Malawi’s Minister of Finance Goodall Gondwe has asked experts and politicians who are suggesting solutions to the problems the country is facing to give short term solutions.
Malawi is facing economic problems as prices of goods and services continue to rise due to the fall of the Kwacha.
Experts and politicians have been asking government to see to it that inflation is reduced, to encourage irrigation farming, and to narrow its trade deficit.
But Gondwe said there is need for the politicians and the experts to provide short term solutions as at the moment they are giving long term solutions.

“The problem we have at the moment like that of inflation, exchange rates and interest rates are short term that in three to four years the problems will be solved hence the need for them to provide government with short term solutions,” said Gondwe.
He added that for inflation to be dealt with, there is need to reduce borrowing and the answers to these problems should be short term. Recently, opposition politicians have been calling for President Peter Mutharika to resign saying he is failing to find sustainable solutions to the current economic turmoil.
However, government officials continue to slam the calls and have argued that the economic problems have always been there hence they are not enough reasons for Mutharika to resign.
But this minister is not new on this post so i wonder where are all his experiences?
komanso reduce these punitive taxes. Why should escom customers pay for marep? You hon Gondwe are a total failure. You fail to put down your foot. Bingu(rip) manipulated you and now peter is also doing it. Separate the govt from the party. Stop peter’s trips. State houses are a drain on the ailing economy, can’t you see? that’s why some people are calling for your resignation, you are failing to act swiftly.
Short Term Solutions ,1 Reduce allowances for ministers and give them Cheaper Cars. 2 Reduce budget for State Houses which are more than enough. We dont need State Houses for president more than three. 4 Dead woods ministers be Fired ,5 Intensify Irrigation ,6 Reduce Motor fleet fr The president.Some Solutions are in PAC Report take them.
Please zangazi zimufike Gondwe: do away with your gas guzzlers. Travel in simple cars. Help the comsumer by eliminating company benefits. We hear of company car, house, fuel, airtime, water, electricity,etc, and the costs are borne by the peasant. And those who get these benefits are already highly paid. Let’s love one another. The govt has some institutions where employees don’t pay for utilities and govt pays for them.(water, electricity). I know hon. Gondwe you are still haunted by what you did on 1/10/2004. If you don’t know that’s when the economy started nose diving. Yes it was your mistake. Now and again people have voiced against subsidies but you seem not to hear. By the way why did you buy 8billion kwacha maize when you were given 15billion?
But we(chanco 2014 graduates) were included in this year’s budget. We wonder wher our money has gone. The govt has only recruited primary school teachers. This will not be effected by idleness but action. We are petitioning the ministry this friday at 8 am.
But we(chanco 2014 graduates) were included in this year’s budget. We wonder wher our money has gone. The govt has only recruited primary school teachers. This will not be effected by idleness but action. We are petitioning the ministry this friday at 8 am.
There is no known financial expert in Malawi apart from Gondwe Goodal. Keep working and ignore the murmuring cloud in a dance hall.
There is no known financial expert in Malawi apart from Gondwe Goodal. Keep working and ignore the murmuring cloud in a dance hall.
Revisit back to Dr. Banda’s working Plans on restructuring and transforming Economic Goals.
He did his Best part only on AgriculturAl Product imports, which has driven Malawi Economy for 5Dacades, but now Economical Inviroment has changed dramasticaly in the world due to climate change, bringing Droughts, Floods etc, which affect severly Agriculture Production.
Can the present Govt never set up a detailed plan which will rescue the fall down ofour Economy?
To demolish really takes a Day, but to build takes years, and now is the time to build the Malawi’s Economy plans wich will harvest ripen fruits for the coming generation.
In 1994 to date all these three Administrations which has led Malawians didn’t think, plan on how they should assist AGRICULTURAL IMPORTS by introducing INDUSTRIAL DEVOLOPMM, and MINING SECTORS.
Challenges still lies ahead to achieve all these sectors, becose of only three major factors.
1. Energy ( Malawi has got low MegaWats volume to sustain her Domestic and Industrial out put)
Energy restructuring program in all three Big regions has to be monitored.
2. Rural Roads network system has to be modified so quickly to join the big Regional or Districts.
3. Pipes water and sewrage system, Malawi still lacks the items.
Foreign and local investors really needs those three above listed issues in any Business country to support their business growth.
I would say all thoe three Administration whicha has led Malawi up todate dont look ahead to develop Malawi, instead they keep on short economic investment plans in Agricultural Imports only which at mean time is fedding.
