The Lilongwe first grade magistrate has fined a man K235,000 for divorcing his wife, Malawi24 has learnt.
The court heard that the woman identified as Elina went into the city looking for employment and found the man, Emmanuel Nkhoma, who assured her that she will get a job.
The woman was later employed by the man as a shop keeper but after some time they got married. However, Elina told the man that she would still continue with her studies while married and Nkhoma agreed.
To the surprise of the lady, the man later told her to stop going to school saying he will always take care of her.
“It was then arranged that we will hold a traditional wedding in order to officialise things to which we did. At this point, he had told me to stop going to school promising that he would be taking care of me,” said Elina.
Four months into the marriage, the husband told her to go back home saying he had some court issues which he said he wanted to take care first.
The lady later went to his husband’s house but was sent back on several occasions after the man told her he was not yet through with what he was doing, a development that angered the woman who later sued the man on divorce matters.
However, in the court the man said there was no marriage between the two claiming there was no traditional procedures followed and yet he paid the lady’s family K30, 000 as traditionally supposed and had a balance of K20, 000.
Passing his sentence, first magistrate Kantchere, ruled that there was marriage between the two.
He then ordered the man to pay the lady money amounting to K235, 000 for divorcing the lady.
Nkhoma comes from Nkhacha village in the area of Traditional Authority Nkhumba in Mulanje district while Elina hails from Nawaa village in the area of Traditional Authority Lukwa in Kasungu
Mbuzi zinakumanadi apa!
Mkuluyi akuona ngati waluza cash yokagulira Tea Estate ku People Land Organisation ndi 2tambala yolipira zaka 5 yi.
Mkaziyu naye anali busy kumapaka phulusa la nyau kumaso mmalo mosungunula Gondolosi.
Zobvuta kwa anthu opanda nyanja kwaonu!
Its better to divorce than cut her parts
Its too much
Its too much
Its too much
Icall this, bullshit!
Wht if wife divorse a husband du also wife charged? Dats critical ealtreated 4 us mens! Yet they r de one’s dy cause hahahaha,,’ u musn’t du lyk dat.
Ma man nonse, musanapange divorce mkazi wanu akupanga mwanoyo, check your account balance. Ikangokuuza insufficient funds zako izooooo. Kkkkkkkk
Kkkk, miezi inayi K230,000.
Koma sizinali choncho pachiyambi
Anyone who thinks K200000 is a lot of money must be insane. Its 2 little for divorce settlement according 2 todays rotten economy, K1 000 000 would have been close 2 enough
Anyone who thinks K200000 is a lot of money must be insane. Its 2 little for divorce settlement according 2 todays rotten economy, K1 000 000 would have been close 2 enough
Imene ndimaiziwila love to love kis to kis mathedwe a maprofeshonol amasikuano ndi mmenemo osadabwa Mawa ndi……………………….
What Aaah nonsense! I never heard crap like that
Mmpamba akayambire gain basi! Pasavute!
Kodi Ana munalibe m’banja
235000 imeneyo ndi transport osati chindapusa .palibepo chaphindu chachitika apa!!
A lyf partener worth k230000 shame wanditayitsa nthawi its ok.
Would it b the same kuti anakapanga zimenezo ndi mkazi.
Ine sindingapereke chifukwa mchira ndi wanga basi
Kulibe chaulele alipire basi.ukapangaso divorce wachiwiri uzalipilanso ina business pa malawi.
As long as u are free 230 is nothing. U do something with a an authentic reason.
Judge waweluza according to the reason of divorce. Enatu imafika 1 million mwamva.
Band yagawana zida kkk
Band yagawana zida kkk
zonvesa chinsoni
zonvesa chinsoni
Mose adatilamulila mmalembo kuti nkololedwa kupeleka kalata wa chilekanilo kwa mkazi nkunchotsa. Choncho, according to malamulo a Mose, khothi lalakwa
Mose adatilamulila mmalembo kuti nkololedwa kupeleka kalata wa chilekanilo kwa mkazi nkunchotsa. Choncho, according to malamulo a Mose, khothi lalakwa
The Judge was drunk
The Judge was drunk
Ndichifukwa chake azimayiwa amakula mtima mumabanjamu ngati wapanga divorce ndekuti chilipo chimamunyasa,muziganiza mozama musanapeleke chigamulo mumaoneka anzeru pamilandu ya anzanu pomwe ndinu mbutuma zophunzira iyah!
