In a case of twisted priorities, the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has set up a team of people to recruit artists to tarnish Prophet Shepherd Bushiri. It is alleged that the recruits include David Kalilani who has just released a mock song against the flamboyant Prophet.
Reports claim that the DPP leadership decided to recruit Kalilani to curtail Bushiri’s growing popularity as well as divert the attention of Malawians from the problems that the country is undergoing.

“There was a meeting soon after Bushiri released the open letter in which he complained that our camp was impeding his maize distribution exercise. We agreed that we should do something to stop him because we still believe he wants to stand in 2019 elections possibly on a PP ticket after seeing him and Joyce Banda together,” a source told this publication.
He said that one of the strategies that they agreed was to recruit artists to do songs, poems and plays that discredit Bushiri’s work and personality before his political ambitions develop roots. Our source said that while they were starting to execute their plans, Grace Chinga died and the party found an opportunity to launch a full-fledged war on the flashy prophet.
However, the source could not confidently confirm on the credibility of reports pinning Kalilani as one of the recruits. David Kalilani also happens to be the nephew to Minister of Health Jean Kalilani.
Despite weaving the tune as a propaganda on family basis, the ruling DPP is also said to have handed a khaki envelope with a hefty amount to Kalilani who is one of the pioneers of hip hop in Malawi. Malawi24 could not independently verify the claims as Kalilani had not yet responded to our question.
This publication has been told that DPP cadets have been ordered to champion the agenda on social media by making much noise on the releases by their recruited artists. In the song, David Kalilani promises to come back with a part 2, a case that our source said is in line with DPP’s propaganda on the young prophet.
If we could be creative positively for our country, pour all the energy with which all of you are writing these articles, into some creative progressive self help progressive scheme in Malawi can you imagine what a wonderful Malawi that would be! komatu ai! kujeda! kunyoza! kunama! kulimbikira ntunda opand a madzi! pochoka pamenepo nkumakapemnpha kwa ma Donors!
Malawi ! Malawi ! Malawi ! when are you going to wake up? the world is running right past us folks!
One thing I know in life is that you reap what you sow! If you think you are lying to anybody in the final anlysis you will find that you are just lying to yourself!
Plz osabulema 24 Nkhani ngati ndiyoona asiyeni anene ngati ndimunenere onyenga ndionyenga basi
Plz osabulema 24 Nkhani ngati ndiyoona asiyeni anene ngati ndimunenere onyenga ndionyenga basi
A Malawi munthu akangolemera koma zomunena phwiii, nkuwona Nyasaland ali wosaukitsitsa pa dziko lapansi. Kuyankhula ngati kuti inu ndiye wopembedza mu choonadi koma nanunso machino ali thoo. Zigololo, kuba, ufiti, nyanga, miseche, komanso nsanje mukuchita apayi. Musiyeni Bushiri azipanga zake inunso ndi kulungama kwanuko zipangani zanu.
A Malawi munthu akangolemera koma zomunena phwiii, nkuwona Nyasaland ali wosaukitsitsa pa dziko lapansi. Kuyankhula ngati kuti inu ndiye wopembedza mu choonadi koma nanunso machino ali thoo. Zigololo, kuba, ufiti, nyanga, miseche, komanso nsanje mukuchita apayi. Musiyeni Bushiri azipanga zake inunso ndi kulungama kwanuko zipangani zanu.
Tikuyenda mmasiku omalixa. Tsoka kwa iye amene malembo.
Tikuyenda mmasiku omalixa. Tsoka kwa iye amene malembo.
Mwati bushiri ndikanyama kanji?
Any one fighting major 1 is fighting against God who never loses battle
In our family we don’t stress. We relax. We don’t fight with fouls David kalilani olo jet yomwe alimbe too poor to talk about my father major1.
Only Jah knowz
umbuli umenewo david siwandale2
Inu a 24 tere simungathe kupereka nkhani zobweresa mtendere pa malawi nthawi zonse za against ndi ena basi thats why kamudzu adati matiparty ndi nkhondo samanena ya mfuti koma zomwe mumaganiza inu ndi zomenyanisa anthu ati ufulu wakuyankhula bwa amalawi tisamakonda dziko lokhala lathu?
Inu a 24 tere simungathe kupereka nkhani zobweresa mtendere pa malawi nthawi zonse za against ndi ena basi thats why kamudzu adati matiparty ndi nkhondo samanena ya mfuti koma zomwe mumaganiza inu ndi zomenyanisa anthu ati ufulu wakuyankhula bwa amalawi tisamakonda dziko lokhala lathu?
Wow alwz i trust in father GOD almighty nothing hide above hz name end the truth shall prevail
Wow alwz i trust in father GOD almighty nothing hide above hz name end the truth shall prevail
Masiku otsiliza zayenela kuchitika zimenezi tikwanilitse maulosi
I lyk Davie Kalirani evn before he spits any lyrics
Nkhondo ya munthu was Mlungu sitilimbana nalo thupi kapena mwazi yes sukulu ZANU zili apo koma musayiwaleso kuti amalimbana ndi Ambuye Yes anali asukulu ngati inuyo ndikuphunzira kwanuko. Bible langa likuti mukadzawona mwana was munthu atakwezedwa dziwani kuti chipulumutso chafika. Mwasintha pemphero LA a prophet ndi inuyo APA ndikuwona promotion INA ya munthu was Mlunguyu. Kumbukilani kuti banja LA David lidakhala lodalitsikabe ndipo sizingasinthe chifukwa choti inu mwalankhula kuti dziko likudziweni kuti mumalankhula Ambuye akuthandizeni kuzindikira kuti chifuniro cha Mlungu mchiyani pa moyo wanu
Shepherd Bushiri 2019 boma
Iam not a Bishiri fan but this is totally misplaced.
Anthu amulungu segulani maso werengani bible, chonde kumbukira mau ambuye Yesu
Bwanji nkasa wayimba nyimbo ya poison kumunena chakwela sono apa chavuta nchani
Mmm du u hv evidence tht dpp z mastermindng all ths alligations,as the mattet of fact y cant let major to du hs mission,remembr almighty z watchng everythng we r duin adzaweruza ekha bass,
ECG ndi Bushiri kodi ndi andalenso??David waimba za Mulungu basi get the message if its yours,leave it if it’s not chisiyeni chipani cha ndale cha DPP,mbiri zanu zinayamba kalekale if i remember ndiye bwanji mukulimbana ndi ndale anthu a Mulungu.
mboni yanu ndani?
mugoona kuti mupaga bwanji ine niribe puloburemu, ndimakhara ndizochita za nkutu
Matsiku otsiliza kudzabwera aneneri onyenga.malawi watch out!utsi sufuka popanda moto!
REMEMBER MAU ADZAIMA KOMANSO TIKAKHALA CHETE MIYALA NDIYO IDZAFUULA Kalilani wanena zomwe bible limakamba and sizandalenso izi funani ina nkhani osati za dpp la 40 likwana just leave GOD TO BE GOD. Komanso malawi 24 phumali bwanji know kut kuno ndi kunja kunayanja lichero komanso ng’oma yolilitsa siichedwa kung’ambika kambaniko zina za mneneriyu zisiyeni MULUNGU NDIYE AKUDZIWA AND NGATI NDI ZOONA ZIULULIKA And tidziwa tonse
News 24 muthamanga mwatsala wezi mungadzaone ngat moyo ngofewa
David Sangatumidwe. Bushi-tiiii 24
Maprophet anyengo zino mma 90s kunalibeko milacle money milacle wife or milacle husband kunalibenso kubooleza koma mma 2000 ziliko ndipositinati tiziona ndangomvanso kuti akufuna kubweresanso milacle ina ya tsopano milacle car kkkkkkkkkk odiiiii ukoooo koma major 1 iweyo ndi 1
Can’t we deny these are the signs of the last days.
Here in south africa there are so many fake prophets like Bushiri,Ida Peter side ndi ena otero.Coz dzikoli ndi la satanic thats why adzadza kuno,but there time iz over now blieve in jesus christ
A Malawi ndibwino kupewa kuyimbila mfiti mmanja!
If Bushiri is the man of GOD what about Jesus?
keep up the Lords good music
okey igot u David aman of God must be poor like you to prove that he is areal man of God
I don’t even care who is saying the truth here! But one thing I know is that we have a bunch of idiots who are busy believing in lies! lies about Bushiri and stuff! If Bushiri is not a real prophet, so who cares???? I thought there is God who should judge our lame brains?
What if Bushiri is really what our stupid brains are saying and this is a plan of his that we can keep talking and fighting…… Just at least wake up Malawi!!
Tiyeni amalawi pena tiziziwa kudzula ndikulangidza minthu ngsti pena sizikukhala bwino not kunyodza ine chidzudzulo changa chikupita kwa stsogoliri smipingo mukulsmdila zitodzo chifukwa chosadzichepetsa ndozanu zomwe mulinadzo kapena zomwe mukufuna kuthandidza kapena kugula ABushiri pena pake pakuwavuta ngati mphrophet ndichifukwa chani chilichonse chomwe akugula chikumadziwidwa nanga akumalengedza ndani ? Akuyenera kudzichepetsa ngati iwo man of God apa akupanga ngati mmene amapangira atsogoleri szipani momwe amapikitsirana pazachuma chao pandale
masiku osiliza kuzakhala aneneri onyenga ndi mukudikiraso uti?aliposo wina
olakwa ndiwe ukuvomereza kuti bushiri akupanga zabwino munthu uja ndikape ngati ndalama ndizake koma asayike moyo wazake pandalama zake nose mukuvomereza bushiri mulindi 2 sense organs
Hiiii koma nde kutha ma plan tu
We Malwians must some how concetrate on the bible scripture…kuvomeleza kumativuta
Malawi 24 mbuzi! David kali… osamupanga include ndi nyasi zanuzo! koma ngat nyimbo ya kalilani sinakukhudze aa umatamba ase!!! ndithawi ya nkhondo iyi btwn Devo n God anyambuti mulikut?
Just solve the current problems facing by Malawians
hahaha nkhani zakutherani eti…? ati kichita kuyamba ndi #Revealed:ngati mitiuza za nzeru kkkkk koma
Bushiri is a hyna in a lamb skin.. To hell with His #dirty duties..
a malawi24 anyani inu
i wander why this page think that all of us are businessmen cum prophets warshipers .
a dpp anenetsa kuti ngati APM sa duwa athana naye bushitiyo
I hope and believe kut admin wa M24 wawerengako ma comments a wanthu apa ndipo usiya kulemba zoduka mutu zakozi mxiuw
Mapage onsewa sangakhale abodza.Kalilani will never prosper with this kind of behaviour i tell you.You are atrained pastor foretold by jesus not chosen by God.Thats why you r used by politician to tarnish the image of Bushiri.UBUSA SITIPITIRA KUXUL
Oh now I see Why Jesus was crusfied. The politicians were afraid.Jesus had a lot of people who followed him,yaa they thought he will take their positions mmmm.MAJOR1 z nt for anybodys position to him z a demotion. iyeeeeee aka bazuka
Oweluza ndi yahova mukutaya nthawi yanu nkulimbana ndi anthu amene amatchula zamau amulungu oweluza ndiyekhayo chauta basi.
After going thru all the above comments here, i have come to the point of continuing holding on to what i have in my heart….and i think it’s safe to say tidzazindikira bwino patsogolo…. Glory to God of Abraham..
Nkhani yomvuta bro any way if u saw Major 1 give him my number kkk
Malawia24 pliz if u hav nothing 2 write its better 2 stay quite,don’t take Malawians 4 granted coz we all knw da trueth abt Bushiri,if he has given u money just eat ur money & leav Dpp alone
Malawia24 pliz if u hav nothing 2 write its better 2 stay quite,don’t take Malawians 4 granted coz we all knw da trueth abt Bushiri,if he has given u money just eat ur money & leav Dpp alone
A kalilani kukula konseko mdakali ndi ka mtima ka nyasalande wa kale kale
A kalilani kukula konseko mdakali ndi ka mtima ka nyasalande wa kale kale
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
Tikudikira part 2 David kalilani please or utanena kuti ndikaimbe nawo I am ready my ves or chorus I can compose. HERE IN South Africa watsala pang’ono mazula amumenyaso anapepherela athu 400 osewo kuwalipilitsa koma palibe anachilako onse. ndie zili mkamwa mwa athu kuti abweze ndalama basi.
Tikudikira part 2 David kalilani please or utanena kuti ndikaimbe nawo I am ready my ves or chorus I can compose. HERE IN South Africa watsala pang’ono mazula amumenyaso anapepherela athu 400 osewo kuwalipilitsa koma palibe anachilako onse. ndie zili mkamwa mwa athu kuti abweze ndalama basi.
Ndizovetsa chisoni kwambiri ku mtundu wa amalawi ineso ndi m’malawi sindinazichotsemo. Ok musadane ndi nyimbo yomwe wayimba David kalilani kuti muivetsetse mzimu wa mulungu suli pa zachuma ayi, ineyo ndikufuseni mtundu wanga wa malawi daily sunday or saturday mudzisamba ndikupita ku church kuti mukamve mawu a amene mutha kulumikizana ndi mulungu ndikupeza chipulumutso koma kuzipezeka kuti mudzikangomva miracle money lero mawa miracle job , miracle whatever inuo pa moyo chimene chingakuthandizeni ndi chani ? and nyimbo ya David ineo ndaimvera and ndaikonda kwambiri ndiyopatsa chilimbikitso makamaka ulaliki omwe uli mu nyimbo imene ija. ine sindidzasapota bushiri or atandithira DOOM mnkamwa. wakumva wamva.
Ndizovetsa chisoni kwambiri ku mtundu wa amalawi ineso ndi m’malawi sindinazichotsemo. Ok musadane ndi nyimbo yomwe wayimba David kalilani kuti muivetsetse mzimu wa mulungu suli pa zachuma ayi, ineyo ndikufuseni mtundu wanga wa malawi daily sunday or saturday mudzisamba ndikupita ku church kuti mukamve mawu a amene mutha kulumikizana ndi mulungu ndikupeza chipulumutso koma kuzipezeka kuti mudzikangomva miracle money lero mawa miracle job , miracle whatever inuo pa moyo chimene chingakuthandizeni ndi chani ? and nyimbo ya David ineo ndaimvera and ndaikonda kwambiri ndiyopatsa chilimbikitso makamaka ulaliki omwe uli mu nyimbo imene ija. ine sindidzasapota bushiri or atandithira DOOM mnkamwa. wakumva wamva.
Who told you Prophet Shepherd Bushiri wants to become a President, to him presidency is demotion he already said it
Who told you Prophet Shepherd Bushiri wants to become a President, to him presidency is demotion he already said it
We need the services of prophet Bushiri here in Zambia. A prophet is never accepte in his own homeland. When you try to tarnish the name of a true prophet of God; God will annoit him More than you expected. You can recruit thousands of traitors to rise against Shepherd Bushiri as a person but not Prophet Shepherd Bushiri. Your friends have tied to kill prophet TBJoshua and to tarnish his name but look what is happening his more and more annoitted. Therefore, demons cant defeat Prophet Shepherd Bushiri.
We need the services of prophet Bushiri here in Zambia. A prophet is never accepte in his own homeland. When you try to tarnish the name of a true prophet of God; God will annoit him More than you expected. You can recruit thousands of traitors to rise against Shepherd Bushiri as a person but not Prophet Shepherd Bushiri. Your friends have tied to kill prophet TBJoshua and to tarnish his name but look what is happening his more and more annoitted. Therefore, demons cant defeat Prophet Shepherd Bushiri.
