Fuel prices have effective tonight gone up in Malawi, Malawi24 can exclusively reveal.
Information that we have indicates that the stability of oil prices globally has prompted the Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) to assent to the rise of fuel prices.
MERA has announced new fuel prices following a sharp depreciation of the local currency Kwacha.
Petrol is now at K743.30 from K711.90 while diesel is at K722.90 from 671.30 and paraffin will be sold at K580.80 from K522.30 per litre.
According to MERA,the price adjustments follow, depreciation of Kwacha and high fee charged during importation of the fuel from other countries.
The adjustments come in at time when the country has been rocked with economic challenges due to weaken of kwacha against major currencies.
(Additional reporting by Luke Bisani)
awo ndiye mawu mulungu alemekezeke Andreah
Here it’s down with 70c unleaded 95,93down with 54c.why Malawi raising prices
Ine Nilibe Problem
Ine Nilibe Problem
The Probrem Is People Believe In The Government More Than Believing In God See?When You Plant In The Air You Rip The Whillwind!Lets Rearn To Believe In God Always Because God Is Our Present Help And Nothing Shall Stir Us Wen We Are In Him
Wow what z dis country called #Malawi kkkkkk in other southern africa countryz fuel iz going down this month. But Malawi u say fuel iz going up aaaaaaaa wats really going on In Earth Hell #Malawi
I think Malawi needs expatriate leaders. Seems like our local leaders are down to ashes
Tsoka wakudza ndichoipacho, kulibe mtendere kwaiwo okwanilitsa zoipa zammasiku otsiliza
Mutharika and lungu are same in terms of foolishness, vision less, brainless
Tafa basi
Vuto boma lakwathu nsanje lanyanya, aboma amapangira nsanje anthu amene anawavotela. chifukwa boma lakwathu likadakhala longonda anthu awo sibwezi zitafika pamenepa,koma tikuvulala ndi ife ana.akulu akuluwa nsanje akutipangila anafe. ukatha mano siuswa phale
Ine ndilibe pulobulemu amene ali nimvuto niiye amvera kuwawa 2x
Malawi 24 isamakhuzane ndi maulaliki opanda tchito just comment malawi 24 news sizopusa apa ayi awuzeni anthu kuti awope Jehova, ndichifukwa zizindikilo zankwiyo wake zingo chulukilachulukilabe chifukwa cha agalu inu
Malawi 24 isamakhuzane ndi maulaliki opanda tchito just comment malawi 24 news sizopusa apa ayi awuzeni anthu kuti awope Jehova, ndichifukwa zizindikilo zankwiyo wake zingo chulukilachulukilabe chifukwa cha agalu inu
Abusa kodi tiziopa Yesu chifukwa alikubwela?tisamaope Mulungu omutuma Yesuyu? Abusa ngati mwasuta chamba ine ayi
Abusa kodi tiziopa Yesu chifukwa alikubwela?tisamaope Mulungu omutuma Yesuyu? Abusa ngati mwasuta chamba ine ayi
Iye alibe poroblem chifukwa anakalamba kale komanso akuyendera fuel yathu opanda kuperekapo ndalama za muthumba mwake
Iye alibe poroblem chifukwa anakalamba kale komanso akuyendera fuel yathu opanda kuperekapo ndalama za muthumba mwake
Izi musadabwe nazo a malawi adzanga tili mmasiku otsiliza ndipo nyengo zowawa sizinati uku ndikuyamba chabe. Monga Yesu anatiuza za nyengo zowawisa ngat izi tikuyenela kuzindikila kut nthawi yatha ndipo zochuluka zikubweka khalani okhozeka ndipo mukhulupilire Mulungu komaso Yesu mbuye wathu.
Izi musadabwe nazo a malawi adzanga tili mmasiku otsiliza ndipo nyengo zowawa sizinati uku ndikuyamba chabe. Monga Yesu anatiuza za nyengo zowawisa ngat izi tikuyenela kuzindikila kut nthawi yatha ndipo zochuluka zikubweka khalani okhozeka ndipo mukhulupilire Mulungu komaso Yesu mbuye wathu.
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS.
peter mutharika
While fuel price is being reduced in most countries, SA inclusive, due to a fall in price of crude oil it shoots up only in Malawi, making the already starving poor majority suffer more, and what the hell you tell me not blame it on these selfish leaders. Who controls fuel price, isn’t it the government?
road to 2019
Ndizimene tikuyembekezera olo akanakhala kuti akulamulira ndi enawo nkhani yake ndiyomweyo, mawu a Mulungu ayenera kukwanirisidwa basi. I for one don’t believe in politicians or atachita kuzichekacheka NO i woul’nt. They are full of empty promises. All i ask God is a peaceful MW baaasi, in due time He’s gonna give us a leader who has its pple at heart
Ubwino wake akupezeka
muvutikilanji anthu inu???????
