MP and was not simply appointed after charming the President.
Why is Malopa afraid, is he an albino killer?
Winiko went far to ask Malopa why he was afraid of the death sentence.
He then insinuated that Malopa maybe was actually a killer of people with albinism and was afraid that once the President decides to sign the death penalty for the people convicted of killing others with albinism, he would be caught on the wrong side and get killed.
Chadzandiyani chimenechi, kodi ambuye mubwera liti? Anthu anu mpaka ayende psyata,hybo! Ang’eke.
This signifies the fall of DPP, tiyeni nazo tiwone momwe zithere.
Awiniko muitha mchitidweu waonjeza.
President wa dziko komanso anzake amene akuvomerezawo tionan posakhalitsapa,ndinanena kuti Malawi akanukha sadzamutha kum’bwenzera,Amalawi ndi mbuli inde koma akakwiya kayaaaaa
wiko yemweyo woyeee, muthu umuwoneke
awiniko apongozi anu amayi ao akazi anu akuti moni.
iam ready to see matchabwada a winiko
Kkkkkkk koma a winiko kukonda ndalama ngati Munthu wamayi iiiiii kuntha kwa dziko ndalama yatenga malo munthu wamkulu kuyenda maliseche a winiko shame mwana timamuvalika thewela kuti asamuonele kumubisa maliseche Koma ndithu Munthu wachikulire wa banja lake akayende mbulanda akazi ake ndi ana ake atichiyani zamanyazi kwa mbili naneso ndine mphawi koma siningapange ndalama kudzela mnjira yotelo
zochitika masiku otsiriza!!
Move iyi ndi ya boma foolish!! Kuvula zose basi more fire Mr Winiko. Ndadusa ine tionana ndimaopa GOD BASI DANIEL MU ZENJE LA MIKANGO, TELL DEM
Yovulayi guys its onother issue.mademo akhalepo koma zovulazi nzaukape.lets think of onother way!
Muyambire kupha malopeyo police ikalowa mmudzi wakuba athawa yekha more fire winiko aziulura ambiri sanati
yapapa afune asafune tidzavula tose amene akukanyizayo nayoni alimsdza ndipo asaoneke pamalawi pano ineyo ndidzavulira munyumba. winasakaniyankhula patsiku limeneli.
kkkk ofunadi tikonzeke tikamuone Winiko ali bwamuswe komanso tikaone kuti akewo ndi aakulu bwanji? ndinenatu masaya kkkkkk
winiko kuda kwako ndiye uyende maliseche ,,,it will something scare
Azoba akutumani eti
I’ll go wth u Mr Kalindo
Ndizovutadi koma bigyo zikumukhuza mmuntina aMalawi khaniyo siyachibwana moyo wa muthu ndiodura please please please!!!!!!
Nda amene ndmamuziwa
In the north we are going to start this naked parade from Katoto ground to Luwinga.Team Winiko
anthu mutinva musiye kupha ma albino or else we are in our streets naked supporting Winiko
Guys ineyo pakuona kwanga munthuyu ndiwamixala, kdi tikamuxatira kti tizayende malixeche ndye Cimene cingaxithepo pamenepa ndicani? wat de meaning of freedom fating ix dat? ppl pali njira zambiri zimene zingapangixe kuumiliza boma kti lipangepo kanthu pankhani imeneyi, winiko akuyenera kumupanga help pankhani imeneyi anayamba bwino kmano akufuna amalize ndi nxewero kuteroko zitati zovulazo zacitika xitikuona kti nkhani ya albino xizayima Kaye kuyambano kumakamba zovulazi? Guys tiyeni munthuyu akamalakhula zinazi kumutxutxako oxamangovuleza ndizopanda mutu zomwe. winiko hix comedian dnt kuteroko akuona ngti Ali patikufelanji
what’s d meaning of dt ,better ways to expless it rather than kuvulako ,zalowa sewero kapena?
Bwana Kalindo I’m behind you cause i don’t like these killings of our brothers and sisters and the perpetrators get away with it no enough is enough.
Anga ndi maso
kkkk koma
He is crazy
Winiko ndagwirinzana nawo maganinzo ako oyenda chibadwire udzayambire kuyenda nzinda wathu tidzakuone kakakkkk
Mmmm Mumeteretu mashalubu..
kodi winiko naked parade imeneyi ili pa #DSTV, nanga ayionesa chanel iti kuti ndione nawo #buno_bwamuswe wa winiko?
Malawi wa lero ameneyo ,,Ambuye bwelani muzangowakwapula anthu awa
Ineso ndili komko tikavula zuyenda basi ma albino ndi anthu ndakwiya nazo
Big up Kalindo, I will be the first to walk naked before you. Just tell me the date and time.
I will join you sir
azapindula chanino koma? pot lamulo silimapangidwa ndi munthu modz
The government and police knows the issue and Honorable will not go to protest while naked, but people should assist, Honorable to protect freely
Much as iam concerned with the murder of Albinos, i have also learnt that human beings are living like beasts and not as people. The love of money is the root of evil indeed. May be one could ask, where is the police whom we all claim to have in Malawi? Let me highlight that when the top canivores are involved in the act, the services of the police become incapacitated or disabled in order to save their career since everyone is working for money and not to serve the public. However i choose to converse with mr kalindo’s notion to indulge in a naked parade campagn as a fight to combat the murder of albinos in malawi. May be i should learn from him as to which hypothesis is he applying for such a campaign. otherwiswise i would solely agree with mr malopa that dramatising a critical situation like the murder of albinos could be pathetic to a policy maker like him. Or is he trying to operate in disguise may be? Every right has its responsibilities. May be as a politician, can you highlight as to what constitutional backing are you premising on since the ordinaries like me follow blindly knowing not what the constitution is all about.
Ofunika kuwaonesa anthu oyipawa kuti sakupanga bwino, tikuthandiza winiko tiyenazo.
Chikondi ndichofunika nawoso ndi anthu ngati lfe
I personally find sense in his no sense
man onesani mbolo basi!
ineso ndizakhala konko koma sinzavula nao
Nazoni zovulaso tikuthandiza
fire works #nyo#
fire works #nyo#
Kuvuridwe basi
mdara akupenga wexiwezi uku , choyendera maliphyata ndichani kukhwima chani?? ngat kulikufuna bushiri ngangayi iyaluka ndi2! and do u think pple can stop killing albino becoz wayenda malijoncho mxaaa think wisely Mr crazy b4 u act otherwise u will humilliate ua family!!!
zoopsa2 iz!!
Akanangogulitsa Dziko la Malawi ndi Azungu,mwina zinthu nkubwerera mchimake
Kikiki tizatole zithuzi
I join u winiko !!!
