People who want to buy maize at Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) depots in Blantyre will have to first dip their fingers in ink.
The initiative has been introduced to trace vendors and other people who buy maize in bulk and then sell the staple food at a higher price at local markets.

Chairperson for Blantyre city council, Councillor Thomas Kaumba told the media that they made the decision after consultations with village and area development committees.
Kaumba explained that each customer will first dip their finger in ink at ADMARC before buying the maize.
He further said the ink will last for some days on the finger which will help security personnel at the centre to identify people who are buying the second time on the same day. He stressed that once anyone is caught, legal action will be taken.
“I am deeply shocked to see people especially women sometimes spending nights at ADMARC depots ending up buying no maize cereal after travelling long distances because of some vendors,” Kaumba said.
In an interview, one resident welcomed the initiative and described it as a very good development since it will give everyone a chance to buy maize
“Even vendors themselves will buy once a day and at a recommended quantity, unless they go behind the ADMARC security doors,” said the resident.
Zitanthauza chani zimenez? Kunyika chala nde kutapangitse kut cisasowe? Inu munthu akhoza kunyika chala ndikugula matumba 10 makamaka apolice nde zimenez apange an2 okwana 15 chimanga chikubwera matumba 300 pali mzeru apa? Tamabweratsan mphale ndi madeya ake omwe munthu ngat alibe ndalama yokwana kugula mphale azigula madeyawo ,ka ndi venda opezeka ndi mphale mangan basi coz akutisautsanso agalu amenewa.
Man izi nzosatheka ndechifukwa chake pali waganyu iyo nde ntchito yake apezeka anthu akugula anthu oti akawagulile chimanga munthu mmodzi atha kugula olo ma2mba 40 kudzela kwawanthu ena omwe ali osauka palibe chomwe akuchita apa nkamba timati ndalama nde ndi muzu watchimo
Good move. Lets save lives. We are all malawians.
Where are we going to???? Apereka maganizo amenewa ndi kape uti timdziwe
Nchachiziwikile kuti boma la DPP lilibe chimanga: kunali bwino kungovomeleza kuti kutsogolela dziko kwandikanika!
Kukanika kungovomereza kuti zinthunzi zandikanikatu uku,Achimwene awo aja ndi Masteni aja analimbatu guys.Mpakana chala mu ink kuti ugule chimanga ngati ukukavota,Malawi wayaka motooooo.
Mmmh this is some understanding the majority of vendors buy from small scale farmers as they are harvesting at extremely lower prices and they keep the maize. Those that buy from ADMARC are not the key prayers in controlling prices.
We have alot of idol press agricultural estates in this country which r in many districts,andwhy government through ministry of agriculture doesnt cultivate those idol lands?yet it is encouraging small scale farmers 2 plant more maize,my fellow malawians do u thnk silos can b filled up with maize cultivated by small holder farmers?if t fails 2 do that,those idol lands have 2 b distributed 2 villagers bcoz we r lacking lands4 practicing agriculture.what kind of government without sound stratagies is this?wil it manage 2 buy maize from our neighbouring countries ev. year! what a shame?later on tonse tigulitsidwa tikuyang’ana.
I dont think the thieves are going to b punic because other Vendors are using the stuffs to buy maize
Muli ndi mzeru kwambiri!! Mzeru zimenezo muziyikenso mu ulimi wothilira kuti anthu asamaviike zala mu ink evry year.
Muli ndi mzeru kwambiri!! Mzeru zimenezo muziyikenso mu ulimi wothilira kuti anthu asamaviike zala mu ink evry year.
Voting or buying you are not serious don’t take the poor people for granted still making the poor struggle &the rich man benefits.
Voting or buying you are not serious don’t take the poor people for granted still making the poor struggle &the rich man benefits.
no chance for thieves but politicians
no chance for thieves but politicians
That’s rubbish why they doing like that just westing their time.
better corrpt free that’s good
More needs to be done on this issue for thieves are Police officers who make deals with Admarc staff to sell maize at k10,000.to vendors who sell poor Malawians at k15,000. This has happened here at Nkhotakota admarc.
Mgcini Maseko
Paja2 Amatengana An2 Ambilimbili Kukagula Chimanga Chamun2 M’modzi. Inu Muziti Ndian2 Ambiri Akuzagula Chimanga Nt Knowing Akumugulira Venda.Anyway There Is Sense.
Chimanga Chake Chiri Kuti Mukufuna Kunamiza Anthu Apaaaa…….
Apanga bwino kutero bcoz mavenda amaonjeza.
what if vendors higher other people
Mwa nyinka kuli finas wa paint ndi break fluid amasungunula pezani njira ina basi