From Nsanje to Chitipa, it only covered with Agricultural Estates, so where are Mines, Manufacturing and Industry companies whic employs many people than Seasonal Agriculture companies?
Chikwawa (Nchalo) Thyolo/Mulanje tea estate, Dwangwa sugar, Vizara and Kavuzi estates Chikangawa VPLY, Kasungu farm Holders Estates reall can asists Malawi Economic Growth?
Come on Leaders.
Revisit back to Dr. Banda’s working Plans on restructuring and transforming Economic Goals.
He did his Best part only on AgriculturAl Product imports, which has driven Malawi Economy for 5Dacades, but now Economical Inviroment has changed dramasticaly in the world due to climate change, bringing Droughts, Floods etc, which affect severly Agriculture Production.
Can the present Govt never set up a detailed plan which will rescue the fall down ofour Economy?
To demolish really takes a Day, but to build takes years, and now is the time to build the Malawi’s Economy plans wich will harvest ripen fruits for the coming generation.
In 1994 to date all these three Administrations which has led Malawians didn’t think, plan on how they should assist AGRICULTURAL IMPORTS by introducing INDUSTRIAL DEVOLOPMM, and MINING SECTORS.
Challenges still lies ahead to achieve all these sectors, becose of only three major factors.
1. Energy ( Malawi has got low MegaWats volume to sustain her Domestic and Industrial out put)
Energy restructuring program in all three Big regions has to be monitored.
2. Rural Roads network system has to be modified so quickly to join the big Regional or Districts.
3. Pipes water and sewrage system, Malawi still lacks the items.
Foreign and local investors really needs those three above listed issues in any Business country to support their business growth.
I would say all thoe three Administration whicha has led Malawi up todate dont look ahead to develop Malawi, instead they keep on short economic investment plans in Agricultural Imports only which at mean time is fedding.
From Nsanje to Chitipa, it only covered with Agricultural Estates, so where are Mines, Manufacturing and Industry companies whic employs many people than Seasonal Agriculture companies?
Chikwawa (Nchalo) Thyolo/Mulanje tea estate, Dwangwa sugar, Vizara and Kavuzi estates Chikangawa VPLY, Kasungu farm Holders Estates reall can asists Malawi Economic Growth?
Come on Leaders.
Nan U 0-1 West Brom
Nan U 0-1 West Brom
thats the spirit our leaders shud adopt atleast askn 4 help than getn lost paja mzelu zayekha adavyka nsma mmadz lets sy somthn that can help solv the economic crisis hr country is facn 4 the beneft of hr brothers nd c*z
thats the spirit our leaders shud adopt atleast askn 4 help than getn lost paja mzelu zayekha adavyka nsma mmadz lets sy somthn that can help solv the economic crisis hr country is facn 4 the beneft of hr brothers nd c*z
100 agree….don’t just criticize offer a remedy!!!!
100 agree….don’t just criticize offer a remedy!!!!
We need to eradicate more things which are free like, hospital, primary and secondary xul. I hope u can agree with me that this sectors have many civil servants who are payed by our poor country but if this free services are eradicated civil servants for such sectors willb payed through their sector as a result the money that were expected to be payed to that people can be used to another development
We need to eradicate more things which are free like, hospital, primary and secondary xul. I hope u can agree with me that this sectors have many civil servants who are payed by our poor country but if this free services are eradicated civil servants for such sectors willb payed through their sector as a result the money that were expected to be payed to that people can be used to another development
U r too old,give chance to young ones
I done know why I was born from tha country
That’s is great Mr gondwe takunyadilani u are still strong man tingopemphela mulungu akupititse mu tsogolo
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS.
khutu langa lili tchelu kwa achatsika kuti apanga contribute chani. bravo papa Goodall
Osusa Boma Ndi Mbuzi Zedi.Nthawi Ya Bingu Adakamuuza Gebuza Kuti Asavomereze Kuti Doko Litheke.Pano Apm Akulamulira Akutinso Atule Pansi.Zotipusitsa Ayi Chifukwa Mumanyoza Boma Pamene Mwezi Ukatha Mumapita Kolandila Ndalama Kuchoka Muboma Lomwe Mukuti Lichokelo.