Zamma siku osiliza (owelenga khalamaso) ooneka ngati mwana wa nkhosa koma ndiuchimonso umeu Yesu alipakhomo.
Nthawi ya UDf azimayi amadulidwa mabele,DPP ya Bingu kunali Nachipanti ndi kusowa kwa akaidi m’ndende,PP kugulisa achinyamata mmayiko akutali ponama kwapezra ntchoto,DPP ya Peter yopha albino. Next President azabwera ndizina,tingokhala ochenjela ano ma last days.
Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm huuuuuuuuuuu.
Mmmm Africa(the Dark Continent) Y doin this? Ooo Lord help us plz now we r beyonding the Limit,Plz,Plz Lord come even today
Zajambula ka film
Malawi will be punished by Creator.
Wakulu Mukayenda Maliseche Nde Mwavulanso Enafe Kaaa! Nde Tsano Azimayi Azitiseka Poti Atifwala, Nde Mmm Kanizaniso Koma, Koma Sindikukuletsani Poti Ufulu Ndi Wanu Oyenda Mbulanda Koma Mutivula Enafe.
Winiko woyeee…mmakwana a MP…koma age ya ma participants ili motani..lets make it 18yrs nanga timaunda tikaone sanjika wa ahounarable
Ukulibe shalia law kuno.
Winiko, Mwaganiza Mochedwa Zachiwonetserocho. Ati Amve Nindini? Pakuti Ngakhale Mawailesi Akunenawa Akukwerezera Mchitidwe Umenewu Ndibwino Akamangokhala Osamaulutsa, Anthu Amchitidwe Otero Sakanachuluka Tsapano Apa Akulimbikitsa Kufunika Kwa Malubino
The idea of protesting z jst so nyc but the approach z somehow awkward……
kkkk tioneko zaonabo,
Awa asakhalengati achikondi bwanji angopeza malo owasungila anthuwa sizopakana thope mmaso apa kukhala ngati akhuzidwa kwambili zonama izo kuthekaso ndiamozi okuphawo ngati zawakhuza ndanenakale awa pezele malo okhala basi
Winiko akufuna kukhwimira ma albino….
I can understand his frustration and passion. But where is his honourableness if he walks naked in the streets? I feel he can walk and March without being naked and still send the same message home
A man with respect for his name and knowing that there is more to live for after such a parade Will use common sense is
Kkkkkkk koma omwe mukupha albino mutiwonetsa zowopsa ife…
winiko sazatheka kkkkk
Timu joina bwan winiko tiende basi abale athu asamafe ngat ntchentche za 7 day tivula we need the man like kulilongwe we are ready for demo mr
Timu joina bwan winiko tiende basi abale athu asamafe ngat ntchentche za 7 day tivula we need the man like kulilongwe we are ready for demo mr
koma ndiye zizakhala bwino?mukufuna kupalamulisa anthu,ine ndiye ndizango khala,kulibwino kumangowa pephelela basi.
Kodi a winiko nawo ali ndi mbolo yotani yoti azichita kutibowa nayo choncho? Aaah. Taona mbolo ife, osati mtedza umene akunyadilawo
winiko !!!!!!!
Nanga eni akewo atipo chani pa za demoyo? Apatu mtsogoleri wapezeka maka akanakhalapo anthu olimba mtima ngati awa mai wathu Malawi akanakhala bwino
Kkkkkkkkk achipatalanso ali konko yosadula iliyonse ikadulidwa tichepetse mliliwu, tikayamba ndi ya chilomwe ya Winikoyo
Thats useless,The population of pipo with arbinism here in malawi its less than aMillion.Why can’t a government provide there own place as(ophanage center)for there own security.
Imagine only about 10,000
You mean the Army can’t provide security?
When doing things we hv to think and dadecact hence one word is enough to a human being.
Nde mukuti tikayenda bedulabedula mumzinda???? kkkkkk
This is fucken crazy.
atleast condom yokha tikavale kusiyana ndi kungoyenda buno bwamuswe, PSI do something.
kkkkkkkk koma awiniko namwe
Kalindo, i’m in your shoes kut mchitidwewu opha ma alubino utheretu komabe ukuziwa kuti ukamazayenda mbulanda mminseu katundu wako yese amene akazi amadalira komaso amene amamutenga obisika azakhala pa front page a newspaper ose?
Wat chitisa manyaz mayiko ena anthu ngat awa siofunika ku nyumba yamalamulo
Palibe kuchita manyazi apa,anthu amapanga zimenezo pazionetsero zopusa kunjako pamene apa ndi nkhani yowona ndithu,a President anuwo chidwi alibe pa anthu awo and iwowo sankamveka nkomwe kalelo anali ku America and za Amalawi palibe chomwe akudzoiwa and anabwera kuno kamba ka bro wawo Bingu pofuna kudya nao and now ali pa mpando and palibe chomwe wachita panthawi yomwe walowayi,kunali Bakili anthu anaona zomwe anachita,kunabwera Bingu anthu anaona zomwe anachita and ogwirizira ajanso amai,mbali yake anayesa koma awawa palibe chomwe akuchita,kwao nkudyerera basi,nchifukwa chake anatenga anthu 115 kukawaonetsa momwe ankachitila nthawiyo kwawoko ku amalekako coz kuno ameneyu sikwao mutati munfufuze bwino mumpeza kuti ndi citizen waku America zikadzamudyera kulephera paudindo mudzaona akuthawira ku america osabweranso blv me,just ask amai aja ali kuti? Nao anathawatu paja…..
Xonad APM akanika udindo wawo koma xixovulaxo akanangopempha kut tkayende munxewu coxnkhan iyi xiyapano nde kv xnayambika kalekale ngat cashgate ijaxo comwe tngapange nd kukhaxikixalamulo lamphavu wokupha nayexo aphedwe komaxo kuthexa axing’anga mwina xinga xinthe
Following ………
asayende yekha athandizidwe mwina amabugwe achitapo kathu
I see the passion of ths honourable being to help reduce the plight of our brothers & sisters. Surely, the good shall prevail over evil. Bravo winiko 4 the love. Yes haters wl arise wth their silly arguments.
I see the passion of ths honourable being to help reduce the plight of our brothers & sisters. Surely, the good shall prevail over evil. Bravo winiko 4 the love. Yes haters wl arise wth their silly arguments.
Kkkkk amafuna the whole world to know him
Ok lets wait and see, the idea was quet good but going completely naked was just the same as madness and Mr Winiko needed a special treatment for that.
