Malawi President Peter Mutharika has turned down a summon to parliament on Wednesday where he would be asked to clear the legislators on numerous questions including the maize crisis that has hit the nation now.
These revelations have been made by the Speaker of the National Assembly Richard Msowoya.

According to Msowoya, the Malawi leader has opted to delegate responsible Ministers on the issues that he was being asked to respond to.
He disclosed that Mutharika wants Finance Minister, Goodall Gondwe to represent him instead.
The summon was ignited by Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Lazarus Chakwera together with Mzimba south west MP Harry Mkandawire, Rumphi east MP Kamlepo Kalua.
The three with backing by the opposition side wanted Mutharika to face His Excellency’s Question Time (HEQs) style-session of food situation and Malawi situation since holding the executive to account is one of the three responsibilities of parliament.
But in making the communication,Msosowya said the law allows the head of state to delegate the answering of the questions to any cabinet minister, emphasizing that the President had not broken any law.
“The President has indicated that he will not be able to appear in person,” said Speaker Msowoya.
This comes hot in the heels of calls for the Malawi leader to step down.
Recently, Mutharika said that he will not ascend to any law that the parliament will pass that he feels undermines his powers.
Amangonva kulamula boma! Suja amanya mwano kumuchera jb lero wazionatu afa ndi maganizo!
Thako la president ili, kaya munachitenga kuti kaya
ngati ili nkhani ya chimanga,president si nduna ya zamalimidwe muitaneni thom chiyembekeza akayankhe.Mfiti za wanthu inu
Wagwa nayo ndi bwampini
Wagwa nayo ndi bwampini
Ndimapulezident angati anapitako ku kayankha
Ndimapulezident angati anapitako ku kayankha
Makani basi
Jb anakanika kukayankha ataba ndalama,nsanje ikuphani anthu a opposition inu,,
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS.
Akayankhe kumene usawi chichi apite ngati akuziwa kuti akuyendesa bwino ziko akuthawa chani pamene ankamupasa 60 days nkuluwache ankawona ngati ndimasewera apite basi sizakunyumba kwawo izi ndi u homosexual yakeyo chisilu chamunthu icho
Am sure he doesn’t mind n care
Kkkkk ndiye mwati mafunso nga multipal choice mwina adzikasovayekha
Is it an emergency? Do you expect allowance as well? Hahaha!Robbing us in style.
No comment ndinga mangidwe
Tawonani kukamwa kwakeko ngati chimbudzitu fisi usalile mpwanga uziwona
Ndikadakonda akadakaonekera mu pariament nayankha mafutso,koma ubwino wache ndi oti monga mwa lamuro lakwathu kukaonekera,kapena kusaonekera sadaphwanye lamuro liri lonse or speaker wavomereza pomuuza kamlepo shweee!mwana shweeeh!wagwanayo
Akayankhe ibuu
Kodi mwaiwala kuti malemu uja ndi ameneyu adayamwa bele limodzi? ndipo adanenapo mau oti apitiliza pamene adasiyira nkulu wake .tsono lfe amalawi ndiopusa zedi zitsiru zenizeni timafuna kichenjera kumapeto don’t complain ndivoti yanu ija ikulamula lero paja munkati DPP woyeeee nde lero bwanji mukuti akayankhe mafunso.mafunso ake ati? Mumuuze nkasa angoyimba nyimbo yina basis yamose waphindu
Ine ndilibe problem.
Mukutaya nthawi palibe chamzeru apa …munakanika milandu yambiri ali pamene sanali presdent nde pano mmmmmmm
Hhhhhhaaaa, bola pampa
EEEEE! Abale munthu amenei atimvetsa kuwawa. Ayankhe yekha osati nduna zake. Kuti apanga bwanji? Chifukwa makolo athu akufa ndi njala. Taonani passprot yafika pa K86000 zimenezi ndi zabwino.
Good job he has done!!! I love Peter
Kkkkkkkkkkk,#Shammy waganiza bwanji??…kkkkkkkkkk
A President anayenela kupita malingana ndi Constitution yathu ikunenela; akuopa chiani paja amanena kuti alibe PULOBULEMU!