Its simple jst increase the passport, licenses and fees coz thats only things that u cn manage according to ur thinkn capacity
Stop Malata,fertilizer and cement subsidy. jst give us an oportunity so dat we can fynd those things oursef
that is true we need opportunities not to subsidise things which will only help few people in this country coz if we all get opportunities those fertilizers and malata will be cheap coz we will have items to export to other countries which will also help to have more forex thereby our kwacha will be strong again
that is true we need opportunities not to subsidise things which will only help few people in this country coz if we all get opportunities those fertilizers and malata will be cheap coz we will have items to export to other countries which will also help to have more forex thereby our kwacha will be strong again
I got solutions i hope u follow it properly first 1 kill Peter Muthalika, second kill Gondwe and all old pipo in government and bring achinyamata anzeru za fresh, am telling u things will change in jst 6 months Malawi will b a fast developed country in Africa
Ayamba iweyo kukupha tione ngati akwanu asandadaula. Osamatha mau ngati inu mungathe kuyendensa dziko
unayambatu kulemba ngati zanzeru koma aaa mmutu mwakomo mulibe kathu aaa
unayambatu kulemba ngati zanzeru koma aaa mmutu mwakomo mulibe kathu aaa
African finance minister of the yr 2008 katundu
Old pple old knowledge
Stupid why do u want our help mesa mu manifesto anu mumkati mudzakwanitsa ndiye lero zatani, mesa mmati ndife zitsiru inu ndi anzeru tiyeni nazoni ,resign and give others a chance chitukuko sakakamira, remember u were not born on those positions so If u really love our country resign and let new brains take over osamakakamira yet u know mwatha nzeru
Solution = No more “MG 2’s”,running two homes is expensive (these ladies only drink amarulla and wine)!get rid of all VX’s the roads you frequent mostly are tarred, you never go offroad to villagers who voted for you!no more linunda,mangina and red label whiskey because the very expensive suits you buy have to be custom made to fit your extra acquired bellies at an exhorbitant price!no more seminars for fake allowances,for Gods sake you have Capital Hill!no more DPP dinners and dances which means the whole president and his bloated entourage plus mobile loo conjesting our tiny streets which are closed for hours at the expense of poor Malawians soaking in the rain!no more convoy for the VP or the first lady,we would’nt know the difference wether they are there or not and we cant afford this extravagance!no more hosting chiefs to walk your talk,surely they should be with thier subjects during these trying times!this is my contribution bwana not good at all Gondwe!
Ya u are right gondwe.
No comment
This z stupid, after u failed to control the situation now calling experts! If u knows there r experts y delaying to step down on that sit n waiting up 2 this mess u hv caused!
African ,Mother Malawi inclusive is dying because we Elect Thieves as leaders in leadership ,They insist Malawi has no money and land rocked country Why???
Mu ulamuliro wa zipani zambiri ngati panari nthawi yomwe ziko linayendako bwino it’s first term of Bingu, I remind u guyz this very same Gondwe was at the same position, bt after he voted for the second chance Bingu he reshaf him & bring ken kandodo, it’s when malawi lost the direction. So peter bring him back to rebuld things bt it’s 2 late.I love Gondwe coz is the 1 who manage to won the best finance minister in africa.
is he still 79????? cause the last time I checked he was 84yrs
is he still 79????? cause the last time I checked he was 84yrs
What kind of solutions do u want? thought when uwere takingover the govt.uhad these solutions? tiziti simudakonzeke polowa?
What kind of solutions do u want? thought when uwere takingover the govt.uhad these solutions? tiziti simudakonzeke polowa?
how many times has he been given solutions to problems and which ones has he ever adopted . Many meetings. He has made around Malawi soliciting ideas but what we hear is the rising prices of govt services some by over 100 something% . People are now tired muyi sova boss mwakula mwatha
how many times has he been given solutions to problems and which ones has he ever adopted . Many meetings. He has made around Malawi soliciting ideas but what we hear is the rising prices of govt services some by over 100 something% . People are now tired muyi sova boss mwakula mwatha
Ena angoziwa kuyankhula pagulu koma alibe solution inailiyonse,mr Gondwe has done wel to ask dem may b asawasekele njira.
Ena angoziwa kuyankhula pagulu koma alibe solution inailiyonse,mr Gondwe has done wel to ask dem may b asawasekele njira.