He has nt yet
tilikomweko bwana winiko ineso ndikayenda nawo maliseche osekayo sekaunye zikamutsalila
TIKUFERANJI pa TIMES TV loweluka lilironse 7:30 madzulo
I see the passion of ths honourable being to
Tiyeni nazoni kut anthu aziwe chowona chake
President aliyese amabweletsa ma deal ake ,uyu ndizimenezi zopha ma lubihno deal ndiyake
Komadi munthu amatha kupusa atakula kale ndithu hahahaha kavuleni ana anu akuonereni kkk ndimkayesa ndiwe solo hahaha
Mmmmm dzuka Malawi …. Uyu kwa sing’anga adamuuza kuti alemere ayenera kuyenda maliseche ,,,, kwa albino ndipongozembera chabe
Mwapadera Ndipemphe Mkazi Ndi Ana A Olemekezekawa Akaonele Bambowa Akuchita Achionetserochi. To Protest Is Proper But The Strategy Think Twice Or Thrice Mr MP
U mad
Winiko Akunena Zowona kwambili Chifukwa Zanyanya kwambili.
Bwanji tipange mu October bwana MP.Kukuzizira man,maganizowo sitikuwakana.
Koma Ndiye
Umbuli ndi matenda!
Takaendeni ifeso tikutsatirani olemekezeka.
let hm do ………..dnt sy smuthng my be mwina zikuku sangalasan zomwe zkuchitkazi
Sopano pamenepa tizakavula konko kapena tizachoke kunyumba titavula kale ngat tizakavule konko osunga zovala apezeka kale kapena tizakaapeza konko NDE pakutha pa zonse tizakavalano kapena tizakwera ma minibus kubwerera mmakwathu tili malisechebe…..titumizireni mayankho komanso tsiku ndi nthawi yoyambira zonse komanso mutiziwise ngat kutakakhale zakudya kapena tizatenge zathu chifukwa lunch ikazakwana tizakhala Kaye ndikudya kenako kupitiriza ulendo…..
Winiko akuyenera kufotokoza bwino bwino sitikumvesayi.timutengera ku Mental akapanga masewera
mini bus simungakwere muli maliseche, mutha kusetela mipando ndikutionongela business, choncho popita kwanu kayendeni pansi basi.
mini bus simungakwere muli maliseche, mutha kusetela mipando ndikutionongela business, choncho popita kwanu kayendeni pansi basi.
Zopha Ma Albino Si Zili Nyatwa Komaso Zoyenda Limulimu Si Dlu,Winikoso adzingopitiliza Za Masewelo Atikufelanji Ngati Wa Khuta Ndalama Za Cashgate Asati Pundulile Atsogoleli Amawa, Akayambe Wa Vula Mbulanda Pa Khoti Ngati Sa Kwidzingidwa,mwanzelu Apephe a P Kuti Opha Ma Alubino Akakhale Moyo Wake Onse Ku Ndende Ndi Kugwila Nchito Ya Kalavula Deya,Malawi Kulibe Malamulo A Shaliya Kuti Opha Nzake Aphedwe,kaya Mwanva?
tsopano inuyo mukuti amlawi tirani pamene zinthu zafika poipa A malawi timazika ndi mbili yabwino koma nanga anzathu ammaiko akunjawo aziti ndife otani? chonde winikoyo mbali yina timvetse simawawa zikakhala pa iweyo kunena zoona dziko la mkaka ndi uchi lija kulibe pano ndimbili chabe muzimvele chisoni pena pake tisama comente ngati umunthu tilibe ngati pali cholakwika zuzulzni bwinobwino chonde.
kkkk koma Tony eeeeeee ayi.
kkkkk iiih a tink tizavulila kunyumba kut anthu azadziwe kut tupita ku ma demo
Kkkkkkkk! Wagunsa bwino Tony. Tidziwe dongosolo tisananyamukedi, mwina nkofunika kuvuliratu kunyumba konkuno, we never know.
Koma azathu taganizirani izi #agadafi anthuwa komanso #ndatazo zikabwire dothi kapena zitsotso muyembekezera kuti chigololo chizizakoma? mmmmmm Ganizani bwino guyz kkkk
Zaziwika kuti apolisi Ali tcheru kuzanjata ndikutsekera uyo aliyense ozayenda chinochino pofuna kukakamiza nyumba yamalamuro kuvomereza lamulo loti opha ma alubino aphedwe…..choncho powopa kuponyedwa mchitokosi tilinso mbulanda ndikuzizira uku ndukulengeza kuchoka mgulu LA anthu okayenda maliseche….
fodya weniweni koma malamulo agwila ntchito
Ma camera mmanja basi patsikulo.Pa whatsapp pazakoma bwanj?!!!!kkkkkkk
Kkkkkkk koma
I see no sense to what the commedian is trying to do.That joke will not solve anything. If hes really serious let him jeopardize his own life by going on hunger strike and remain on the get that leads to parliament. He must continue with the strike until the death sentence for murderers, not only of the albinos, is approved. Walking nude along the street is total madness.
Go ahead winiko ndichyambi chamisala yakoyo munthu ukakwiya amavula? ngati zochita zakusowa osamagona bwanji poti ndwe chitsiru kale pitiliza
Winiko shld disregard Bright Malopa. He is a merciless man who nearly killed 300 MBC/Tv employees who were alleged to be sympathisers of JB during Bingu regime by unfairly dismissing their employmebts. Bright Malopa is a heartless man. He is attacking Hon Kalindo jst to win favours from Mutharika. Bright think by fighting Winiko can go back to state house again. Go Winiko go. We are fed up albino killings. They are people and deserve to live without fearing of their lives
Bola osalatota muli pakati pansewu kkkkkk
Koma bwanji osaganiza zoyala National flag pa Lilongwe bridge kuti anthu azikaiponda while naked?
Koma bwanji osaganiza zoyala National flag pa Lilongwe bridge kuti anthu azikaiponda while naked?
Koma bwanji osaganiza zoyala National flag pa Lilongwe bridge kuti anthu azikaiponda while naked?
My God!…I will miss that marching!
How I wish I was in Malawi!
My God!…I will miss that marching!
How I wish I was in Malawi!
My God!…I will miss that marching!
How I wish I was in Malawi!