Ndichifukwa chake azimayiwa amakula mtima mumabanjamu ngati wapanga divorce ndekuti chilipo chimamunyasa,muziganiza mozama musanapeleke chigamulo mumaoneka anzeru pamilandu ya anzanu pomwe ndinu mbutuma zophunzira iyah!
Ndichifukwa chake azimayiwa amakula mtima mumabanjamu ngati wapanga divorce ndekuti chilipo chimamunyasa,muziganiza mozama musanapeleke chigamulo mumaoneka anzeru pamilandu ya anzanu pomwe ndinu mbutuma zophunzira iyah!
Fodya walowa ku msika asiyeni azileka mabanja adzipatsidwa mafine amenewa
Fodya walowa ku msika asiyeni azileka mabanja adzipatsidwa mafine amenewa
Fodya walowa ku msika asiyeni azileka mabanja adzipatsidwa mafine amenewa
Vuto amaio ndalamazo zikatha ayambaso kumakapepesa kwaamunawo,zomwe zikusonyeza kuti oweluzanu mumaganizazandalama osati tsogololamabanja.anthu aja akapepesana mwa mwayi banja ndikumapitilira
Vuto amaio ndalamazo zikatha ayambaso kumakapepesa kwaamunawo,zomwe zikusonyeza kuti oweluzanu mumaganizazandalama osati tsogololamabanja.anthu aja akapepesana mwa mwayi banja ndikumapitilira
Vuto amaio ndalamazo zikatha ayambaso kumakapepesa kwaamunawo,zomwe zikusonyeza kuti oweluzanu mumaganizazandalama osati tsogololamabanja.anthu aja akapepesana mwa mwayi banja ndikumapitilira
Yea ts OK as long as the man is now free.Akazi ena ndizigawenga mbamba
Yea ts OK as long as the man is now free.Akazi ena ndizigawenga mbamba
Yea ts OK as long as the man is now free.Akazi ena ndizigawenga mbamba
Zamanyaz Kwambri.Mkaz Kumpeza Ndichibwenz,tizingomusekelera?Acourt Muyenera Kupawinikra Pamenepa.Mwamuna Alindi Ufulu Kukasumira Mkaz Wake Kma Sizingafke Poterepa.
Zamanyaz Kwambri.Mkaz Kumpeza Ndichibwenz,tizingomusekelera?Acourt Muyenera Kupawinikra Pamenepa.Mwamuna Alindi Ufulu Kukasumira Mkaz Wake Kma Sizingafke Poterepa.
Zamanyaz Kwambri.Mkaz Kumpeza Ndichibwenz,tizingomusekelera?Acourt Muyenera Kupawinikra Pamenepa.Mwamuna Alindi Ufulu Kukasumira Mkaz Wake Kma Sizingafke Poterepa.
Wow it’s so cheap when you divorce a wife
Wow it’s so cheap when you divorce a wife
Wow it’s so cheap when you divorce a wife
bolani uyu nzanga waine anamchaja 450 thousand kwacha ati chifukwa sadamange nyumba kwawoo kwa mkazi koma nyumba yomwe anamanga anapasa ana?
bolani uyu nzanga waine anamchaja 450 thousand kwacha ati chifukwa sadamange nyumba kwawoo kwa mkazi koma nyumba yomwe anamanga anapasa ana?
bolani uyu nzanga waine anamchaja 450 thousand kwacha ati chifukwa sadamange nyumba kwawoo kwa mkazi koma nyumba yomwe anamanga anapasa ana?
