Malawi Police in Thyolo district are keeping in custody a 44 year-old man for raping and impregnating a 15 year-old girl.
Thyolo police public relations officer Edith Kachotsa confirmed about the arrest and identified the suspect as Maxwell Donsa. She said the suspect and the victim were living in the same house.
“We have indeed arrested Donsa for allegedly impregnating and defiling an underage girl which is contrary to section 138 of the penal code,” said Kachotsa.
She added that the suspect had been sleeping with the victim since August 2015 and he was intimidating her that he will send her back to the village if she will tell anyone about his actions.
Kachotsa further said that the girl’s relatives learned that she is pregnant and after they questioned her, she revealed that she had been raped several times by Donsa.
The relatives later reported the matter reported to police who arrested Donsa. Kachotsa said the suspect will appear in court soon.
Donsa hails from Ndenguma village in the area of Traditional Authority Malemia in Zomba District.
Ana amaxiku ano amawaxekelela azibambo amafuna kutiye ndiye umenewo ximulandu amawafunaxo naye xanamugwilile mwana ogwililhdwa ndi wa zaka zitatu oxat ameneyo apolice amaxulen abambowo akawaphunzitse ana palibe mulandu amaxulen sir athuwo asover ameneyo
sitonse tili zisilu. Amene amasusayo ndiye opusa. Omvamo can kamkazi kovala china ngat aka
Thyolo style
Thyolo style
Heartless creature.
Hello my name is Lizzy Joe, I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 16 years I have being a HIV positive patient. I never think I we live long again and am so grateful to Dr Greg Carlos who help me cured my HIV virus last 3 weeks. I was in a great pain so I told one of my best friends about my situation; she told me that there is a great spell caster that can cure my VIRUS. I asked her if she had his contact, she gave me his email and phone number, I emailed him and he talked to me and he perform the necessary things and he told me that after 14 days, I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth, so i contacted him and thanked him for is good work. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him or contact him at: [email protected] or whatsApp: +2348146867873… ALL THANKS TO Dr Greg Carlos.
is it impregnated or being raped? free the man to face his responsibility.
Komanso kuthyolo mdiye kuli agalu okhaokha sianthu yaaaaaaaa fosakeeeeeeee.
Kma nde kuthyolo kwaja 1 ukawalala kugwilila njala zonse kuthyolo
Alomwe alimwe kkkkk mlakhu
Kaya musova kuthyoloko
Inu amalawi news,ndi apolice ndinu zisiru,polemba nkhanizi muziyamba mwafufuza kae,coz munthu sangakhale ndimunthu mzake popanda ndondomeko yeniyeni yochokera kwa ma gurdian ake.msikana wamkulu ngati ameneyo sikuti ndimwana ai,ndiwamkulu akhonza kuziwa chabwino ndi choipa ndie nkhani zinazi musamangotinamizapo apa!!!
he is old xul,,,,,,battery fool
Mwana angatenge mimba? hahahaha ndiwankulu ameneyo
Kkkkk achina munthalika bro
Mwana wamkazi samachepa ngati zatheka palibe vuto anagwirizana amutuluse mdalayo sanalakwe.
Kodi ku Thyolo kuli anthu otani???
Achina mthalika bro kkkkk
Kuli anthu monga wina aliyense, ofasa, ozweta, ena olimbikira kugwira ntchito, ena zidakwa, opemphera onse ali komko Bro!! Kodi nkhani zogwililirazi m’maboma akwanuwo sizimachitika??????????
Kkkkk mwana wa ng’ombe amakula nchikoti kkkkk
kkkkkk ali bho adya zanthete kkkkkkkkkk amatengulira kkkkkkk
kkkkkk ali bho adya zanthete kkkkkkkkkk amatengulira kkkkkkk
Alhomwe ndichocho kungwiriri basi
si Alhomwe Okha Mr Mzati.Mtundu Uli Wonse Uli Ndi Ziserekwete.
Kd kunyozana kumathandiza chan pamoyo wanu moreover munthuonso ndiwakuzomba atha kukhala muyao kapena mang’anja even mtundu ulionse kumene tinene kt simusatira link ntchto kunyoza bas
Mulhomwe pakwao!
Kkkkkkk awa nde mavuto ena
Kkkkkkk awa nde mavuto ena
He must loten in prison please.
He must loten in prison please.
Alhomwe ndi choncho
Alhomwe ndi choncho