Let’s wait and see
Let’s wait and see
Let’s wait and see
Tikachonge ma centimetre kumeneku basi
Tikachonge ma centimetre kumeneku basi
Tikachonge ma centimetre kumeneku basi
Kkkkkk osandipwisitsa ndipwete ine go on man ur the best
Kkkkkk osandipwisitsa ndipwete ine go on man ur the best
Kkkkkk osandipwisitsa ndipwete ine go on man ur the best
Sukulu ndiyofunika Malopa akuti lamulo liripo Loti Wakupha Aphwedwe and iweyo Winiko wasiyilanji kuvula Malaya Munyumba yamalamulomo nde mwagona opha ma albino, Misala yako uzipenganawo bwino INUYO A DPP your are the ones killing albinos uziphimba ana Watumidwa tiziti winiko ndikaswiri
Sukulu ndiyofunika Malopa akuti lamulo liripo Loti Wakupha Aphwedwe and iweyo Winiko wasiyilanji kuvula Malaya Munyumba yamalamulomo nde mwagona opha ma albino, Misala yako uzipenganawo bwino INUYO A DPP your are the ones killing albinos uziphimba ana Watumidwa tiziti winiko ndikaswiri
Sukulu ndiyofunika Malopa akuti lamulo liripo Loti Wakupha Aphwedwe and iweyo Winiko wasiyilanji kuvula Malaya Munyumba yamalamulomo nde mwagona opha ma albino, Misala yako uzipenganawo bwino INUYO A DPP your are the ones killing albinos uziphimba ana Watumidwa tiziti winiko ndikaswiri
Tidziwitsen Tsiku Lake Tikamatche.Munthu Akakwiya Samayang’ana Zonena Za Anthu.
Tidziwitsen Tsiku Lake Tikamatche.Munthu Akakwiya Samayang’ana Zonena Za Anthu.
Tidziwitsen Tsiku Lake Tikamatche.Munthu Akakwiya Samayang’ana Zonena Za Anthu.
yenda malise ndi ako
yenda malise ndi ako
yenda malise ndi ako
Winiko waganiza bwino onani amzathu akuphedwa.
Winiko waganiza bwino onani amzathu akuphedwa.
Winiko waganiza bwino onani amzathu akuphedwa.
Masiku osiliza.
Masiku osiliza.
Masiku osiliza.
Kkkkkk koma winiko
Kkkkkk koma winiko
Kkkkkk koma winiko
Zofunika kutero komaso tisaiwale Mulungu akaweluza malingana ndi nchto zanthu
Zofunika kutero komaso tisaiwale Mulungu akaweluza malingana ndi nchto zanthu
Zofunika kutero komaso tisaiwale Mulungu akaweluza malingana ndi nchto zanthu
nde Winiko ameneyo Amakhara ngat ali serious koma eeeee akuzembera thumba la ndalama mumuona akadyesedwa masikono atiko ziiii Mutifuse ife ku mulanje anayambapo za phiri koma anangomudyesa masikono pano ziii mot zovula angofuna adye dolla basi ndipo chenjerani anzanga A malawi
you are,right,man,anatipusisa pamo ali chete after atalandira cash ndi anzake aja,amfune omugonetsa tuloyo.
wamuona akufuna atidyere a Malawi ameneyi
nde Winiko ameneyo Amakhara ngat ali serious koma eeeee akuzembera thumba la ndalama mumuona akadyesedwa masikono atiko ziiii Mutifuse ife ku mulanje anayambapo za phiri koma anangomudyesa masikono pano ziii mot zovula angofuna adye dolla basi ndipo chenjerani anzanga A malawi
you are,right,man,anatipusisa pamo ali chete after atalandira cash ndi anzake aja,amfune omugonetsa tuloyo.
wamuona akufuna atidyere a Malawi ameneyi
nde Winiko ameneyo Amakhara ngat ali serious koma eeeee akuzembera thumba la ndalama mumuona akadyesedwa masikono atiko ziiii Mutifuse ife ku mulanje anayambapo za phiri koma anangomudyesa masikono pano ziii mot zovula angofuna adye dolla basi ndipo chenjerani anzanga A malawi
you are,right,man,anatipusisa pamo ali chete after atalandira cash ndi anzake aja,amfune omugonetsa tuloyo.
wamuona akufuna atidyere a Malawi ameneyi
Mmmmm ndizoona akutiphimba mmaso
Mmmmm ndizoona akutiphimba mmaso
Mmmmm ndizoona akutiphimba mmaso
kkkkk ifedi tinkayembekeza kukhala ndi dziko la2 la2 ku mulanje- thyolo kma antangomudyeza chimtuwisa adangoti ziiiii
Koma plz kameteni osatipangisa manyazi chonde
Koma plz kameteni osatipangisa manyazi chonde
Koma plz kameteni osatipangisa manyazi chonde
I’ll join you Winiko
I’ll join you Winiko
I’ll join you Winiko
Kkkkkkkkkk zaulendo uno
Kkkkkkkkkk zaulendo uno
Kkkkkkkkkk zaulendo uno
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk zaulendo #Kalindo more fire kma zokayenda malipyatazo ayi wakulu ganizani bho bho
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk zaulendo #Kalindo more fire kma zokayenda malipyatazo ayi wakulu ganizani bho bho
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk zaulendo #Kalindo more fire kma zokayenda malipyatazo ayi wakulu ganizani bho bho
i can imagine seeing a Fat man naked (a good time to see the difference between a fat and thin men)
i can imagine seeing a Fat man naked (a good time to see the difference between a fat and thin men)
Kodi Winikoyu ali ndi mkwazi ndi wana? Chida chake chilibwanji kuti achidalire chomchi kuti awonetse mzinda onse? Kupha albino ndi u mfiti ndipo tikukana tsopano kuyenda masana maliseche ndikuonetsa ana a under age ziwalo zolaula, MBOLO ndi mavuzi Mr. M.P. Si u mfiti omwe tikukanawu? Zinthu zaonongeka kale uku sikuonjenzera kuonongabe chikhalidwe ndi mwambo wachi Malawi? I think he needs 2 re- evaluate the decision and do the show in the mature and polite way. We are behind the protest but we are not mad. Let the mad people follow each other then if it is the case.
Kodi Winikoyu ali ndi mkwazi ndi wana? Chida chake chilibwanji kuti achidalire chomchi kuti awonetse mzinda onse? Kupha albino ndi u mfiti ndipo tikukana tsopano kuyenda masana maliseche ndikuonetsa ana a under age ziwalo zolaula, MBOLO ndi mavuzi Mr. M.P. Si u mfiti omwe tikukanawu? Zinthu zaonongeka kale uku sikuonjenzera kuonongabe chikhalidwe ndi mwambo wachi Malawi? I think he needs 2 re- evaluate the decision and do the show in the mature and polite way. We are behind the protest but we are not mad. Let the mad people follow each other then if it is the case.
Ndiye ngatidi wayidalira mbolo yake Winikoyo asaletse anthu kujambula…sinanga kukwiya kwakeko kuphelezele.ana awone mbolo yabambo wawo…sindikukhulupilira kuti nkazi wake wavomera .Palibe akukondwera ndikuphedwa kwa ma albino koma osati way out yake ati kuvula mbulanda.i prefer hunger strike. Azikakhala pa get yakupalamentiyo osadya osamwa madzi until death sentence on the killers ivomerezedwe.
Ndivomelezana nawe bwana Inkosi Matumbi. Kkkkkkkkkk! Maganizo ako ndi anzeru. Ndiwedi Inkosi ya makosi!