Zaboza izi
ngakhale malemba amakamba zamatsiku otsiridza kuti mudzawona aneneri onyenga otsiyanasiyana tundu ndi tundu kuwukirana ndiye dzimene dzikuchikazi nokha mukuwona ndi maso ,inu mudzingokhulupirira mutima mwanumo kuti akhululukireni kuzochimwa dzanu,malemba akamba kuti musatengele ntchito zanga kuti mudzifutse kuti mutakhala kuti ndinu olungama
kodi a Malawi 24 why are you treating Bushiri like he is a politician?
what ever kind of names you can call upon Prophet Bushiri i will always be in support of him,Chokani inu amalawi 24 your duty is to confuse your news reader you have no truth in write your news,foolish kind of journalism.build malawi with positive kind of journalism not that of destruction.In malawi we have aproblem we need those people who who does the work of God to poor which is not true.with prophet Bushiri God has already equipped him Billions.stop in the name of jesus
koma mukamalemba muziwona ndikuganiza manyi anuwo david wayimba nyimbo mukuwona kwake osati wachita ku wuzidwa DPP he is a bible college graduate ndiwogela heavy muzamulungu nde he knows the truth about prophet oky
Kaliran Beef Ndi Atumiki Tsopano , Zotumidwa Iz
facts can be sold but truth comes naturally.
facts can be sold but truth comes naturally.
Masa pussy de la page
Masa pussy de la page
M24 Fuck yours
M24 Fuck yours
Am antprophet!
Am antprophet!
Koma Ubwino Ngwakuti Mapeto Azonse Zopanda Umbonizi Kuli Ciweluzo, Pamene Grace Azayime Ndi Ajawa Inenso Ndi Zijazi Inunso Ndi Zijazi Mmachitazija {ajawa} Tiyeni Tisunge Chikhulupiliro Kt Azatiyankhe Mfumu Ya Ma Mfumu
Koma Ubwino Ngwakuti Mapeto Azonse Zopanda Umbonizi Kuli Ciweluzo, Pamene Grace Azayime Ndi Ajawa Inenso Ndi Zijazi Inunso Ndi Zijazi Mmachitazija {ajawa} Tiyeni Tisunge Chikhulupiliro Kt Azatiyankhe Mfumu Ya Ma Mfumu
All I’m saying its the best dis track to ever come out in malawi. Skills, nothing but skills. Giant killer hahahah I’m loving it can’t stop playing the track
Authentic or Counterfeit?
How would you recognize counterfeit Christianity?
In 2 Peter 1 we read about genuine believers. And in 2 Peter 2 we read about counterfeit believers. If you put these chapters side by side you will see the difference between authentic and counterfeit believers.
1. Different Source—Where does the message come from?
Peter says, “We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1:16). And then he says the false teachers exploit you “with stories they have made up” (2:3). So the true teacher sources what he says from the Bible. The false teacher relies on his own creativity. He makes up his own message.
2. Different Message—What is the substance of the message?
For the true teacher, Jesus Christ is central. “We have everything we need for life and godliness in Him” (1:3). For the false teacher, Jesus is at the margins: “They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them” (2:1).
Notice the word secretly. It’s rare for someone in church to openly deny Jesus. Movement away from the centrality of Christ is subtle. The false teacher will speak about how other people can help change your life, but if you listen carefully to what he is saying, you will see that Jesus Christ is not essential to his message.
3. Different Position—In what position will the message leave you?
The true Christian “escapes the corruption in the world caused by evil desires” (1:4). Listen to how Peter describes the counterfeit Christian: “They promise . . . freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity, for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him” (2:19). The true believer is escaping corruption, while the counterfeit believer is mastered by it.
4. Different Character—What kind of people does the message produce?
The true believer pursues goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brother kindness, and love (1:5). The counterfeit Christian is marked by arrogance and slander (2:10). They are “experts in greed” and “their eyes are full of adultery” (2:14). They also “despise authority” (2:10). This is a general characteristic of a counterfeit believer.
5. Different Appeal—Why should you listen to the message?
The true teacher appeals to Scripture. “We have the word of the prophets made more certain and you will do well to pay attention to it” (1:19). God has spoken, and the true teacher appeals to his Word. The false teacher makes a rather different appeal: “By appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error” (2:18). So the true teacher asks, “What has God said in his Word?” The false teacher asks, “What do people want to hear? What will appeal to their flesh?”
6. Different Fruit—What result does the message have in people’s lives?
The true believer is effective and productive in his or her knowledge of Jesus Christ (1:8). The counterfeit is “like a spring without water” (2:17). This is an extraordinary picture! They promise much but produce little.
7. Different End—Where does the message ultimately lead you?
Here we find the most disturbing contrast of all. The true believer will receive “a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1:11). The false believer will experience “swift destruction” (2:1). “Their condemnation has long been hanging over them and their destruction has not been sleeping” (2:3).
Jesus tells us that there will be many who have been involved in ministry in his name, to whom he will say, “Depart from me; I never knew you” (Matthew 7:21). Who are these people? Surely Peter is describing them in this passage.
Don’t Be Naïve
We must not be ignorant: “There will be false teachers among you” (2:1). So how do we apply this warning?
I hv been knowing Pastor David Kalirani for so long and he cant be used in what u Malawi24 are claimiming to be, be professional and wise as u are presenting news to us otherwise we will lost trust in u
How Do You Identify False Teachers?
The answer according to Scripture,
– But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:21, 22)
– Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)
– Example: 1 Kings 13:18-24
– If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5)
– Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding; (Proverbs 2:3-6)
– Example: 1 Kings 3:9
– All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
– For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. (Romans 15:4)
– For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
– Example: Acts 17:11
– “For thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, ‘Do not let your prophets who are in your midst and your diviners deceive you, and do not listen to the dreams which they dream. (Jeremiah 29:8)
– “But as for you, do not listen to your prophets, your diviners, your dreamers, your soothsayers or your sorcerers who speak to you, saying, ‘You will not serve the king of Babylon.’ (Jeremiah 27:9)
– Do not listen to the words of the prophets who say to you, ‘You will not serve the king of Babylon,’ for they are prophesying lies to you. (Jeremiah 27:14)
– Example: Galatians 1:9
How important is it to be practicing this? God warns us plainly:
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. (Matthew 7:15)
Ndipo simunati, we patiently waiting for part 2 and then we’ll head to episodes and series. Haha!
olo satana amaziwa bibulo,koma mesa bukuli limatinso “usaweluze?”
uguyz becareful am tired with your demonish stories iwill show you
I love George Thindwa. Ali pheee! Alibe nkhawa. Ine ndazunguzika mutu. Mulungu weniweni ndi yuti? Wa David kalirani? Kapena Bushiri?. Thandizeni ine nkhosa yotaika.
Who I’m I to judge someone
Who I’m I to judge someone
Eeeeeeeee zako izoooo
Eeeeeeeee zako izoooo
malawi 24 we r tyd of ur shit stories mxiiiiiiiii
malawi 24 we r tyd of ur shit stories mxiiiiiiiii
Minyolo yanu ndi mipingo yanuyo agalu!!!!!!!!
Minyolo yanu ndi mipingo yanuyo agalu!!!!!!!!
do not judje
do not judje
kkkkk malawi @ 50
kkkkk malawi @ 50
thousand thousand of people r taliking about Bushiri, y y y people, shuld isay Bushiri hez areal prophet or jst alia??
thousand thousand of people r taliking about Bushiri, y y y people, shuld isay Bushiri hez areal prophet or jst alia??
aah malawi 24 u don’t hav much proof on dat 1 jst shutup
aah malawi 24 u don’t hav much proof on dat 1 jst shutup
Nkhani zinazi mumazitenga kuti. Atola nkhani apa Nyasaland.
Nkhani zinazi mumazitenga kuti. Atola nkhani apa Nyasaland.
poorest country in Africa =Malawi
poorest country in Africa =Malawi
Wasting time without realising until you find that we do not fight against God’s servants. Painfully, that will be too late when my Mother Malawi will realize that you can not cast those that God has called into furnace of fire. You will surely be burnt yourself instead.
Can you please stop going offside you my dear politicians! Matters concerning churches and Ministries are not for you. Ask BWANA JACOB ZUMA will tell you what he sees in this our own man- Prophet Bushiri.
TB Joshua is fake;
Shepherd Bushiri is fake.
Now the question is: Who is genuine man of God? Maybe Abambo ndi a sisitere maybe…., kapena kulibe atumiki owona mwina?
You do not need to say that “nilibe pulobulemu!” As a matter of fact, you don’t just have a problem but you are a “problem”!!!
Renember, what others say does not matter, but what you say matters most!
Personally,BUSHIRI alibe problem
U kind of people u have to die we don’t need you. Kaya you like or not i love major 1 so much
Akalilani ndamva kuti ndinu abusa tioneseninso ntchito zanu?are you pastor?or aposter?zamanyazi
Kkkk kma nyomboyo nde ndi deal I love t
Ooo! AMalawi what kind of prophent kumango tchuka ndizoipa zokha does no smokd without fire
Ooo! Malawi what kind of prophent kumango tchuka ndizoipa zokha does no smokd without fire
malawi24 ;;mumasiyana ndia ;SA24 ma news24 ena sakamba nkhani zopusazi nkhani zongopeka amakamba chilungamo;;;i tik nanu mumadya nawo miracle money yo amakugayilani;;;;koma kno dis david wayimba nyimboi powona kut an2 mwakomedwa ndi ndalama instead of kusaka chipulumuso;;;;za DPP zo mukuziwa ndiinu:::david ndi tru man of GOD not zapanozi even nyimbo zaka tikamamvera achimatafe timasithika nde ngati anawona kut achimata akulowera kulokwika ndibwino kuwawuza za mkomwe akupitako:::::::::::kodi nyimbo ya timoteo muyakhula ka2???;;;nanga ya grace is gone???;;;;mwangodana ndi david zitsilu inu;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I remember this other time anatulusa article yoti suffix wapanga disobey maparents ake coz of the truck nkazi wakumwamba;;;ndinu aboza
I have been listening that song since yestarday but Kalilani aint mention anyone including your God Bushiri
malawi24 bunch of miracle followers
inu musandinyase mwamva
No politics involved, Davie waimba ndi chikhulupiliro chake….
Koma ziripo
Have seen so many songs that are gospel but dont even mention jesus or once eg miracle money ts all about money basi so potii wina waimba avutike mene waimverera amwene 2016 unoo zaulendo uno ife nde tizipangadi dowload nkumamvera nkumagawaso kut onyoza ndiochemerera tizichulukila
Stolen…..I mistakenly sent someone k1, million through MSB’s wallent..in fact should I say, I sent K1, million to a wrong number after realizing this, I calm down and sent him/her this text message…..Hello Dear, I hope you got the membership welcome fee of K1 million to our satanism church. We are glad and looking forward to having you with us. That is just the beginning of the richest life you are about to start living. We hope you are as excited to be joining our church as we are. As I just said, that is a welcome salary, We are having a meeting tonight whereby we will slaughter 3 people in cerebration of easter month, please invite over any famale person you may be close to. Let’s meet tonight at 8pm at your place. If you haven’t shown any interest in our church and you believe this is a mistake, kindly sent the money back to this number otherwise welcome to our church. See you tonight” 10 minutes later K1,million was sent back to me together with the following SMS” This must be a mistake: I am not intersted..
Stolen…..I mistakenly sent someone k1, million through MSB’s wallent..in fact should I say, I sent K1, million to a wrong number after realizing this, I calm down and sent him/her this text message…..Hello Dear, I hope you got the membership welcome fee of K1 million to our satanism church. We are glad and looking forward to having you with us. That is just the beginning of the richest life you are about to start living. We hope you are as excited to be joining our church as we are. As I just said, that is a welcome salary, We are having a meeting tonight whereby we will slaughter 3 people in cerebration of easter month, please invite over any famale person you may be close to. Let’s meet tonight at 8pm at your place. If you haven’t shown any interest in our church and you believe this is a mistake, kindly sent the money back to this number otherwise welcome to our church. See you tonight” 10 minutes later K1,million was sent back to me together with the following SMS” This must be a mistake: I am not intersted..
You deserve to be sued for defamation. No different from Malawi Voice with your obvious propaganda. I advise you stop accusing people and creating stories of of political connections like these. One day, your journalists will be in jail for a long time and you’ll lose a lot of money.
You deserve to be sued for defamation. No different from Malawi Voice with your obvious propaganda. I advise you stop accusing people and creating stories of of political connections like these. One day, your journalists will be in jail for a long time and you’ll lose a lot of money.
Malawi24 being a news house, you need to write stories that are well researched. Ndinu amene mumaononga dzina la journalism
Malawi24 being a news house, you need to write stories that are well researched. Ndinu amene mumaononga dzina la journalism
Vuto la A Malawi ndi limenelo munthu asachite bwino basi ndi satanic.Anakuuzani kale kuti him joining politics it will be a demotion ndiye mukuzuzikilanji mu mtima kkkkk nje nje nje 2019 ikadali kutali
Vuto la A Malawi ndi limenelo munthu asachite bwino basi ndi satanic.Anakuuzani kale kuti him joining politics it will be a demotion ndiye mukuzuzikilanji mu mtima kkkkk nje nje nje 2019 ikadali kutali
Kodi ntchimo ndi usatanic okha basi? Mukungokamba za #Bushiri ma #father akwa #Roma amanyenga, bwanji simumawakamba chosecho analumbira kuti sazamudziwa nkazi. Unikanipo guys….
Kodi ntchimo ndi usatanic okha basi? Mukungokamba za #Bushiri ma #father akwa #Roma amanyenga, bwanji simumawakamba chosecho analumbira kuti sazamudziwa nkazi. Unikanipo guys….
Kodi ndekuti dziko La Malawi likadzagula ndege kapena likadzalemera, lidzasandukanso la satanic lonse chifukwa choti lalemera?? Bwanji Bushiri mmene anali osauka samatchulidwa kt ndiwasatanic?? Kuzolowera kupemphetsa mmabus basi ndi mmisika. moti inuso mukalemera musanduka wasatanic??
Kodi ndekuti dziko La Malawi likadzagula ndege kapena likadzalemera, lidzasandukanso la satanic lonse chifukwa choti lalemera?? Bwanji Bushiri mmene anali osauka samatchulidwa kt ndiwasatanic?? Kuzolowera kupemphetsa mmabus basi ndi mmisika. moti inuso mukalemera musanduka wasatanic??
Ngati mulungu ali ndi iye azamugonjetsa ndani. Zindikirani kuti iye azatimenyera nkhondo ife tili chete. Komaso Malawi 24 be proffessional plz
Dpp ingalimbane ndi kachisoso ngati bushiri? hahahahahaha MW24
Dpp ingalimbane ndi kachisoso ngati bushiri? hahahahahaha MW24
Nafenso ku Family yathu ya DPP we dont STRESS!!inu a Malawi24 musova!!
