Long at last! The Malawi Government has now released a list of names of the Initial Primary Teacher Education 8 (IPTE8) and Open Distance Learning 3 (ODL3) primary school teachers to be recruited and deployed to education districts to fill existing vacancies in various public primary schools across the country.
This has come amid an outcry by the trained teachers who wondered why government trained them but remained silent on their jobs.
But in a statement released through the Ministry of Education today, government says that the names of the teachers under the two training exercises have now been released and that the teachers are supposed to check with their respective colleges or District Education Offices to find out where they have been deployed.
”The teachers are informed that they will begin work on 1st April 2016. It is therefore imperative that the exercise of filling Forms should be completed by 4th March 2016. Failure by teachers to report to assigned duty stations will be construed that the concerned teachers are no longer interested to be employed by Government through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.”
bola zisalowe ndale
Muzifufuza kae musanatumeze comment ma nurse ake at amene akuwa. shut up!
Muzifufuza kae musanatumeze comment ma nurse ake at amene akuwa. shut up!
Ok Lizzy Joe we heard yoi
Hello my name is Lizzy Joe, I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 16 years I have being a HIV positive patient. I never think I we live long again and am so grateful to Dr Greg Carlos who help me cured my HIV virus last 3 weeks. I was in a great pain so I told one of my best friends about my situation; she told me that there is a great spell caster that can cure my VIRUS. I asked her if she had his contact, she gave me his email and phone number, I emailed him and he talked to me and he perform the necessary things and he told me that after 14 days, I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth, so i contacted him and thanked him for is good work. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him or contact him at: dr.gregcarlos@gmail.com or whatsApp: +2348146867873… ALL THANKS TO Dr Greg Carlos.
is my name dere
Mukungotukwanizana za ziii loko peteryo samakudziwani mkomwe
Atleast mwe
Bingu must Fall!! Bingu must fall!!! Bingu must FALL!!!
Yatsala ife
Yatsala ife
all best
Grace Elias
Patrick Buleya
Emmanuel Namuthu
bola aziwalipira on time.
musanyoze dziko lanu chifikwa choona zabwino dziko laweni
ife a malawi sitingatukuke coz timakonda zobwebweta.
ife a malawi sitingatukuke coz timakonda zobwebweta.
Kkkkkkk #Kimaz eya ndamva and thanks so much for letting me know.
Azingopita pa THEBA basi
Apa its beta 2 go 4 technical education,coz uboss sumachdwa.
long at last,,,,,arsenal 0-2 barcelona zingayambe kuiwalika
Good decision comes after many Malawians is already out of this fool country to look for jobs in other countries mylabish
Gud News Bravo Govt.
iiiiiiii amalawi mmmmmmm tinakhala bwanji china chili chonse kuchilowesa ndale mmmmmmmmm komano ziko lathu ndipovuta kuzatukuka poti linazaza ndi anthu ozikonda.kaya wina zimukhuze olo zisamukhuze bola ndayankhula chingam
Ndalama zilipo,,,koma akungoba atsogoleriwo,,,,ndalama za a phunzitsi zili kut????? Malo mowathandinza mukuwadzuzanso,…eeeiiiish koma Boma ili!!!! Boranso amayi
mmmm zaboza iziii one of the officials waku ministry wandithoka kut aphuzixi adikile 2019 pano ndalama mayaz & ma nurse akutuwa mmizimu nde akalembe mphuzix waku primary?
unyeratu iweyo amzako apita awa! hahahaha ichoonh!
tiona kuti anyele ndan mundikhulupilila eeetu brooo
Ine nde ndikufunilani u volunteer wabwino,kagwileni ntchito ya thangatayo fans ku capital hill ikudya bwino inu mkumatuwa ndi chalk mmidzimu kkk
wishin u all the best! ilove you fellow teaachers (Elie Evie a malawian teacher in Tanzania)
wishin u all the best! ilove you fellow teaachers (Elie Evie a malawian teacher in Tanzania)
Shaaa ndiye azimayi ena ali ndi pakati, amaona kuchedwa mapeto ake ngodzi.