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right,if you know what life is really worth you would look for yours on earth.life is your right tell them what you think is better to our beloved country don’t talk no sense (ngati usamadziwa chilichonse chokhuza za chuma ngati ine pano nkwabwino kumangomvesela)
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right,if you know what life is really worth you would look for yours on earth.life is your right tell them what you think is better to our beloved country don’t talk no sense (ngati usamadziwa chilichonse chokhuza za chuma ngati ine pano nkwabwino kumangomvesela)
The only solution to keep our Malawi economy moving forward is to establish industrial development on top of Agricultural import.
Infrastructure developments on Energy’s and rural road networks which really avoids foreign and local investors.
Does supplying and increasing passports prices will help Malawi Economy growth?
The only solution to keep our Malawi economy moving forward is to establish industrial development on top of Agricultural import.
Infrastructure developments on Energy’s and rural road networks which really avoids foreign and local investors.
Does supplying and increasing passports prices will help Malawi Economy growth?
Stop overspending and making merry
Stop overspending and making merry
This government has no solution to the problem facing this country, Aminister Inu Mwakalamba kapumene
This government has no solution to the problem facing this country, Aminister Inu Mwakalamba kapumene
But @ 79 wakalamba mkuluyi,pali ana amene anaphunzira atha kugwira malo akewo koma dyera pena ena amatiu anawo alibe exeprience koma akhala nayo bwanji ngatiu mpata sukupatsidwa kwa iwo. Kuba basi moti iwowo solution sakuyidziwabe monse muja pavuto tili nalori,anali ndi Bingu and amadziwa bwino m’mene Bingu anachepetsera njala bwanji osagwiritsa fundo ankatsata Bingu zo kuti zinthu zisithe? Kuba basi and anzakewo ndi mbava onse,ma banja awo akumapita kunja kukashopa everytime they want to,pamene Malawi akuvutika ndi njala
Experience is the best teacher
But @ 79 wakalamba mkuluyi,pali ana amene anaphunzira atha kugwira malo akewo koma dyera pena ena amatiu anawo alibe exeprience koma akhala nayo bwanji ngatiu mpata sukupatsidwa kwa iwo. Kuba basi moti iwowo solution sakuyidziwabe monse muja pavuto tili nalori,anali ndi Bingu and amadziwa bwino m’mene Bingu anachepetsera njala bwanji osagwiritsa fundo ankatsata Bingu zo kuti zinthu zisithe? Kuba basi and anzakewo ndi mbava onse,ma banja awo akumapita kunja kukashopa everytime they want to,pamene Malawi akuvutika ndi njala
Experience is the best teacher
Koma apatsidwe mpata anawo kuti apeze exprience,sayipeza atangokhala akufunika akhale pa mpandowo akamalakwitsa alipo ma vice awo amene mwina nkutheka akhala M’bomamo kwa dzaka koma alibe ma ma certificate owayeneleza kukhala pa zoyang’a chuma cha Boma koma ziwiri zitatu akudziwapo,and angakhale amthandizi kwa ma newcomers,koma ayi kumangonenepa basi,chance kulibe ya ana,tsono ma future readers adzapezeka litiro M’bomamo ngati akuponderezedwa ndimigogo, Gondwe hv bn there for hw long? More years and akalephere ku sova, umbava wachuluka,kaya za cashgate zinamphonya bwanji sindiziwa.
I thought the reader said he got no PRO BLEMS
I thought the reader said he got no PRO BLEMS
aahaah!!!! so you’ve known tha u’ve failed ,why not to step down mr man, so that those that are capable can hold the gear
aahaah!!!! so you’ve known tha u’ve failed ,why not to step down mr man, so that those that are capable can hold the gear
The problem we have is not Mr goodwall gondwee but economic crisis which needs fixing. Forward yo opinion
The problem we have is not Mr goodwall gondwee but economic crisis which needs fixing. Forward yo opinion
Way to go….
Way to go….
Iam not persuading the Malawi government to follow my way of thinking but to revamp greenbelt initiative .develop more irrigation schemes along shire river from mangochi to lower shire.employ these youth you are exploit ing as party melicios to provide labour this will reduce the impact of climate change and hunger as a result the inflation rate is going to be reduced,the produce will be exported which result in injecting forex
Iam not persuading the Malawi government to follow my way of thinking but to revamp greenbelt initiative .develop more irrigation schemes along shire river from mangochi to lower shire.employ these youth you are exploit ing as party melicios to provide labour this will reduce the impact of climate change and hunger as a result the inflation rate is going to be reduced,the produce will be exported which result in injecting forex
Here is befitting solution: just resign. You have fall short of ideas coz of ageing.
Here is befitting solution: just resign. You have fall short of ideas coz of ageing.