Amalawi anzanga limbani ntima tisachedwe nkulozana dzala kut akubweletsa vuto ndiwakuti mateyu 24 komaso maliko 13 akukamba zamavuto omwe ati adzaoneke padziko ngati zizindikilo zakubwela kwayesu akuti mukadzaona njala matenda osanva mankhwala mitundu kuukilana nkhondo kusowa chikondi pakati paanthu ana kusavela makolo maukwati acilendo onseakucitikawa ndimavuto ndimasautso ena ambili zindikilani kuti yesu alipafupi kudza owenga khala maso kapena kuti ozindikila khala okonzeka mpumulo ukubwela ndiyesu yekha basi atsogoleli tisintha mpaka lineup yonse koma sizitheka kukhalanso pantendele yesu akubwelanso posachedwa kudzatenga anaake okhulupilila akut akapumule kuzolemetsa zadziko odala ali oyelantima ufumuwakumwamba uliwaiwo sitinachedwe ayi tiyeni tipange ubale ndiyesu mwini cipulumutso ambuye adalitse nonse Amalawi anzanga mlungu amakukondani ndipo moyowanu alinawo cholinga
Amalawi anzanga limbani ntima tisachedwe nkulozana dzala kut akubweletsa vuto ndiwakuti mateyu 24 komaso maliko 13 akukamba zamavuto omwe ati adzaoneke padziko ngati zizindikilo zakubwela kwayesu akuti mukadzaona njala matenda osanva mankhwala mitundu kuukilana nkhondo kusowa chikondi pakati paanthu ana kusavela makolo maukwati acilendo onseakucitikawa ndimavuto ndimasautso ena ambili zindikilani kuti yesu alipafupi kudza owenga khala maso kapena kuti ozindikila khala okonzeka mpumulo ukubwela ndiyesu yekha basi atsogoleli tisintha mpaka lineup yonse koma sizitheka kukhalanso pantendele yesu akubwelanso posachedwa kudzatenga anaake okhulupilila akut akapumule kuzolemetsa zadziko odala ali oyelantima ufumuwakumwamba uliwaiwo sitinachedwe ayi tiyeni tipange ubale ndiyesu mwini cipulumutso ambuye adalitse nonse Amalawi anzanga mlungu amakukondani ndipo moyowanu alinawo cholinga
Boma ilo kkkkkkkkkk
Boma ilo kkkkkkkkkk
Malawi one day will be closed
Malawi one day will be closed
while in south Africa gone down with 70cents per litre
while in south Africa gone down with 70cents per litre
Makwians don’t play with God ,we need him now bcoz we r facing these predicaments ,first we have to start doing he told us to do,too much witch craft ,protute ,Satanism, just to mention afew,& we telling God to help us while we r not doing what he told us to,God said : why do u call me lord lord and not do the things which I have spoken to u,
Makwians don’t play with God ,we need him now bcoz we r facing these predicaments ,first we have to start doing he told us to do,too much witch craft ,protute ,Satanism, just to mention afew,& we telling God to help us while we r not doing what he told us to,God said : why do u call me lord lord and not do the things which I have spoken to u,
Malawi alibe problem
Koma pa malawi pano tili pa mavuto akulu kwabasi nde kuti zinthu nazo zikwera mtengo even ma transport nawo akwera mtengo.Pajati akuti tisamayankhule zinthi zinkhala bwino.Koma mpakana liti abale?Mungotimanga tonse basi.
Ma Hulexo Akwera2
uyu munthu wakanika tingovomeleza. padziko lapansi mayiko ena mafuta akutsika mitengo yet ife kuno kukweza mosaganiziranso anthu akumudzi. zoopsa ndithu.
As for me l have to park my toyota Sprinter at home & start walking on foot to work becouse l have many PROBLEMS of which l can not afford to board a minibus; How l wish Peter Mtharika was my relative, he could have solved all my PROBLEMS becouse he does not have any PROBLEM; This imported President has messed up our country & his wife is failing to beautify Malawi with maize;
Koma ma salaries ali costant pamene zinthu zikukwera!!
Where was MERA tm fuel hit the lowest price at world market?
Where was MERA tm fuel hit the lowest price at world market?
unofficial problems, just wait and see this is preamble! Zenizeni zikubwera tisova!!
unofficial problems, just wait and see this is preamble! Zenizeni zikubwera tisova!!
#Enelt zona ndithu
#Enelt zona ndithu
Petrol pa JHB ali pa R12, rsa wake uti?
Petrol pa JHB ali pa R12, rsa wake uti?
Koma guys zafika poipa . Mailings ena monga south africa yasitsa mtengo wa fuel dzana lomweli Koma kumalawi akukweza pamenepo Zikuyenda . Wina ndiye akuti palibe Vuto nthawi Koma Zoona . Kumuwonanso munthu wake amene akunena zimenezoyo malawi kampopa ngolo okudya zogenda ngati ine amene . Zzomvetsa chisoni zafikapa Tsopano . Ngati zinthu zikundivuta ine munthu oti ndimathamanga thamanga Kuli bwanji gogo kumudzi amene sali Ntchito komanso akusunga ana amasiye . Mmmm Zzomvetsa chisoni zedi
Koma guys zafika poipa . Mailings ena monga south africa yasitsa mtengo wa fuel dzana lomweli Koma kumalawi akukweza pamenepo Zikuyenda . Wina ndiye akuti palibe Vuto nthawi Koma Zoona . Kumuwonanso munthu wake amene akunena zimenezoyo malawi kampopa ngolo okudya zogenda ngati ine amene . Zzomvetsa chisoni zafikapa Tsopano . Ngati zinthu zikundivuta ine munthu oti ndimathamanga thamanga Kuli bwanji gogo kumudzi amene sali Ntchito komanso akusunga ana amasiye . Mmmm Zzomvetsa chisoni zedi
Ndiye umadabwa dzikolathu zinthu kukwela ife kwaamwenyeku satikwezela koma ati kudula nsonkho wambiri koma malawi kukhumba kamuzu atadzuka ndithu
Ndiye umadabwa dzikolathu zinthu kukwela ife kwaamwenyeku satikwezela koma ati kudula nsonkho wambiri koma malawi kukhumba kamuzu atadzuka ndithu
Fellow citizens its with great shame that this fuel prices are still sky rocketing up high.its a shame if u look at how small malawi is despite it been land locked.times do change but ever since kamuzu all our leader honestly speaking have failed ther job.no1 seems to have a clue whats going on with malawi at after 51 years.with the rate how its going since we are used living like this but our children will surely abandon the so called warm heart of africa.while they are in V8 cars and living in mansion and having foreign acc. Look at ordinary malawian who cant even spend a dollar a day aprox 500kwach if am not wrong. We need answer not by waiting for cama to speak remember this no 1 funds cama but the government its self. We need to have ways for our words to be heard by the government for we are the tax payer. Online petitions.free peace public demos .setting up our own non goverment office. Jst a few. remember actions speak louder than words.