Shaaa ndiye azimayi ena ali ndi pakati, amaona kuchedwa mapeto ake ngodzi.
zomwe alembazi ndizmwe anena akukuakulu aku education(head quarter)zikusiyana,atiwuzilathu lero pamene amayendera musuku akuti boma lilibe ndala zoti alembere aphuzitsi akupulayimale azalembedwa 2019,anapeleka chitsanzo chakutu aphunzitsi akusekondalere sanalembedwe bwanji inu aku pulayimale,tiyeni tizingolima basi chuma chili muthaka ,thax,wakumva wamva,wosekela tasekeleran mupaka 2019,
zomwe alembazi ndizmwe anena akukuakulu aku education(head quarter)zikusiyana,atiwuzilathu lero pamene amayendera musuku akuti boma lilibe ndala zoti alembere aphuzitsi akupulayimale azalembedwa 2019,anapeleka chitsanzo chakutu aphunzitsi akusekondalere sanalembedwe bwanji inu aku pulayimale,tiyeni tizingolima basi chuma chili muthaka ,thax,wakumva wamva,wosekela tasekeleran mupaka 2019,
mwakamba palibe ….
that it great . thanks for doing it. its had with ndalama zochepa zomwe amalawi we get to make this progress
Kulibwino kumapiliza zimene mumapanga apa mukunyadila mawa timva mukulira kuti two months without salary hahaha Malawi
Kod Chipani Chimalemba Anthu Ntchito?-muone Chobwebweta China & Leave DPP alone
Ambuye Alemekezeke.
Ngati mwatero tathokoza koma osati miezi six anthu sanalandire ndiye ngati si fodya ndiye chani? Kuganiza kuti adya chani. Osamangoputsitsa anthu ndicholinga choti azakuvotireniso paja ine simavota anandivotera kale a xeno ku joz
eish!!! after a vry long waiting
Thats wat we expect gvt to do!
hmmm ayi apite ku tchito,, wanthu awa eee ayi hmmm anayenjeza,,, zosangalatsa
hmmm ayi apite ku tchito,, wanthu awa eee ayi hmmm anayenjeza,,, zosangalatsa
thats gud nuz
thats gud nuz
Zopusa basi
Zopusa basi
Zopusa basi
Zopusa basi
Iwe ukuti zopusa bwanji?Wadya chamba eti.Wotembeleredwa iwe.Anzako akhala almost 2yrs paulova nde iwe uzilemba manyi akowo?Ndiye kuti umasangalara eti?
if it had bin mai JB anthuwa akanalembedwa ntchito last april with the other grup this april nde kumat dpp dpp its only irritating nde enawa adikire mpaka chaka cha mawa? amene mukutama chipan chimenechi u dont kno zomwe mukunena, ipte 9 & odl 4 mpaka april 2017 nde muziti the current gvt is perfoming?? tisanamizanepo apa !!!
if it had bin mai JB anthuwa akanalembedwa ntchito last april with the other grup this april nde kumat dpp dpp its only irritating nde enawa adikire mpaka chaka cha mawa? amene mukutama chipan chimenechi u dont kno zomwe mukunena, ipte 9 & odl 4 mpaka april 2017 nde muziti the current gvt is perfoming?? tisanamizanepo apa !!!
Nanunso Zilizonse Mulowese Ndale Basi Zikugwilizana Kupepera Abambo Ake Boy
Tauzane aaah
Mai inu somwhere u dont know, if not dpp why it takes so to recruit them? Gvt is under dpp rule thats why he mentioned dpp somwhere. Zinthu sizikuyenda mu ulamuliro wa a name wa.
usinthe dzinalo ukutipatsa manyazi paliponse mulankhulepo mbwelera @pita
usinthe dzinalo ukutipatsa manyazi paliponse mulankhulepo mbwelera @pita
Kupusa basi!zilizonse kma akanakhala ajawa zkanakhala bwino.Kumbwambwana eti!!!Chilichonse ndale basi,kupusaaaaaaa
Kupusa basi!zilizonse kma akanakhala ajawa zkanakhala bwino.Kumbwambwana eti!!!Chilichonse ndale basi,kupusaaaaaaa
No donor aid.hahahahahaha! D phi! Phi! woyeee!
No donor aid.hahahahahaha! D phi! Phi! woyeee!
Way to go..
Way to go..
Good news indeed but after strugles. Pano tikanakhala tikukamba kut IPTE 9 and ODL 4 ndiamene aponyedwa. Government must change this habit.
Good news indeed but after strugles. Pano tikanakhala tikukamba kut IPTE 9 and ODL 4 ndiamene aponyedwa. Government must change this habit.
dpp nd mo kuti chan? zopusa et 4 hw long hv thz guyz bin waitin zachamba bas.
dpp nd mo kuti chan? zopusa et 4 hw long hv thz guyz bin waitin zachamba bas.