Walakwa chani munthu mesa wasiya hule kodi
Walakwa chani munthu mesa wasiya hule kodi
Walakwa chani munthu mesa wasiya hule kodi
Let me think b4 i comment
Eeesh mkazi kudula ma pvt parts a mwamuna kumulipilitsa k50000, mwamuna kuthetsa banja mwatendere mukuti k235000, how? Iyaaa judge yu wayionamo mwa mayiyu. Ati infringement kkkkk
Eeesh mkazi kudula ma pvt parts a mwamuna kumulipilitsa k50000, mwamuna kuthetsa banja mwatendere mukuti k235000, how? Iyaaa judge yu wayionamo mwa mayiyu. Ati infringement kkkkk
Eeesh mkazi kudula ma pvt parts a mwamuna kumulipilitsa k50000, mwamuna kuthetsa banja mwatendere mukuti k235000, how? Iyaaa judge yu wayionamo mwa mayiyu. Ati infringement kkkkk
Kkkkkkk mkwatirenso kachikena ndi 50 pin sangakane kenako mutaye
Kkkkkkk mkwatirenso kachikena ndi 50 pin sangakane kenako mutaye
Kkkkkkk mkwatirenso kachikena ndi 50 pin sangakane kenako mutaye
Only If awoman is unfaithful you can divorce her so did the judge consider the reason why this man took this decision? But if aman sue for awoman will you do the same? Kkk ithank God no man can use this way whether he is the one divorced or not
Only If awoman is unfaithful you can divorce her so did the judge consider the reason why this man took this decision? But if aman sue for awoman will you do the same? Kkk ithank God no man can use this way whether he is the one divorced or not
Only If awoman is unfaithful you can divorce her so did the judge consider the reason why this man took this decision? But if aman sue for awoman will you do the same? Kkk ithank God no man can use this way whether he is the one divorced or not
I can’t pay that fuckng money.mungobera anthu basi acourt.
I can’t pay that fuckng money.mungobera anthu basi acourt.
I can’t pay that fuckng money.mungobera anthu basi acourt.
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on 2348143143878.
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on 2348143143878.
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on 2348143143878.
no problem, what is K235000,, ndipeleka atleast iye wachoka
no problem, what is K235000,, ndipeleka atleast iye wachoka
no problem, what is K235000,, ndipeleka atleast iye wachoka
Za ziiiii kungofuna kulimbikisa azi mayi kupanga mwano basi.ndalama zonsezo za chani.
Za ziiiii kungofuna kulimbikisa azi mayi kupanga mwano basi.ndalama zonsezo za chani.
Ndalama zachepa apa amafunika 1 mita apeleke mamuna nzathuyu kkkkkkkkkk
Ndalama zachepa apa amafunika 1 mita apeleke mamuna nzathuyu kkkkkkkkkk
Vuto ma judge enawa akuonjezatu kachaso mwa achiuzira mu nanga nkhani imeneyi mpaka pamenepo
Vuto ma judge enawa akuonjezatu kachaso mwa achiuzira mu nanga nkhani imeneyi mpaka pamenepo
bola kumakhala wekha basi
bola kumakhala wekha basi
Wow mamamia so sweet!!!
Wow mamamia so sweet!!!
Even the pipo thy cheat with must pay the person who has been cheated on
Even the pipo thy cheat with must pay the person who has been cheated on
Let’s cheat and make money!
Let’s cheat and make money!
I wonder how much a woman wil pay for divorcing a cheating husband
I wonder how much a woman wil pay for divorcing a cheating husband
Nzanga jafali wakamba zoona pamenepo pakufunika ama cort awonedi pamenepo kunyengeredwa mkazi ndi chinthu chopweteka
Nzanga jafali wakamba zoona pamenepo pakufunika ama cort awonedi pamenepo kunyengeredwa mkazi ndi chinthu chopweteka
Nzanga jafali wakamba zoona pamenepo pakufunika ama cort awonedi pamenepo kunyengeredwa mkazi ndi chinthu chopweteka
Nzanga jafali wakamba zoona pamenepo pakufunika ama cort awonedi pamenepo kunyengeredwa mkazi ndi chinthu chopweteka
Ndalamayo yachuluka kwambiri, kusudzula mkadzi ngati wapanga zosayenera is not a crime!
Ndalamayo yachuluka kwambiri, kusudzula mkadzi ngati wapanga zosayenera is not a crime!
yachepa amuna enawa akuyelekedwa,kuzuza nkazi kwambiri
yachepa amuna enawa akuyelekedwa,kuzuza nkazi kwambiri
Ndiyeno ndichifukwa chake akufuna kuthetsa banjalo.Kodi pamenepa tinganenetso kuti ndiwankhaza?