Kkkkkkkk zoona bro matumbi
Kma yeah
Kma yeah
Hon Kalindo, osatengela ma protests a kuja kumabweretsa m,malawi. Ngati ndi fodya wamkulu, you derseve not to be a good leader. you as Mp, i thought you could bring the issue on a table and overcome this barbaric actions. “in my belief, these barbaric action do envolve big guys out there”!!! Dr Kamuzu,s time=blood suckers, Dr Muluzi’s time=breasts cutters, Dr Bingu’s time=private parts deals, Dr Joyce Banda’s time=controlled with abit smells of barbaric actions and now Pro Apm time is so called #albino deals. (its so barbaric and we only needs good leaders in malawi who will put people at heart first) “unless if Hon Kalindo’s motives is on clazy drama then malawian kids will see how big his nude”..
Hon Kalindo, osatengela ma protests a kuja kumabweretsa m,malawi. Ngati ndi fodya wamkulu, you derseve not to be a good leader. you as Mp, i thought you could bring the issue on a table and overcome this barbaric actions. “in my belief, these barbaric action do envolve big guys out there”!!! Dr Kamuzu,s time=blood suckers, Dr Muluzi’s time=breasts cutters, Dr Bingu’s time=private parts deals, Dr Joyce Banda’s time=controlled with abit smells of barbaric actions and now Pro Apm time is so called #albino deals. (its so barbaric and we only needs good leaders in malawi who will put people at heart first) “unless if Hon Kalindo’s motives is on clazy drama then malawian kids will see how big his nude”..
Komanso sibwino kuti alowese nthabwala zake zija pankhaniyi.i think he’ll change his tune from naked to blouses
koma ngakhale kale timkanva kuti albino safa koma amangosowa.izi zinayamba kale koma kunalibe mwayi wolengeza zimenezi ,ku malawi.
Amalawi tisazitengele masewela.winiko chimene akufuna ndikuthetsa mchitidwe wakupha ma albino.tiyeni timumvetsetse munthuyi ndikumuthandizila
Amalawi tisazitengele masewela.winiko chimene akufuna ndikuthetsa mchitidwe wakupha ma albino.tiyeni timumvetsetse munthuyi ndikumuthandizila
Kuyenda maliseche kusinth a chani?
Kuyenda maliseche kusinth a chani?
welcome Winiko I support u!! definately i show my support to u!!!!!!!
welcome Winiko I support u!! definately i show my support to u!!!!!!!
Mmmm am going to start suspecting Malopa on this matter.
Mmmm am going to start suspecting Malopa on this matter.
you see?? this is the only stupidest thing with Malawian. this issue is real and something big, mwina mukanati muli nawo abele abvutoli sibwenzitso this good citizen and same time my model atayenda panseu maliseche… but simply you don’t have one it means nothing to you… Now my question is, where are other MP’s ??And you mean you don’t have albinos in your constituencys?????
you see?? this is the only stupidest thing with Malawian. this issue is real and something big, mwina mukanati muli nawo abele abvutoli sibwenzitso this good citizen and same time my model atayenda panseu maliseche… but simply you don’t have one it means nothing to you… Now my question is, where are other MP’s ??And you mean you don’t have albinos in your constituencys?????
winiko tidzavulira limodzi suli wekha rikambilirane bo bo ku inbox
winiko tidzavulira limodzi suli wekha rikambilirane bo bo ku inbox
kkkkk couzy waganiza bwanji compretly nacked?
Mukudziwapo kanthu chabe bunz ili pakamwapo
Mukudziwapo kanthu chabe bunz ili pakamwapo
Aaa Chimenecho ndiye chamba basi,Nanga iwe Winiko maliseche akowo angakhale chida chothelana ndi anthu amene akupha ma Albno?Ngati zakukanika kunyumba ya malamuloko ndiye ukayende chinochino zitithandiza chani ife amalawi?Kodi nkhani ya ziwalo za anthu yayamba lero?Muti mutilaulepo apa ana a njoka inu!Nanga ndi anthu angati omwe akuphedwa mu ufiti chonsecho muli maso tong’ooo kunyumba ya malamuloko nkumanena zoti ufiti kulibe.Ndiye apambana chani ma Albinowo kuti ukayende kwapakwapa?Kanundu ophatikiza ndi tea waku Thyolo ameneyo….#AliyenseAlindiUfuluokhalaMoyokomansoOsaonaMaliseche
Aaa Chimenecho ndiye chamba basi,Nanga iwe Winiko maliseche akowo angakhale chida chothelana ndi anthu amene akupha ma Albno?Ngati zakukanika kunyumba ya malamuloko ndiye ukayende chinochino zitithandiza chani ife amalawi?Kodi nkhani ya ziwalo za anthu yayamba lero?Muti mutilaulepo apa ana a njoka inu!Nanga ndi anthu angati omwe akuphedwa mu ufiti chonsecho muli maso tong’ooo kunyumba ya malamuloko nkumanena zoti ufiti kulibe.Ndiye apambana chani ma Albinowo kuti ukayende kwapakwapa?Kanundu ophatikiza ndi tea waku Thyolo ameneyo….#AliyenseAlindiUfuluokhalaMoyokomansoOsaonaMaliseche
eee tiona ma ruga uno ulendo
eee tiona ma ruga uno ulendo
This is not the first country to protest while naked if u follow African news google what happened in Kenya last year when Obama was in Kenya nothing new here big up my Mp l can c its only my mp who is very concerned with this killing of people leaving with abnisim the whole pariament of mw sham on u guys in parament
This is not the first country to protest while naked if u follow African news google what happened in Kenya last year when Obama was in Kenya nothing new here big up my Mp l can c its only my mp who is very concerned with this killing of people leaving with abnisim the whole pariament of mw sham on u guys in parament
kwa amene amatsatira news za BBC imeneyi sinkhani ya chilendo kwenikweni koma mwina vuto ndiloti kwathu kuno nkuyamba kuti zotelezi zichitike
kwa amene amatsatira news za BBC imeneyi sinkhani ya chilendo kwenikweni koma mwina vuto ndiloti kwathu kuno nkuyamba kuti zotelezi zichitike
kkkkkk koma yah
kkkkkk koma yah
Kkkkkkk….koma nde tkaone kut nd yodula kapena yosadula ndkunena njira kkkk
Kkkkkkk….koma nde tkaone kut nd yodula kapena yosadula ndkunena njira kkkk
Lets get the point guys…. Mr winiko is only trying to show how angered and synthetic he is over this Albino saga…… Not exactly what you think
Lets get the point guys…. Mr winiko is only trying to show how angered and synthetic he is over this Albino saga…… Not exactly what you think
Akazi ndi ana awo akudziwa koma zoyenda malisechezo?