Part 1 watch out for part 2
Part 1 watch out for part 2
I don’t believe uu
my boy David is too smart for that bullshit…
I don’t believe uu
my boy David is too smart for that bullshit…
As far as i know the truth prophet bushiri ukooo nothing true is based in him. Komanso there is no way kumalimbana ndi kape uyo #bushiri i urge political leaders pleases focus on the countries developing strategies rather keep on wasting money to these artist to help yuh mock or whatever. We needa developing #malawi not silly conflicts damn
As far as i know the truth prophet bushiri ukooo nothing true is based in him. Komanso there is no way kumalimbana ndi kape uyo #bushiri i urge political leaders pleases focus on the countries developing strategies rather keep on wasting money to these artist to help yuh mock or whatever. We needa developing #malawi not silly conflicts damn
No wonder so man prophecies that someone will die
No wonder so man prophecies that someone will die
Ngat kuli boma lopusa,lauchitsiru,lopanda nzeru ndi la #DPP…….m’malo molongosola za chuma chadziko ndikuthandiza anthu omwe akunva njala m’manyumba mwao….iwo ali busy kumapereka ndalama kwa anthu kuti akamwere mowa ndicholinga chonyoxetsa munthu wina………m’malo molongosola za chitukuko cha dziko iwo ali busy kumapatsa anthu ndalama kuti adzikayimba nyimbo zopusa akuti kufuna kumuonongera mbiri yake ya munthu,……….izitu zikuonetsratu kuti mulibe nzeru ndipo tikamakamba za udindo iyi ndi mphatso yochokera kwa mulungu ngta #BUSHIRI atafuna kdzayimira pa mpanda wa u president ngat mulungu angayikilepo dzanja ayi zitha kutero ndithu……koma ngat analemba kuti peter akuyenera kulhalabe pampano ……zayenera kutero ndithu……..pliz pliz nkhani isamangokhalira ya munthu m’modzi ayi musiyeni naye ndi munthu ngat ife tomwe
Ngat kuli boma lopusa,lauchitsiru,lopanda nzeru ndi la #DPP…….m’malo molongosola za chuma chadziko ndikuthandiza anthu omwe akunva njala m’manyumba mwao….iwo ali busy kumapereka ndalama kwa anthu kuti akamwere mowa ndicholinga chonyoxetsa munthu wina………m’malo molongosola za chitukuko cha dziko iwo ali busy kumapatsa anthu ndalama kuti adzikayimba nyimbo zopusa akuti kufuna kumuonongera mbiri yake ya munthu,……….izitu zikuonetsratu kuti mulibe nzeru ndipo tikamakamba za udindo iyi ndi mphatso yochokera kwa mulungu ngta #BUSHIRI atafuna kdzayimira pa mpanda wa u president ngat mulungu angayikilepo dzanja ayi zitha kutero ndithu……koma ngat analemba kuti peter akuyenera kulhalabe pampano ……zayenera kutero ndithu……..pliz pliz nkhani isamangokhalira ya munthu m’modzi ayi musiyeni naye ndi munthu ngat ife tomwe
May God help us to realise that love for humanity whether evil or good as major way that can foster development. It is high time, we stopped majoring in minors. Let us learn to be united in essentials & be divided in none essentials.
May God help us to realise that love for humanity whether evil or good as major way that can foster development. It is high time, we stopped majoring in minors. Let us learn to be united in essentials & be divided in none essentials.
Bravo #Malawi24 continue informing and updating us with news and stories as they unfold otherwise ena akanasowa chocomenta. Wakwiya ndimfiti
Bravo #Malawi24 continue informing and updating us with news and stories as they unfold otherwise ena akanasowa chocomenta. Wakwiya ndimfiti
Bingu alibe pulomulemu
Bingu alibe pulomulemu
Share me de track plz# 0786699388
Share me de track plz# 0786699388
Don’t judge anyone you’re not a God
Don’t judge anyone you’re not a God
Jealous down nyimbo ili welo
Jealous down nyimbo ili welo
Ngati zikuchokela kwa Mulungu mwini wake Bushiri sagonja koma ngati zikuchokela kwina kwake Bushiri agonja
Ngati zikuchokela kwa Mulungu mwini wake Bushiri sagonja koma ngati zikuchokela kwina kwake Bushiri agonja
lwonder if such writerz dey also need promotion with such nonsense
lwonder if such writerz dey also need promotion with such nonsense
This thing of attacking the so called men of God is making Christianity to be ridiculed. The problem which I have is whether they r false prophets or not its not for us to judge. Let’s leave everything in the hands of God he is the better judge other than us pushing God on his throne to judge. These things r making those pple who r outside the kingdom of God not to give their lives to God coz they see us Christians kunyozana tokha tokha.
This thing of attacking the so called men of God is making Christianity to be ridiculed. The problem which I have is whether they r false prophets or not its not for us to judge. Let’s leave everything in the hands of God he is the better judge other than us pushing God on his throne to judge. These things r making those pple who r outside the kingdom of God not to give their lives to God coz they see us Christians kunyozana tokha tokha.
Felix Huios Nabi Navira……mwaiwerenga iyi?
Felix Huios Nabi Navira……mwaiwerenga iyi?
David kalilani will not let the name of God be used for self desires. God doesn’t want your good intentions or your good heart or whatever, he wants your hands and body to work for him. I’m not a B.A but if I was David I’d do the same.
David kalilani will not let the name of God be used for self desires. God doesn’t want your good intentions or your good heart or whatever, he wants your hands and body to work for him. I’m not a B.A but if I was David I’d do the same.
Any1 wth the track plz share me on whatsapp +277634189391
Any1 wth the track plz share me on whatsapp +277634189391
Waipeza? Ine ndili nayo
Waipeza? Ine ndili nayo
Matsiku omaliza anthu azaimbira manja mfiti.
Matsiku omaliza anthu azaimbira manja mfiti.
I am sorry for myself and Malawi as a Country. No time for deveploments but nthawi inailiyonse kukangana, kunyozana, kampeni, kuvulazana,kunenana maboza. Amalawi, ndiyekuti tizingokhalila kampeni nthawizonse basi? Izi zingooneselatu kuti dyela lakula, wina aliyense akufuna kukgala President.
I am sorry for myself and Malawi as a Country. No time for deveploments but nthawi inailiyonse kukangana, kunyozana, kampeni, kuvulazana,kunenana maboza. Amalawi, ndiyekuti tizingokhalila kampeni nthawizonse basi? Izi zingooneselatu kuti dyela lakula, wina aliyense akufuna kukgala President.
His exllency prophet Shepherd Bushir kkkkkkkkkk you confusing pple boss, why don’t u jst choose one?
Takanyereni musatisokose
Takanyereni musatisokose
Do not combine these two different activities for the purpose of getting bread.
Do not combine these two different activities for the purpose of getting bread.
Ngati ukuyaka mtengo wauwitsi kilili owuma,,,,,,ngati akuyamba ma pastor,Rev,Eva, kunenana okhaokha nde dziko ndi dzofowoka zake lipititsa kuti,,,mau a Mulungu amati musanyoze atumiki anga,,,,tsano ife ngayani tikayambe kuyimbana,nde ngati ali mulaliki why not preach Christ instead of a farisi omangosamala kunja koma mkati muli ndondocha,,,,,
Ngati ukuyaka mtengo wauwitsi kilili owuma,,,,,,ngati akuyamba ma pastor,Rev,Eva, kunenana okhaokha nde dziko ndi dzofowoka zake lipititsa kuti,,,mau a Mulungu amati musanyoze atumiki anga,,,,tsano ife ngayani tikayambe kuyimbana,nde ngati ali mulaliki why not preach Christ instead of a farisi omangosamala kunja koma mkati muli ndondocha,,,,,
bushiri iz a prophet david iz a pastor …eeeee apa pali ngozi
bushiri iz a prophet david iz a pastor …eeeee apa pali ngozi
Wakwiya mfiti,ndipo yemwe nyimboi yam’baya akayanike ufa pa chingwe,chilungamo enanu chimakuwawani;fake pulofeti indeed,,, Big Up! David Kalilani,nanu A Malawi24 Dpp Musamalimbane Nayo, Levels.
Wakwiya mfiti,ndipo yemwe nyimboi yam’baya akayanike ufa pa chingwe,chilungamo enanu chimakuwawani;fake pulofeti indeed,,, Big Up! David Kalilani,nanu A Malawi24 Dpp Musamalimbane Nayo, Levels.
I knew that there is someone behind dis. BUT i dont trust vc so called prophet
David Kalilani is not DPP linked. Wayimba ngati nkhristu basi.
Leave my Papa alone. Money frst God wil manifest, so what r u talkn about, anyone touching my Papa by mistake, he wil die by correct, so it’s up to u to choose
the recruits include….#then u jxt mention only one ?? z t coz he haz producd dat song ?? #mulibe_umbon_khalani_chete_bas
MW24 Atolakhani ake ngopasula (ngasataniki) allways bushiri ,nw i knw bushiri is man of GOD (chifukwa baible limanena movekeka bwino kuti chowona anthu azadana nazo more bushiri anawa avetse,Mw24 DPP muyichosemo pakangano wanu chifukwa amene akukutumani ndikumuziwa(busa winawake wakumalawi nayeso ali ku RSA)MUpidulanji?
Wats#0881566060/0888863113 musamanamizile munthu wamulungu en musamamugamule couz chiweluzochilikumwamba ngatiza ndalezakuvutani musamanyasisembili yamunthu wamulungu couz anakukanilaniso pamasopaanthu d@ sakuzifunazandele so why mukungojijilika bushili this bushili that
recruit ten million artists mind you one Angel Will fight you all in Jesus name. You Dont even know the power of God Read Numbers 12 vs 1-12
Ngatimwatopanazo ndare you batter just drop couz sibwino kuphatikiza ndare ndi munthuwamulungu
Mukasowa cholemba better kupita kunyumba kumakacheza ndi ana.#kusowa_Mubwere kuno ndikupatseni ganyu
A KALILANI mwafulumira kwambiri mukanadekha simungamumenyele mulungu khondo mulungu amazimenyela yekha khondo. Inuyo kumumenyela mulungu khondo zikhoza kusonyeza ngt kut GOD is weak. Evry thng is prvd by time. Chifukwa muzachita manyazi zikazaziwika kut ndizochita kukoza. Mukumbuke kuno ndikumalawi abusa ena ku area 25 anaotcheledwa church galimoto akut anasanduka njoka koma pano zinadziwika kut zinali zabodza. So man of GOD take ur tym.GOD him self wll prove. Koma mukazatenga tchito ya mulungu muzachita manyazi.
that’s Malawi which i know since young . bodza ,dyera ,kuba ndi kuyipitsa . why pipo ? let things go and see at last .inuso a news be serious when writing thing kumagolemba zinthu without facts . komaso zomati uyu uyu mukuti mneneli ndiwotani kaya . just see and keep ur faith . days are just near . mpompano whose who keep the words of GOD will be saved from this demonic trap . mind u friends tifunefune ufumuwake ndipo zinazo zidzapatsidwa kwaife . osangoti ndalama .is money salvation?
U are devils 2 killing silently musieni Bushiri pangani zanu!
kkkkk ndie2 akt part 2 ikubweranso……OSAOPA NTHAWI YA NKHONDO IYI..
During my entire life time, never had I heard before that there is another type of money called miracle money, not even in the bible. What do you make of a person who instead of preaching about salvation, he always preaches about miracle money? In which bible does God say that in the last days he will splash miracle money? In the book of 2Corinthians 11:14, the apostle Paul says that the enemy of God will camouflage himself, even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Furthermore, Jesus said that in the last days, there will be a deception, so clever and powerful that it will sweep away millions of people like you devil defenders. Jesus repent now and stop being defensive.
Surely with all respect sir you dont know anything about the man of God attend or watch and your will know what he preachers. Not just getting wat people say and pit it to be the fact lean to find your own thing and post
Surely with all respect sir you dont know anything about the man of God attend or watch and your will know what he preachers. Not just getting wat people say and pit it to be the fact lean to find your own thing and post
Every person has a direct connection to talk to God you dont have to pass through someone to send out a request or a plea to God…humble yourself and talk to him you dont need to have spiritual father or man of God..
Nonsense!! Let God come to avoid worsening our dearly #Mum_Malawi
Be carefull
@ Leah, that silly mentallity that young people cant be given the right to be leaders is killing our society! You mean akulu alipowo after him there is no older than him?
Kkkkkkkkk koma mukudziwa kuti aliyese akadza weluzidwa yekha yekha in mwayamba kuweluza shame!!! ur far ine ndilozeleni komwe anapita Bushiliko nanapite but read Psalms 105:15
Try to write stories that are constractive not those that alwayz try to tarnish gvt image. U should be ashamed of your self.
Eiiish Malawi Malawi please stop jealousy, leave Bushiri alone
Kkkkkkkkkkkk major 1
Kkkkkkkkkkkk major 1
Lol. This is why I love Malawi 24 reporters, they can always give us some news to keep us busy even if there’s no news at all. In the story the reporter says “The source could not confidently confirm on the credibility of pinning Kalilani as one of the recruits.” Well. If there’s no such concrete evidence of the song’s connection to DPP then why did you go ahead to publish the article? Should I conclude that you have also been recruited as one of the Bushiri’s mouthpieces or maybe you are just obsessed with DPP? The guy(David) is only saying what he thinks is not what many “blind followers” think it is. He’s even said in the song that he “gave up the fame and fortune kalekale” so I wonder if he did the track in order to fight DPP’s battle against Bushiri. Anyway I’m sure Major 1’s spiritual sons dubbed musicians will soon be in the studio cooking some hits to oppose all what’s been mentioned in “Bushiri onyenga” just like they’ve done before. By the way I like David Kalilani’s song and can’t wait for the part 2.
Sorry – I almost forgot to tell you that I’m neither a fan of DPP nor Bushiri..
a prophet iz not eccepted in his on country sizachilendo olo yesu adamukana
Ine ndikudabwa kuti boma la dpp likudana ndi Bushiri, kodi muneneriyu walakwa chani kubomaku? Enanunso mukumunyoza Bushiri chakukhuzani ndichani? Olo Yesu anatozedwa ndipo ankati simwana wa Mulungu, mpaka tsiku lakuuka kwake anthu sanakhulupilire. Tikanakhala ife wokhulupilira Mulungu sibwenzi tilipano kukangalika kuweruza Bushiri ai, poti anati usaweruze chifukwa siudindo wako, koma wa iye Mulungu. Amen.
Mwayamba kutiuza nkhan zabodza inu
Malawi24??? NO we are Malawi @ 52 now,,,,
Wait for Part TWO wakuuzani kale .zomwe wina ankati adzaulula David waulula koma akuti wangoyamba sadati muonekela nonse njoka ..He is a Giant-Killer .
by this u r creating an impression that DPP is very powerful n popular infact it is clear testimony that they will win next elections u cant hav gud nights with Dpp today dpp this dpp that…by the way pepple will trust kalirani if u start defending u could as well not respond if anything i blv bushiri PRO is at work to clear his image if its fro GOD men will not overcome it but if not fro GOD then the end is nearer
by this u r creating an impression that DPP is very powerful n popular infact it is clear testimony that they will win next elections u cant hav gud nights with Dpp today dpp this dpp that…by the way pepple will trust kalirani if u start defending u could as well not respond if anything i blv bushiri PRO is at work to clear his image if its fro GOD men will not overcome it but if not fro GOD then the end is nearer
I even no that this people there using you malawi24 because every time u back bushiri as for David leave the young boi alone ine nde yandiwaza nyimboi ili mushe heavy into Malawi 24mukugwilisidwaso ncthito ndi aneneriwa God is watching
nd kelven sulungwe uyu…. nzake wa Bushiri
DPP you are fighting God not Major 1 be careful
Instead of dealing with problems that the country is facing you are busy wasting time with Bushiri.You the DPP you dont have sense,shame on you!
Dpp ikununkha
Kodi ECG is it a church or a political party like DPP?
Cult Organization.