Kkkk K235 000 yemwe in the 90s ili K15 000 KKKK Malawi watha shame
Kkkk K235 000 yemwe in the 90s ili K15 000 KKKK Malawi watha shame
It was unfair of this man sending his wife home for the so called court case he had to take care of.His wife agreed to be with him through thick and thin,unfortunately he chose tho chase her away at a time he needed her the most.Washosha kudambwe aise,uvale zilimbe.
Maka iwe wakwatira mnzunguwe ndiye usayelekeze dala the money will be in pounds ada!
Maka iwe wakwatira mnzunguwe ndiye usayelekeze dala the money will be in pounds ada!
I really don’t understand if the judge followed the right procedures. what if his wife was cheating on him then the husband took adecision to divorce her,is it wrong?There is no justice at all.
Uku nde kuba
Contract yatha. court lalamula. osadanda man, uwalipile za chitaka zikabwere ndi interest
Contract yatha. court lalamula. osadanda man, uwalipile za chitaka zikabwere ndi interest
Kodi akazi mukuti yachepanu,nanga mkazi akasiya mwamuna adzilipitsidwa zingati?zisamakomere mbuzi basi…
basi that amount??? haaaa
basi that amount??? haaaa
Ma acourt akukondela nawoso adzimayi akumapanga dzibwedzi mamuna ali nyumba momwemo ndeye ndangoganidzani mmene zinthu zakwelele ndiye mkadzi azipanga zibwedzi pali ulemu? Fuso nalino kodi bwanji simukukhadzikisa mlamulo loti mamuna,kapena mkadzi wapabanja akagwidwa adzipasidwachilango bwanji? Khalidwe loteleli ndilowawa,kunyengeledwa mkadzi ndikowawa tithandidzeni amunafe nafeso ndi anthu ngati akadziwo mukuti bwanji azanga mwayimva nkhaniyi?
yachepa kwambili bola akanati apeleke 1 milllon
Azimawo aziyelekedwa ? Mamunayo adatsata njira yabwino osasiyana atamenyana kapena kudulana manja .chigamulo chimenecho chipangidwe appeal ,nkaziyo alandire k40,000 .
Apeal basi
Which means there is no right for a man to divorce his wife in the book of law in Malawi? Palibe chilango china pa zamalamulo a mabanja? Is all about ndalama basi, shame!
Which means there is no right for a man to divorce his wife in the book of law in Malawi? Palibe chilango china pa zamalamulo a mabanja? Is all about ndalama basi, shame!
u dont know the law so shut up
Mesa amati a count, samathetsa mabanja
Eeh km ku Malawi mpaka thu handiredi mchakut sauzande.
Eeh km ku Malawi mpaka thu handiredi mchakut sauzande.
Bwana Magistrate Its Too Ndalama Yavuta2 Pepani Tiveren Chison
Bwana Magistrate Its Too Ndalama Yavuta2 Pepani Tiveren Chison
Ndi zingati izi abale,,,tindalamato tachepa kwambiri mabanja salimbatu APA!!!
Kodi mmayesa nkhaniyi njofunika amfumu.Inu a court mwalowera pati?Apa zikuonetseratu kuti ma judge chochita alive apolisi sakugwira zigawenga zopha ma albino.
Dziko linayipa pano chili chose pali mtengo wake
crazy hey, how can i be fined , coz of divorcing ma woman
Aaa dont u knw if u divorce her she will have 50% of wt so ever u own
Aaa dont u knw if u divorce her she will have 50% of wt so ever u own
there is defferent between deviding house thing and finne chief, how did they fined him instead of dividong furnture or house?
Ine sindigalore za chambazo.
All the money for what? if it was a man divorced,hw much a woman she could hv pay?
yachepa kwambiri bola akamati half million akapeze poyambira
All the money for what? if it was a man divorced,hw much a woman she could hv pay?
yachepa kwambiri bola akamati half million akapeze poyambira
But if its a woman divorcing a man?…udzanenanso kuti yachepa?
Kuba tsopano inconjuction with the Judge
Kuthawa udindo aziona
tanenan chifukwa chenchen…iyaaah
Hihi asovenge