Fellow citizens its with great shame that this fuel prices are still sky rocketing up high.its a shame if u look at how small malawi is despite it been land locked.times do change but ever since kamuzu all our leader honestly speaking have failed ther job.no1 seems to have a clue whats going on with malawi at after 51 years.with the rate how its going since we are used living like this but our children will surely abandon the so called warm heart of africa.while they are in V8 cars and living in mansion and having foreign acc. Look at ordinary malawian who cant even spend a dollar a day aprox 500kwach if am not wrong. We need answer not by waiting for cama to speak remember this no 1 funds cama but the government its self. We need to have ways for our words to be heard by the government for we are the tax payer. Online petitions.free peace public demos .setting up our own non goverment office. Jst a few. remember actions speak louder than words.
Vuto siinu opanga mafuta mbewa yawola imodzi amalawi tonse taola.
ndie uzit ulibe prblm?
Inu amene mukuti mafuta akutsitsa, kuti kumeneko?
Kukwera kwa mafuta sichachilendo,ndipo palibe nkhani apa
Abale tisachedwe ndi zaziko lapatsi lomwe timakhala kanthawi kochepa. Tiyeni tifune ufumu wa mulungu umene ulipo ndipo uzakhalapo.
Maine dziko lathu lija ife
Azanu mafuta akutsitsa inu mukukweza
Why Malawi…? Maize its now 15 Thousand per Bag n Today fuel has also raised up why thingz are stil going up..? Here in Mocambique Petro z 50 Meticuis which z K600, Diesel z 48 Meticuis which z K575.. Koma Nyasaland bwanji….?
Mozambique is not a land locked country like Malawi
Mozambique is not a land locked country like Malawi
Sizimenezo nkhani ilipo ndi yakuti America imafuna kumalamula vumbwe ngati iyo ili ndi nkhuku pamene a ruya anawawelenga kale khazikhazi mudzawona dollar ikuyamba kutekeseka ngati mayiko ena awiri mugwilizano wawo ukatheka.Osati kugwa kwa tambala wathu ayi tamafufuzani boh boh
Whilest international fuel prices dip, our domestic fuel prices soar. I smell an elephant-size rat
mesa amati “automatic tariff system”.. ndizimenezitu.. as inflation rises n kwacha depriciates.. ma end result ndi amenewa..
WHATSAPP/ CALL 0968435190
Pano ndizikwela hamber from Thunga Thyolo to Limbe Blantyre for magobo Mamawa uliwonse coz I can’t afford tax fair
Even .ku.Tanzania.:South africa.wakweraso.dzana no.difference
Basi ndi vuto laboma monga tingovomela olotikanesizitheka maiko anzathu zimatheka amakwanisa kukana magalimoto samayenda mpaka zimatheka koma ndife ozikonda kwambili mwezi wathau bred wakwela ntengo kuchoka pa 250 kufika pa 330 koma mukugulabe basi tingovomela monga ife aku mangochi vuto la mafuta sikwambili pa moshiko ndipafupi tizikagula
Mulopwana woza!
Breaking News??????????? What about the price of a 5o Kg bag of maize? atolankhani a pa Nyasaland
Ine ndilibe polubulemu, zanu zimenezo ife timatenga kuboma waulele kkkkkkk
even here in SA last wednesday petrol price went up its all over ther the world
Which world?
Ife amene timawelenga Bible kaya ndi Mateyu 24 ndi mavesi ena omwe amalosela za masautso oyamba, sitikugwedezeka kapena kuganiza zopita ku Joni ayi. Ife tili njii! Ngati chitsa chosalira mulupsya ngakhale mphepo yanamondwe sitikugwedezeka. Baibulo likusindika kuti zimenezi ndi zizindikiro zoyamba ndipo silikunena kuti tifa ayi koma kusindika kuti tiime njii!
Yet your Peter Is Saying Ine Ndilibe Pulobulemu. Mxiew!!!
4 example 1st 5yrs of Bingu he made this:tombstone 4 kamuzu,ntchisi road,parliamant & was called mose walero also ngwazi then muthetsa njala.But to say Peter failled to meet the demand of pple,4 instance hunger,madicen shortage,devaluation of the kwacha, & today fuel is up that will transpot & grocaries up.To say peter punishined us others said not.WHOM TO BLAME????
4 example 1st 5yrs of Bingu he made this:tombstone 4 kamuzu,ntchisi road,parliamant & was called mose walero also ngwazi then muthetsa njala.But to say Peter failled to meet the demand of pple,4 instance hunger,madicen shortage,devaluation of the kwacha, & today fuel is up that will transpot & grocaries up.To say peter punishined us others said not.WHOM TO BLAME????
Pamene kuno Ku RSA mafuta atsika ndi pamene Malawi akukwera koma zinazi guys
Pamene kuno Ku RSA mafuta atsika ndi pamene Malawi akukwera koma zinazi guys
Breaking news minbus fair is raesed up from limbe to mj boarder is 2000 from 1500
Breaking news minbus fair is raesed up from limbe to mj boarder is 2000 from 1500
Palibe Chodabwitsa. Ndimmene Zinayenela Kukhalira
Educated president amene timamufuna
Apm akuti iye alibe problem tiziwona
Down Or Up ? Mama Kalanga Ine Tiziona Apa Nde Akhoza Kuyambapo Kunamanso dza Fuel Ooooomy God Malaw Only Whay ? Malawi Walowasabola Akuwawa Kuposa Sabola .