Thats the word we wanted
nobody should frustrate on your daily noble duty in saving malawi.The country at the moment needs people of your calibre,donors have run away but your intiatives are keeping our country moving.bravo mwana wa kwithu.
nobody should frustrate on your daily noble duty in saving malawi.The country at the moment needs people of your calibre,donors have run away but your intiatives are keeping our country moving.bravo mwana wa kwithu.
Cut luxirous cabinet expenditure and buy maize for hungry people.
Cut luxirous cabinet expenditure and buy maize for hungry people.
Resign!best and beffiting solution!pulobulemu solved!
Resign!best and beffiting solution!pulobulemu solved!
This is very good fundo ngati pali wina akusutsa bax nzeru mlibe kwambiri. Let’s us help our country not only mp must have farm but to some who is interested like me I will do that to help my country not mikangano.
This is very good fundo ngati pali wina akusutsa bax nzeru mlibe kwambiri. Let’s us help our country not only mp must have farm but to some who is interested like me I will do that to help my country not mikangano.
Mmmmm! Bambo Gondwe wapakaliyara saimba belu inu ndimene muli panyanga anzathu akuzimbabwe amatero ndithu dziko lonse lamalawi likudikira inuyo ndi bwana APM kuti mupange zotheke zoti mtundu wamalawi utsangalale ndithu zonse zili kwainu bwana coz m’mene mumapanga kampeni uja simumadziwa kuti ndalama zinabedwa nanga inuyo mumati mukazitenga kuti aii!! Ngati zabvuta kungosiya basi ndibwino kupasa anzanu ena amene ali ndi nzeru zafresh
Mmmmm! Bambo Gondwe wapakaliyara saimba belu inu ndimene muli panyanga anzathu akuzimbabwe amatero ndithu dziko lonse lamalawi likudikira inuyo ndi bwana APM kuti mupange zotheke zoti mtundu wamalawi utsangalale ndithu zonse zili kwainu bwana coz m’mene mumapanga kampeni uja simumadziwa kuti ndalama zinabedwa nanga inuyo mumati mukazitenga kuti aii!! Ngati zabvuta kungosiya basi ndibwino kupasa anzanu ena amene ali ndi nzeru zafresh
Aaaa zimakhala zabodza izi zongotolana pakamwa bac palibe chomwe angatsate olo atauzidwa za nzelu omva zayekha ndi omva zayekha bac
Aaaa zimakhala zabodza izi zongotolana pakamwa bac palibe chomwe angatsate olo atauzidwa za nzelu omva zayekha ndi omva zayekha bac
Yes Mr gondwe
Yes Mr gondwe
Anthu awa amadziwana zawo ndizimodzi
Anthu awa amadziwana zawo ndizimodzi
#Jones kukalamba sikugwilizani ndikayendesedwe kaBoma Kamuzi anali ndizaka zingati nanga zuma ali ndizaka zingati vuto dziko lamalawi libe migodi ngati maiko ena ndichifukwa cha mapresident akasankhidwa akulephela kuti ayambili pati
#Jones kukalamba sikugwilizani ndikayendesedwe kaBoma Kamuzi anali ndizaka zingati nanga zuma ali ndizaka zingati vuto dziko lamalawi libe migodi ngati maiko ena ndichifukwa cha mapresident akasankhidwa akulephela kuti ayambili pati
I think Goodall dresses himself down, if he was wise, why can’t he resign knowing there is very little he can’t do to solve the current situation this nation is in? Kakakakaka kukakamila mipando mulibe strategy iliyonse or the courtesy to take on board ma advice from other people….
I quote, “The 79 year old Finance Minister….”
I think Goodall dresses himself down, if he was wise, why can’t he resign knowing there is very little he can’t do to solve the current situation this nation is in? Kakakakaka kukakamila mipando mulibe strategy iliyonse or the courtesy to take on board ma advice from other people….
I quote, “The 79 year old Finance Minister….”
The first solution is, yourself and the president should be removed from the pay roll as you are not doing any job. All MPs should be deducted their pay by 50% so that the people who voted for them must also benefit.
The first solution is, yourself and the president should be removed from the pay roll as you are not doing any job. All MPs should be deducted their pay by 50% so that the people who voted for them must also benefit.
