The World Bank has donated MK3.4 billion to Malawi’s Technical Entrepreneur and Vocational Training (Teveta) to boost the organisation’s program in training the youths on various courses.
According to the chairperson of Teveta in the country Gilbert Chilinde, who was speaking at a launch of the donation, the money has come at the right time since it will help the organisation’s programs.

Chilinde said the money is set to help them train over 4000 youths in the coming four years. He added that the improvement program is targeting 12 community skills development centres, four in each region.
Chitipa, Rumphi, Mzuzu, Mzimba, Nkhotakota, Salima, Dedza, Kasungu, Mangochi, Zomba, Mulanje and Chikhwawa are the districts that will benefit in the Teveta improvement program.
Joining the chairperson at the same event was the principal secretary in the ministry of labour, youths and manpower development, Patrick Kabambe who admitted that the country has low enrolment of students in the technical and vocation training colleges.
He said the low number of students enrolling in these vocational training colleges is as a result of lack of enough space in the institutions.
According to Kabambe, government has placed skill development as its priority with the aim of creating opportunities for youths in the country.
He added that it is for this reason that government is establishing community colleges.
osamango thandiza ana amakhumutcha okha okha! a TEVETA osamakondera mmamidziso muli skill!