Kukula mtima tamukonzeni uyu
Apite akayankhe apo biii TB Joshua achitapo ulosi wina kkk
He’s a coward stupid president
Mafunso amenewo zimayankha ndi nduna amalawi bwanji
Muguguzeni akayankhe fuso musamulekelele
Apitetu ameneyu asamangolalata m’misonkhanomu kkkkk
Ayi koma pitani bambo sikuti mafunso akakhala ambiri ndiwochepa ndithu musachite mantha.
ukufuna ukamulodze? wagwa nayo
Joyce Banda come bak
No Comment
Akayankhe osawopa, unachita kukakamila pano nanga bwanji?pitani
Wasting tym kkk opposition piple
APM does not have answers to all the questions, period! He does not know Malawi, was born in Malawi, but grew somewhere.
Iwe bwampini….go ku paliament ukafotokoze bwino za chimanga…kapena mwina mudaoletsanso chimangacho eti?shameless bossman..!
Only God can change the impossible in malawi. All what we have to do is to pray
Fuck #Muthalika_Moron
Chikuopa kukayankha pambali kkk
Uledo uno mwapangako za nzelu ma MP
Stima imaphweka akamayendetsa azako tiyeni nazo ma MP
aman with justice on his side never refrains from interogation,but coperates fully,without duress or discretion…
Asakane akayankhe basi. Zatinyasa nditu zochitika.
Mr Ibu.
Hahahaha guyz anenapo chakwera apa? Nanga bwanji enanu mukutchula chakwera parlimentiko kukakhala Mcp yokha? Ndekuti chakwela mukumuwopadi eeeeti ooook Alamuliladi chakwera ndayamba kuwona chomcho tsopano
Hasty generalisation
Komanso auze alonda ake kuti akamasule mafana apa kaning’ina boko halam isanasaine form
Akuti ali busy afuna apeleke bele kwa getrudi alikumphasa ponopa
a Tin tiyeni tichite zomwe Bible limanena, zinazi tiwasiyire okonda dzadziko.. kkkk
kkkkkkk ati ndilibe pulobulemu ine ndilibe pulobulemu koma adha,,,,izi nde mbwinyisi zokhazokha
kkkkkkk ati ndilibe pulobulemu ine ndilibe pulobulemu koma adha,,,,izi nde mbwinyisi zokhazokha
kkkkkkk ati ndilibe pulobulemu ine ndilibe pulobulemu koma adha,,,,izi nde mbwinyisi zokhazokha
nde mayankhowo anthu aika mu mbale ndikumadya? aliyense akufunsa mafunsoyo mbuz, za ziii
nde mayankhowo anthu aika mu mbale ndikumadya? aliyense akufunsa mafunsoyo mbuz, za ziii
nde mayankhowo anthu aika mu mbale ndikumadya? aliyense akufunsa mafunsoyo mbuz, za ziii
Tikachita kuguguza tsopano..akukaniranji? ??
Tikachita kuguguza tsopano..akukaniranji? ??
Tikachita kuguguza tsopano..akukaniranji? ??
Lero si izi!!!
Lero si izi!!!
Lero si izi!!!
Musaganize za mafuso okha inuso ma mp mukukapeza ma alawasi chifukwa cha fuso limmozi mxxm
Musaganize za mafuso okha inuso ma mp mukukapeza ma alawasi chifukwa cha fuso limmozi mxxm
Musaganize za mafuso okha inuso ma mp mukukapeza ma alawasi chifukwa cha fuso limmozi mxxm
his busy try to pregnant getrude osamusokoneza
his busy try to pregnant getrude osamusokoneza
Kkkk km bg
Kkkk km bg
Kkkk km bg
This was the best platform for the president to answer malawians questions that need answers and also outline what gvt has in store for them to give them hope
This was the best platform for the president to answer malawians questions that need answers and also outline what gvt has in store for them to give them hope
Apapa anthu ndiye anavotera manyi for sure.
Apapa anthu ndiye anavotera manyi for sure.
Kodi olo atayankha…chisinthe Chani???
Kodi olo atayankha…chisinthe Chani???