Or Akanadikira Zaka 50 Bwanji Sumalemba Iweyo Ntchitoyo Za Chamba Basi Ife Kwathu Kunyadila,enanutu Ufiti Too Much Mumangodana Ndi Chili Chonse Koma Maliro Kusekelera Ndiye Shupit.
iweyo wachitapochani kuti alembedwe at time . if u feel u have cash osalembako atatu bwanji? osamangolakhula mulibe chiganizo chothandiza
Nthawizina Kukonda Mzako Ndibwino Munthu Aliyese Amapita Kusukulu Kuti Azapeze Chochita Osati Kungokhala. Mapeto Ake Dziko Likuluza Chifukwa Anthuo Amakagwira Ntchito Kunja Pomwe Anphuzira Ndi Msonkho Wanthu
Nthawizina Kukonda Mzako Ndibwino Munthu Aliyese Amapita Kusukulu Kuti Azapeze Chochita Osati Kungokhala. Mapeto Ake Dziko Likuluza Chifukwa Anthuo Amakagwira Ntchito Kunja Pomwe Anphuzira Ndi Msonkho Wanthu
Thumbs up
Thumbs up
lero lokha mwalembako nkhani yoona yopanda kuikilamo maganizo anu
lero lokha mwalembako nkhani yoona yopanda kuikilamo maganizo anu
Tikasule ma Doctor a mawa
Tikasule ma Doctor a mawa
Nyc news, inenso ndikalembe wanga kumudziko…
Bola pamenepo gyz
Bola pamenepo gyz
this is good news ideed 4 the first time mw 24; avoid writting news that can nt help an of us.
this is good news ideed 4 the first time mw 24; avoid writting news that can nt help an of us.
But how much is the salary.
Atsitsa salary ya aphunztsi. . .muzkalandira ma 30 gland
But how much is the salary.
Atsitsa salary ya aphunztsi. . .muzkalandira ma 30 gland
Muwauze amene akunyoza Bwanawangayo kuti Tiwanyenyanyenya
Muwauze amene akunyoza Bwanawangayo kuti Tiwanyenyanyenya
Mwapanga zimenezi chifukwa cha pressure….tione ngati mukwanitse kuwalipira…..tikukuonanitu…..!
Mwapanga zimenezi chifukwa cha pressure….tione ngati mukwanitse kuwalipira…..tikukuonanitu…..!
We are civil servants
Nice job tinatopa ife eishiiiiiiii
DPP ndi machine amphepo man, makina apamadzi kkkkkkkkkk
DPP ndi machine amphepo man, makina apamadzi kkkkkkkkkk
Iwe zochenjela bwampini kkkk
Iwe zochenjela bwampini kkkk
Iwe zochenjela bwampini kkkk
Iwe zochenjela bwampini kkkk
Malawian Students. http://Young4Money.com/?ref=73633
thank GOD!
Long at last!
Malawi24’s first accurate news item!!!
Dpp woyeeeeeee
Lero a malawi 24 mwalembako za nzeru tsiku ndi tsiku nkhani yonyoza boma bas
Dpp chipani chopanda tsankho,
mmmm anthu anavutika awa!!!!!
Podzayamba kuwalipira ndi June next year
Palibe vuto bola azalipidwebe, komanso bola agwila m’godi waboma man
So nice! Go and demonstrate dedication our Teachers. Viva Government !
good news ended
good news ended
Mmmmm vuto ndilomwelo a Malawi
tidye money guyz lol… Robert Nungu Jackson Mphamvu Gondwe
eeee zikukutidwaaaa nkunyambitidwa kumene!!!
eeee zikukutidwaaaa nkunyambitidwa kumene!!!
apatu koma yeah niggas yapanga employ alibo
apatu koma yeah niggas yapanga employ alibo
anthu ayiwalla kut nxt month dolla z gonb 1000
anthu ayiwalla kut nxt month dolla z gonb 1000
koma mwz wavuta ase
koma mwz wavuta ase
hahahahahahaha its been a long time coming aise
hahahahahahaha its been a long time coming aise
bola apa zilibo ase
bola apa zilibo ase
Mwz tinthawaaa kusogoloku
heavy ase sizili boh man
Zilibwno ndithu!!
Ndinye Money Tsopano
Iwe koma uli ndinzelu?? Peter akukusangalasa et???? Fosek
Uli ndi nzeru ndi iwe Peter asakukusangalasawe, ukatenge achimwene ako akhale president azikusangalasa kapena ayi ungosamuka ku Malawi kuno basi
anthu osaphuzira ndichoncho
anthu osaphuzira ndichoncho
Heheheh winawe zakuipira ukhala choncho,,spot on our government azibale anga apeza zochita sopano,,,tizavotelanso DPP
Nkhani yabwino mwina anthu nkumapezako timaganyu
Bola pamenepo
DPP never fail and will nevr…..amene DPP imamunyasa mwai ali nawo osamuka mziko muno
Ndipo amene akumatchinga tchinga dpp kuti asapange chitukuko amangidwe basi.
shame on you headless malawian…….. only God never fail.
