Vendors blamed for tobacco’s high rejection rates

Alfred Kapichira Banda

The Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM) has blamed high rejection rate of tobacco in the country on the introduction of trade liberalization.

President of the union, Alfred Kapichira Banda said the ones who are causing high rejection rates at the auction floors are vendors not the farmers.

Alfred Kapichira Banda
Kapichira Banda: Vendors pushing up the rejection rates.

“Since government introduced trade liberalization, vendors are buying tobacco from farmers thereby not grading the tobacco,” said Banda.

He added that farmers do know the right procedures to follow to produce good quality tobacco.

Banda further said that farmers should not be blamed on the high rejections at the auction because the vendors add foreign materials to the tobacco to increase weight.

According to Kapichira, vendors buy the tobacco from different farmers thereby making it hard for them to do proper grading but Malawian farmers value their farming hence are not responsible for the high rejection rate.