@malawi24, I find it offending to call this breaking news. Maybe just call it geometric news coz seriously we are used to these trends. Keep doing the good job though.
@malawi24, I find it offending to call this breaking news. Maybe just call it geometric news coz seriously we are used to these trends. Keep doing the good job though.
dont worry usikaso posachedwa apa tikayamba kugulitsa fodya…….. bola mafuta azipezeka kusiyana ndikusowa. inu mufuna asike mupaka ayambe kusowa??
dont worry usikaso posachedwa apa tikayamba kugulitsa fodya…….. bola mafuta azipezeka kusiyana ndikusowa. inu mufuna asike mupaka ayambe kusowa??
God help us
God help us
hahaha 2 march always cause too much noise, ife tizingomvera nao kunyozanako bola tikupuma.
How much petrol per litre
That’s Malawi wa lelo nothing to say.
bcz wakwera mukuti breaking news,,akatsika breaking news kumakhala kulibe,eetu nyengo ndi nthawi basi zinthu zikumasintha kumene
Pajatu ati alibe pulobulemu
Kukhala m’Malawi nkulimba mtima…..chifukwa olo mutukwane chotani apapa tiyeni tivomereze kti zinthu zativuta basi, chikakhala kti ndinu adzeru bwezi mutabadwira kunja bwezi izi simukukumana nazo.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ndilibe pulobulemu
Mwayi wake ine ndilibe #Galimoto or #Motorbike, olo Mafuta atafika pa k989.00/ Litre I dnt care!! Pano a #Malawi tikuyendera “Chabadwa Chaga”!!
thts ignorance
Iweyo nde uli wa Nzeru? Ndi nzeru zako za uchitsiruzo, panga kt Mafuta abwere pa k499.00/ Litre, Idiot!!
Koma abale kodi dzikoli likupita kuti?
Pamene fuel watsika ntengo mmaiko oyandikana nao ngati Zambia Mozambique Tanzania Botswana South African inu mwa kangalika kukweza mtengo Malawi @ 50
chisoni mulibe njala ikulilima inu nkumaonjela chipsinjo china eeesh angobwela azaweluzepo zikoli ambuye iyaaaa
kukhala m’malawi mkulimba mtima
mkunkhwima mtima, kulimba wachepetsa
hahaha eee
ndikubwera konko lero
mutipeza man
Anthu ambili mukumanena kuti tisamuloze chala munthu or kapena kuti bwanamkubwayu so ndili ndi fuso why alwayz zinthu zikayenda bwino timasapotela munthu amene akulamulayo? Apapa kunena zoona tikanava kuti mafuta atsika bwezi tikuwona macoment ochemelela munthuyu pompa Pamene zikayipa mukuti zisamukhudze why?
“Mtima wanu usabvutike; khulupilirani Mulungu”khulupilirani nso mau ake.
Mtendere wanga ndikupatsani”Mtendere wanga ndikusiyilani..simonga uwo dziko likupatsani ayi….
Mu dziko lapansi mudzakomana ndi zovuta koma chirimikanibe pakuti ndaligonjetsa dziko lapansi ine”..atero Yesu mfumu yomwe ilinkudza posachedwa.
Kudzapangitsa zonse kukhala zokoma ndi zosangalatsa!..
Mbale/mlongo dzuka nukhale tsonga pakuti kuwala kudza posachedwa..
Kuli dziko labwino ndithu…lakuwala koposa dzuwa..masautso kulibe..kuli mzinda okoma ndithu..
Bwinolino tipita..tiyen tikakumane ku dziko ilo.
Zisoni ndi masautso uko kulibe!
Limbani mtima okondedwa pakuti ichi nchiyambi chabe cha masautso!!
Amen am blessed!!
Mulungu atichitire chison
Wankulu Dziko Limenelo Lilikuti?
Mawu ogwira mtima munthu wamkulu.
Mwatilimbikitsa ife amene ”Tili ni polobulemu” Amen and Amen
Amen munthu wamulungu
@#Boneface_Topola…..sindingadziwe kuti mpingo wanu umati dzikolo lilikuti koma chiyembekezo changa pa ine ndekha chili pa #John 14vs 1-6.
Mlungu akukumbukile mufumuwake ndipemphelo langa kut okhulupilila tikakomane munzindawo owalawo inu tikapume dzikotaonamo zowawa zambili ili sinthawi yomalozana dzala kut akupangitsa ndi uyu
Mlungu akukumbukile mufumuwake ndipemphelo langa kut okhulupilila tikakomane munzindawo owalawo inu tikapume dzikotaonamo zowawa zambili ili sinthawi yomalozana dzala kut akupangitsa ndi uyu
amen musasiye kuti limbikitsa zokoma,mulungu alemekezeke
@#Spencer_Kumisuku &.#Andrew……..AMEN BROTHERs
Amen God bless you
Bless you too #Yomba_Lowole.
Ndinthawi yot malemba akwanilisidwe ndpo akukwanilisidwadi
Ndinthawi yot malemba akwanilisidwe ndpo akukwanilisidwadi
Abuye Akudalise Polibikisa Moyo Wanga.
leader say ndilibeprombrem,tikhaula mpakaticimina.
Zinthu zikukwela mtengo almost daily posatengela kuti fuel wakwela / wasika mtengo, zomwe ndi zinthu zovu zedi kwa a Malawi ambirife omwe timangoti chagwa m’mbale ndi ndiwo.
Nchoncho nde wina aziti alibe pulobulemu ine kumangotseka kuti ha ha ha haa!!!
Part of life
Kodi boma lathuli limagula kuti mafuta poti ku RSA mtengo wa mafuta watsika
a president akut alibe problem sitinat tiziona Malawi
malawi where is she going i think sink down low as nebas rise up due to selfish of leadrs nane andmve nditchuke haaaa poor to poorest rich richest
were is my passport,am gettin the hell outta here
Wafikano pabwanji
Tandikumbutseni tsiku ( #date ) la marching lija?