From now onwards I STOP believing malawi24, u r misleading Malawians!!! God z watching
Just love de song let the truth known thanks for the word pastor David.,,,,,,, John 8 vs 32
Osaopa anyambuti
Malawi24, kodi aliyense wotsutsana ndi Bushiri ndiwa DPP/ watumidwa ndi DPP? DPP ndi Bushiri pali ubale wanji? Osamakamba za MCP bwanj kapena PP and the like…against DPP bwanj. Dont compare mtumiki wa Mulungu ndi zandale.
kodi david mesa amagwilizana ndima sten ndye zitheka bwanj kut Dpp imugwulise ntchito boza limenelo zithu zkt waganiza yekha sidolo amene uja ayeneleka ngat akuziwana iyeyo ndi bushiri
ndekuti to you whatever is happen out there its about DPP initiating it? flames ikaluza you say DPP,when nyambuti releases a song mwati ndi DPP..if you think you’re better just wait 2019 zasala zaka ziwiri zokha ndipo
Zikuchitikaxi tixiti ndimphabvu ya Mwini MULUNGU kapena SATANA??
Malawi 24 pofika 2019 munyazitsa anthu angat ?
Ife tizavotera wa stanic yemweyo angoyesa kuima 2019
Akhala atakanthidwa kale ndi Mulungu ikamafika 2019 hahaha…. Osaopa
Inenso he is better than them
Inenso he is better than them
What I know you cant win a battle against men of God you are wasting your time.You will just increase his popularity like Aleke during Kamuzu era go ahead!
major 1 for real
Major Jesus for real
Y calling him major 1. I never heard him saying jesus number one
Bubble gum music…
Who owns this page??
#missionunlikemalawi24 you guys mislead people
???? Dude!
???? Dude!
Dingiswayo Nyirenda chilungamo alibe anthuwa osamufunsa Kaye munthuyo bwanji lol amawona ngati Ana ife eti
Dingiswayo Nyirenda chilungamo alibe anthuwa osamufunsa Kaye munthuyo bwanji lol amawona ngati Ana ife eti
???? amatibela kwambiri, they always come up with lies to capture our attention
???? amatibela kwambiri, they always come up with lies to capture our attention
Dingiswayo Nyirenda they take sides without knowing anything, I’m not taking sides either but atleast give independent views of what is really on the ground, make thorough investigations from both sides and give us real shit not this shity article they call news.
Dingiswayo Nyirenda they take sides without knowing anything, I’m not taking sides either but atleast give independent views of what is really on the ground, make thorough investigations from both sides and give us real shit not this shity article they call news.
Tom Ronalds This page is owned by bitch nigga Kelvin Sulugwe, so you just know.
Tom Ronalds This page is owned by bitch nigga Kelvin Sulugwe, so you just know.
Tapanga unlike ma loser awa had a positive image about them Koma they are bullshitters
Tapanga unlike ma loser awa had a positive image about them Koma they are bullshitters
Same here bro.
Same here bro.
Ihhhhhhhh that explains it all!!!!!!!
Ihhhhhhhh that explains it all!!!!!!!
If they are doing legit shit why attack the gvt why not just do their stuff and dpp singapange hire David ase kkkk
If they are doing legit shit why attack the gvt why not just do their stuff and dpp singapange hire David ase kkkk
Hahahahaha eti aise, Ndipo David sangalore zachibwanazo momwe ndimamuonela aise
Hahahahaha eti aise, Ndipo David sangalore zachibwanazo momwe ndimamuonela aise
Bwanji simunalembe zimenezi nyimbo asanaimbe ? We know Kalirani ngati mtumiki oona wa Jahova Osati mbwelera zoti mtumiki wa DPP
Akungofuna ku tchuka basi
Hehehe mkulu munthu ukunenayu ndiwotchuka kwambiiiiiiiiiri… Koma kungoti za anthu atchukazi suzitsata
Amalawi munazolowela mmafuna mtumiki wa mulungu akhale osauka opemphapempha muzimunyoza, koma silva ndi gold ndizake zayehova alekelanji mulungu kumdalitsa mtumiki wake?
Tigayileni nyimboyo timvele nawo. 0884529603
Bushiri ndi amene anapha grace kamba koti amafuna kuyara gadzi. Mkazi anakana ndiye inu ngati muvomeredza bonza limene akunena bushiri ndiye kuti inu ndi amene m’matuma bushiri kuti akafutsire grace aka nkana amuphe. Zachamba eti
Let them do
God is watching
Because of the poverty which strikes many people in the country rich people want to use it as opportunity to spread their virous off lies.Malawians learn lot from the Old MCP.Don’t be delied work hard for your families no body else will.Trust no body.Our big brothers and sisters had wasted lot of their life time by believing in Auncle John Tembo and Gwamda Chakuamna.NEVER AGAIN They Ara All The Same.
Page iyi ili wack pakacika nkhan amailowexa muzandale bas makape inu.
malawi24 . David kalilani yekhayu musiyeni
Bushiri ndi munthu wamkulu kaya wina afune kaya wina asafune. Mumunyodza mutopa munthu kunyozedwa ndi anthu a Ku Malawi koma kupatsidwa ulemu ndi dziko la South Africa chabwino ndi Chani? A Malawi nsanje too much…
Timangoperekatu ulemu koma timafuna titasinako pang’ono, kuti kodi kapena anakulawisako magic money? Kkk
anadyatu ameneyo man zamiracle
Wankulu ndi mulungu man bwanji wakula liti bushili
Jesus only my Major 1
nde ife timuope coz south africa ikumupasa ulemu?senseless comment have neva seen before uta deletanso sungalakwise
nde ife timuope coz south africa ikumupasa ulemu?senseless comment have neva seen before uta deletanso sungalakwise
A bright i guess ur chindere chakwambula mahala coz ur just as stupid as the 1 ur praising
A bright i guess ur chindere chakwambula mahala coz ur just as stupid as the 1 ur praising
malawians can respect and follow nijerian pastors/prophets and diss their own, am not a follower of Bushiri but who am i to judge him? our home boy is doing good if we cant bless up then stay back dont get jealous, lets not be bums, nsanje sipindula
Blind following.
Iwe ndi ziladi ndithu sunafike pankhuku nchifukwa sukudziwa kwenikweni chomwe ukukamba Egg Nog
ngati akufuna ulemu adzikhala komweko popeza anthu aku sauth africa amangokonda zilizonse poti iwo khalidwe lomwe amalidziwa ndikupeza ndalama mosakhetsela thukuta ,so let them respect him malawian’s we don’t just follow thing’s like those south africa’s,,,, the blessed country malawi oyipa athawa yekha in my country
ngati akufuna ulemu adzikhala komweko popeza anthu aku sauth africa amangokonda zilizonse poti iwo khalidwe lomwe amalidziwa ndikupeza ndalama mosakhetsela thukuta ,so let them respect him malawian’s we don’t just follow thing’s like those south africa’s,,,, the blessed country malawi oyipa athawa yekha in my country
datz wat we co blind 4llown
datz wat we co blind 4llown
Guys this people sometimes are stupid they always want to get our attention I don’t think this people are saying the truth
*Osaopa by David Kalilani Lyric* First of all who’s this uncircumcised philistine // He’s about to get beheaded the bible ezekiel 18// Mathew 24 vs 11 you can perform miracles but never see heaven // Let’s call a spade a spade I don’t beat around the bush Bushiri you’re not a prophet // You’re not a major you’re a major in the minors // Kagulu kokutsatilaka tikapanga minus// Me not afraid to amend them // If they don’t repent hell fire gonna burn them // Luke 13 vs 25-27 I’m about to say the truth and it will set them free // You need to enlighten your congregation // The Girls that you’re having sex with are a confirmation // Kuti utumiki wako ndi abomination // Mphanvu zako umazipeza to divination // Ndimasulire interpretation // Nkuluyi amatenga mphanvu zake kumadzi// Asing’anga ako akuulula ului mmadzi// Kapinga tikutchetcha njoka zionekele// I can hear your spiritual sons avekele// ‘Ee papa game yalakwa apapa// I’m not a rapper don’t get it twisted // Ine ndine nyambuti and you’ve been hit listed // Ndikupupusa legeni yanga muli mwala/ Ndine mwana wa mulungu sungandiphe ndi mankhwala // You got some explaining to do// Bushiri you got some explaining to do// And I’m listening // Blind followers please wear spectacles // And watch God make bushiri a public spectacle // I am a giant killer, I am a giant killer // Force prophets I will shut you down // Like Elijah and the prophets of baal// I’m ready to die on the battlefield // I’m a warrior Ndisaina kalekale // I gave up the fame and the fortune kalekale // God prepared me for this battle kalekale // You haven’t heard before // I have killed alot of bears and lions before // Maybe you haven’t listened to as you grow // Maybe you haven’t listened to exodus part 2// From experience I know God can kill you too // I’ve seen him do it before he’s gonna do it again // Anyambuti muli kuti? Nthawi ya nkhondo iyi// Aneneri onyenga tithane nawo
Malawi 24,DPP,David Kalilani they are all fools and scavengers, But Bushiri Major one genius.
Only Jesus is a Major 1….. Osaopa
Why there seniors pastors or overseers or popes but you don’t judge them but only major one. Don’t say that Jesus Christ in the major one coz God has given us power.
those seniour pastors hav served longer or attained higher education than others so for prophets even fro bible were going to prophetic xols or were Called to…i think za major one anadzipatsa yekha..after all am not suprised we r in the last days and bible has said what signs will b there
those seniour pastors hav served longer or attained higher education than others so for prophets even fro bible were going to prophetic xols or were Called to…i think za major one anadzipatsa yekha..after all am not suprised we r in the last days and bible has said what signs will b there
those seniour pastors hav served longer or attained higher education than others so for prophets even fro bible were going to prophetic xols or were Called to…i think za major one anadzipatsa yekha..after all am not suprised we r in the last days and bible has said what signs will b there
those seniour pastors hav served longer or attained higher education than others so for prophets even fro bible were going to prophetic xols or were Called to…i think za major one anadzipatsa yekha..after all am not suprised we r in the last days and bible has said what signs will b there
Man which xul attains someone a degree in general overseers or senior pastors?
man jesus is the only genius and major1 pliz open ur eyes
man jesus is the only genius and major1 pliz open ur eyes
Abigail mpaka tilowe bible. The bible says in 1John 4:17; that as He is so are we in this world, so if Christ is genius we are also genius. wanva?
Abigail mpaka tilowe bible. The bible says in 1John 4:17; that as He is so are we in this world, so if Christ is genius we are also genius. wanva?
Don’t use your freshly mind to judge the things of God coz in fresh lies only foolishness wamva Abigail?
Koma kutaika kulipo,koma mulungu ndi wansanjetu, musamale nazo zimenezi,
Koma kutaika kulipo,koma mulungu ndi wansanjetu, musamale nazo zimenezi,
tisamale zichani Alice? Ine sindikujaja munthu tu, mukuyenera kusamala ndinu coz you’re judging a person whom you have no evidence of what he is.
Zosamveka mwalembazi.Ntumiki wa Mulungu amaonongedwa ndi jelousy religious crusders not politicians as you mention DPP.
David ali duuu kulota part 2 when God is on your side this is wat happens
shupiti zako olembawe ndi akunyumba kwako. news izi zouzana pakhonde ndi akazi ako ndi ana
Koma a dpp muli ndi vuto.Kodi kapena poti chipani chazaza ndi mtundu Wachilomwe? Ngati Bushiri si wa Mlungu,ndi angati anthu anthu olemela ku Malawi amene sa amulungu? Mitundu yoti yizitilamula kumaona abale
Usamapuse Mmene Wakuliramo,mavuzi Onsewo Kumakhulupilira Nkhani Yopusayi.Opusa Ndimitundu Yanuyo Coz You Are Failing To Make An Independent Research On These Simple Things. ..Ayayaya Atumbukadi Simuzatheka
Vuto Alomwenu ndi nsanje. Nzeru kusukulu zakuvutani mwati quota system ndi izi mkuphula nazo zosaphya munthu walemera wa mtundu wina mkuti satanic. muli ndi vuto,primitives
nothing to do with lomwe tribe here-dnt be stupid tho ur stupid
The more u talk about tumbuka,the more you popularize dem,lets just accept dat these ppo were born blessed.
kkkkkkk…..kod atumbuka ndi otchuka…kapena ozikonda…lomwe or tumbuka tonse ndi amalawi n mbuli zomwe mukuzinenazo zakulamulirani kawiri konse stil…makani…
Dis jus shows u are the lions…sitikusekelela
It would have been better if you tied an anvil around your neck and through yourself in the sea, than to mislead any of these little ones.
Repent or die!!!!…
Mukambalemba Zausilu Zanuzo Let David Alone Osamamfanizila Ndi Zopepela Zanuzoyi
so sum diper heads hav no brains to stop pointin fingerz at each other,y pointin at bushiri as a fake prophet en y pointin at david to hav bn bought by political gurus en finally y pointin fingerz at Dpp guess all u pipo are pretty fucked diperz..
Awa ndie amaxowa zolemba…MALAWI24 u r jus chasin’ the wind..Ofunika mukangoyambiranso…
zoonad aunt grace ngakhale munapita zambiri mwaulura n nw david nae osaopa uyu akut major azipita nd danger
Amene mukulimbana ndi muntu wamulungu bushiri mukungotaya nthawi.iye mulungu anampatsa ntchito yotamandika yolalika ndi kuchita ntchito zachifundo kwa anthu a yehova.sanaikidwe paziko pano kuzagwira ntchito zachipani.mwina mukuyankhula zopusazi chifukwa simuziwa mphamvu zomwe ali nazo.becareful becoz he iz not just a mare phophet but annointed prophet of god.inu muzingolimbana ndi achipani anzanu,mukalimbana ndi prophet wankulu as a result muthera teremu yomweyi come 2019 mcp,pp or any other party will take over from you.LIVE MAJOR 1 ALONE.MIND UR BUSINESS.
DPP mwaiwonjeza a MALAWI
Ndinthudi a ngoni Yohanie Zonda people must get alife and find JESUS. Yesu ndi amene wawatalikila anthu.
May God forgive all of u
Pamene paja tima miracle children ndikuzangoti #papa game yalakwa!!!
It is longtime ago that you lost media credibility, unproffessionalism is deep into your little brain. Have you ever posted a story of national importance?
David man of God versus Uncircumcised Philistine
isnt there something better you can write other than these nonsense? we are tired of these mere fallacies and propagandas ok? lembani nkhani zina zaphindu mwamva?
Guys malawian fans yyy u r busy to hate man of God??…..analakwisa chani bushiri kumuyalusa choncho & chot mziwe only God knws kaya mphavu zake ndzakumadzi msiyen msamuweruze popeza chiweruzo ndchamwini mlungu tien tingoyang’ana kwa jah jah kut adalise dziko lathu nt kuchulukisa kaduka nd kunyoza munthu osalakwa & sndli mbali yamunthu aliese koma ine ndkuziwa kut chiweruzo ndchamwino namalenga or mtanyoza kutukwana no phindu lake …njala nthenda NSANJE…..
Sakuweluza, akudzudzula… Osaopa
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life, this is what i caused myself, for allowing my fiance make sex to me unsecured without protection, although i never knew he is HIV positive. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the traditional healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS..
just like that verse purpose of holy spirit asah,,,it’s not all about prosperity,,, but salvation lol
koma chipani chanuchi……
kkkkk Humphrey
Ha ha ha poorest country in the world.
Its funny that evry tym u defend him why dont u tell evry 1 who think he is bad your testmony so that those who dont belive mst follow him too
kodi mukamati Bushiri ndi muthu wamulungu inu ndi athu andan?……kupusatu kumeneko
he with out sin shall cast the first stone # team miracle money
…… DAVID KALILAN akupondani pa bala eti…./?????
DPP imakuyabwani chomwechi bwanji?
Bravo David expose these people. It’s time people know the truth regarding the so called prophets
This malawi 24 is a Bushiri owned platform, why always DPP? Grow up and tell us something mr foolish, do you think nobody is entitled to criticize unless he is a pro DPP?