Musove basi osamangoti ndife ma professor za zii
Musove basi osamangoti ndife ma professor za zii
To Me Thats Gud Idea Mr Gondwe. Put Alot Of Money To Those Who Hve Farmers They Can Grow Alot Of Early Mature Crops We Deal With These Problems. Mavuto Enawa Timachita Kuwaputa Dala.
To Me Thats Gud Idea Mr Gondwe. Put Alot Of Money To Those Who Hve Farmers They Can Grow Alot Of Early Mature Crops We Deal With These Problems. Mavuto Enawa Timachita Kuwaputa Dala.
Malawians only think about today not tomorrow .
Malawians only think about today not tomorrow .
Mr Gondwe Goodal.Its 2 late,ankakuwuza inu mumaziwona ngait madolo .Advice ili yonse simumafuna kumva kuchokera kwa anzanu.Lero kwalowa njoka ndi chonde nthandizeni.Ayi osawathandiza amenewa ayisove onkha.Osamufunsa professor wanu bwanji?Nayenso wabalalika?kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk di phi phi bomaaaaaaaa!
Mr Gondwe Goodal.Its 2 late,ankakuwuza inu mumaziwona ngait madolo .Advice ili yonse simumafuna kumva kuchokera kwa anzanu.Lero kwalowa njoka ndi chonde nthandizeni.Ayi osawathandiza amenewa ayisove onkha.Osamufunsa professor wanu bwanji?Nayenso wabalalika?kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk di phi phi bomaaaaaaaa!
Amwe tamek ndie vuto litha if u can do that is big solution to the malawian the want cry again
Amwe tamek ndie vuto litha if u can do that is big solution to the malawian the want cry again
Here is a long term solution: u should resign Grandpa
Here is a long term solution: u should resign Grandpa
Those able to read between the lines know that many alternative solutions – both short term & long term have been put forward countless times. What lacks is willingness to soberly analyse, choose & implement viable alternatives. Suggested solutions cannot produce desired throughput unless actualized via implementation.
Those able to read between the lines know that many alternative solutions – both short term & long term have been put forward countless times. What lacks is willingness to soberly analyse, choose & implement viable alternatives. Suggested solutions cannot produce desired throughput unless actualized via implementation.
The position needs someone in 40s not 80s
The position needs someone in 40s not 80s
Go go go boss u can
am not experienced to that bro, but there r alot in Malawi who can handle such business beta than am’dala awa
Amwene musazidelere go go go
iyayi iiiih zinthu ngati sumatha sibwino kukakamila hahahaha
That’s being stupid,why then did he at first place acceptated the position if he knew that he can’t provide solution to this country’s sick bed economy?
That’s being stupid,why then did he at first place acceptated the position if he knew that he can’t provide solution to this country’s sick bed economy?
Yaa, ndikudikila kuti aliwuza zotani dziko zotilipange pachaka chimodzi kuti chuma chibwerere. Chakwera tiyeni nazoni
Yaa, ndikudikila kuti aliwuza zotani dziko zotilipange pachaka chimodzi kuti chuma chibwerere. Chakwera tiyeni nazoni
Thats the great words let them come infront tell hw they could solve these problems kusiya za mpando coz anthu anavota ndipo alipo pampando ngakhale chakwera akumuziwa ngati simanenera nsanje bwerani poyera ndi mfundozo mwai waperekedwa
Thats the great words let them come infront tell hw they could solve these problems kusiya za mpando coz anthu anavota ndipo alipo pampando ngakhale chakwera akumuziwa ngati simanenera nsanje bwerani poyera ndi mfundozo mwai waperekedwa
Henry Kachaje Anapeleka Kale Ma Solution
Henry Kachaje Anapeleka Kale Ma Solution
Nthawi yolota idapita ino nthawi yopanga zooneka,tilota mpaka liti?? where r the campain promisses?
Nthawi yolota idapita ino nthawi yopanga zooneka,tilota mpaka liti?? where r the campain promisses?
Yah ino ndi nthawi ya otsalotawo get the point baba!
Yah ino ndi nthawi ya otsalotawo get the point baba!
Too late,mwanyayinya mwano,now you hv no tree to touch. Kkkkkk
Too late,mwanyayinya mwano,now you hv no tree to touch. Kkkkkk
Madala, don’t waste our time. You accepted that portfolio on the basis that you can handle it. You should have told your boss that you won’t handle the ministry. Now that you’ve failed you want experts to help? Resign now!
Madala, don’t waste our time. You accepted that portfolio on the basis that you can handle it. You should have told your boss that you won’t handle the ministry. Now that you’ve failed you want experts to help? Resign now!