Tandikumbutseni tsiku ( #date ) la marching lija?
mra thy r stud and thy must fuck there ass aswell,malawians r already in hardship of hunger and poverty mafuta mutokweza instead of droping! panyapanu nooonse from mra mpaka tk the Ministers ndithu in South africa thy dropped the prce 2day inunsonkukweza lero lomwe,by the way mafuta ainuwo mmakapikula kumwamba pomwe rsa imapikula pansi pano? musamatiyese eeeeti dziko musalilowese chipele chakalingonda ili,ngati mwatha mano musaswe phale
yaaa ,thats exactly wat i expected bt ihv hope dat sooner or later it wl be calm ,malawi z acountry God hs much focus on .dont point out leaders coz rulling mw z arisk itself .we dont hv enough resources and donors hv gone away ,keep ur knees down & pray
yaaa ,thats exactly wat i expected bt ihv hope dat sooner or later it wl be calm ,malawi z acountry God hs much focus on .dont point out leaders coz rulling mw z arisk itself .we dont hv enough resources and donors hv gone away ,keep ur knees down & pray
Amen we r in the last days where by problems will come one after another people will see peace n better life but things will never be settled the only better life is coming with Jesus christ n it will faver everyone who is by the Gods side let us be prepared 4 Jesus coming the prince of peace is coming soon
Amen we r in the last days where by problems will come one after another people will see peace n better life but things will never be settled the only better life is coming with Jesus christ n it will faver everyone who is by the Gods side let us be prepared 4 Jesus coming the prince of peace is coming soon
bra ioz one of those men who cud provoke leaders on these kind of on going crisis bt av come to apoint of realising that am wasting my voices for things dat my bible already reveal .we can not escape dat we r in bad daes & the only option on us z christ so we may not suffer again in the next lyf
Akukwera chifukwa chani poti maiko ena akutsika umbava basi
Akukwera chifukwa chani poti maiko ena akutsika umbava basi
Kuno ku south africa mafuta atsitsa ndipomwe kumalawi akukwela .
Kuno ku south africa mafuta atsitsa ndipomwe kumalawi akukwela .
No comment der, only God is dax knowz
No comment der, only God is dax knowz
dkk woyeee
dkk woyeee
And MERA just justified this raise, you almost forgot to add that up
And MERA just justified this raise, you almost forgot to add that up
Inu amene muti musakwanitse kugula wodulayo, ndimapezek naye or 300 litres, uyu ndioceaper coz is black market, inu amabussines inbox me,
Rand , Naira, Zk Kugwa ,, Malawi Kwacha Angalimbe?
Inu amene muti musakwanitse kugula wodulayo, ndimapezek naye or 300 litres, uyu ndioceaper coz is black market, inu amabussines inbox me,
Rand , Naira, Zk Kugwa ,, Malawi Kwacha Angalimbe?
Zanu Zimenezo Ine Ndimakwera Njinga Yakapalasa Galimoto Sindingagule Ndi Momwe Akukwelera Mafutamu
Zanu Zimenezo Ine Ndimakwera Njinga Yakapalasa Galimoto Sindingagule Ndi Momwe Akukwelera Mafutamu
Bwampini era….nyasaland wavuta uyu
Bwampini era….nyasaland wavuta uyu
Eishhhh kukhala kumalawi ndikupilila gayz eishhhhh bola kusamukako basi
Eishhhh kukhala kumalawi ndikupilila gayz eishhhhh bola kusamukako basi
Ine ndilibe pulobulemu ndi makwela njinga.Amalawinu ma idiots mumadya mafuta agalimoto?
Ine ndilibe pulobulemu ndi makwela njinga.Amalawinu ma idiots mumadya mafuta agalimoto?
Izizi ndizausilu. Ndimafuna kutukwana kma ndinatukwana makanapanga Zausilu. Iwe Malawi ukupita kti kapena nawe wayamba usilu?
Izizi ndizausilu. Ndimafuna kutukwana kma ndinatukwana makanapanga Zausilu. Iwe Malawi ukupita kti kapena nawe wayamba usilu?
Olo kukankhala kuti president wathu ndi Obama mafutawo akanakwerabe basi
mmmmmm zanyanya..chilichonse sichikuyenda bwino apa…
Olo kukankhala kuti president wathu ndi Obama mafutawo akanakwerabe basi
mmmmmm zanyanya..chilichonse sichikuyenda bwino apa…
Ndikulikonse man am in Mozambique and things are hectic here ask people in SA I also have a Zimbabwean friend who says things are also tough in Zim
Ine ndili ku RSA pano sizili bwino kuno zinthu zavuta paliponse basi…
Ine ndili ku RSA pano sizili bwino kuno zinthu zavuta paliponse basi…
Amalawi timazinyozetsa tokha we just want to blame atsogoleri pomwe vuto ndiife sititha kulimbikira komanso kupanga plan yapatsogolo
Guys..l lyk ur comments kwambiri..vuto la malawi ndiloti we r buzy kumatukwana prezdent..sibwino
Guys..l lyk ur comments kwambiri..vuto la malawi ndiloti we r buzy kumatukwana prezdent..sibwino
Bible analemba amaziwa zomwe amanena za masiku womaliza posachedwapa tiyamba kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama yimodzi, ngati yikugwa land wt more kwacha.
Bible analemba amaziwa zomwe amanena za masiku womaliza posachedwapa tiyamba kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama yimodzi, ngati yikugwa land wt more kwacha.
Bible analemba amaziwa zomwe amanena za masiku womaliza posachedwapa tiyamba kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama yimodzi, ngati yikugwa land wt more kwacha.