Bushiri is a fake prophet(from #Zambia).
Mwamulira David kalilani iguess muli muguli la anyambutiiii ayt mxieeeeew
Mmmhm #Malawi_24 basi sumakhala ndi nkhani zina zabwino koma zabodzazi mukati mukambe basi za #Bushiri ndi #DPP mumatikwana nazo ife mukuchita za usalvage mwamva apatsileni anthu nkhani zabwino zomanga dziko lathu la Malawi osati zozetsa mkwiyo ku mtundu wa Malawi!
kodi pano zaipa the same 24 imakamba shit za bushiri mumaomba mmanja lero mukuti za usilu kkkkkkkkkkk
I think Malaw24 is being used by politicians…..zoona chilichonse mukumat DPP muzakhumudwa mutapeza kut 2019 yawinanso….
Be very careful what u people do to a man of God because i can see doom in malawi
If u r seeing doom I wil take that doom kukufaila kum’nyelo kwakoko galu
Panyapako ndi man of God wakoyo
kod furken bushiri is politician? zintchito zake zikumutsata thaty anthu akumukamba y not other prophets people ur still blind wake up monga yesa ananena dzukani musagone
this is bullshit m24 your now becoming stupit, bring us stories that are life changing and not this nonesense
Is that english maybe nya english? I dnt underst..
aaah I don’t lyk DPP or follow the phoka guy, but this news is fake!!
mind u no1 fights government n emerge victorious!
if the phoka guy is for real God Jehovah y is he buzy with worldly things, if any1 speak against him , he runs to court instead of God, that tells me he’s fake too!
kusowa chopanga bax. piksy inamulembanso ndi dpp?
Koma malawi 52 aaaa
Chipani chaufiti alwayz targeting opposers now muli ndi mapropher,gulaniko mano tizikumvani kkkk
dpp waisting ur time
Utsogoleri Wa nkhungu
Kodi mukuti kwenikweni Bushiri adalakwa chiyani??
A malawi muli ndi vuto munadzolowera kumamuona mtumiki wa Mulungu ali osauka, cholinga azibwera kunyumba zanu kuzapemphetsa mukatero mudzimulalatira, hehehehe nde si Mulungu wake ndikumudziwa ineyitu. Zoti iye Mulungu wangayi amene tikumutumikirayi ndiochita bwino kuposa satana simukudziwa, yambani kumutumikira lero mumzimu ndi muchoonadi tione ngati anthu sakunenani kuti ndinu asatanic
David Kalilani akunenedwayotu simphawi! To know more about him just ask honorable Gene Kalilani…
amaona kuti worthy comes from devil not God
blind followers are many I can see,y inuyo mukuleka kulemelako coz mukuoneka kut mumapemphela kwambiri
blind followers are many I can see,y inuyo mukuleka kulemelako coz mukuoneka kut mumapemphela kwambiri
komabe pena zimangokaikitsa panopo Mr Bushiri akuti ali pa Top 10 richest church leader in the world ali ndi 150 million $ dollars
Emma ukunena xowon
Zoti wapatsidwa ndalama to tanish someones image ndizosabitsa nde mufuna munene chani
Zoti wapatsidwa ndalama to tanish someones image ndizosabitsa nde mufuna munene chani
From page 1. Ndi mumenenso alili Bushiri kudziko la eni (South Africa) pomwe ali Malawian weniweni ochokela mu boma la RUMPHI ku Hewe mwa gogocharo Weniweni CHIKULAMAYEMBE. EEE SABIRA!!!!. Kuno kukwako ku Rumphi tiwikilako chitukuko chakofyerapo kuti nase charo chitichindike tiwe pa world map. mose imwe mulinama bizinesi muma cities ghakunyakhe panganani mupange Rumphi kuwa city yikulu.
Malawi 24 ngati mwatopa ndikulemba pitani mukasegule madimba nthawi ndiyomweino ife tayambapo kale kusosa mwina njalayi ingachepe koma ndale mwalowazi mulowanazo mthengo sure. Chifukwa chani zilizose mukumangoti Dpp ndiyomwe yachita? Live Dpp alone .munthu asaike maganizo ake mwati basi Dpp why?
stipute kalilani why against bushiri than your president? kupepera basi DAVID KaLILANI
Akalirani nawo kukula mutu konseko opanda nzeru kupusisidwaa basi Mulungu Akukanthani mufa muonaa
Hahaha bro Mulungu akantha inu ndi Major 1 nanga…. Osaopa
kkkkkkk mayaz amwenee
ineyo I find this news to be true the way mazigogo a wiri aja amalankhurira pa MBC TV dzulo ithnk DPP is really in a mission to tarnish Bushiri’s image.
Umalemba izi ndiwe chitsilu DPP iribe nthawi imeneyo..wamva…
Ndine Wa MCP koma zinaxi mwaonjeza agalu inu
Muzingotiuza bodza …!!!!!!
Mawa ungotilembera zabanja lako tiwerengabe basi……
Stop dis!!!!!!!!!
Ndakunyadira kukhala wa MCP please lets hold on.
Kkkkkkk akuonjeza koma aaaaaa
Mapurofeti tilinawo ambiri padziko pano bwanji kudana ndi Bushiri yekha? Ife anhtu ena tilindivuto loti tikaona munthu wopeza bwino kuposa ife eniake timayamba kudana naye ndikuyamba kumupekela maboza. sizodabwisa kwambiri poti zinayamba mu Baibulo pamene satana anapekera boza mulungu, ndinso a Yuda apekela maboza Yesu. Bwanji Bushiriyo tingokondana naye kuti azitithandizako ndichuma chakecho? Talingalirani Yosefe mmene anachitila ndi abale ake nthawi yimene anali ku Iguputo/Egypt.
Mukamvela nyimboyo akuti kukubwera part 2 imene atakambe za ma prophet ena mukuwanenawo koma uyuyu uyu akupusitsa anthu ambiri including u amafunika part 1….. Osaopa
all shepherd bush bushiri followers u r all fools
all shepherd bush bushiri followers u r all fools
I welcome ur ideas but wat u must know z dat has never wronged u. That u practice z wat we call NATURAL HATRATE.
Breaking news, Malawi24 yagudwanso nayo hahahaha!
Malawi 24 your page is not fit samala most of the times you write as if ndinu obwera. Be patriotic my friend
nanenso ndiifire>>>>>>0884386651 Watsapp
nanenso ndiifire>>>>>>0884386651 Watsapp
you just dont know who David kalilani is, go and listen to Exodud part 2 and as you grow……anayamba kale kale zimenezi zonena chilungamo
Sakuziwa anthuwa
Sakuziwa anthuwa
Why alwayz 24? Who is de oner of this? No comment.
Why alwayz 24? Who is de oner of this? No comment.
Kodi uyu mumamuti pitalayu akuganiza 2019 adzamuvoteleso ndani? Ife amalawi tikufuna BUSHIRI basi, kaya afune asafune ife tizamuumiliza kuzatiimila pa 2019 chifucha ndiyendayo wakhala nthandizo la malawi pamavuto, uyu pitala abwelele komwe adachoka USA
David kalilani is trying to defend the gospel i know David he can’t be used by politicians he knows God and his ultimate purpose bushiri munamvera ulaliki wake he preaches empty messages with empty meaning those who know God will definately defend his word for the second coming is at hand
i second that . and its songs zimandiwaza kwabasi
alipo angandiuza kusiyana kwa our national team Flames ndi MCP..
You wanna make me to punch you up, fuck Malawi24! Which school of journalism did you go? Learn to write positive issues that will help Malawians, by the way what can we do with this? Bushiri is areligious man and David is calling him false prophet that everyone undermines it so do not mislead us by despising DPP government! Religious and political issues are tottally distinguishable! fuck you Malawi24 ..
kkkk mpaka zakhudza Dpp?
Kkkkkkk kupusa kwa munthu.bushiri is aman of GOD no politics in his mind.musanduka nazo akhungu iziiii
Leave Bushiri alone, DPP gvt has failed economic prblms of da country…don’t hide towards Bushiri…Zopux
You and your family’s will eat the food of Prophet but you are still making noise like a Dog
Kkkkkkk…koma zinazi. Ufa ukakutherani munenanso kuti DPP ikuba ufa mogwilizana ndi Bushiri.
Iwe Gidion chisi munthu opanda nzeru mbuli ya
chabechabe ukukanika kusamala Ana ako kwa Kalieka chifukwa cha chipembedzo chakocho .usalembenso zopusa zakozo Wamva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
instead of u to help the talented youth ur busy paying them inorder to be mocking people who are wealthy enough to do some charity works in our country……why always Bushiri r u guys jelousy of his ministries of maybe u want him to die of heart attack bcoz of ur stupid posts let u know Bushiri will never die of heart attack bcoz evin the heart attack knows how stupid it will be to attack the man of God…………….as 4 David Kalilani u will never succeed with your music bcoz u have shown us that you’re not an artist who knows what music is all about leave Bushiri alone
He will succeed ufune usafune
He is a successful artist… Kungoti simunayambe kuzitsata koma yambani kuzitsata lero… Osaopa
I don’t think so azingokhalira yomweyo
My thought is News 24 pipo are living under the said Prophet.As hes name is DAVID he cant be bought not even tampered with by your so called Miracle Money.Get a life please and leave David Kalilani Alone.
Malawi 24 chonde auzeni anthu zoona musawasocheletse anthu simungakambe zaphindu tsiku lina
Wat is this
Koma Malawi 24,DPP unamva nayo kuwawa. Am not a DPP fan koma mwaonjeza. Everything mwati apanga ndi a DPP, mmmmh pezani nkhani zina zowauza anthu not this shit always about DPP, aaaah!!!
Kaya akazawo aphika zosapsa apanga ndi a DPP
Kagona Gigo Helbert ,eti eti.everything angoti its DPP aaah it’s boring now. Timveko zina not same things iiii
These guys do not understand something people have different ideas and they can spit them out in different ways, pali winawake watulutsa nyimbo yoyamikira Bushiri koma Malawi24 sinalembe kanthu kuti Bushiri wagula oyimba wina wayimba yomutsutsa Bushiri akuti DPP eeish zatikwana ngati iwowa kuli kufuna ma favours kwa Bushiri akanangopita konko
Or mwina angositha dzina page yawo tikhale bushiri 24,aaah
Komanso bushiri ndiyemwe akupangisa kuti kuti malawi yivutike chifukwa iyeyo pamodzi ndi joys banda ali ndi mapulani wozatenga boma 2019
Vasco Benson Moyo Moyo ,zosatheka iiiiih…dziko lidzaipa ili iii
Ndizoona pano ali ndi gulu lake la joyisi banda pamozi ndi wotchuka ambiri aku malawiko akupanga mapulani awo wozatenga boma 2019
Nde bola APM yemweyu…awa adzaononga malawi wathu
Nde bola APM yemweyu…awa adzaononga malawi wathu
Ndipo nde lidzakhala dziko loipa iiii. Boladi yemweyi ndinthu
Ndipo nde lidzakhala dziko loipa iiii. Boladi yemweyi ndinthu
Shameless Malawi24..copy catz
so this is what u call news, Malawi 24? are u sure mutakhala nd TV station people can be tuning to it every hour mark to watch this kind of nonsense? Shame on u get a life and make it last! Its high time u start presenting something that’s got facts with it and credible, mummangolemba nkhani zopanda mutu, tikakufusan perekan umbon apa basi ziii, bwanj osationetsa olo fon call log, kaya whatsapp conversation or even contract agreement bbtwn David n DPP, or verbal disagreements right from e politicians or Bushiri? Are u sure this page shud see 2020 with this nonsense? I for doubt, chabwino kaumboni kochokera kwa sm1 close to the three parties involved here, some1 trustworthy!
true brother, no constructive critism from m24
thanx boss
thanx boss
Time wasting dont take malawians for granted forsake!
Azingotaya nthawi yawo amenewo
I just came to checkout the comments
Malawi24 Boma Nde Munayambana Nalo Chachikulutu, Y Nthawi Zonse Mumagolemba Zofuna Kulinyanzitsa
Malawi 24, mmmmm?
M24 news try to write constractive stories which can build Malawi not distractive stores. Owelengafe zimatiwawa nthawi zonse kumangowelenga zokolezela ma udani. Musamatilembele pa page yanuyi nkhani zopasula. Mukazipeza inu musamalembe chifukwa andale amamva zawo ife olo tinene zanzeru samamvesera koma iwo akakhumudwisana ndiye muzitiuza tiziwamvera chisoni. Zimenezo ife ayi. Bushiriyo ndi a Dpp ndi andale ena onse akuziwana asiyeni azimenyana andale okhaokha. Musatipwetekesenawo mutu njala ikuopsyeza kale moyo wathu
wise words
true talk bro
Ineso2 zimandinyasa zimenezi
You people of Malawi are very stupid and evil Bushiri is a man of God and his helping people in that country
You are most stupid person, if you were wise you would have analysed the story and prove that the story is not true. U fool you believe what is false. We Malawians we believe in true God not ur gods
You are the most stupid person, if you were wise you would have analysed the story and prove that the story is not true. U fool you believe what is false. We Malawians we believe in true God not ur gods
i hop wamvera Nyimboyo so take it or live it ine ndakodwa nayo amd am waiting for part 2
Kwa iweyo is man of God so dnt judge others for the thing u believe….Jesus Christ Mesiah is my Major 1 so who is stupid here?
U are the one stupid u think malawians depend on bushiri they depend on God who created them coz he is pure and holy fuseki
U are the one stupid u think malawians depend on bushiri they depend on God who created them coz he is pure and holy fuseki
Muluzi was #3 on the richest people in Africa. I never hear has jet, but yet he was the president. We are like Daniel, Shadreck, Misheck and Abetenigol money wont shake our faith. It the root of evil.
Za mzeru ndi izi kuti Jesus Christ died for us to have life In’ abandance
One of the poorest country in whole world heeeem!!.
Ine sindikusamala kaya amatani koma ngati ali mtumiki wa Mulungu, Mulungu yekha azamuweruza inu ndi ayani kuti mukaweruze munthu mesa nanunso mukudikira chiweruzo chomwecho nde mmalo mokonza za moyo wanu wa uzimu muli busy kukweza moyo wa mtumiki wa Mulungu , Ambuye akudalitseni inu nonse mukumupangitsa Bushiri kuti adziwike ku dziko lonse lapansi, a malawi ndinu anthu omvetsa chisoni ndi otseketsa kani munayika mmoyo mwanu kuti satana ndi amene amachita zodabwitsa kuposa Mulungu yemwe ananena yekha kuti omutsata iye zizindikiro ndi zodabwitsa zizawatsata komanso zoti Mulungu ndi Yesu ali yemweyo dzulo lero ndi muyaya Ahebri 13:8 munayiwala hehehehe manyazi kwa inu a malawi omvetsa chisoni ndi manyazi amene munayika mmoyo mwanu kuti satana nde amachita zodzizwa ndi zodabwitsa osati Mulungu.
