…changes tune on Presidential aspirations
Enlightened Church Gathering Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has denied any association with former president of Malawi Dr Joyce Banda.

The social network was awash with stories soon after Bushiri landed in Malawi for maize donation. It was claimed that Bushiri’s maize donation to the hunger stricken families in the country was from Joyce Banda as campaign tool for Peoples’ Party in 2019.
However, in an interview with Malawi24, Bushiri said he was aware of the rumours but there was no truth to it.
“Its not true. They are simply allegations. The prophet has not endorsed anyone and can’t campaign for any person,” said Bushiri through his public relations officer, Mr. Kelvin Sulugwe.
Jonathan Kamanga one of PP South Africa Wing diehards posted on his facebook account claiming that Bushiri is enjoying cashgate money.
“Fom what I have gathered… bushiri is not the man behind the maize relief distribution program.
Yes he is the face of the programme, but the hard cash is the cashgate money. In other words bushiri is distributing chimanga (maize) on behalf of one of cashgate big fish, I mean the exiled cashgate suspect,” reads part of the post.
In his response, Sulugwe said that the flamboyant prophet makes his own money and bought maize from a supplier in Mchinji.
“Bushiri makes his own money. I dont know this Jonathan Kamanga, I have never heard of him and apparently, I dont follow Peopele’s Party… If the claims came officially from People’s Party, they would make sense, I dont think the said Jonathan Kamanga speaks for People’s Party. He is speaking his mind,” said Sulugwe.
Meanwhile, Sulugwe declined to comment if Bushiri is interested in presidential seat and would like to contest in 2019 polls. His refusal to comment is contradictory to earlier claims by Bushiri who said contesting in an election was not his priority as he considered being a President lesser than being a Prophet.
Amene mukulimbana ndi munthu zanu bwanji simukuchitapo kanthu kuti dzikoli mulitukule…kugawa chimanga sikuti ndi chifukwa ,choti munthu wina akhale mavuto.
Bushiri ,alamulepo monga mzika ya malawi
Have something else to write. Don’t bore us
Chilungamo ndi choti mipingo takhala nayo zaka ndi zaka ma 100 angapo koma sadagawepo chimanga dziko lose ngakhale zipani kwa anthu ovutika. Uyu ndi mwana wamng’ono kwabiri ndipo yekha kopanda kuthandizidwa ndi ena akuthandiza anthu a mtundu a kwao monga JOSEPH koma walakwanji mwanayu? Munthu otere sitidamuonepo ife kuno kwathu.Omwe akunyozabewo ndi ana a satana monga tate wao ndi mai wao Jezebelo. Mfiti zoipa zosafuna ena asangalale.Tikulephera kudyetsa ndi kuthandiza anthu ndi chakudya monga anthu ovutika,okalamba,odwala,osowa chithandizo ngakakhale osowa chiyembekezo.Lero lino Mulungu watiyankha nyengo yanjala ngati iyi koma mukunyozabe. Anthu otere sadzayamika
Some reporters ask silly questions that is why Mr Sulugwe did not respond. You
already heard that the Prophet does not habour any ambition of political office yet you repeat asking the same question. I think you have a very big problem. What answer you do you need.
Keep on writing about Bushiri coz the more u write about him, the more popular he becomes. W dont care hw u damage someone wth ur propaganda what w care is to see foot on the table, our children going to xool, finding medicine at th hospital, maize at the admarc not Bushiri has done this and that. Leave the guy alone. And u Malawi 24, pls write good English pls not this nosense u r writing here.
Iive bushiri alone to help Malawians!!
zizungu zama graduate malawi 24
Sizitsiru inu munthu akuthandiza dziko lake zomwe akukanika mbatama peter mukandifusileko kwa peter ngati mano ake ali okwana ayi ndimadabwa chichewa chake ndimmalawi uyu?kkkkkkkkkkkk guys bwabwabwa
How a running prisoner can hv plans v sharing maize? Don’t talk about self prisoner plz ! N all ppo r not the same, some r 2 jealousy they wish what Bushiri got would b 4 them! Y failing to thank him 4 what he’s doing ! Y not blaming gvnt leaders for causing MW poorest country as it z
Ndiye nyasaland walelo
The person is doing everything to help people there, but what you care is about politics.
Leave bushiri alone you are just wasting your time.
Leave Major1 alone,he z a Prophet of God
How do you know?
Kuyaluka kumeneko
Malawi amoto:::kkkkkkkkkkk
I feel the word “contradictory” has been misused here.
I quote “Meanwhile, Sulugwe declined to comment if Bushiri is interested in presidential seat and would like to contest in 2019 polls. His refusal to comment is contradictory to earlier claims by Bushiri who said contesting in an election was not his priority as he considered being a President lesser than being a Prophet.”
I don’t see how refusing to comment is contradictory to an earlier claim here plus the whole passage I don’t find any where in it pakumveka ngati kuti Bushiri contradicts himself. Malawi24 help me here, enlighten me.
Even if he can contradict himself…. As far as I know the we worship, if h dish out of his call to politics he will never win, this another world when God need his people to get his message and turn to him. No matter how much he can spend to campaign, he can becoz God call his pastor to redeem people not to rule people….. His New Testament generation not Old Testament.
Ukapolo ogwirira panja pa ndende,umamoneka ngt ofewa koma mmmm,its hard wen we talk of free mind set.
Nde m’Malawi ameneo,asia zake kuyamba za munthu wina,kaperewera nxeru ndi jealous zinakulu kwambiri pakati pathu,nchifukwa chake dxiko lathuli litchedwa kuti Malawi,meaning,ogwirira panja pa ndende.
More fire bushiri if u got money am selling this Malawian to u bt better help ma people plz
Mwatimulembepo za Bushiri basi anthu angayiwale kkkkk
athandize dziko lake mumunene?? Mumpekele mabodza” akhale ku SA mumuneneso” Amange xul ku dziko lina kumunyoza kwakeko”’ eeeis amalawi muli ndi vuto lalikulu ndithu”” nanu gawani chanu chimanga tikuoneni kwa athu ovutika tikuoneni”” asaaaaaaa” nsiyeni muthuyu athandizeeeee
lies runing faster than truthy
leave de person alone…. jb watan?
Ua a lie