Zachamba musowera limozi, zongotilemba ntchito koma osatilipirazi sizifukwa zowapopa a dpp anuwo ayi.. Pali zambili zomwe sanapangebe
pali zosekereraso apaa dpp fotsek!!
pali zosekereraso apaa dpp fotsek!!
Aleck Kenneth Lambick mutu wako sugwira ayseeeee mlomwe iweeeeee, anthu oti awakhalitsa two years uziti dpp silephera shaaaaaa an idiot
Aleck Kenneth Lambick mutu wako sugwira ayseeeee mlomwe iweeeeee, anthu oti awakhalitsa two years uziti dpp silephera shaaaaaa an idiot
Ine ndinasamuka kalekale
Ine ndinasamuka kalekale
Ndatitu musamuke sizotukwanazo apa ariiiiii
Ndatitu musamuke sizotukwanazo apa ariiiiii
next term ndi Mcp basi, chi Peter chanucho chizikalamulira ku America kuno sikwake ndi refuge ameneyo
next term ndi Mcp basi, chi Peter chanucho chizikalamulira ku America kuno sikwake ndi refuge ameneyo
Zopusa! Chitsiru iwe eti. Dziko ndi lako?????
Zopusa! Chitsiru iwe eti. Dziko ndi lako?????
Umbuli at its Best chilipo choyamika…..
Umbuli at its Best chilipo choyamika…..
Musamikise achinyamata boma ndi dpp panopo.achinyamata its not easy to get a job ndiye ngati walembedwa no matter achedwa coz zinthu amapanga mwaplan patrick boma ngati ikulemba ntchito opanda plan utha kudana nalo for the lest of ur life.ineyo ndili ku spain coz of dpp kugelinso mutu anga chona learn kukhala odekha wanva patrick kampen
what’s special here? after that training, teachers are recruited. osamachemerera ndi manyi omwe manyi
what’s special here? after that training, teachers are recruited. osamachemerera ndi manyi omwe manyi
aaa tinayiwala kuphuzixa ife iyaaa
palibe zochemelera apa Man #aleck ngati mwasowa chochita zigonani olo kalira maliro arsenal
palibe zochemelera apa Man #aleck ngati mwasowa chochita zigonani olo kalira maliro arsenal
ma …………..(typing)………
ma …………..(typing)………
mavuto iwe ndiye mbuzi ya munthu unabadwa ndi dziko?
Achitsilu inu chosecho suli kumalawi unathawako chani galu iwe
Eeee aise ukanena zakomwe ndili kumalawi ndinachokako dpp isanayambe kulamulira,,,,,,kuma ndikukumvesani akapolo inu munazolowera zolandira so wait till 2019 u will vote for ur father
Alemekezeke wa mwambamwambayo! Ena adayamba kuba ng’ombe chifukwa chosowa chochita!
9c thing
9c thing
that’s really a gud news
ndidye money tsopano kkkkk, THANX MULUNGU WANGA,
Good news indeed
My Name is Sophia Hakeem I want to give a testimony on how I get cured from HIV/AIDS. As I was browsing through the internet on how to get cured, I saw a lady testimony praising DR CUBA I never believe it before until I tried it and it really work for me am very happy right now may God bless him. this is an opportunity for you to get cured contact him via drcubatemple@gmail.com why is website is……[ http://www.dr-cubatemple.webas.com] and also you can contact on whatsapp number +2347038965900 THESE ARE THE DISEASE Dr.DR CUBA CAN CURED. HERPES. HIV/AIDS. CANCER. ALS
bola malipiro asakanthenso miyezi naini. kawalipireni munthawi yake
Malawi is now nothing
Eee bola pamene
welcome development
Paja pakakhala khani yabwino timakhala ziii koma zoipa ndiye kubwebwetuka
Damix Danix
Koma ndava kukoma
Tadikila mokwana
Khani ya bwinodi iyii tinatopa kudikila ife
Wamva? Esnart D Phiri
mwamva Charity Malabu Manda
Kkkk…. Ndza ipte 8… Ife a ipte 9…tibadikira
hahahahaha Ngo’ooooo
then next year