Kod mumangot osaweluza mulungu nde mwini kuweluza do u know judging and judgement????? Mr kalilan is not judjing him bot he z trying to open eyes of those who cant see go to a nearby court u wiill see and kno judgement
Iweyo ukupanga comment pa comment yanga iwe ukonze kaye english yakoyo then upange comment, iwe zoti bible linati tilemekeze azitumiki a Mulungu sudziwa komanso mmalo moyimba zokweza Mulungu ali busy kumuyimba munthu zimupindulira chani, a malawi ndi anthu otseketsa mukulimbana ndi munthu oti zake zili bwino mmalo mopanga zanu , iye ali ndi chuma inu mukungosaukirabe, muona kuti mutani. Pomaliza ndani wakuuza kuti akugona ndipo akusowa kutsegulidwa mmaso, mukhalira yomweyo yopemphesayo , inu mumaganiza kuti munthu wa Mulungu azibwera kuzapephetsa mumisewu ya kwanu kuno, nde si Mulungu amene ndikumudziwa ine ameneyo. Ngati munazolowera kumuona mtumiki wa Mulungu akuvutika ndi zanu zimenezo ndipo sanayambe atabwerapo kwanu kuzapephetsa nde uweyo vuto lako ndi chani ? Chomwe ungadziwe anthu sakugona kuti amene waimba nyimboyo akatitsegule maso.
haha anwene we read kuti kudzabwela anenele onyenga and ndi ntchito xawo mudzawaziwa we not judging but bushiri just fits in ,open ur eyes whats e important of praying for all sorts of material things instead of forgiveness and repentance we are all sinner and a i can call some one ntumiki wa ambuye if he tells nkhosa zake kuti a lape machimo and preaching about e second coming of Jesus Christ, not preaching about getting a wife,cars, jobs wataver but dala dala ignoring e second coming of Jesus, that’s a shame
_i cant call*
Koma zoti Yesu ananena kuti tizachita zodabwitsa kuposa zomwe anachita simukudzidziwa, vuto lanu amalawi nthawi zonse mumangoona zosemphana nde lero mwayamba kuona zosemphana ndi mu bible momwe hehehehe basaukani ife tikulemera mwa Yesu Khristu ameneyi
Eya wayankhula bwino ndikufunseni inuyo mwapanga comment inu munayamba mutagwadapo pansi kupemphera kumufunsa Mulungu kuti ndionetsereni azitumiki anu owona ndi atiwo? Simunayambepo nde chifukwa chani kukhulupirira zithu zoti wafufuza ndi wina. Timaona mosiyana timamva mosiyana umo ndi mmene anthu tilili thats why even your own bible you choose to look for mistakes only hehehehe shame on you.
A blessings anthuwatu sawonela nawo ma chanel a aneneriwa amangozimvela pa fb pomwepa nkumakumenta za mmutu mwao and sinthawi zonse zimene amanena zoti mupeza banja. muzalemela wat so ever. nthawi ya mbili imakhala ya uthenga wabwino zinazo nzongoonjezela koma poti anthu iiiiii. koma kaya ndi wasatanic akuziwa ndi mulungu mwina iwowonso ndi asatanic nanga amziwa bwaa? 2 me amandipatsa chiembekezo chabwino.
Amwene mawu amati muyiyese mizimu,zimawonetsera2 kuti enawa si azitumiki amulungu!!
Fuck Bushiri….simtumiki wa mulungu ndipo sazakhala ai,just becoz wapanga chozizwisa chabodza basi a malawi komweko,musalore umphawi ukugwetsereni mmayesero iyayi aaaa
Tiuzeni Komwe Amatenga Ndalama Zakezo Paja Akuti Ali Ndi Migodi,kodi Munayamba Mwazifunsapo Kuti Anazitenga Kuti.Musamamunamizile Mulungu Mukamachita Zoipa Zanuzo Ife Tiziona Ngati Ma Miracle.Ntchito Zake Tikuziona Ife Ndipo Sizabwino
non beneficial debates.
Matthews 24 akuti kudzabwera aneneri onyenga ambiri adzachita ziozizwitsa mmmm kaya
Kwamene ali ndimzimu weniweni wa mulungu nkosavuta kudziwa munthu wamulungu weniweni, there’s a lot of signs that shows that your man of gold is not of God, munthu wamulungu sagawana ulemelero ndi mulungu, kumasekelera kukamwa mbee wina atamuimbira nyimbo, umufunse Paulo mtumiki wamkuru wamulungu, chifukwa chopanga zodabwisa zazikuru ndimphamvu yamulungu anthu anafika pomamuona Paulo ngati mulungu watsika kumwamba, anayamba kumamutamanda nafuna kumamubweretsela msembe, in other way kumutamanda ndikumulambira, koma iye podziwa kuti mphamvu siyake koma ya ambuye yesu anakana zoti azilambilidwa nati ife ndife ndani kuti mukatitamande ngati zomwe tikuchitazi tikuchita mumphamvu zathu, anawaonetsela anthu kuti ndimulungu emwe a kuwagwilitsa ntchito, pamene lero wina nkumadzipopa kuti iye ndi major 1, nakhala ndima commentator, ena namamuimbira, major do it, major major do it aah, major do somethiiing , anakakhala kuti akutimikila yesu bwenzi akulorela zopusa ngati zimenezo, major do something ngati ali yesu emwe iye akutumikila osakana bwanji kulambilidwa? Mau amulungu akuti munthu sugawana ulemelero ndi mulungu ndiye mkaidi ameneyi bushiri watchuka motani kuti akagawane ulemelero ndi mulungu? Mwana wanjoka
iyeyo wapambana bwanji kuti akhale olemera chonchi?bushiriyu wakhala mu area 1b kwaluwinga nthawi yayitali komanso wosaphunzira.koma panopa akunamiza anthu.munyamata ameneyo ndiwasatanic in short malingana ndi mbiri zake.munthu kuti akhale billionaire ayenera kukhala ndi mabizinesi owoneka.bwanji inu simukudwa kuti ubiliyoneya wabwera bwanji?mwini wakeso akuziwa kuti akupanga ntchito zakumudima(satanism)
ine zonena zambili ndi libe langa ndi pephero kuti mulungu athandize onse agotha nkutu ndi kusekeka maso ndi ma miracle bushili
Wise man
Wake up man,zokuti anayena pa nyanja ya malawi umadziwa???Open ur eyes man
wat does he wanna be? Messiah? pipo shud look at him as a healer? Savior? nooh we had one savior, hear we still have him now he is in heaven his name is Jesus he died for us and kutiombola ife kuti tikhale now moyo osatha, not ” my papa major one” and how does it feel calling him that? don’t you think that’s blasphemy? tell ur papa to give Glory to God not to his gods and gold,,,wiseup pipo,even satan convinced alot of angels wen he was thrown down to earth, hu do u think you r that he cant trick you to convince you?
wat does he wanna be? Messiah? pipo shud look at him as a healer? Savior? nooh we had one savior, hear we still have him now he is in heaven his name is Jesus he died for us and kutiombola ife kuti tikhale now moyo osatha, not ” my papa major one” and how does it feel calling him that? don’t you think that’s blasphemy? tell ur papa to give Glory to God not to his gods and gold,,,wiseup pipo,even satan convinced alot of angels wen he was thrown down to earth, hu do u think you r that he cant trick you to convince you?
wat does he wanna be? Messiah? pipo shud look at him as a healer? Savior? nooh we had one savior, hear we still have him now he is in heaven his name is Jesus he died for us and kutiombola ife kuti tikhale now moyo osatha, not ” my papa major one” and how does it feel calling him that? don’t you think that’s blasphemy? tell ur papa to give Glory to God not to his gods and gold,,,wiseup pipo,even satan convinced alot of angels wen he was thrown down to earth, hu do u think you r that he cant trick you to convince you?
wat does he wanna be? Messiah? pipo shud look at him as a healer? Savior? nooh we had one savior, hear we still have him now he is in heaven his name is Jesus he died for us and kutiombola ife kuti tikhale now moyo osatha, not ” my papa major one” and how does it feel calling him that? don’t you think that’s blasphemy? tell ur papa to give Glory to God not to his gods and gold,,,wiseup pipo,even satan convinced alot of angels wen he was thrown down to earth, hu do u think you r that he cant trick you to convince you?
Bible lidati bwezani,,,otayika! so ngati Bushiri ali otayika asabwezedwe? David akubweza otayika,,,omwe adaphimbidwa m’maso ndizozizwa zakumidima
Bible lidati bwezani,,,otayika! so ngati Bushiri ali otayika asabwezedwe? David akubweza otayika,,,omwe adaphimbidwa m’maso ndizozizwa zakumidima
Aliyense adzakaweluzidwa malingana ndi ntchito zake zomwe anapanga ali moyo,,pangani zanu ndi mulungu wanu,
Siyani tiligu ndi namsongole zikulire limodzi
Ndi chifukwa chake Mulungu ananena kuti chiweruzo chizayambira ndi tomwefe timazitchula kuti ndife opemphera ife Komanso inu nomwe muli busy kuyang’ana zitsotso zili mmaso mwa anzanu kusiya zanu zachita kupanga mitanda mmaso mwanuzo
Takumbukirani zomwe zinachitika ku Aiguputo pamthawi imene Mose amkakaonekera kwa Farao, iye pofuna kumudziwatsa Farao kuti watumidwa ndi Mulungu woona anatenga ndodo yake ndikuponya pansi ndipo inasanduka njoka, ndiye naye farao ataona izi anaitanitsa amatsenga ake ndipo nawoso anatenga ndodo zawo ndikuponya pasi ndikusandukaso njoka. Ndiye njoka ya mose ija inameza zija za amatsenga zija, kodi pamenepa tingati amatsenga kapena kuti ziwanda sizimachita zozwizitsa?
Eya ziwanda zimatha kuchita zozizwisa koma mulungu ndiye amachita kwambili kuposa ziwanda, the only problem pipo have is lack desernment spirit… Descerning if aspirt cames from God, dont rush when u r reading your bible be patient… Guided by holy spirit… But remember that even Jesus himself was called a chief demon no wonder men of God are also called the same…. Its good that trials should came upon your life but woe (alas) to the one who cames with it, it better for a milestone to be tied on his belly and thrown in a deep sea…
Ali Odala Amene Akuziwa Mulungu Ndikumasatira Bwino, Tsoka Kwaiwo Amene Akusokelesa Anzawo
Ali Odala Amene Akuziwa Mulungu Ndikumasatira Bwino, Tsoka Kwaiwo Amene Akusokelesa Anzawo
Ukundekupusa everting against dpp,ndekuti sumugona nayo tulo dpp, wayamba kuyimbidwa ndi bushiri malawi muno? Tsiiiiiii musatinyase
Its all about lack of human being…
Kodi anthu inu nyimbo simnaimvere????
Malawi24 you are number one!!! Ziwululike basi Asaaaaa!!!!!
Akusowa nkhani zolemba aaaah inu osatisokoneza ife tisiyeni chochi
M24 kusavinidwa? Umbuli? Be professional please. Tithetsa chimenechi muona!
So David Has Waged War Against A Fellow Mortal Man Instead Of The Devil? This Is Unchristian Character. Christians Are Not Fighting Against Flesh And Blood(man) But Against Spiritual Powers,…Read Ephesians 6:12.
Bushiri is a devil u ass hole
You Showing Off Ur Unbibilical Character, Remove A Log From Your Eye Before Removing A Speg From Others Eye.
mwanawa usaatengepo gawo apa ….
apa its quite clear kuti Malawi 24 ndiyomwe ya gwirisidwa ntchito!
Sibwino I don’t believe in those prophets but it’s bad to judge or to be against them. Politicians should forcus on doing their duties time is against them. Dpp yapeza anyamata olo pa Facebook pano alipo akupasidwa ma units kunyoza Bushiri,Jb komaso asogoleri otsusa I know some of those Idiots here. This is the down fall of Dpp I’m telling you. Bushiri is not God and he will never be okay but let God be a judge. Give Bushiri equal freedom he is a citizen of this country just like APM. Oyipa adziwika yekha Malawians are not stupid oyikonda Dpp will vote for Dpp those against dpp will be against Dpp. Leave Bushiri alone gwilani tchito yanu you still have two years ahead of you Dir
Mr Admin,our party can not go agains man of God.I think this article has been published without articurate investigation and there is no way any child of God can go against man of God.Under The leadership of His Excellency the state president Prof Arthur Peter Muntharika that can never happen becoz he knows his role as leader of DPP and also head of the nation {citizen number 1}.
Malawi paja uyuuuuu wasintha
Vuto lake M’malawi safuna kumva chilungamo eeeeeeh! muntha choncho…
Malawi 24 bwanji mumakonda kusokoneza zinthu?! I know David Kalilani,za ndale samapanga nawo……chonde mukafuna kusokoneza zinthu muziyamba mwaona kaye osati kuyankhula zinthu zosaziwika,muzatenga nazo thembelelo. Ndilibe mbali,koma ndafuna kutsutsa zomwe mwanenazi.
Do you have a testmony?????
Chifundo i don’t, do u?!
Ali the kalilanis are all stong members of dpp wether direct or in direct
Sheamas not David bra….
Propaganda at its best
Sheama Ineyo ndilibe mbali ndipo sinditha kuweluza, koma David yekha zaumulungu anayamba ndikale
Oky bra
Sure boss
anthu awa angakupangitse kutukwana ndithu…David ndi wazaMulungu samakambapo za ndale basi akufuna ayambitse mawowowo kuti wayamba za ndale mxii
anthu awa angakupangitse kutukwana ndithu…David ndi wazaMulungu samakambapo za ndale basi akufuna ayambitse mawowowo kuti wayamba za ndale mxii
anthu oipa inu fire burn u too mmangokamba zabodza basi
ndikhale mburi pankhani zimenezi bola za bullets ndi beforwad ma transfer omwe akutseka lero 12midnyt
David we are waiting for part 2 & 3 papa sanati akazigwesera ku nansolo ndix
sizitithandiZa ife anthu tikufa ndi njara tangokodzani zomwe mwalepherazo basi makape inu
David Kalilani amene ndmaziwa ine,sagapange zimenez,osamuyipisa
Za zii David is way too clever to accept this bulshit!! He’s a God sent!!! Bushiri Wagwa nayo
#zabodza.. ……uku kunali kungoyamba chabe……like mc hammer u can’t touch coz we serving the living God………
MW 24 ? Noise
IFE ngati osunga chikhalidwe chathu ndi chipembezo chamakolo,tapeza kuti akhirisitu ndi asilamu ndinu achinyengo,akavuwevuwe. Yesu anamupasa mphamvu zamachiliso,zaulosi ndi kuchita chifuniro cha mulungu anali SATANA kuChipululu komwe anakakhala 40 days and nights.
Choka iwe mdala opanda nzeru,ngati m’malawi muli mbuli ndi iweyo chitsiru ukukanika kusamala Ana ako kwa kalieka chifukwa cha chipembedzo chakocho ,udali ndi sukulu idakuthera mbuli ya chabe chabe.Usalembenso zopusa zakozo wamva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iweso nde uti ?
Iwe nde uti Galu Wa satanic chitsiru chimutu.
Wat could hi mean?
Ndinyimbo yabwino moti ndiyamikire David Kalilani umatha eee ndayimvera kudana nayo sumuna aaa msnje basi
David is an African Bible college graduate ana odziwa bible ndi mulungu mapeto sanga yuzidwe olo madzi atasanduka wine. All ABC former and current students are anti Bushiri so stop dragging every truth to DPP this has nothing to do with politics. Malawi24 plz remember your ethics
Gitta u r ryt and am wit u…this Malawi 24 imafuna kusokoneza zinthu nthawi zonse….
They want to divert the attention, wina alowa nthengo
Abale za grace akuti Dpp iziso Dpp am not a DPp fan neither am i with the opposition but truly you are now being calculated next time zikazakhala zoona sitizakhulupilira you will loose your credibility
Let’s politicians forcus on doing their work. I don’t believe in those prophets but let God be a judge. Dpp has gone far but they are busy frustrating themselves for nothing here and time is against them. The guy has nothing to do with politics. Apm should calm down asazipatse matha oyikonda Dpp azaikonda mumavuto ngakhale pamtendere. Koma don’t make Bushiri brave and famous from nowhere okay
Abale tisayankhule kanthu kakukhosi kwathu basi its DPP? Dont be so low plz. So you want everyone to hail Bushiri so they shouldnt be connected to politics?
