Flames coach Ernest Mtawali’s decision to drop Micium Mhone from Flames Cosafa Cup squad for lack of sportsmanship has been received with mixed reactions by football fans in Malawi.
Flames and Jomo Cosmos winger Micium Mhone was sent home by Mtawali after he refused a handshake with Muhammad Sulumba when he was substituted by his coach during Malawi’s 3-nil defeat to Zimbabwe in the Group L 2017 African Cup of Nations qualifier on Sunday afternoon.
Some football fans have expressed satisfaction with the coach’s decision to drop Mhone for his reaction claiming that the Flames mentor made a right decision as such his decision has to be respected by all the football fanatics in Malawi.
One of the football fanatics who was happy with the Flames mentor’s decision to drop Mhone from his Cosafa cup squad is Andrew Chiwaya.

“I don’t have problems with Mtawali’s decision. Micium’s conduct following his substitution was regrettable,” he said.
Noel Amin also concurred with Chiwaya and said Mhone deserved to be dropped for lack of sportsmanship after being substituted by the Flames coach.
However, other fans were not happy with the decision and argued that Mtawali caused Mhone’s reaction when he substituted the player 15 minutes after introducing him.
One football fan, Dingeni Chris Chitekwe, said Mhone is one of the most disciplined members in the team and it was an insult to substitute him just 15 minutes after he came off the bench.
Chitekwe added that Mtawali is a clueless coach and he must be sacked soon after the Cosafa tournament.
Symon Maphang’ombe concurred with Chitekwe and said the Flames mentor should not have dropped a player of Mhone’s calibre.
“Sometimes I don’t understand Malawi national team coaches especially Mtawali why chasing a superhero like Micium?,” he questioned.
Mhone has since been replaced by Mighty Wanderers winger Isaac Kaliyati who is expected to join his teammates in South Africa before connecting to Windhoek where they will play Angola in the competition’s opener on Saturday.
akumenya league yaikulu mhone kuno simungamuyambitse panja,mkat mkuyambitsa ma ghetto yut
Ine zandikwana ndisaname
Nkhani ikhala imeneyi kod mhone ndi mbale wanu zatikwana lemban zina awene amwaphuzitse abale anuwo khalidwe
Kodi adakochapo kuti Mtawali? This guy is a liability.
Malawi siizamva thats all.
Kodi akamati benchi amatanthauza chani??? Khalidwe ndilofunika akamufuse Fisha Kondowe
Chikuwoneserathu kuti ife amalawi ndife ansanje. Kumusiya mhone sanalakwise kwa anthu amamasata mupira mhone analakwisa mupira mumafunika ulemu. Ndiye mukuphatikiza zasakho poti akuchokera chigowo chakumupoto ngakhaleso mupuzisi mukumuneyo chocho potiso ndiwakomweko siyani sakho amalawi ife tiyeni tigwirane zaja tikoze timu yathu wosakumbana mutundu.
Let us focus for cosafa rather than talking about Zimbabwe game . This is mtawalis second chance of being a coach for the flames .
Let us focus for cosafa rather than talking about Zimbabwe game . This is mtawalis second chance of being a coach for the flames .
Let us focus for cosafa rather than talking about Zimbabwe game . This is mtawalis second chance of being a coach for the flames .
Ma coach tachuluka
Patience amalawi
Zachamba eti flames flames ndekuti chani
Iyaaaa u mean player alibe ryt yonyasidwa ndizomwe sizidamusangalatse????.Ndi ufulu wake kukana kapena kuvomera kugwiridwa zanja.Mumafuna azingosangalatsidwa nzopusa zomwe coach wapanga???.Coach is the problem he doesn’t hv his first strong 11 Nde aliyense walakwa azingothamangitsidwa there is no any solutions of dealing with them matter while the player is still in camp??? The solution is to chase him??? Anyway how many players will u chase at the end????.Lastly moto umapita kwasala ntchire ur day is coming mlingo womwe mwamuyesera mhone bwana mtawali ukupezani trust me.Expect kuti mwala wokanidwa tsiku lina udasanduka wapangodya muzachita manyazi mhone yemweyu.coach wina atazamugwiritsa ntchito yotamandika
Gwira tchito mtawali opanda khalidwe out mkandaniso ka Mhoneko
Kodi Uyu Mukuti Mhone-yu Akalowa Timawina? Zamkutu Basi Asazasewelenso!