Where malawi is going aaaaa iwe do you anything chazeru ur right wen you say last days
Iwe ukuwona bwanji pamenepo wosamakula kuthupi muzikula kuu zimu.
Iwe ukuwona bwanji pamenepo wosamakula kuthupi muzikula kuu zimu.
Bible analemba amaziwa zomwe amanena za masiku womaliza posachedwapa tiyamba kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama yimodzi, ngati yikugwa land wt more kwacha.
Where malawi is going aaaaa iwe do you anything chazeru ur right wen you say last days
Iwe ukuwona bwanji pamenepo wosamakula kuthupi muzikula kuu zimu.
Iwe ukuwona bwanji pamenepo wosamakula kuthupi muzikula kuu zimu.
zomwe ukunena,enet ndizoona kale sizinali choncho,tilipamavuto,azungu akufunabe kutilamulabe ena sakudziwa
Bvuto ena amazitengera ndale sakuziwa chomwe ali. Tikuyenera kukhala ndi maso phenya.
Bvuto ena amazitengera ndale sakuziwa chomwe ali. Tikuyenera kukhala ndi maso phenya.
boza limenelo kukhala ndi azisogoleli opanda masophenya ndichocho.ziko limafunika kuliwelengela pa tali.musankhale ngati ife bible sitimaliziwa.pali mavuto ena ndi a natural koma ena amaza chifukwa choti woyendasa zikoyo zamuvuta.msogoleli wanzeru pa nthawi yino angamayime pachulu ndikumanena kuti ndilibe puloblem pamene anthu akuvutika mziko?
chisanzo ndikuyendesa bwino kwa bingu team yoyamba koma pazifukwa zina yachiwili yinavuta.mafuta kusowa sugar kusowa ndalama zakunja kusowanso.kodi yinalinso nthawi bwanji mama uyu atabwela zinasintha.
Kod chifukwa chan petrol amakwera usiku
Kod chifukwa chan petrol amakwera usiku
Nilibe Problem that’s Why…
Nilibe Problem that’s Why…
breaking News imeneyi??? ndimaganiza ulemba kuti Muthalika wakomola
breaking News imeneyi??? ndimaganiza ulemba kuti Muthalika wakomola
Mavuto Alipo Ku Malawi Kwabasi.
Mavuto Alipo Ku Malawi Kwabasi.
President alibe filling station koma ali mphamvu yopanga control zinthu mziko mwake kuti anthu ake asavutike
President alibe filling station koma ali mphamvu yopanga control zinthu mziko mwake kuti anthu ake asavutike
Sizachilendo izi inu, olo ma company opanga magalimoto nawonso mitengo siyikumakhala chimodzimodzi ayi, nde inu musamalankhule ngati kuti ndiku Malawi kokha mafuta amakwezedwa
Sizachilendo izi inu, olo ma company opanga magalimoto nawonso mitengo siyikumakhala chimodzimodzi ayi, nde inu musamalankhule ngati kuti ndiku Malawi kokha mafuta amakwezedwa
Be prepared for harder times ahead. Worst is still to come. We will feel the pinch.
Be prepared for harder times ahead. Worst is still to come. We will feel the pinch.
katundu naye akwera mtengo., nde wina nkumat alibe pulobulem…screw that,,, nde apapa pulobulemuyo sakuyiwona? SHIT !!!
katundu naye akwera mtengo., nde wina nkumat alibe pulobulem…screw that,,, nde apapa pulobulemuyo sakuyiwona? SHIT !!!
Ine ndi ikwera yomweyi yakapalasa basi
Ine ndi ikwera yomweyi yakapalasa basi
ABwana president alibe problem koma ovotafe
ABwana president alibe problem koma ovotafe
Ndekuti chani???
Iwe moti sudamve kuti akuti chiyani?Are you Malawian??
Dpp woyee yu deserve especialy southern region you don’t go for guts bt wakwathu sysndrome
Dpp woyee yu deserve especialy southern region you don’t go for guts bt wakwathu sysndrome
koma yes!…
koma yes!…
koma yes!…
koma yes!…
mmm zonse ndi nthawi tiyeni tingoyang’ana kumwamba kuti kukacha mulungu atipatsa chian masiku otsiriza awa
mmm zonse ndi nthawi tiyeni tingoyang’ana kumwamba kuti kukacha mulungu atipatsa chian masiku otsiriza awa
That’s why mr muthalika must resign, each and every our currency is going down. which makes the price of other things to go up. And just imagine from 2014 may kwacha has lost it’s value with 32 percent, we are tired with him and he must resign no matter is well educated
That’s why mr muthalika must resign, each and every our currency is going down. which makes the price of other things to go up. And just imagine from 2014 may kwacha has lost it’s value with 32 percent, we are tired with him and he must resign no matter is well educated
Uwawuze abambo ako ayambe campaign tidzawavotera kuti zinthu zisinthe kumalawiko!!!! “Galu wa munthu””
Uwawuze abambo ako ayambe campaign tidzawavotera kuti zinthu zisinthe kumalawiko!!!! “Galu wa munthu””
Whilst here in RSA we are celebrating the drop in price of fuel from yesterday 2 March. Indeed Malawi is 2 march
Are u asouth african kodi kulimbikira zaeni bwanji talk about your fucken country
Iam just informing u the uninformed
Whilst here in RSA we are celebrating the drop in price of fuel from yesterday 2 March. Indeed Malawi is 2 march
Are u asouth african kodi kulimbikira zaeni bwanji talk about your fucken country
Iam just informing u the uninformed
Akulimbikira zakuSouth Africa!! Thank you Xander…really…no sarcasm. kuMalawi kuno eish! zinthu sizilibho n it keeps getting worse. mbola2,
Mafuta pa world market atsika kwambiri moti maiko ena ngati Russia ndi Saudi Arabia akufuna kuchepetsa production kuti mwina mtengo ungakwere. Dziko ngati la Nigeria chuma chao chikufoila chifukwa cha kutsika mtengo kwa mafuta. Ife zangotivuta chifukwa chakunyenyeka kwa kwacha. And we should regard it as luck coz had it been that the world market price was appreciating, tikanakhaula kwambiri pa Malawi pano.