Akazi ndi ana awo akudziwa koma zoyenda malisechezo?
Ine sindidzavula nsanga pokha pokha Winiko atadzavula kkkk
Ine sindidzavula nsanga pokha pokha Winiko atadzavula kkkk
Chonde MBC Tv muzajambuleko nafe akutali tizaoneko matchabwa a MP
Chonde MBC Tv muzajambuleko nafe akutali tizaoneko matchabwa a MP
Tikawone zodula ndi zosabudula usatana uwu i have never seen anomo person walking naked abominations shame on u winiko bola ukananena yovula ndikusala bombasa ndikanakujoina koma iyi yokha indipitirire basi
I really do not understand what Bright Malopa is defending here. Instead of joining hands and condem such brutal and senseless killings of our brothers and sisters with albinism, he chooses to personally attack an individual for correctly questioning the participation of the current authorities in finding a speedy solution to this serious crisis permanently. Something is not right here. Something is not adding up. I smell a rat here. Am starting to suspect that Mr Malopa may know something behind these killings hence being so critical of the suggestion of “opha mzake, if found guilty, aphedwe”. This will not be the first march of neked protesters in the world. What matters here is the message behind the protest. The Malawi Police Chief must also voluntarily resign or be suspended and be investigated for failing to protect the albino monority and other vulnerable citizens of our societies in this country.
Malopa has something behind his defensive. Afufuzidwe basi
Malopa has something behind his defensive. Afufuzidwe basi
#Winiko umandiseweretsa hahaha vula unyelere basi utchukenso kachikena
Winiko ndi mbudzi amwene akuwona ngati nkhani iyi ndiyopangila masewelo
We as Malawians, we’ve to know that our noise won’t bring solution. As the President states that ” it’s already in the PENAL CODES”, there4 there is no need for death penalty to be special. In short, isn’t wise to mop in the house when water is coming from an open tap inside that house. Close that tap then mop. Killing wrong doers isn’t solution. Banning traditional healers, protest while naked even burning then, will yield nothing. Police, NGO’s, Govnt and the President, please ask those whom u netted to reveal where the market is. NOTE; it works if u are not in it.
some people would get naked in the name of justice sometime getting naked is just what they love to do……hiiiiii
Kodi tivulire kunyumba or tikavulira konko? Kkkkk team winiko
Winiko ukunena zowona inenso ndiri ready kuvula, chifukwa ndinapita ku maliro kwa alubino yemwe anaphedwa ku Mlara Dwangwa Nkhotakota koma eeee guys, Kungomusiya Mimba yokha basi miyendo, mikono, mutu zonse analibe inari ifa yovensa chisoni. Please lets support Honourable Bon Kalindo (aka) Winiko MP inorder to protect our fellow Malawians from evil minded Satans.
I agree with winiko this time.
by stripping naked? barbaric if you ask me
komano mpaka kuyenda buno bwamuswe? kumeneko ndi ndikupenga kapea kufuntha. apeze njira ina.
isnt there another better way of duin this? otherwise yama pant ofirayi sili sharp
mmmm malawi ukupta kt
viva mr kalindo
Ndiye Aunt Tio ndi Mr. Chimbalanga akuloledwa kuyenda maliseche?kkkk
yah winiko zofunika
Chamba wasuta iyeyu wachigula kwani??
Thas Good Idea
kodi tidzavaliletu chishango?
zili bwino kuti akupanga izi ndi “winiko” wakumwela,mlomwe komanso ndi wa dpp akanakhala kuti ndi wa chipani china,mtundu wina komanso chigawo china makamaka kumpoto akanati ndi oukila
apa.nkhan si yokumbana mitundu
Pepani Mr president vomerezani kuti ma albino killers nawonso pakapezeka umboni weniweni aphedwe ,nanga inu mmene amaophyera winiko koma atatchena what more akangochotsa zovala zake? Plz plz plz ganizani bwino mbwiyache
Kuyenda malusecheko sikuzasintha zinthu koma nachoni chilango chokwima
Mwayambira kale stop making endless noise just do the naked protest so that we can go into another chapter of a story.
Mukwiyo ndi mukwiyo basi. Kaya ukwiya mokhetsa misozi,kaya kufirisa maso kaya uika mtumbira pa chipumi ndikukwiya basi. Ndiye a Winiko mukwiyo wawo ndikunyasidwa ndi boma asankha kuyenda mbulanda sitchimo. Tchimo ndila kupha anthu. Munthu ali ndi ufulu wakavalidwe.
U Hve A Very Strong Intellegence Against Poacherz But Nt Even Funding 4 Albino Killerz,shame U Malawians.Winiko Lets Take Them Headon.Whc Mp,minister Can Display His Body Whc Iz “PHINILESS”MUMADALIRA THESE African Herbalist,2day Ur Saying They R Kilerz.Mwabisama Pa Chande Musana Ukuoneka.
woza winiko yemweyo,kkkkk,tiwone mayaya basi,kkkk
WINIKO ulibhoo
Seeing is believing. I’ll only believe this when I see it , otherwise i see this as a theatrical joke .
Humanity is essential when we demonstrate guys
Komatu maliseche anuwo muzaonesese kuti mwawatsuka mokwanira kuti azizaonekera patali…nanga sicholinga Chake ndikuti tizaone?
Munasakha nokha drama kulowa mu parliament kusiya chitukuko ndifundo zabwino kunja
Koma Nde amalopa asambwazidwatu apa!!!shaa!!