Kkkkk I think kukhwima mzeru mu ndale osat zomabwebwetaaa Aaa zaziii munthu akukupemphani mzeru uyuuuu
Kkkkk I think kukhwima mzeru mu ndale osat zomabwebwetaaa Aaa zaziii munthu akukupemphani mzeru uyuuuu
All of u politicians start paying tax thats all, if u have a heart for malawians
All of u politicians start paying tax thats all, if u have a heart for malawians
pansanapake the whole of him umatani kukana udindo kamgogo kopanda mzeru
pansanapake the whole of him umatani kukana udindo kamgogo kopanda mzeru
will he take it if I say he must resign? thats the best he can do as of now
will he take it if I say he must resign? thats the best he can do as of now
Goodwill is the best but the government is failed
Goodwill is the best but the government is failed
This GOGO he is the 1who makes KWACHA Downfall’Iremember very well when #ZUMA here in RSA he reshuffled 3Finance Minister within a week!koma Eeh Rand mene inagwera, So this fFinance Minister Knwz where our Economy goes’iget Surprised how many terms have been in Power Shld we say we dnt have Youths who have studied Economics,THIS GOGO n’#BWAPHWINI they r’in the same Basin Destrying our Country,they jst En-Rich themselves.
This GOGO he is the 1who makes KWACHA Downfall’Iremember very well when #ZUMA here in RSA he reshuffled 3Finance Minister within a week!koma Eeh Rand mene inagwera, So this fFinance Minister Knwz where our Economy goes’iget Surprised how many terms have been in Power Shld we say we dnt have Youths who have studied Economics,THIS GOGO n’#BWAPHWINI they r’in the same Basin Destrying our Country,they jst En-Rich themselves.
Gondwe and your leader leave us alone
Gondwe and your leader leave us alone
Uku Ndiye Timati Kuvomeleza Kut Zithu Sakuyendetsa Bwino,Zisiyen agogo alamulile ena kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkest nyasiland wavutikadi
Uku Ndiye Timati Kuvomeleza Kut Zithu Sakuyendetsa Bwino,Zisiyen agogo alamulile ena kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkest nyasiland wavutikadi
Does it means government side has failed miserabley??
Does it means government side has failed miserabley??
He’s running out of ideas. He should resign and people with brain should rescue our mother Malawi
He’s running out of ideas. He should resign and people with brain should rescue our mother Malawi
mulungu yekha akudziwa bass
mulungu yekha akudziwa bass
Mkuluyu wakalambadi ndithu! Akuti “the problems are short term which will be solved in 3 ti 4 years”. Short term inayamba yakhalapo 3 to 4 years? Kanundu chani?
Mkuluyu wakalambadi ndithu! Akuti “the problems are short term which will be solved in 3 ti 4 years”. Short term inayamba yakhalapo 3 to 4 years? Kanundu chani?
Pension ndi 60 yrs koma boma lomwelo likumupatsa munthu wa zaka 79 kuti azigwila ntchito za boma pali nzeru apa tawapatsani mipando achinyamata omwe angathe kuchezela akulemba ma proposal tapitani kumudzi mumuwone wa zaka 79 amawoneka bwanji
Pension ndi 60 yrs koma boma lomwelo likumupatsa munthu wa zaka 79 kuti azigwila ntchito za boma pali nzeru apa tawapatsani mipando achinyamata omwe angathe kuchezela akulemba ma proposal tapitani kumudzi mumuwone wa zaka 79 amawoneka bwanji
If this was said before coming into power then I would agree 100%. Politicians should learn to tell the electorates the naked truth of what they shud expect from the govt in waiting rather giving them false hopes.
If this was said before coming into power then I would agree 100%. Politicians should learn to tell the electorates the naked truth of what they shud expect from the govt in waiting rather giving them false hopes.
Mzeru zinatha ngangayi,akanakhala shasha Bingu sakanamuchotsai Oman so sakanaposedwa ndi amatcha uja ken munthawi ya amai
Mzeru zinatha ngangayi,akanakhala shasha Bingu sakanamuchotsai Oman so sakanaposedwa ndi amatcha uja ken munthawi ya amai
Atleast all ministers and MPs must have farms for maize, hunger will decrease in this country, maize farming should not be for the poor only.
Ndiwe chinkhalamba tikufuna achinyamata agwire ntchitoyo thats y the country z deid coz amakhala pamaudindo ndiagogo
Let him jump into Lake Malawi, good solution for him.