Kodi Uyu Mukuti Mhone-yu Akalowa Timawina? Zamkutu Basi Asazasewelenso!
Ndizama Coarch Iz Just Live To Dem!!!
Ndizama Coarch Iz Just Live To Dem!!!
Ine pheee reading comments
No player is greater than the team. Khalidwe ndilofunika
Let Mtawali apologise to the young talent, he should not destroy his future. Its not a must or a FIFA rule that a player should shake hads with his friend when substuited. Mhone was not wrong. It is part of the game- tempers ………
Micium sanapange za aTonga Brandinoh Yamie anapanga zake monga player wina aliyense akapanda kuwonetsa khalidwe coach ndi panel ya discipline amapanga chigamulo. Ngati simudzisata za mpira amafutsa kwanzanu
Flames is a joke of the season,,,,so as mtawali and Mhone,,,,, bola young Chimodzi anayesetsa,,,,,kinnah anayesetsa,,,,but uyu mtawali,he doesn’t have first eleven
Musiyeni ameneyo passport yake yolowera kumalawi kuchokera kumpoto inapanga expire apite ku homeaffairs kaye
Katumbu watha ntchito uyu coach did his job it was a good decision
nde ngati amachinyaso mbudzi ameneyi
Matama sitimapangira kwaweni pamenepa athusangapeleke ulemu kwa coach wathu chifukwa munaonesa kudelera kapena kuti mwano oloatanena kuti musazasewerenso ife sitingadandaule chifukwa simuchinyanso anundimatama omwewobasi
atonga…. amafuna kt achuke bsi?? achuka ndi matamawo kungozazisa # ya athu??
Dont call him again
He must face the music. Mhone need to be disciplined. He don’t have any idear hw we feels when they loose.
Angomubanaso kuti asazasewereso mpira mmalawi muno
Anthu amene mukuti Mtawali analakwisa ndinu atumbuka mpira simatama ayi kapena ku ziva sugar or asazamutengeso pa squad ya flames muli anyamata ang’ono ang’ono m’midzi umu aluso komaso ozichepesa kuposa iye ma MPs athu yambisani ma Leage coach awonepo ena
Mwakamba za nzeru man proud of you
olo ine sintumbuka koma zomwe mwalemba apa zawonesa kuchepa nzeru kwanu,coach wanu sadziwaso tchito cs sungamulowerese player ndikumutulusa 15minutes
Iwe umati amutulutse pakatha ma minutes angati?
Flames satana adakodzelapo stidzawnaso zdaptapo zowna,vuto lakeso anyamata akumalaw satana adatlangza mwamsanga njele yamowa dzenje ndiye mmmmmmmmmmm tkuydzalad man
Tisachuluke nzeru apa musiyeni kochi akuziwa chochita.
Who is not in line with the mentor,something is wrong.A good prayer must behave.what micium did,was very unfortunate towards football grounds.lets addimit if something is wrong rather than opposing every development our couch done.these are some reasons made our national team fails all the tyme.
Eeeee Mtawali koma chamba adamuuza ndani kuti alowetse Mhone then in just 15minuts he was also substuted.It mean n shows that Mr jahman Mtawali he don’t know what he is doing. If your a coach u always called up the player’s thatvu know they will combain well in the feild. Mtawali show us what u waz giving n showing us on ur playing days that not what what u r doing now. Kinnah must b given another chance n Malawi will c the change bt all in all Nyamilandu must be fired too he is the one who’s coding this.