Masiku omaliza ano…zikupezani konko…….
Masiku omaliza ano…zikupezani konko…….
Nanga tsopano apa titani? Chiri chonse kuyambira ntchere,sopo ndiye zikwera mtengo ndiye tikathera kuti? Apatu anthu(akumudzi) omwe sakugwira ntchito ali pamavuto akulu. Tiri m’mavuto kale ndiye pakubweranso vuto lina koma zinthu zidzafikanso pokoma kuti aliyense adzamve kukoma m’masiku amoyo wake?
Lamulaka mphawi limban mtima bas
Nanga tsopano apa titani? Chiri chonse kuyambira ntchere,sopo ndiye zikwera mtengo ndiye tikathera kuti? Apatu anthu(akumudzi) omwe sakugwira ntchito ali pamavuto akulu. Tiri m’mavuto kale ndiye pakubweranso vuto lina koma zinthu zidzafikanso pokoma kuti aliyense adzamve kukoma m’masiku amoyo wake?
Lamulaka mphawi limban mtima bas
And in my country the fuel went down last night.
And in my country the fuel went down last night.
Paja mwana wa#PETER Dzina lake ndi ndani mesa amati #GETRUDE ali ndi pha,koma Nigga ameneyu akhala Mwana woyamba kapena kwa AMERICA anasiya mtundu:D;)]
Paja mwana wa#PETER Dzina lake ndi ndani mesa amati #GETRUDE ali ndi pha,koma Nigga ameneyu akhala Mwana woyamba kapena kwa AMERICA anasiya mtundu:D;)]
May be this comment won’t be important for the majority of people here,some of you will ignore it, most of you all won’t bother to read and it’ll go unnoticed along with other comments, may be i’ll be critized for this bt i just want to let you all know! I’m selling potatoes!
U also copied my comment
Where is your comment?
May be this comment won’t be important for the majority of people here,some of you will ignore it, most of you all won’t bother to read and it’ll go unnoticed along with other comments, may be i’ll be critized for this bt i just want to let you all know! I’m selling potatoes!
U also copied my comment
Where is your comment?
Chotsika mtengo ku Malawi kuno ndichiyani? Palibe chodabwitsa apa
guys speak as u hav got brains,d u think cz u hav bicycle the increase of fuel prices won’t affect u?automatically mitengo yabus ikukwera,& with ur kapalasa cn u reach far?idiots,savage fools!
it happens everywhere, who do not know this? it’s just time, this problem pleaz malawians don’t blame mr president.
Musamuloze chala munthu aliyense ayi ili sivuto lamunthu kapena nsongoleli ino ndi nthawi yake basi Amalawi tapenyani komwe mupita inu, angakhale Ku South Africa Mwenzi uno asika ndi 60c mwenzi wa m’mawawu akukwela ndi 75c ilotu dziko lolemela nawonso amatukwana msongoleli chimodzi modzi tichitila ifemu segulani makutu anu akumvanu mumve ino ndi nyengo yosiliza eeeeeeeee.
Pitala woyeee.
Same salary Eishh tha richer getting richer tha poor getting poorerrrrrrrrr last dyz
Kufuna Kutamika Palaini Nd Phapha Lako Pa Lent, Bola Ukanamanga Nyumba Zafikapa Musandutsa Maluwa Apakhomo, MWs yaipa.a
Tizingopemphera tsiku lina Zizakhala Better….*singing*
Kukhala mMalawi n’kulimbadi mtima ndithu
here we go! Nilije Suzgo, wali na Suzgo na anyane…
Tiyeni tithawire kumangalande
ichi ndichiyambe chabe sitidati malawi wa moto
Dzuka malawi
Dzuka malawi
Koma tilimbaa?
malawi for today
Dont blame companies but blame your leader who has dropped the currency of kwacha, what do you expect the companies would do if our Kwacha is devalued??? your leader is the source of all problems
Haha iwe ediot u cant even c dat ndalama yagwa kulikose?
Haha iwe ediot u cant even c dat ndalama yagwa kulikose?
which countries do you travel??? You must be very stupid together with your grandfather #Peter Muthalika, you are vissionless guys!!!!
which countries do you travel??? You must be very stupid together with your grandfather #Peter Muthalika, you are vissionless guys!!!!
Kuyankhula mopusa basi,presdent ali ndi filling station?mbuzi.
Kuyankhula mopusa basi,presdent ali ndi filling station?mbuzi.
iwe uziganiza ngat munthu wosukusula kumaso,ukuganiza ngat nkhuku bwanji??? ma companies amawoda ku Malawi mafutawo?? ndiponso amawodera #Kwacha ??
iwe uziganiza ngat munthu wosukusula kumaso,ukuganiza ngat nkhuku bwanji??? ma companies amawoda ku Malawi mafutawo?? ndiponso amawodera #Kwacha ??
What ever u can talk we doesn’t care cz this problems comes with ur beloved Leader Former przdent JB 4 Stearing Govment money through Cashgate Scandle.And devaluated kwacha with 20% while Bingu refuse dat cz they knows such problems will occured. So i dont know which przdent u talk About, ithink u until know u dont know the causes of problems in Mw Shame!!! ask people in the Villages will telling u the trueth.
What ever u can talk we doesn’t care cz this problems comes with ur beloved Leader Former przdent JB 4 Stearing Govment money through Cashgate Scandle.And devaluated kwacha with 20% while Bingu refuse dat cz they knows such problems will occured. So i dont know which przdent u talk About, ithink u until know u dont know the causes of problems in Mw Shame!!! ask people in the Villages will telling u the trueth.