The issue is not what will change even inuyo muli pakhomo pakakhala palibe chakudya mumadikira mawu a munthu wamkulu kaya anama bola chilimbikitso
The issue is not what will change even inuyo muli pakhomo pakakhala palibe chakudya mumadikira mawu a munthu wamkulu kaya anama bola chilimbikitso
The issue is not what will change even inuyo muli pakhomo pakakhala palibe chakudya mumadikira mawu a munthu wamkulu kaya anama bola chilimbikitso
Chilimbikitso! ? zawakanika basi. solution ichokere kwa ife anthu coz ndi omwe tikumva kuwawa. iwo akumwa tea daily..zanjala angomvera from reports…thats y analankhula publicly…ati alibe pulobulemu
Chilimbikitso! ? zawakanika basi. solution ichokere kwa ife anthu coz ndi omwe tikumva kuwawa. iwo akumwa tea daily..zanjala angomvera from reports…thats y analankhula publicly…ati alibe pulobulemu
Chilimbikitso! ? zawakanika basi. solution ichokere kwa ife anthu coz ndi omwe tikumva kuwawa. iwo akumwa tea daily..zanjala angomvera from reports…thats y analankhula publicly…ati alibe pulobulemu
To run a govt is very very serious business simasewelatuu amangwetu. So bwana he must show up and answer some question
To run a govt is very very serious business simasewelatuu amangwetu. So bwana he must show up and answer some question
woipa athawa yekha
woipa athawa yekha
kkkkkk tiwuzeni zoona abale.
kkkkkk tiwuzeni zoona abale.
Pepani bwana kayakheni musanafe pangosala masiku ochepa kuti mufe
Pepani bwana kayakheni musanafe pangosala masiku ochepa kuti mufe
Ndachitsilu awa atayeni adzipanga izi afuna
Ndachitsilu awa atayeni adzipanga izi afuna
chikutumbwe apite basi chisakani mesa chilibe problem hakeeeeee!
chikutumbwe apite basi chisakani mesa chilibe problem hakeeeeee!
Every1 insulting the president z a fool…Who do u think can come n control the situation in our country?Even ur Lazaro cannot…Kuzolowela kunyoza basi,mmxiew…Mazoba
Every1 insulting the president z a fool…Who do u think can come n control the situation in our country?Even ur Lazaro cannot…Kuzolowela kunyoza basi,mmxiew…Mazoba
wakhonza cadet, khala pansi
akulu team ikamaluza amachotsa kochi
Iwe ndiye zoba wankulu pamodzi ndi pitala wakoyo
Iwe ndiye zoba wankulu pamodzi ndi pitala wakoyo
Kkkk amachosada coach apa ndiy ochoka nd pitala zaonekera2.
Kkkk amachosada coach apa ndiy ochoka nd pitala zaonekera2.
kkkkkkk iwe nde zobayo kuposa a bwana akowo
Inu muzilongolola kma APM akulamula basi n he’s stl around untl 2024…
calm your tits, your a complete bum Clement Chikuni
Is pointing out that this DPP government and Peter are failing this country economically an insult!? It’s just a fact!
Is pointing out that this DPP government and Peter are failing this country economically an insult!? It’s just a fact!
Achina zuma amakayankha kunyumba yamalauro,naye akayankhe basi.Mesa nde ntchito yake imeneyo.ntchito sikungotsegulira kokha koma kumakayankhanso mafunso.Asawope ngati alibe probulem.
Achina zuma amakayankha kunyumba yamalauro,naye akayankhe basi.Mesa nde ntchito yake imeneyo.ntchito sikungotsegulira kokha koma kumakayankhanso mafunso.Asawope ngati alibe probulem.
kupusa!!!Ngat ili nkhani ya chimanga mumuuze thom chiyembeleza wamva galu iwe
Mmmmm koma ya!mwana a Area Chairman tsopano,kkkkk
Guys,takhala ndi maboma angapo mmbuyomu,ndi president uti adapitapo Ku parliament kukayankha mafunso?Mudikire Kaye azapita Chakwera 2025.Mukuyankhula zosatheka bwanji agalu inu?Njala mukunenayo uli kuti poti mu misika ya Admarc chimanga chikupezeka.Munya muona
Muluzi the Chair, during his first term. Atamuyitanitsa Gwanda ngati opposition leader in the parliament
Love Ur Country & Love Your Pple
Guys,takhala ndi maboma angapo mmbuyomu,ndi president uti adapitapo Ku parliament kukayankha mafunso?Mudikire Kaye azapita Chakwera 2025.Mukuyankhula zosatheka bwanji agalu inu?Njala mukunenayo uli kuti poti mu misika ya Admarc chimanga chikupezeka.Munya muona
Muluzi the Chair, during his first term. Atamuyitanitsa Gwanda ngati opposition leader in the parliament
Love Ur Country & Love Your Pple
akuopa chani Bwampini? ngati president wosaphunzira anapita kukayankha che Bakili amufunxe mesa akumachengetana ndi Bebe?
akuopa chani Bwampini? ngati president wosaphunzira anapita kukayankha che Bakili amufunxe mesa akumachengetana ndi Bebe?
akuopa chani Bwampini? ngati president wosaphunzira anapita kukayankha che Bakili amufunxe mesa akumachengetana ndi Bebe?