This so so true,, awa amva naye kuwawa ndi mwana Wa Mulungu uyu David….
kkkk the thing is amalawi amakonda kunamizidwa coz we dnt focus much on bible
Kalilani munthu wamkulu ameneuja siwandale amalawi 24 ndinasiya kale kuwakhulupilila chifukwa analowa ndale awa
They are not going to fool anyone this time!!! Let us put politics aside and concentrate On the word of God!!! Why is he awez quick to defend himsef? He’s a confusionist this cult leader
Gitta kodi to defend his faith and the word of God, ndikumuimba munthu individualy? ndiye ngati tikuimba nyimbo za against a fellow human, who’ll sing za against the devil, Mr Phiri?
Ndakavera dzulo ka music kakeko koma eee kali nyatwa maka kwa ife osakhulupilira makape onyengawa,kodi satan akudzera mu miracle money kuti mulungu asaoneke.Paliso zoti zikugwirizana ndi ndale apa makape inu, nanuso mwanyako ndalama zapasi pathambozi eti??
ine si wandale my maso anga ali pa za ulemelero uli mkudzawo…..malawi 24 amalemba ndi munthu chonde lapa bodzali ukungozisomkhezera moto
You write very good English, Gitta Phiri.I wish this immature page had an editor like you.The half cooked stories would be well edited before pasting.GO TO SCHOOL Malawi 24!!
ine si wandale but maso anga ali pa za ulemelero uli mkudzawo…..malawi 24 amalemba ndi munthu chonde lapa bodzali ukungozisomkhezera moto
Even Yesu anati anthu awa amandisatila osati kuzamva mau a Atate anga ayi koma chifukwa chakuti dzulo anakhuta. Yesu amakana kuti anthu azimusata coz of miracles. Do not follow God coz u want miracles but seek his Kingdom first and miracles will follow u.
truth pains,yap gitta has good english
Banet Mwiba you can defend a thing in any mode you are comfortable with. You dont need a special platform to do it its the same as these guys they defend bushiri thru music and d
Fb posts. Do you question their mode of defence?
Phyllis SweetJuici I like that, he is really a confusionist,aaah Phyllis SweetJuici
truth pains,yap gitta has good english
Wanted to say exactly as u just said. Thanks
A Gittie Kupit Ku Bible Colleg Sikut Ndi Born Again Kuli Achamb Amow Even Achigololo Unapip Kukakhalang Kal College Kaja Ukapedz Kul Used Condoms,and Munyimboy Mulibemo Chaumzimu Ndi Chitonz Chabe Umudze Adziimba Zolemekeza Mulungu
kuphunzila ku ABC sikutsa bible achina timpuza amatama andalewa
Gift Malata if you read my comment i never said going to bible school means you are born again. At the same time i have said he is defending his theology. There are many types of theologicians and i have selected the one that suits his description. Inu munavina nyimbo ya money is good do it major do it. Was there any uzimu in that song? Wasnt it just praising and defending him?
Cosmas Phiri
I dont agree with what david is doing if is truly bible scholer what ever he may him he has no power to Judge we ar in the world wher pipo are busy for others not for themselve if he continue doing what will he gain at the end .if he know that What Bushiri is not right then he start to preach the truth pipo wil follow him .dzuwa sitilozerana,pomwe pali moto pamatetha ndipo wekha imadziwa kuti uwu ndi moto
Gitta Sinamverep Nyimbo Zimenez I Go For W Smith, Casting Crowns And Jesus Culture Just To Mention Afew Dear Focus On Jesus Zamdziko Zitichedwesa
Bible college iti imene imati go to the word and insult others so that the people may know the truth and the Lord?? If that is true than it also leaves us less to desire mmmm
Gift chitseka. Nobody has power to judge. But as a Christian who believes in salvation thru the death and resurrection of jesus christ. Who believes in the power of the cross we have been given the authority to condemn evil. I cant persuade you to take what he has said but i may let your opinion be your opinion we all are entitled to our own opinions. I pray that one day the true light of God shall rise among all of us and see the true men of God. Who are not politically motivated but send to spread the gospel of repentance and salvation. Why is it when one criticises evil you people call it judging? Is it a new theory or a word of silencing criticisims? There is a difference between judging and criticising. Arent we allowed to condemn evil no more? If not us christians then who?
And Rhoda T Mwase which bible says go to the world and minister miracles and be praised for it? Which bible says drag every truth to politics? Bible says we should condemn evil. And so is the song
SO IF he went to a bible school, do u think he is special? Ua thinking capacity has been compromised. What about rv chimesya, the late dumbo lemani, mzomera ngwira, maulana, are they not theologicians? Are they not used by politicians like dpp? How special is ABC. This is a prank. Did u ask the so called kalirani? Is he your mate?
The bottom line is this has nothing to do with DPP or any political party. Anthu amaimba zompembeza bushiri now this is the opposite. Accept it fullstop
What a way of condeming evil if it is Bushiri doing evil or well God will judge us all
God will judge sinners.
Iam not questioning about there mode of defence all am trying to say is, what benefit shall we gain in the kingdom of God tikamapanga zinthu za mbwezerano monga; poti ioo ampanga defend Bushiri munyimbo ifenso tiadzudzule mumyimbo! or aaa ioo ampanga praise Bushiri pa fb ifenso timpange critise pa fb, kodi zitithandiza kukafika kwa Atate? Let us focus our minds on Biblical things.
#Gitta Phiri is right, i know David Kalilani he is a no nosense man, and the song is politacal in any way, Kalilani has spitted the truth thats all
#Gitta Phiri is right, i know David Kalilani he is a no nosense man, and the song is politacal in any way, Kalilani has spitted the truth thats all
Don’t blame, gitta phiri. Inuso apa mkuweluza, ngati inu simuweluza osangokhala phee! Bwinj zikuoneka kut inu mulimbari ya bushiri
Not political in any way*
Wise words Gitta Phiri… the problem of most Malawians, is that they have a weak theology.. They always put there faith and trust in a Human being instead of Trusting the almighty God. Uthenga omwe amafuna kumva ngot mulemera, mupeza banja. Zot lapani, landilani Yesu, yendani nchiyero safuna kumvako..
Instead of Praising God who works through the man they have started praising the man.. Hahahaha this is ridiculous.
Man of God will never run his country in the name of porverty, YES!! we stil dont judge but bible is our teacher tell us about the truth, so we’ll never allow lies to lead us,,, so to hell AKA bushiri
David he’s a great man, I’ve never heard of a man like him here in Malawi, well composed song with a powerful message, otsutsa ndi ana aziwanda omwe adya nawo magic money not miracle money that’s it!
Ha ha koma kumwamba kuli ntchito guys kkkk i dont think its wiase kumakhala busy kumalimbana ndi acquiring chuma cha dziko lapansi mmalo molimbana ndizakumwamba. Kkk mapeto ake munthu umaluza focus mmm kaya poti akuti we shld not judge koma eeeh zinazi???????
David Kalilani has done nothing wrong see this “1 Timothy 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. Luke 17:3 Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. 2 Timothy 4:2 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. Titus 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Titus 2:15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.” If we don’t warn someone in error to turn from evil, we are partly responsible. “Ezekiel 33:8 When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.”————————————————Rebuking a sinner, exposing corruption, correcting someone in love or disciplining ones children is not judging wrongfully. If so, Jesus and the Apostles who were our example to follow would have been in error. I believe that the Devil is lying to people to convince them that Biblical correction is judging. Therefore, many believe that it is fine to go on sinning and not obey God by warning others. This is the opposite of the example set by the Apostles.———————-Correction is not judgment, as the Bible says that we should correct, rebuke and be bold to those who are sinning. in noway is David kalilani judging like God does.
Gift Chatseka you have to know that there’s a difference between judging and speaking the truth, if someone doesn’t tell the truth tgen how can someone know the truth? Who told you that to be a Christian is to be a fool who can just see the wrong and keep quiet? If you listen to David’s song nicely you’ll see that it’s not just an attack on bushiri but there’s a powerful message from above in his song, if you ignore the message of this song and continue with your bushiri then know that you gonna burn together with major 0!
Hahahaha Bushiri’s troops or I should rather say henchmen have come out in numbers to defend their king. We always rush to saying “It’s wrong to judge” inorder to silence the critics. What the hell. The guy(David) is only revealing what he thinks is not what many “blind followers” think it is. If you think he is talking nonsense then compose your own track and tell the facts about your “man of God”. I’m just wondering if the so called Bushiri’s spiritual son, Onesimus will diss back like he did after Piksy released Mthunzi. I just love the track. Calling spade a spade indeed!!
David is not God alinso ndizofooka zake ena amadziwa kuchula za chilungamo koma amalephera kuyenda muchilungamocho
Osaopa Mr Gift Chatseka
Ife nde tikunyambuta bushiri ndi ziwanda zake
Awuze! Graduate wathu uyu!
I like David’s music but this one is just full of hate and no message for hope. He should be very careful. Preach Christ than attacking others. Iyenso David is a sinner and being an ABC graduate doesn’t qualify him to be a holy man NO. Iyi yokha Davide ndisaname wandikhumudwitsa ngati munthuyu akuti Meja 1 uli naye chifukwa mukanakumana chabe nkukambirana. Sunayimbepo zompanga attack uyu George Thindwa why?
just on point gitta phiri…..u got brains
Ma graduate aku ABC ambirimbiri tikumwa nawo mowa ife tikumwa nawo mowa ndiye inu mukufuna kunena chiyani?
90% of people that hate men of God are not really born of Spirit …These are lazy in prayer and faith and they go into the bible to verify their ideas and not to find the idea of God….These are Pharisees they quench the Holy Spirit on the expense of literal knowledge of the bible …I believe in the unfailing love of God
Kodi watchula kuti graduate wa ku ABC samwamowa ndani? Mukundiuza kuti munthu omwa mowa sadziwa choonadi or sadziwa mulungu? Ndiyemuziti dpp? Like the song same way you liked mirracle money song tiziti imene ija inali MCP? Its not hate its criticisim and condemnation
Evangelist Isaac Njoti ine i dont hate him . But i criticise him and condemn his miracles. There is no truth in it but scam.. God has taken me places has given me testimonies you evangelist you cant tell me anything about my life. The God i serve has made me worship him even in hard times because he has done me alot than i thought. He is the same God thet released the Israelists from Egypt to israel. The same God that made the sick healed the same God thst sent his son to die for my sins. Do you know these days many people dont know about salvation and the kingdom of God but they know miracles only? All they need is prosperity messages money momey money. Why not preach about prodpering in the kingdom of God? Why not salvation redemption, the significance of the cross and the blood of Jesus? am born in the spirit and i know what my bible teaches me about God so dont come here wearing an evangelist mask to silence us in the name of dont touch the annointed ones no no no i am annointed as well so dont dare touch me with your lies. Who said when a man of god is lying faking we should watch and be entertained? If you are the same kind of an evangelist i comand you to face the true God. Do not force people to worship your cover name threatening us with the tittle name “evangelist” ife tikumasulani we also know who our true God is. Who are you to judge us not to be born in spirit? Are you God? Ine mulungu waine ndi mulungu wa choonadi ndipo sanama saba ndipo sapatsa mimba ana nkuwakakamiza abortion thats not the functions of God. And if you mention the spirt plz dont mess with that name coz any sin sinning against the holy spirit is unforgivable so do yourself a favour evangelist isaac njoti respect yourself and dont come here judging us for standing up for God. Ine even at gun point i will say this. And in morden days where people crown themselves as men of god so they can peacefully lie and steal without being criticised zanu izo ine i stand up and say. Ine mulungu wandichotsa kutali koma ntchito zake si za chinyengozi so plz respect yourself
Abushiri ndi andani pa maso panga? Manyaka eni eni. Ine popita kumwamba ndizachita kutenga petrol ndi mateyala kwa zagaf okakolezela moto owotchela anankafumbwe amenewa. Mbuzi zikusochelesa anthu izi
Gitta Phiri asiye enawa..okumva wamva, after all, not everyone will be saved! So enawa alekeni ndi amakani awowo.
Haha kulowa ndi ya ubusa pano kuti opsyeza ife we know the truth kaya ndife ochimwa kaya osachimwa bola dzina la mulungu takupemphani kuti musalisokoneze nzachikunja. And if one stands up and speak dont say politics umenewo ndiye usatanawo
Lol. For someone who follow gospel rap esp David’s music will agree with me that this is not the first time Divid has criticised those who are not doing Godly things. He once criticised his fellow rappers like Third Eye, Tay Grin, Dominant One, Barry One, Desert Eagle, Incyt and some others. Many “churchgoers” were okay with it and praised him for telling his friends to become born-agains. So now because he has done the same to the “man of God”, the same churchgoers are saying he’s very wrong because he’s judging. My former Biology teacher, Mr. Fletcher Chirwa(RIP Sir) would have called you all David critics as “Dumb Hypocrites”. Have a good day gents!!
Koma bushiriyo ndi waziwanda akusokelesa nkhosa za mulungu muzamuwona 2019 akuzafuna kuyima naye pachisankho cha usogoleli wa dziko mophatikizana ndi joyis banda
Ana a njoka inu the Spirit of Jezebel has been poured unto you to kill All prophets of God through your hate…so you can freely praise your powers (idol worship) instead of the power of Prayer , I believe in Jesus who worked miracles in every area of His life until He was miraculously lifted up to Heaven
Prophert aliyense wopanga chozizwa cha ndalama ndi waziwanda kumbukilani mawu oti chamulungu pelekani kwa mwiniwake mulungu chakayisala kwa mwiniwake kayisala
Yes we are not to judge but the story is that Anyambuti are fed up watching their fellow christians being mislead, all they talk about money and miracles, they dont preach about salvation… Nde tikalandira ma miracles n moneyz whats next? Better get saved and go to heaven…. Whats left is for people to open their eyes n minds….. #OSAOPA
Hahahaha jezebel ndiwe Evangelist Isaac Njoti ukumaba mudzina la yesu ngati nzakoyo just look at the choice of words coming from a servant of god really? Ambuye zibwelani mwina ambuye come teach us the true Gospel yourself enawa tisochelapo
Muvitikilanji kuweluzana ,kuweluza kwake kwa (yehova) thawi yatha akubwela posachedwapa
Yesu anakwapula mambama anyani ankapangila malonda munkachisi, uyuso akusowekela omukwapula ma mbama ndi timadzi ndi timafuta take akugulitsato, mwana wa nsato uyu
Zingayambe kuiwalika Evangelist Isaac Njoti miracle imeneyi bwa?
Nanga iyi? ????? you people you joke with God
See how lost you are John 16:13,,,,if you want to know the truth about God “”follow the Holyspirit” but you only embrace your literal bible knowledge..Jesus dedicated his truth to the Holy Spirit …its the same Spirit who gives different Spiritual Gifts…..and the same Spirit works wonders in us…am ready to be called any false name for manifesting Jesus in all areas of my life khalani ndi chikhristu chanu cha mmabukucho
Hey the prophet has not said anything and he has never ever answered any of this social things its people who have nothing to do they create things of him. He is a busy man to attend Facebook issues……. And all this….
Oh oh just passing
If he was a busy man he was never gonna have an fb account at all. Ine olo at gun point Evangelist Isaac Njoti i will call that fake miracle call me whatever name you want but i also hope you understand and respect my opinion. Gifts? Haha birds of the same feathers
aliese wopasidwa miracle money mutu wake sukugwira,coz mumakhala mwapangidwa inciate ndalama zanu zakumidimazo,tieni tilape nthawi atha,mau akut tsoka kwa mbusa osocheresa nkhosa zanga,papa b warned!!