Guys sangavule uyu awa alingati anthu omwe mukamaika malilo mmanda amagubuduzika nkumati ndipitanawo basi mudzayese kuwaleka nkuwakankhiramo mdzenjemo kuti muwakwirire mudzaone momwe amabandukilamo , koma its an insult kwa ma albinowo adzikamba zomwe zingathe kuchitika coz this is a sensitive issue we are talking of our friends losing life in a pathetic way here pliz
I still suport sir Winiko for his demo,chifukwa ngankhale ine amene mtima uli biii ndikuyera kwangaku komaso nkazi wanga ndiye nyanyi kuyera. Moti ngati chikho chobeleka mwana wa alubino chitilambalala tizangoyamika namalenga. Ndiye ndizigawenga zomwe mukumalera mudziko muno zakupha ma alubino kaya. Malopa akuonekera patali kuti akuziwapo zambiri. Thumazi yayamba kuwapeza
I still suport sir Winiko for his demo,chifukwa ngankhale ine amene mtima uli biii ndikuyera kwangaku komaso nkazi wanga ndiye nyanyi kuyera. Moti ngati chikho chobeleka mwana wa alubino chitilambalala tizangoyamika namalenga. Ndiye ndizigawenga zomwe mukumalera mudziko muno zakupha ma alubino kaya. Malopa akuonekera patali kuti akuziwapo zambiri. Thumazi yayamba kuwapeza
Kkkkkkkkk waiting
Mkanakhala kumeneko nane mkanakhala pambuyo pabwana winiko,
Palibe chazelu pamenepo bro #Winiko,Ganizani bwino,Pezani njila ina yothetsela ntchitidwewo,Osati zovulazo,Ana ako nde azidzati chani ukamadzavula,
Welcome to world da man $$$$$
am outside country. but also iwant to bwamuswe how to do ndivule konkuno plz hlp me
kkkkk apapa a malawi munthuyu walimba mtima àzayendadi malipysata bunobuno, mbulanďa kapena kuti maliseche pachizungu berth suit ndie tikoñzekere ķuķaiwona ya Winiko kuti ndi yaķuda bwanji ndinenatu nkhopeyo
Zigwilizanapo chani pamenepa a Mp winiko kkkkk protest imeyo………yes we all unhappy with this behaviour but walking naked musadzilowetse drama zinthuzi
” Mr Mp , protesting while naked wont solve the issue but will create more drama to tha very important message you have to the government and other responsible authorities if any. Is a good move actually, for the responsible bodies to look into this and come up with solution immediately but Not while naked.. A big No for naked protesting.. But big up Mr Mp for ur desicion “
Eetu bwana D/chisinga .. People wil just have probably the funniest day in their lives but wont value the importance of the day
I can’t agree more with you Mr. Protest while naked will not help. I support Winiko on his idea to protest but not by being naked.
Big up Mr Bonifaci
Big up Mr Bonifaci
Big up Mr Bonifaci
Kkkkkkkkkkkk abale Winiko sakunama,musamunyoze ngakhale mwana waMulungu anavulidwa pofuna kutipulumusa.Kwaiye kuvula akufuna awaunikire aPresident kuti muno muMalawi tili ndi maHuman Rights activists osati criminal Rights.Zoona a President mukuteteza njovu kusiya albino yemwe anakuvoterani kuti mukhare pomwe muli.
Ukhalenso ndi abro(manganyayo)
Yenda tioneko kkkkkkkkkkkk wakwiya munthu wamkulu
Winiko emweyo basi menyela ufulu ntundu wo
Kkkkkkkkk koma abale mapeto a dziko awa basi any way yenda tizione basi
Ma Mp. achizimayinso pilizi join WINIKO on this parade. 50/50 campaign has to be implemented on only on election.Hahahahahaha!
I Support Winiko.I Will Also Walk Maliseche 2 Parliament 4rm Chigumula, Limbe.
mmmmm gyz simukunvetsa.akt anthu azavula malaya nkumayenda nt mmene mukuganiziramoi
Mr Kalindo!!! am somehow confused zovala tivuliletu kunyumba or zavulira konko…kkkkk
Koma amake ali moyo ameneyu???
Winiko Has A Story 2tell Us,dont Just Luk At Hm 2walk Naked.
I don’t think is gud idea mr mp
The matter here is not the private parts, the hole issue is to make sure that the Albino are self and their rights to be alive is protected. Why turn this serious issue into a drama, must I say you know something .ha ha ha ha brother what ashaem. Don’t walk naked respect your body,insted dress smart go into the area where the Albino are marderd findout why and how can we stop that then I will accompany you.
tonse amene tikapange nawo..dont 4get dis “kutota sikukaloledwa mnthawiyi” eish,pokhapo,cndikapanga nawo coz enafe gadafi wathu ndiwaukali2,kk.
kkkkkkki maaad
nganganga! pambuyo pa Winiko tikamache no Bokosa kapena pant mamachidwe okhawo muzakhumudwa
Kkkk I can’t wait to see winiko is moving naked, koma kkkk
Ayendee kkkk mwina tikanaona ngati Ali nayo yaikulu kkkkkkationese kaya
apainter painter kujerusalem uku ndi Black paint
kkkkk Ikadzuka ana kudzakhala kuthawa
Anthu amene akuchita zoyipazi ena mukuwadziwa. Pempho ndilakuti tapezani njila yowapelekela ku Police. Olemekezekawa ndikuwawidwa mtima kumeneku.
ationesedi basi bola ikhale yodula.kuti ibebe man.tione basi,,
Kodi anthu akumulanje munakhala bwanji pls;wina wayambisa boma lake,kwinaku wina kuyenda maliseche.hey,MALAWI @52
Ayenda atavala long paint
Kkkkkkkkkkk kumpanje ziliko ndinthu
go winiko goooo !!!!!!!!!
yenda iwe
Winiko usayende wenkha mbulanda utengane ndi anzako oko onse komaso achakazanu
Honestly you’ve a good idea to protest against this barbaric action koma zovulazo eee,m’bale wanga uganize kawiri katatu.mwina malaya okha at least but completely naked sibwino,ndi mwikho.atola nkhani azikajambula mbolo za anthu?nawo akavulanso kapena?kodi ka demoka ndi ka azibambo okha kapena akazinso?are you dramatic?
pali malamulo man, no cameras up to 100m
this is insane. brings shame to Malawi. mzeru zamuchepera Bonifesi ameneyu
kkkkkkk, man mpaka kutchula chiwalo. Anyway, i think you have a valid point, atleast they should remove only shirts but not completely walking naked.
Kumeneku ofunika a PSI Malawi achitepo kanthu.titakavalako condom at least better koma panja peni peni eee,ku sukulu kokha zimatheka koma ku world,mmm,kaya….
Kumeneku ofunika a PSI Malawi achitepo kanthu.titakavalako condom at least better koma panja peni peni eee,ku sukulu kokha zimatheka koma ku world,mmm,kaya….
Kumeneku ofunika a PSI Malawi achitepo kanthu.titakavalako condom at least better koma panja peni peni eee,ku sukulu kokha zimatheka koma ku world,mmm,kaya….
mukadakhale kuti abale anu adayamba aphedwa sibwezi mukuyankhula zopusa chonchi. kuyankhula zopanda nzeru mudzaziona kwanuko munthu ataphedwa
mukadakhale kuti abale anu adayamba aphedwa sibwezi mukuyankhula zopusa chonchi. kuyankhula zopanda nzeru mudzaziona kwanuko munthu ataphedwa
mukadakhale kuti abale anu adayamba aphedwa sibwezi mukuyankhula zopusa chonchi. kuyankhula zopanda nzeru mudzaziona kwanuko munthu ataphedwa
Chonde mutandipempherako kwa bwana Winiko kuti apeze njira ina kupatula yoonesa mbolo ndi matako. Nanga azimayiso akazavula si Porn imeneyi???? Sindikufuna ndiwone makolo atavula
Ine gyz ndinaxionapo ku jozi maselebulite ankayenda maliseche for a fund raising nde kuli bwanji zabwino ngati izi ine#teamwiniko
Hon. Winiko sakunama koma nkhawa yanga ndiyokuti; zikatheka kukharako amuna ndi akazi? Zikativutatu kumeneko chifukwa ine sindi?lephera!