Olo udziphe,oro ukwiye,or usasapote ndiwebe malawi basi frms woye!
mhone ofunika mukhale naye pas mwava+++!
Kumalawi mavuto sinkhan Kutopa Nazo Kumenek,national TIM Ithe Kay 4 awhile den tipange Kaye Kaye generate TIM ina base. …!
coach wa nzeru, izi ndizomwe makolo ena amanenedwa ndi ana awo kuti dad ndiopusa . iwe phee just bcoz mwana amakhonza No.1 or 2. No no no displine ndiyofunika pa ntchito iyitu musaiwale ndintchito yawo ,ma coach ndi mabwana awotu! wakeup Malawi@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mhone analakwitsa and this punishment is not even enough, taonapo even ku England ku Man City Zabaleta defender wakutha anampatsa 6 last games osasewera nkumpatsa mwai Sagna. same mistake ku la liga ma players chikhalidwe chonyasa anapangachi anasiilatu kupanga bravo Fam. He must not think he is above flames ai kunali ma players oposa iye. CJ John Banda anamtulutsa koma sanapange zomwe Mhone anapangazi ngakhale iyenso zinamuwawa! kulibwanji ma players athuwa akanamasewera ku England ndi khalalidwe la chonchi?
Khalidwe kanekuti Nkhalidwe ndiofunikila kuposa Luso lamunthu. The problem with African players is that when they play international they feel that even if they misbehaves coach will still be praising them.
Mmm koma kumalawi mpila suzathekaso
thats anothee sily decision,, this coach is for superleag
The coach is right.
Panopa azitelo kungoluza game imodzi coach ayendele take oro kummangisa kumene !
kugara kuzwana! Kufa kuna member aiwah!
To drop mhone or not amalawi tivomeleze kuti m’pira udatikana m’paka ziko lapasi lidzatha ngakhale ku world cup sitidzasewela kuno koma mowa dzenje basi nde # 1.
Mhone analakwitsa koma akanayenekera kukhalanaye pansi a committee fukwa kumuthamangitsaku tiyembekedzere ma results omwewa ku cosafa
Discipline(sp) ndiyofunika kwa player…analakwitsa..Matic ku Chelsea came in as a 2nd half sub played 15 he was substituted..Of cause Mtawali ndi Kamaiz
Koma Yaaaa
player ndwa bwino uyu analakwitsa kumene..
what mhone did was unacceptable…ofcourse it was annoying to just play for 15 min but he had to admit that that wasnt his day…he was not at his best…it also happened in swaziland with kaliat and kaliat it was 7 min but he respected coach’s decision..so he was supposed to do the same…so i cant blame the coach for what he has done…coach is the boss them players have to respect…not the other way round
The Worst Coach Malawii Has Ever Had Is Enerst Mtawali.Completelt Useless Empty Head
You are talking shit.
Neli Mtofu what shit am i talking?am beeing honest he iis no performer.To say the truth can you call that shit?if u think am talking shit do not reply my comment am am decent pliz excuse me!
man Alfred ur right mtawali zamuvuta he dont know how to choose best players
Nox zx stephano its unfortunate that some people cant understand what am trying to say
enest is just useless motherfucker who cant impress us supporters….he must VOSEEkeeeeeeee
Achita bwino kuchithamangisako
Coach sanalakwe pothamangisa #Mtonga_mhone.Vuto la Atonga matama.ameneyu adye mwano wake wemweu
kkkkkkkkkkk u made my day bro
Coach sakudziwa ntchito yake uyu
this coach is useless he must go
Go where?
You mad
mjomba iwe ukuti chani…???do you know football???, don’t coments pussy you are just useless cunts.
Zandikwana za flames
Flames siluza mukangolowa Frank Banda
Kkkkkkkkk Walakwanji mfana wa bwino ngati ameneyu.