Finally: Govt deploys primary school teachers

Malawi Primary school
Malawi Primary school
Teachers ready for deploying.

Long at last! The Malawi Government has now released a list of names of the Initial Primary Teacher Education 8 (IPTE8) and Open Distance Learning 3 (ODL3) primary school teachers to be recruited and deployed to education districts to fill existing vacancies in various public primary schools across the country.

This has come amid an outcry by the trained teachers who wondered why government trained them but remained silent on their jobs.

But in a statement released through the Ministry of Education today, government says that the names of the teachers under the two training exercises have now been released and that the teachers are supposed to check with their respective colleges or  District Education Offices to find out where they have been deployed.

”The teachers are informed that they will begin work on 1st April 2016. It is therefore imperative that the exercise of filling Forms should be completed by 4th March 2016. Failure by teachers to report to assigned duty stations will be construed that the concerned teachers are no longer interested to be employed by Government through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.”