those agains Winiko are the ones killing albinos.
kod tikhoza kumatcha kma povurapo nde panyanya mwina ma boxa okha chonde
kkkkkkkkkkkk yah neh koma man pat izindizovuta pana mpana malichaje aganizedi bhoo asa hhhhh
Si thupi thupi guys ndi Pati basi Team winiko ofuna akhale#Nkasa~kulira kwa dziko>nyimbo iyi mmmmmhh tikaonana konko guys kuvula basi
kkkkkkkkkkk de mudzamange agalu
Kkkkkkkkkk winiko bwanjiiiiu
Mwanyanya zochitika. Anthu akagwidwa palibe chrnicheni chomwe mukuchitapo.Ntchito kumangoopsedza.
sazavula inu ameneyu dikilani muone
Kodi adzikaonetsa kwanu??? Nde enanu ngati zisakukupezani bwanji kungokhala chete!!!
Winiko ndi citizen ya Malawi and ali nawo ufulu …..
Ndizooona zomwe mwanenazi
koma nkhani ikamakafika kunja agwilitsa dzina loti “Malawians” inuyo mene mwakulila basi kumakayenda maliseche nxa
There is a reason behind of which every body including the foreign community is aware!!! They are not insane or whatever u can call it……pachichewa nthawi zambiri tikaphya mtima timatha kuturutsa mau akuti “”kodi ukufuna ndinene nditavula kuti umvetsetse””? So for Winiko is all de same…anene atavula kuti zimveke kut opha ma albino akagwidwa akuyenera chilango chokhwima???
it looka pple are taking the Winiko point ignorantly.. its only to.show stress not kut angavule…
Ine focus yanga izakhala pa #kaliati. I want ndizaone ngati staff anaipanganso bleach kut imaoneka bwanji. Bola azapange nawo
kkkkkkk yap I follow u
Kkkkkkkk sme coments eish
kkkkkk crazy u
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk iiiiii koma uuuu!!!
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk iiiiii koma uuuu!!!
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk iiiiii koma uuuu!!!
Some people are more worried about seeing someone’s private parts(like Winiko’s) which they themselves also have than seeing people with albinsm being slaughtered like animals.
Umandisewelesa winiko umandisewela kkkkk……
Kkkkkkkkkk koma winiko lero ndiye waziwatu! Kkkk
Kikikikikkk ndipo @Hellina….
Hahahaha tikudikira ziwalozo
Mr Winiko Lets Go To Protest But Not Completely Naked,lets Wear Mabokosa And Pants.
Ndiye ana ako aziti a dad akutani? Kkkkk tilipa mbuyo pako koma tapeza style ina kkkkkk
The admin who wrote this article is disgraceful, I as parent myself I’m fully behind Winiko, Malopa has no penis he is a resbian, I will be absent at work on the day
hahaaa ku mpanje adha
Kkkkkkkkkk koma winiko mpaka uwawonese anthu Namalele hahahaha
ineso ndili okozeka kuyenda maliseche mukakoza tsikulo dzandiyimbiren 4n kt tizayambire limodz
Amalopa ndiwopusa ndipo azichenjela akamalankhula kwa anthu coz azazikola tsiku lina APA zikuwonesa ngati amalopa akuziwapo kanthu……siyani umbutuma amalopa opembeza maudindo inu kaschool sunapindule nako ntaaa
Ndiye Zachilimwe eee anthu adzathawatu.
Tsokole tsokole Winiko pambuyopo zanyanya mpaka tumaphana ngat mbudzi likupita kut dzikoli??
Achina Manga Ajambutsa nao mu seweloli??
amalawi ndichani chomwe mukuchita,kod pot wankulu mudziko muno amene ali tsogoleli pot naye mmutu mwake munadzadza michenga.mmmmm,amalawi tiyeni tiwunikepo apa dziko likutha ir!ooh my god
Hahahaha!koma winiko sazatheka,drama inamulowelera kwambiri mkuluyi.
Stupidity some sort like
Kodi iyeyu alibe mfundo ina yoti anganene tizingovera zokha zokha zi basi
Musiyeni ayenda bwamuswe….
Take another type of protest Mr Honorable, its agood idea to protest because we also have a big concern though government is not coming with a fast solution on this
hahhhahahhahha ife tizangopita nawo kuti mwina tingakaone nawo maliseche a MP kikikikiki
Uwu ndiwo tikuti uchindere, uzeleza, uzemphano panji kuchuta mutu. mpaka kuyenda bengende?
Koma timva ndikuona zinthu chaka chino.
kkkkkkk usawone ngat ukupanga masewelotu iwe winiko wamva?? ndipo tikutengela kubwalo la milandu ukatipangitsa manyazi amunafe usayese ngat ulinaye wekha katunduyo 4tseki (Mayilabishi)
Amwene yanu mbolo mudzaipyatila mu trouser iyi ndiyake ya winiko mwamva court court chiyani
kkkkkkkkkk palibe kusiyana man its same thnk kkkkkk
Yenda basi ubwino wake udzazichotsera ulemu wekha ndi buno bwamuswe ukufunayo kkkkkkk
please stop smoking marijuana.
Ts sad dat u are Dpp Mr Winiko,nzeru uli nazo tho walking naked is nt a good Idea
ndkungofuna kuzaona jimbwiza wako that’s why im encouraging ndposo nd mwai kwa ana ako sanaone factory they just hear made in India nde azaone indiyayo
Bigup Che Winiko Naneso Ndizakhala Nawo Patsikulo Kkkkk
Go Winiko Go !!!
kkkk aaah cc zoona zimenezi simisala imeneyo? nothing he can get, angodziyalutsa basi
Ayende tiwone mbolo yawankulu kuti imawoneka bwanji kkkk
Ndisewero kapena zenizeni?
atiwuze mwa changu tsikulo coz enafe tipemphe holiday ku ma works kuti tizapange limodzi munga a malawi amodzi!!!
Zitsunzo ndi ndale sizikugwilizana uyalukapo apa peza njira ina yoonetsela kukwiya
U don’t understand him u just read out side open and see what he said
U mean this wl help to understand or what? ?
Humanitarian Must Be Periory Not Money.
Kkkkkk koma ziliko kuMalawi…..ingoyendani basi mtima ukupweni haaaa muchitanso kuima kaye pachulu malabishi
Kkkk Malawiiiii
Olo ayende maliseche ndye umalisechewo usintha chan?awiniko nzeru zuchepa