Just resign old dude plz
Does this mean he is able to buy some of the solutions? Ok 79 yrs, that means he is old enough to catch up with modern days economy so he better resign
resign yachani
Ukuletsa zoti wa kalamba zoti ku nja kuli achinyamata atha kuyendetsa chuma cha Dziko sudziwa?paja ndiwe Tumbuka
Ukuletsa zoti wa kalamba zoti ku nja kuli achinyamata atha kuyendetsa chuma cha Dziko sudziwa?paja ndiwe Tumbuka
Thats the best call from Gondwe, nde timve zidebe zopanda madzi kuti zitsokotsere motani, Kabwira uwaunze a Chatsika ndi gulu lako lonse kuti Gondwe akuti tinene zomwe tikulota
Its too late…… they refused earlier, zinthu zisanaonongeke, munkadziwona ngati anzeru, deal with the results urself..simunkati ndinu zitsulo zanjanji…
Its too late…… they refused earlier, zinthu zisanaonongeke, munkadziwona ngati anzeru, deal with the results urself..simunkati ndinu zitsulo zanjanji…
Zimene tikupangazi nde unjanjewo
Zimene tikupangazi nde unjanjewo
haha #aslyvester mwaonat vutolanu strait u know dat palibe chomwe mungapange nanunso ndingolo
haha #aslyvester mwaonat vutolanu strait u know dat palibe chomwe mungapange nanunso ndingolo
Kodi mukati zaonongeka kale,ndiye mukufuna zikhale chonchi kamba kakuti simuli pa mpando?muzi bwanji simuzakhalapo?kapena wakuladi nde unjanje share yur knowledge let say the masses here out!
Kodi mukati zaonongeka kale,ndiye mukufuna zikhale chonchi kamba kakuti simuli pa mpando?muzi bwanji simuzakhalapo?kapena wakuladi nde unjanje share yur knowledge let say the masses here out!
Munthu Siumafusira Ntchito Yomwe Siunga Kwanitse Muli Achinyamata Ambiri Mu Dpp Asiye Abwana Alemba Wina Ochokera Ku Dpp
Munthu Siumafusira Ntchito Yomwe Siunga Kwanitse Muli Achinyamata Ambiri Mu Dpp Asiye Abwana Alemba Wina Ochokera Ku Dpp
Dpp yinaonetsa ukatakwe wake polowanso mu boma pasanathe zaka ndi zisanu zomwe, enanu kaya mwakhala zaka 50 chichokeleni mu boma nde tiziti mitu yanu yikugwira bwinu ntchto?? If u can’t beat them, then join them
Dpp yinaonetsa ukatakwe wake polowanso mu boma pasanathe zaka ndi zisanu zomwe, enanu kaya mwakhala zaka 50 chichokeleni mu boma nde tiziti mitu yanu yikugwira bwinu ntchto?? If u can’t beat them, then join them
Nkhani siyongolowa m’boma tiyeni tipange zoti tikapita ana athu adzaloze kuti tidapanga izi.
Nkhani siyongolowa m’boma tiyeni tipange zoti tikapita ana athu adzaloze kuti tidapanga izi.
Aaa Zidebe Zopanda Kanthu,, Kkkk,,
Mmmmm! Mpaka pamenepo Amwe agamale Achimwene apikene indu isawisye aiii!
This means this gafamenti has failed to come up with solutions
makape ongotsutsa mwamva?we need constructive criticism
kape ndiweyo coz sukudziwa chilichonse cha economy. Azimbuyakowa ankati chani kuti akatenga boma? Waiwala?
kape ndiweyo coz sukudziwa chilichonse cha economy. Azimbuyakowa ankati chani kuti akatenga boma? Waiwala?
Zitsilu inu mukufuna zelu kwandani?.ndalama0mukuba nokha ndikumakana information bill kukana kugwidwa.mukaleka kuba mavutowa antha.jb ali mtsogoleri anatani kuti zimuyendele moti simumkaona ndiye lero muzifunsa zelu masophenya amwe inu mumkanena lero antha mukufuna kutenganso zazanu.achilima apitala ndinu zitsilu kwambiri wina professor wina director airtel campain izi zakukanikani bwanji.kodi munthu ungasiye kupepha ufa ulibe ufa ndiye udya chani?. Panja inu ndiachuma pangani momwe momwe mumasamalira zanuzo.matako anu nonse