The Mzuzu City Council (MCC) has warned that it will soon begin a campaign to demolish all houses that are being renovated in areas which were hit by floods.
According to the city’s acting chief executive officer Victor Masina, people reconstructing their houses in the flood-hit areas are not supposed to do so since the areas are restricted.

Malawi24 understands that some people who never owned land in the flood hit areas have taken advantage of the situation to grab land and build houses.
But Masina said the residents are building their houses using substandard materials, something which he said could cause similar suffering to the people when heavy rains falls again in the next rainy season.
This development comes barely days after some youth activists in the city asked the Malawi government to consider relocating funds in the malata and cement subsidy program to target households that have been hit by heavy rains in the city.
The heavy downpour that hit the region for three consecutive weeks earlier last month left over 17,000 people homeless and claimed eight lives.
A city amenewa ndiye kuti apeza market, osalora anthu aku mzuzu ,a city mzuzu mwazolowerera anthu akamakupasani ulemu mumawona ngati zitsiru ine ndili nanu muwona pa malo munalanda,muli ndi mwayi kuti ndimapephera mukanawona zimandiwawa.
Mwachizikile kuMzuzu ndi maloamvula nthawi zambiri ndiposo nyumba zimene zinagwazo zinaliko kale kungoti mvula pano yinagwa kwambiri ndiye MCC akanaganizapo zazimenezi asanawa chese anthuwo
Mwachizikile kuMzuzu ndi maloamvula nthawi zambiri ndiposo nyumba zimene zinagwazo zinaliko kale kungoti mvula pano yinagwa kwambiri ndiye MCC akanaganizapo zazimenezi asanawa chese anthuwo
nyumba za boma pamenepo zakale kale za apolice
nyumba za boma pamenepo zakale kale za apolice
The problem is with city assembly not people loving in flood areas, the city is more than 20 yrs but look no proper planing, today u want to demolish people’s homes because of your poor thinking shame
Awapezele nyumba zabwino Kaye,akukanika kuphwaya nyumba zogumuka ntaunimu.
Ayelekeze kubwera kuzagumura Ku ward yanga aziwanso….izi timayamba takambirana pa council kenaka kuzitumiza Ku likulu osati wina wakhuta nyemba ndikumati agumura nyumba za anthu Ku Mzuzu osagumura kwaoko bwanji? zama….
I wish if they could provide them with a proper drainage system.
Choyamba bwana waku City ndichisiru,bwanji akasamuse anthu aku LOWERSHIRE nzeru alibe munthu nyumba anamanga ndindalama zokwana 55million amubwezera?that’s nosense stupid
55 million kukaimanga mdambo? ndiye fodya
Thats begining from ending, first relocate the people provide them accomodation then talk of demolision.
chimene chikudabwisa nd chakut a council amatolera ma city rates mmalo ngat amenewa chaka chilichose. Ndiye tizit kut samadziwa kut ndima flood prone areas nthawi yonseyi? Amasiiranj kusiya kumatolera misonkhoyo ndye kt awapase malo abwno?
kkkkkkkk’ mafoolds avuta-kodi mvula idakagwabe kumpotoko?
Day dreaming sure
kodi tanthaluzo la floods ndichiyani?ineyo ndakhala kumzuzu kwa zaka 5tsopano koma ma floods akunenedwa apawa sindidawaonepo,koma chomwe ndaona manyumba ambili amagwa chifuka cha mvula ya mphepo yomwe imagwa kwa masiku ochuluka,kuno ku mpoto mvula imagwa mosiyana ndi pakati ndi ku mmwera,izi zikuonetsa kuti madera enawa itamagwaso ngati kuno ndiye kuti mavuto ngati amachitika kunowa kwinakoso akadamachitikaso,choncho a MCC wo asaononge manyumba omwe akupangidwa renovatewo,angokhazikitsa njila zoti manyumbawo aziwamanga mwamakono, a
kodi tanthaluzo la floods ndichiyani?ineyo ndakhala kumzuzu kwa zaka 5tsopano koma ma floods akunenedwa apawa sindidawaonepo,koma chomwe ndaona manyumba ambili amagwa chifuka cha mvula ya mphepo yomwe imagwa kwa masiku ochuluka,kuno ku mpoto mvula imagwa mosiyana ndi pakati ndi ku mmwera,izi zikuonetsa kuti madera enawa itamagwaso ngati kuno ndiye kuti mavuto ngati amachitika kunowa kwinakoso akadamachitikaso,choncho a MCC wo asaononge manyumba omwe akupangidwa renovatewo,angokhazikitsa njila zoti manyumbawo aziwamanga mwamakono, a
….. and then???
….. and then???
Hopefully new house’s for those people are gonna b built
Auzen malume
They mast start 2 demolish kalonga police first
a cuoncil akuganiza anthu akakhala kuti osayilola atumbulaka asakutoleni kungoti zikwanje pamenepo zituluke aaaa
The government can not demolish houses without showing people where to go with hope will be somewhere else in new houses
The government can not demolish houses without showing people where to go with hope will be somewhere else in new houses
those houses in flood water are for Kaporo police in karonga and not in mzuzu.
those houses in flood water are for Kaporo police in karonga and not in mzuzu.
Good these ppo like lies
Good these ppo like lies
Sambi atumbuka chawona nchani
nazoni àtumbuka ndamene atsàla naźo ķumañga nyumba za mbiri yakaĺe kumawachitsa mkusayenda vuto amatha ķubadwira kumpoto mpaka kukàĺàmbà asànaponde munzinda wà Blantyre kuti azaone kamangidwe ķa nyumba zamakono
nazoni àtumbuka ndamene atsàla naźo ķumañga nyumba za mbiri yakaĺe kumawachitsa mkusayenda vuto amatha ķubadwira kumpoto mpaka kukàĺàmbà asànaponde munzinda wà Blantyre kuti azaone kamangidwe ķa nyumba zamakono
ufufuze kuti akumanga nyunba zabwino mu BT o LL ndindani? akuuza kuti atumbuka….tribalism basi!!!!
ubwere uzaone omwe nyumba zao zinagwa uzapeza kuti ndiza achewa……..
You hate people from North for no reason while they feed you
You hate people from North for no reason while they feed you
Nyumbazo ndi za achawa ogulitsa zikolopa man
Achepa akutionongera Ever Green city yathu. Pamene ife kwawoko timamanga nyumba zamakono
Man mukakula muzabwelaso pa line ndikunena kuti panopa ndakula mukhozakukapezeka Ku rumphi man mukulandila chimanga ndowa pa mwezi kwinaku mukulima
Man mukakula muzabwelaso pa line ndikunena kuti panopa ndakula mukhozakukapezeka Ku rumphi man mukulandila chimanga ndowa pa mwezi kwinaku mukulima
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
Thank God but way is ur comment about wat the government wants to do at mzuzu
Where do u want them to go?Don’t take advantage, If this was the first flood in 5yrs you don’t have to demolish the houses.But if it was the fifth in five consecutive years I can understand.Don’t be so provocative we don’t want another bloodshed in Mzuzu.