Who devaluated the kwacha? During apm leadership mafuta atsika mtengo 2 times, yet u didnt make noise lero its an issue, are we really fare to reality?
Who devaluated the kwacha? During apm leadership mafuta atsika mtengo 2 times, yet u didnt make noise lero its an issue, are we really fare to reality?
Our Country Does Not Have Problem
Fools of paradise
iwe Joel kodi Bambo ako ali Ndi Grocery?? Alindi-Buthery?? But everyday he puys food on the Table…nde ukufunsa buanji if the president has a filling station? really? comment anakulembera ndi mwana wakwanu eti
#Vasilly enawo akukongowonesa umbuli wawo tangowataya bro
Lets not beat about the bush, partisan and ethnic interests aside, MUTU UKAKULA SULEWA NKHONYA. Chilichonse chokhudza dziko, kaya chabwino kaya choipa, wina wachisenza basi kaya ufune kaya afune mwina kaya usafune kaya mwiniyo asafune mpaka 2019 wooo. Eeetu eee!!!!
inu fuel wakwera palipose km munthu sazatheka
inu fuel wakwera palipose km munthu sazatheka
kkkkkk wina akuti nthawi ya bingu mafuta sanali kukwera mtengo kkkkk ngati simuku dziwa kanthu bwanji otsangokhala chete!bingu ndi chiyambi cha nthawi zovutazi!komanso wina akuti awa ndi matsiku otsiliza KkkK matsiku ptsiliza ku malawi kokha?
kkkkkk wina akuti nthawi ya bingu mafuta sanali kukwera mtengo kkkkk ngati simuku dziwa kanthu bwanji otsangokhala chete!bingu ndi chiyambi cha nthawi zovutazi!komanso wina akuti awa ndi matsiku otsiliza KkkK matsiku ptsiliza ku malawi kokha?
DPP ndichipani cha anthu akuba komanso chopanda chitukuko,foseki zanu a drop !!!
Apa motoka si dihlu,bola kukhala ndi plot basi!!
Bola njale ase petrol akakwela tp cost imakwelanso pompopompo nyumba rent siingakwele as faster as dat
Bola njale ase petrol akakwela tp cost imakwelanso pompopompo nyumba rent siingakwele as faster as dat
malawi wanga
Ngati zikavuta pakhomo timasintha kudyera nyama kuyamba kudyera masamba. Now i will change sindizithilanso petrol mu galimoto mwanga ndizithila parafin period and its final
Galimoto Zinokole Sopano Shaaa
A man kills himself and runaway,,,, more dataila @ 8
Ndilibe pulobolem ti titi ti za magigi iz chabe
Things r getting out of hands now next timva kuti nayo kwacha sizigwiranso ntchito
pitalayo alikuti
Timafuna zimenezi basi.
nde zafodya
These are clear signs,that things are getting worse by day.We do not know ,kt mawa kukamacha,chitakwerenso ndi chani.SORRY CHALA CHANGA,NDINAKULAKWIRA.
Iwo alibe problem,ife tinawazolowera mavuto olo atakweza kuposera pamepo ndife amalawibe
while SA fuel price droped yesterday eish…
Musanamize anthu apa Rsa yake it?
Usatsutse iwe zakoyo akunenza zoona atsitsadi dzulo fuel
Kodi chimakhala chani inu amalawi amene muli ku RSA? Umbuli kapena? Kufuna kuoneka ozindikira? Maiko awiri amenewa angafanane zochitika zawo? Kapena boma ndilimodzi?
Ngat zakuwawa zinyambite kusana kwakoko
#Chicco fuel ikasika imasika maiko onse and chimodzimodzi ikakwera
Here in RSA has dropped
Here in RSA has dropped
In my country Namibia as well.
In my country Namibia as well.
Fuel z very cheap in RSA guys less than 12rand per litre
Fuel z very cheap in RSA guys less than 12rand per litre
Boma ilo
Komwe iwe
Ife ndi za gilizi zomwezi tchovetchove basi
Koma Malawi yyyyyy???????v
Koma tilimba?
Owoooo ine ndli nd yakapalasa my fuel iz msima
Dpp is masapus,,,fuck pita
Charle ua crazy, do u thnk de price wl b de same for hw long?
Go te hell,, am not a DPP fany plz
Akutumani akulu eti?
Abwana,,plz i hapen not to be in malawi bt ndikumamva chison mene azibale anga akuvutikira,,basopo ngati mwatumidwa akulu
Felie you’re very stupid.. idiot.nde anakuuza kuti azingokwera basi osamatsisa ?.some other countries akutsisa petro while in malawi just going up every year..idiot
He is what? Charles Banda
Amwene timo musieni zoba ameneyu,,,anyamata a DPP cadet awa
Anthu akuvutika mtima wanga ukwawa ndie ena mwatumidwa basopu pls
Chitsiru ameneyu felie..Daily zinthu kukwera ntengo..Sugar,chimanga,cement,malata zonse zili highe kwambiri.nde azithoka zaganja apa.kape uyu eti
Chitsiru ameneyu felie..Daily zinthu kukwera ntengo..Sugar,chimanga,cement,malata zonse zili highe kwambiri.nde azithoka zaganja apa.kape uyu eti
Eish amwene akulu ndi munthu otseketsa komaso omvetsa chison.amwene achibale akuvutika ku malawi
Eish amwene akulu ndi munthu otseketsa komaso omvetsa chison.amwene achibale akuvutika ku malawi
kkkkk mavuto akachuluka mziko kungokhalulila kutukwanizana.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk aaaa amwene tiphana tokhatokha sopano.