Akhayenkhe bax asamakhale busy nkumakwelana ndi getrud
Chikuopa Kukayankha Mbwelera Kkk
Iwe mlomwe ameneyo akalankhula chani kuposa zopanda nzelu ngati wanena iwezo? Kukhuta nandolo eti!
Iwe mlomwe ameneyo akalankhula chani kuposa zopanda nzelu ngati wanena iwezo? Kukhuta nandolo eti!
Am a diphiphi fan from bolero, aliyese amakhala ndifuso koma mwai timausowa,
What type of a professor do we have for the president??? The president who fears to face parliament, what is it he is afraid of. If he fails to be answerable to parliament then he better step down.
wakuopa, angakalimba yayi
Am still waiting for the day Getrude mutharika will deliver peter mutharika Junior …
kkkkkkk koma stonard
kkkkkkk koma stonard
Bwanji richard kkkk nine months yatha palibe chikuchitika
Bwanji richard kkkk nine months yatha palibe chikuchitika
Hahahahhahahahaha ayaayayayyay
zosiyana ndinkhani ili apayi zimenezo
I overstand not fit for Malawi!
Is what malawi has been looking for, u must do such kind of recomended job on behalf of local communities not just sit and drain tea or coffee by the way kip it up. More f i r e e e e e !
akayakhe basi kodi amaesa udindo wau president ndiwasewela??? che bakili ananena kuti kulamulila dziko is a serious busines paja amachita kulilila kulephela kumumanga koma kukakamila lelo ndizimenezo kkkkkkk
Tamngopitani inu mudzinyada nyadanso amatero?…
Basically, uyu munthu alibe pulobulemu. Ngati ena ali ndimapulopulemu, ndi zawo. Hahahahahahaha(kukhalisa padziko, taona zianthu)
“Ndiuze iwe Jooshuuwa …”
president samagwetsa mvula mwamva agalu inu.Muzipanga zanu .Mbuzi!!!!
Apeze njila zoti anthu avutike ndi njala
Apeze njila zoti anthu avutike ndi njala
Ana nzeru zatha bambo basi the last solution ngati mutu wa banja
Ana nzeru zatha bambo basi the last solution ngati mutu wa banja
Machendeanu nonse
Machendeanu nonse
Machendeanu nonse
Mbuzi iwe
Mbuzi iwe
Mbuzi iwe
uzafa imfa yowawa ngati upitilize kutukwana
Palibe zoophwezana apa dziko ndilatonse ili. Mau walankhulawo uona zokhoma kwa zaka zitatu
Palibe zoophwezana apa dziko ndilatonse ili. Mau walankhulawo uona zokhoma kwa zaka zitatu
Kodi mkuluyu kukamwa satseka.
Aaa iwe ngati ukudya masoseji khala chete ndi president wakoyo!….aMalawi akufuna yankho
Ukufuna axikugawilani zaulele?hahaha man uzadya thukuta lako
ati alibe pulobulemu kkkkkkkkk nkulu wachamba uyu eish!!!!!
Akayakhe basi galu ameneu osamangot kukamwa yasa apa.
ntchito kukokakoka presdent osapereka solution bwanji mxiew
Ana nzeru zatha afuna mutha wamkulu akauze kuti pakhomo pano pa dibwa.
Ana nzeru zatha afuna mutha wamkulu akauze kuti pakhomo pano pa dibwa.
kkkkkkkkkk.ana ena ndiosadalirika amwene
kkkkkkkkkk.ana ena ndiosadalirika amwene
Yah people dont like because is this his problem or the rain crisis
Bwampini can’t accept, he is afraid of his empty head being tossed left right by tough questions
He has to answer the questions no way!
this will surely lead him to bp,u r mounting alot pressure to this guy.
Akuwopa kuti akalandimafunso okwiya kwa anthu anjala