Osayiwala nkhani za mwezi watha bushiri atalipira anthu akuno ku pretoria kuti akanamizile kumbunduka wasoka azibale awo nkuwulula kuti anthuwo siwopunduka
hard hearted people “1timothy 3:7..always learning but never come to the realisation of truth” Having the form of religion but denying the Power……fake prophets are there but the way you address this is as if every Prophet who rises above your greedy pastors is from the devil…
we have to Preach salvation of souls that’s a fact but Mark 16:- says those that believe shall be followed by signs to the extent of taking poison and picking snakes…..these are people born of Spirit they don’t stress they relax while watching in Spirit…Until you are baptised by the Holy Spirit the devil is going to feed with lies until Hell…CHRISTIANITY DOESNT END AT BIBLE READING BUT YOUR ABILITY TO COMPREHEND THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD WHOSE WORD IS IN THE BIBLE…everybody can read the Bible but NOT every person can listen to the Holy Spirit
hard hearted people “1timothy 3:7..always learning but never come to the realisation of truth” Having the form of religion but denying the Power……fake prophets are there but the way you address this is as if every Prophet who rises above your greedy pastors is from the devil…
we have to Preach salvation of souls that’s a fact but Mark 16:- says those that believe shall be followed by signs to the extent of taking poison and picking snakes…..these are people born of Spirit they don’t stress they relax while watching in Spirit…Until you are baptised by the Holy Spirit the devil is going to feed with lies until Hell…CHRISTIANITY DOESNT END AT BIBLE READING BUT YOUR ABILITY TO COMPREHEND THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD WHOSE WORD IS IN THE BIBLE…everybody can read the Bible but NOT every person can listen to the Holy Spirit
bushiri is a false prophet
chimene amatha nkugulida annointed water nd mafuta. No salvation messages in Bushiri’s sermons.
Why falsing de truth to be de lie Bushiri is a false prophet that’s all!
Even if Bushiri is a fake prophet but singing directly against him is not a Christian behavior
Even if Bushiri is a fake prophet but singing directly against him is not a Christian behavior
going to ABC doesn’t mean you are holy,had it been so bwezi college ya za mulungu ilipo yokhayo komaso si onse ophunzirako pa ABC angachite chilungamo ngati iwe umachita chilungamo don’t defend others
going to ABC doesn’t mean you are holy,had it been so bwezi college ya za mulungu ilipo yokhayo komaso si onse ophunzirako pa ABC angachite chilungamo ngati iwe umachita chilungamo don’t defend others
Nobody said ABC students are holy. Welenganiso munvetsetse post
Nobody said ABC students are holy. Welenganiso munvetsetse post
I only know the 5 major prophets in the Bible, have been searching for the name “Bushiri”, but didn’t find one…… so watch out for your blasphemous acts Bushiri, for God’s anger shall consume you….. because, our God The Most High is the consuming fire!!!!!!
I only know the 5 major prophets in the Bible, have been searching for the name “Bushiri”, but didn’t find one…… so watch out for your blasphemous acts Bushiri, for God’s anger shall consume you….. because, our God The Most High is the consuming fire!!!!!!
So being a graduate 4rm ABC ndiwe katakwe wa Baibulo kkkkkkkk Mofaya #Bushiri a dog barks at a moving car not a stationery one..
So being a graduate 4rm ABC ndiwe katakwe wa Baibulo kkkkkkkk Mofaya #Bushiri a dog barks at a moving car not a stationery one..
Gitta Phiri
I enjoyed your comments
Energy of wisdom it….. Keep it up
Gitta Phiri
I enjoyed your comments
Energy of wisdom it….. Keep it up
Sometimes am ashamed to be called a Christian, eish! Here they are…advocates of the most high God. Pleading his case on his behalf…accusations and counter accusations…it is this overzealousness which has made many free thinkers to depart from the faith…no proof or facts…basic their conclusions on mare speculations, emotions and hypocrisy…hidden agendas, known to themselves…I can bet my last coin that this overzealousness is not subjectively in defence of the gospel! nope! it’s all about satisfying certain egos, agendas…there’s no Godliness in all this. What a shame!
Sometimes am ashamed to be called a Christian, eish! Here they are…advocates of the most high God. Pleading his case on his behalf…accusations and counter accusations…it is this overzealousness which has made many free thinkers to depart from the faith…no proof or facts…basic their conclusions on mare speculations, emotions and hypocrisy…hidden agendas, known to themselves…I can bet my last coin that this overzealousness is not subjectively in defence of the gospel! nope! it’s all about satisfying certain egos, agendas…there’s no Godliness in all this. What a shame!
Ambuye bwerani muzaotche moto dzikoli…AMEN!
Mulungudi angobwela basi aaaa its too much
Mulungudi angobwela basi aaaa its too much
And the said song, damn! proves my suspicions! calling someone you don’t even really know Uncircumcised Philistine??? (unless he has seen his nakedness! ) is beyond my comprehension! Lack of reasoning and Godliness and to expect me to regard that man as God’s advocate will be hypocrisy of the highest order…and an insult to my intelligence for real
And the said song, damn! proves my suspicions! calling someone you don’t even really know Uncircumcised Philistine??? (unless he has seen his nakedness! ) is beyond my comprehension! Lack of reasoning and Godliness and to expect me to regard that man as God’s advocate will be hypocrisy of the highest order…and an insult to my intelligence for real
inu inu inu inu
inu inu inu inu
Inu yankhani post in a comment box awa ndi maganizo anga i have the right to air my opinion inu if you have a fifferent opinion put on the pages comment box za nekedness zanuzo sizikundikhudza am not the writer of this page if you have any contribution write on malawi24 comment box. Thank you in advance
“Ana odziwa Bible mapeto ndi Mulungu” zikutanthauzanji? doesn’t it mean holy? Some of you went there because somebody offered to help you with fees not that you were called by God. nde poti mwamaliza mukakhale ma judge? Did God instruct you to judge or ABC tutors? Aphunzitsi, tiuzeni kusiyana kwa machimo chifukwa tonse timachimwa?
Man Gitta, asiyeni anthu anenewa, akananvera zikipati walero pa MIJ, mwina akanamvetsetsa because the one confessing was one o the alluminat and he was talking on the issue of miracle money, wakumva wamva because he boldly said thus the ganished word to blindfold others from knowing the truth
Repent or die!!
inu amene muli ashamed to be called Christians is because you haven’t understood what the name means its never been a shameful name it is a name in which all fullness dwells … about the un circumcised philistine it oz just a reference to King David’s description of Goliath I don’t think my Bible tells that David said that cause he had seen Goliath’s nakedness. Thank you
komayaaaaa..!!! DPP ikugwirantchito yoyipitsa Bushiri. Kuopa mantha mu 2019 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkmkkmkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Davie ArkMade Manjawila there is no one who can claim the monopoly of knowing the absolute truth wawa! That’s the hypocrisy tikunenayo! the mare fact that you are condemning anyone who is in defence of Bushiri as mbuli munkhani yauzimu proves once again your hypocrisy! as for your defence on the “uncircumcised ” issue, well…it was a known fact in those days that Philistines were not circumcised according to their culture and beliefs…it will be naivety of the highest order to assume the same in this era…where one can easily go to a hospital, even a clinic to be circumcised now don’t you think? despite his or her faith or cultural values, thank you as well
Phillip, I don’t know the monopoly truth wawa but I know of where it is (Bible). I don’t think the circumcision been talked of here is what u thinking (mdulidwe wakuchipatala) lol. Mind you it was a culture of old testament Israel which marked an Israelite as God’s own so by saying uncircumcised Philistine the Biblical David meant who is he to insult the one marked by God’s Authority and not the literal circumcision. So it was just the same that Kalilani was refering to asking ‘who is this man blaspheming the Lord remember it is blasphemous to use the Lord’s name in vain let alone for personal gains’ . that’s just the interpretation of the line. about me condemning anybody defending Bushiri I don’t think my previous comment reflects such an implication. As a matter of fact I don’t have a side in this for I am focused on my God and not who is real or fake. so don’t put words in my mouth. I only commented to let u know that no matter what come may the Lord’s name has and will never be shameful and to help you not misinterpret Kalilani’s first line. Zimatha wawa
Phillip, I don’t know the monopoly truth wawa but I know of where it is (Bible). I don’t think the circumcision been talked of here is what u thinking (mdulidwe wakuchipatala) lol. Mind you it was a culture of old testament Israel which marked an Israelite as God’s own so by saying uncircumcised Philistine the Biblical David meant who is he to insult the one marked by God’s Authority and not the literal circumcision. So it was just the same that Kalilani was refering to asking ‘who is this man blaspheming the Lord remember it is blasphemous to use the Lord’s name in vain let alone for personal gains’ . that’s just the interpretation of the line. about me condemning anybody defending Bushiri I don’t think my previous comment reflects such an implication. As a matter of fact I don’t have a side in this for I am focused on my God and not who is real or fake. so don’t put words in my mouth. I only commented to let u know that no matter what come may the Lord’s name has and will never be shameful and to help you not misinterpret Kalilani’s first line. Zimatha wawa
Phillip, I don’t know the monopoly truth wawa but I know of where it is (Bible). I don’t think the circumcision been talked of here is what u thinking (mdulidwe wakuchipatala) lol. Mind you it was a culture of old testament Israel which marked an Israelite as God’s own so by saying uncircumcised Philistine the Biblical David meant who is he to insult the one marked by God’s Authority and not the literal circumcision. So it was just the same that Kalilani was refering to asking ‘who is this man blaspheming the Lord remember it is blasphemous to use the Lord’s name in vain let alone for personal gains’ . that’s just the interpretation of the line. about me condemning anybody defending Bushiri I don’t think my previous comment reflects such an implication. As a matter of fact I don’t have a side in this for I am focused on my God and not who is real or fake. so don’t put words in my mouth. I only commented to let u know that no matter what come may the Lord’s name has and will never be shameful and to help you not misinterpret Kalilani’s first line. Zimatha wawa
Phillip, I don’t know the monopoly truth wawa but I know of where it is (Bible). I don’t think the circumcision been talked of here is what u thinking (mdulidwe wakuchipatala) lol. Mind you it was a culture of old testament Israel which marked an Israelite as God’s own so by saying uncircumcised Philistine the Biblical David meant who is he to insult the one marked by God’s Authority and not the literal circumcision. So it was just the same that Kalilani was refering to asking ‘who is this man blaspheming the Lord remember it is blasphemous to use the Lord’s name in vain let alone for personal gains’ . that’s just the interpretation of the line. about me condemning anybody defending Bushiri I don’t think my previous comment reflects such an implication. As a matter of fact I don’t have a side in this for I am focused on my God and not who is real or fake. so don’t put words in my mouth. I only commented to let u know that no matter what come may the Lord’s name has and will never be shameful and to help you not misinterpret Kalilani’s first line. Zimatha wawa
Bushiri kils grace bcox she say trueth on his song mdzaulula they make plans to make new party who consenef with Joyce banda so DPP they no that thy say tiri ndiumbon kuti grace analandira 4n kuchokera kwa jb kuti spite Ku Jon kumeneko mkumene an
kwakuchelani muname
David Kalirani ndi chitsiru
Inuyo uchitsiluwo koma ukukakhalani Phiri
inu uchitsiru sungakukhaleni
Olo atatulutsa album yose yoDisa Bushiri..hahahaha #Nostress
Ayi nyimbo yomweyi ife yatikwana, cuz anena zonse wakumva wamva#osaopa#
Hahahahaha dikirani album osaopa iyayi
Hahahahaha dikirani album osaopa iyayi
David can never be used ,and will never be used by people bt God only can use him!musamuipitsire mbiri mlengi akukathani ndi lupanga lakuthwa!
Is Malawi 24 comprised of proffessionals or gossipers?
Not worth it. However if the Prophet could avoid indulging in politics it would do him and his ministry good. Prophets should borrow a leaf from the catholic bishops. They do point out the ills in govt but everyone takes it that the ills were pointed out in good faith.
Ine chala pakamwa ndikudikira woweruza.
Mwasowa zolemba eti? Ndale ife ayi
David kalirani nyimbo zake ndi choncho he is just good ndipo iye sapanga nawo zanu zandalezo…. Malawi 24 iii chitani manyazi zinazi mwaonjeza kunama. Shame on u
china chilichose chikachitika kumagonamizila DPP ndinu obhowa a 24 fwetsekiii
china chilichose chikachitika kumagonamizila DPP ndinu obhowa a 24 fwetsekiii
Munthu wanzeru zake, kumayasama kukamwa, kukolosa ka guiter, kulowa mu studio, kumalota akuyimba, nasangalala kuti ndisangalatsa dziko koma kupanga draw contradictory opinion kwa anthu osiyanasiyana like this? Nchifukwa chake simunapite patali ndi kuyimba. Palibe luso apa. Kukakamiza fupa mumphika ndithu.
your life is empty
Ukuona ngat bushiri akulawisa miracle money…….??hahaha david kalilani timamudziwa ndi ambiri and he music is so touchin osat achina mbeta ndi azinzake aja
Kulawisa miracle money? Poor observation, I am just being objective. In philosophy, you don’t go by the pool of people but you need to be critical to emerging isues. This is a reactive song normally done by people who lack initiatives.
Khuwira look at yourself.
kodi daily tizingomva zaizi? don’t you have something new and important to write? zatikonda za aneneri abodza ndi zandale zanuzo.
wosango zisiya kodi zikutipezesa chakudya?
nyimbo ija wathoka chilungamo…..and amene angadane ndi uthenga uli mmenemo mmmmm azifuse kut moyo wake uli pati
Bible likuti tisaweluze kuweruza ndikwake kwamulungu
mu nyimbo muja tu samaweluza amachenjedza kuti ngati sulapa mzangawe mzaulula, ..ndithu nyimboyi got a big message
Where is the song guys. Pliz share on what’s app +27603097763
Arnod….amaweluza ndindan?…..ukaivera nyimboyo upanga delete reply yakoyo
nkhani siyoweruza apa koma chomwe chimamangidwa pansi pano kumwambanso ndi chomwecho.
Nyimbo Ya Chikunya Mulibem Chaumzimu Anta Tamamveran Achin W Smith, Casting Crowns Sitimalimbana Ndimunth Koma Maukul Ndi Maulamuliro, Anyway Zamasiku Omaliza
onsewa ndi amodzi guys ali ndi njira zawo kod prophet bushiri akutchuka bwanji pa maso pa zinkhaniladzi? pali kenakake kutseri kwa makoma amdima ndithuu!
guys tigaileni nymboyi whatsapp 0888859673
Share me the track 0789651741
Share guyz 0885480700
how sure are you that bushiri is a satanist..ndimilandutu imeneo..muzafera za eni
ndizafera za Mulungu
share guys 0884507723
share guys 0884507723
share me also the track @ 0884447699 ,,,,really want to hear it
share me also the track @ 0884447699 ,,,,really want to hear it
what if he is a true servant of God and u ha already judged him?
what if he is a true servant of God and u ha already judged him?
no one is judging here mr Cris…bt kuthoka chilungamo…dnt forget…chiweluzo ndi chilungamo zimayendera limodzi
no one is judging here mr Cris…bt kuthoka chilungamo…dnt forget…chiweluzo ndi chilungamo zimayendera limodzi
share de song 0888213798
time wasting
Malawi walelo
Zatikwana izi lembaniko zanzeru musatibowe nazo apo bi muluza fanz..
Malawi 24, your story is full of unconfirmed such such… nde why publishing it. osadikila kaye mupeze info yokwanila. nanga muzitiwelengetsa zopusazi. mxii bullshit!!!!!